Let the games begin - Yu-Gi-O...

By ShiranuiSama

6.4K 71 13

OC Sombra may have knowlagev and clues to help the pharoh figure out his past, but as she joins the gang, she... More

the Kaibas reunite?
the Great Escape
Safely away
Yugi vs. Joey
Fall of the King
an almost lost holiday
Ancient Relic
a Favor
Motor Man

Not so Free

194 2 0
By ShiranuiSama

The next few hours were pure hell. I was constantly slipping in and out of conciousness, and when I was awake, I was aware of people sticking my with needles, and cutting away at my skin. No matter how much I screamed and struggled, I couldnt move. They had me strapped to a table. Everytime I opened my eyes I remember feeling sering pain throughout my body, and the akward pressure of forign objects moving about underneath my flesh. My entire body felt like it was on fire, adrenaline mixed with exaustion causing more fear and blurred confusion. I remember a few hands on my forehead and a few unfamiliar whipsers trying to calm me down. Yeah right. You try being disected alive and keep calm.

When everything was finnaly done, and I woke up in a safe plae, I could see through a window it was late at night. A full moon shone, lighting my entire room with a serene white. The cloudless sky revealed an endless sea of stars dotting the sky. It was a nice thing to wake up to after the torture I had been put through. I could see I had an IV dripping into my vein, but whenever I fidgeted, or moved n anyway, my left arm and side would flare up in agony. The rest of my body was just as sore. I didnt know what happened at Duelist kingdom either. I remembered hearing Kaiba, and seeing Mokuba, but that doesnt mean everything was alright. I didnt know if Pegasus got away, and it scared me to think he could still be out there after we all caused him so much grief. He was sadistic enough when we HADNT done anything to him. I didnt want to know what he would do when he was angry.

My left arm was set in a hard cast, and my waist and stomach was wrapped in gauze. I felt a few stitches on my forehead, and a few on random places on my body. I didnt need a mirror to know I was covered in bruises. My hair was filthy and matted with sweat from tossing and turning through the emergency operations they preformed. I was sore all over, and I wished they had given me a morphine button or something.

The next morning I was fully awake, unable to sleep anymore with the pain through my body, but I didnt want to get up or talk to any nurses or doctors either. I felt a soft touch on my hand that made me jump, sending a new wave of pain thrugh my body. " AHH! " " Sorry!! " It was Yugi! Finnaly, after hours of torment and far too little morphine, a familiar friendly face! " Yugi! You have no idea how happy I am to see you! " I tried hugging him as best I could, but I could barley move and he could do little without hurting me. " Glad to see your alright! " He held my hand, knowing he could at least do THAT without hurting me much. " where is everyone else? Are they all o.k.? Did you get pegasus? What happened! " I bombarded him with questions, that he did his best to answer.

I learned Pegasus had wanted Kaiba's machine to simulate his lost fiance, and he wanted the Pharoahs puzzle an the other six milenium items to bring her back, if that was possible. I leared he also had another item, the Millenium Eye, which he could use to read minds. " So THATS how he beat me at Seni so easily! " I felt better knowing I wasnt quite that pathetic of a player. " Seni? " Yugi questioned. I explained how I was captured, losing a game to Pegasus. " At least it wasnt that bad of a shadow game..." His face grew pale and I didnt want to upset him by asking about it. I thought about Pegasu's motives, bringing back a dead loved one. My view on him softened a bit, but I couldnt shake the feeling of hatered tword him. Sure, he was desparet, and if I had a way to bring back a loved one, Id do anything I had to as well, but that was no excuse for what he had done.

Yugi also said that I was in a critical state now, so only one person was allowed to see me at a time. A nurse came and made Yugi leave, pushing him out rather rudely. He promised he would get one of the others to bring me a book or something tomarrow, and the door shut in his face and he managed to yell a goodbye. I asked if anyone else was here to see me, but she sad visiting hours were over. I heard her mumbleing about some crazy old man trying to force his way in here and ended up getting thrown out. Old crazy guy....yep....that was my dad she was talking about. " The doctor will be in with a moment to disscuss your condition Miss.Banx. " the nurse said as she rushed out.

I was a bit afraid, both at what he had to say, and what he would ask. How on earth was I going to explain a broken arm and a shot to the lower stomach? Not to mention I was already in here not a month ago with unexplainable injuries! My door was shut, but I flinched whenever I saw the shadows of footsepts underneath it. Would they arrest me? Would they think im part of some gang? Suddenly I heard the nurse begin to shout. " SIR YOU CANT GO IN THERE THE PATIENT-" Followed by a muffled males voice. It was calm, yet authoritive and forceful, one that would startle anyone. I knew that voice, and I almost feared its owner. My door burst open reveling a very scattered nurse with frizzed hair, a very up-tight teenager with an expensive outfit and perfect haircut, and a very exited young kid.

" MOKUBA! " I shouted. He rushed to the side of my bed and tried to hug me, but I intantly yelped at the contact. " Banx! Sorry! are you alright?! " He asked. " Mokuba, she is sitting in a hospital bed. " His brother stated. " H-hi Kaiba. I said nervously. He sneared and turned his attention to something else in the hall. " Mokuba im so glad your o.k.! " "You too-" " Kaiba! You can't just come in here! She is in Critical condition! You could seriously hurt her! " Yugi again? " Are you out of your mind? " Joey? I watched as the rest of the gang reappeared one by one in the doorway out of breath.

The nurse pushed hey way past everyone, lookig worse for wear. Her hair was matted and her uniform was all deshoveled." Whats happeneing is these two rushed past the guards and burst their way in here and this lot followed them here! " She snapped. Her hair was a mess and her uniform was all deshoveled. " All of you out or Ill have to call in the authorities!! "

" Its alright I can-" but the rest of my sentance was overtaken by violent coughs. My heart suddenly felt weak and the pain in my body intensified, exausting me to the point I could no longer hold myself upright. I fell back onto the bed, causeing a few to shout my name. " Obviously you cant.." Kaiba stated coldly. " " Mokuba, we are leaving" He turned and began walking out.Whats your problem Kaiba!? Have you even thanked Banxs OR YUGI FOR THAT MATTER! " with that brooklin accent it could only be Joey talking. " They BOTH risked their butts to save yours and Banx even got SHOT getting you out of..of...WHEREVER PEGASUS HAD THE BOTH OF YOUS!! " Kaiba stopped for a moment, then continued on as if nothing happened.

" For*cough*get him, im just glad everyone is o.k! " I smiled at them as best I could. The nurse rushed them out forcibly before slamming the door shut. They didnt have time to say anything else, but I cought a few goodbyes and other muffled words from the other side of the door. I collapsed with exaustion. What happened? After a while, the door opened again with a very confused looking doctor entered. He flipped a few pages on a clipboard. " Quite a rucus you friends caused..." I smiled nervously. " Yeah..they uh....they're just a bit...concerend..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. " they have reason to....its good that you have friends who care so much." He said with a smile. His first sentance scared me a bit though...What did he mean they had reason to?

" Miss.Banxs, you have been in a very traumatic event, your friend explained about the mugging, so I wont question you furthur, but I will go over what damage exactly has happened." Mugging? Brilliant! I smiled at the gangs quick thinking. I hopped my dad would be just as gullible. " Now mrs.Banx, you have suffered a gun shot to the lower abdoman, the bullet became lodged in your pelvis, and we were able to extract it, but you will have some trouble walking from now on... your arm was shattered in three places, and became infected, we are going to perscribe some antibiotics, but luckily the infection has yet to spread and we wont have to amputate." My heart stopped at amputate. If the anibiotics didnt take, would I lose my arm? Before I could ask, he continued. " You've lost a substantial amount of blood, so you're going to be a bit exausted for a while, and it seems during operations you had a mild heart attack. Im afraid you wont be leaving this bed for quite some time, unless we can set you up with an IV drip at home." He said a goodbye, and walked out without another word.


Herat attack? Amputation? Trouble walking? Stuck in this bed? My world came to a crashing hault. I was going to miss so much. I felt like crying. I was free of Pegasus's cell, off the island for good, but I was far from being free. They said I could go home if we set up some kind of home care center, but I didnt want to trouble my dad with having to take care of me. Dad, how on earth is he going to manage the store on his own? I sighed. We were in trouble, in more ways than one.

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