Sweet Summer Night

By BwiYoon

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A compilation of Vyoon oneshots πŸ’š More

Off Limits
Best Friends
End Of The Year Show (Part 1)
End Of The Year Show (Part 2)
My Center; My Muse (Part 1)
My Center; My Muse (Part 2)
My Center; My Muse (Part 3)
The Heir
First Love (Part 1)
First Love (Part 2)
Come Back (Part 1)

Business Project

183 10 0
By BwiYoon

Summary: Yoona is being forced by her parents to take Business Management to take over their business. She despises it but found an inspiration to at least go in class everyday and ended up thanking her parents after being paired to Kim Taehyung, her long time idol and crush.


Yoona's POV

"Lim Yoona! Wake up! You'll be late to your class and it's just the first day!"

I groaned and whined as mom tugged the sheets off of me.

"I'll say that I got lost," I muttered while trying to cover myself in comfort once again but mom just forced me to sit up straight.

How can someone as old as her be this strong? Well, it's not like she's over 50 years old already but as far as I know, people at the age of 47 starts to be weaker already. She's probably gonna laugh at that and once again point out that I don't even focus well on my studies.

"Fine! I'm up!" My feet forced themselves to the bathroom and there my morning started.

Once I went out of the bathroom and finally had the chance to look at my phone, my eyes instantly widen as I realized that I only have 30 minutes left and the drive to my school is as long as the time I have right now. I guess there's no breakfast for me then.

"Aren't you gonna eat first?" Mom asked as I passed by the kitchen while scrambling to get my shoes on.

"I'll just eat on our break. I need to go now. Bye! Love you!" My voice grew louder at each word as I ran out of the house.

I really don't understand why there is a dozen of sports car in our garage yet none of them are for me to use. But don't tell me that I'm being a spoiled brat, I just don't think it's practical for my parents to buy cars and end up storing them in the garage to rot there. Why did they even bother to buy those?

"Wait for me!" I shouted helplessly as the bus door closes just before I can reach the bus stop.

So, I did what most people does at times like this. I ran after the bus and waved my hand like a mad person until the driver pitied me and finally stopped just long enough to let me get in.

As soon as the bus reached my stop, I once again ran as I can since my new school is still a few minutes away. This is already too much exercise for me today and the thought of doing this for four school years makes me just want to drop out.

"Good morning, you must be Lim Yoona?" The professor greeted me as soon as I knocked on the door and opened the door to my room.

"Yes, good morning! I'm so sorry for being late on the first day of classes." I gave her an apologetic smile and thankfully, she's a kind professor.

"It's okay, all of your professors know your parents and they already briefed us about you. They also told us that you're not really fond of this course, so we know what to expect from you."

My brow furrowed at her statement before I let out a dry chuckle. Of course my parents did that.

"Then I expect you to expect nothing from me," a sarcastic smile found its way on my face before I can think about it but I don't regret it.

I've decided to just show them who I really am since I'm pretty sure my parents had discussed to them every single detail about me already.

"No, I actually expect myself to turn this course into something that will make you look forward to each class day by day. I've turned your situation into a challenge that will bring the best of us," I almost rolled my eyes at her statement but I decided that it might be too much on my first day, especially first class.

I also don't want to scare my blockmates or anything since I'm new here and I am yet to find new friends.

"Good for you. Can I take my sit down now?" I asked as the tiredness of running around on an empty stomach starts to hit me.

"Right, make yourself comfortable in front of Kim Taehyung."

I walked nonchalantly to the person who raised his hand but stopped on my tracks just after a few steps as realization dawn to me.

"Did you say- who?" I turned to the professor once again but she just gave me a sly smirk before motioning me to my seat.

Oh no! They did not just planned this!

How can I misbehave in class as the world's youngest billionaire and top idol sits right behind me?

But nothing's sure yet. I was in too much hurry that I forgot to put my contacts on nor grab my eyeglasses so I still have to confirm my suspicion as I take my seat.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself once I stood in front of my seat and my biggest crush.

"A curse word for the first word? You're making quite an impression, Ms. Lim Yoona," Taehyung stated making those who heard chuckle.

They are right! He is a mixture of arrogant, frank, cocky, kind, funny, and caring. His aura just screams all those and it's making me go even crazier for him.

"Who-who cares?" I forced myself to sound as nonchalant as I can but if obviously failed when I stuttered.

Taehyung only chuckled and shool his head in response so I just took my seat. As much as I would just like to slouch and dribble on my notebook, I am feeling a bit too insecure to do that.

How am I going to survive the rest of the school years when I can't even breathe properly knowing that the Kim Taehyung is just behind me.


Days and weeks passed and I came into conclusion that maybe this isn't as bad as I expect it to be. I became less tense and insecure the more I attend the classes, which is a huge surprise but not unexpected. Everything was going fine until the first reporting of Taehyung came.

"Good morning, I'm Kim Taehyung, here to discuss the definition and important information about stocks..." Those are the only words that I understood as I fell into a deep space of fangirling.

Well, who wouldn't if the man reporting in front of the class is this gorgeous? How can I focus? They shouldn't expect that from me!

Before I can even stop myself, I have already pulled my phone out and started taking photos of Taehyung. As soon as I felt satisfied with the amount of photos that I have, I opened my gallery and started adding the best ones into my favorites.

"Lim Yoona,"

As I was scrolling to the new photos, I frowned and started zooming in to one when I noticed something odd. Taehyung was staring right into my eyes so he definitely knew that I am taking photos of him!

"Lim Yoona!" I jumped out of my seat and unfortunately hit my hip on the table which made everyone laugh but I am too shocl to do anything about it.

"What?" I answered as my brain is still trying to comprehend the fact that Taehyung knew how I am currently fangirling about him in class.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked with concern laced on his voice and that was the time when I realized that my hip hurts a bit too much.

"Oh! Right! It hurts! God it hurts like a bitch!" I muttered to myself as I try to rub the spot to ease the pain.

My blockmates once again laughed but I don't really care about them at the moment.

"Language!" Taehyung said sternly and I smirked and tilted my head as I remember the kind words that he uses in his music.

"I don't think you're in the right position to educate me about my language," I stated but he just shook his head.

"Back to the topic, I am asking you what is the difference of stocks and bonds." Taehyung asked and I bit my lip as I try my hardest to give him an answer.

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders as my head started to hurt after forcing an answer out of it.

"I just discussed it, didn't you listen?" There was a teasing tone in his voice and I knew right then that he wanted to expose me.

Oh, I won't let him have the satisfaction that he wants.

"Well, you're looking a bit too hot for my liking so I really couldn't focus." I smirked as Taehyung looked so taken aback with how brazen I am being right now.

Our blockmates started to holler as we provide them entertainment. Lucky for us, our professor is not present today so we won't get in any trouble.

"I can give you more pics, anything you want, later. Just focus on my report first because my grade is on your hands." Taehyung said before motioning me to sit down.

I didn't say anything else but my blockmates are still going wild.

"Anything at all?"

"I should be like Yoona so Taehyung will give me attention too!"

"You two are wild!"

"Girl ask for his d*ck pics!"

I choked on nothing at the last statement of our blockmate and I wasn't able to stop myself from throwing my pen at him. That was so unnecessary and inappropriate.

"Calm down, we're about to finish my report and after this you can do and talk about whatever you want," Taehyung said and him being the powerful man that he is, was able to silence everyone.


It's been a month since the report incident but Taehyung haven't sent me any pictures of him yet. Well, I didn't really expect to receive anything but the disappointment still hit.

"For the last pair, we have Kim Taehyung and Lim Yoona." My blockmates started clapping, laughing and hollering and I looked at them in confusion.

This is what I get by not paying attention in class.

"What's happening?" I asked my seat mate but she just smirked at me.

We all formed a bond even with the short time that we have and their favorite thing to do is to tease the hell out of me. It's irritating at some times but it has never been too much.

"Work on your project together and the earlier you finish, the better and higer your grades will be. I won't accept any complains other than your partner being lazy and useless. Good luck!" Our professor said then dismissed us and the bell rang so we started preparing for our next class.

I'll just ask someone later about that project. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll finally start paying attention to my classes.

"Yoona, your mommy is calling!" A blockmate of mine yelled with a very teasing tone but I just rolled my eyes on her.

Everyone here knows who my parents are, which is not a surprise since they own a multi billion dollar company, and they all teased me about being spoiled. But they all know the truth, it's just for the sake of teasing me and thankfully, no one judged or used me for it.

"Hello? Mom?" I answered as soon as I reached my seat, after walking from my locker.

[Hey, baby! How is school?] I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me.

"Mom, I have a next class and my professor will come soon. Tell me what you need now."

[Fine! Your dad and I will be out of town for the whole week. There's an emergency meeting that we'll need to attend and we're about to leave now. Unfortunately, the maids and our chauffeurs will also be on leave so you have the house to yourself. I will allow you to drive yourself around but be responsible okay?]

"Okay, mom, I understand. Have a safe trip." We both bid our goodbyes before she ended the call.

Our last class went fast and I still didn't pay attention to any of the lecture but I don't really care. I was about to make my way out went Taehyung called me.

"Yoona, we need to talk." My brow instantly went up as I walk back to him.

"About what?" I asked and sat on my seat as he motioned me to sit down.

"The project," Taehyung answered simply but I just looled at him in confusion.

"You weren't listening again," he sighed in realization but I just snickered at him.

"No shit sherlock." I folded my arms and just rolled my eyes as he once again reminded me of my language.

"We have a project to do. We need to start our own small business and we have a quota to meet, 450,000 won. Before we start it, we're required to present a business proposal to our prof and she needs to approve it before we can begin." Taehyung explained and I tried my hardest to focus on what he's saying, not on his perfectly sculptured face.

"So how are we going to start?" I asked him but he just gave me a blank look.

"You're the heiress of a big company and you have no idea?" Taehyung mocked me but I just snickered at him.

"I have zero interest in business shit if isn't obvious enough so don't expect me to lead in this project," I stated firmly making him sigh once again.

"We can't do this in school and we definitely need to work overtime if we want to finish early. Do you at least know any place to work at?"

I bit my lip, furrowed my brow and tilted my head automatically as I go onto deep thinking mode.

"My parents don't allow me to roam around the city alone so the only place that I know are tourist spots and my house," I answered him honestly.

"So you don't?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation.

"We can't go to our dorm since things are too wild there for us to focus so we have no other choice than to go to your house." Taehyung pointed out and I just agreed to it since I have no better plan.

We both stood from out seats and walked out of the room before locking to doors since we were the only ones left.

"Oh! I forgot to mention that my parents are out of town and everyone's on break so it'll just be the two of us and I wasn't allowed to drive myself until today so you will have to give me a ride unless you want to go to my house first and wait for 30 minutes." I explained everything to Taehyung but he just shrug so he probably don't mind it.

The first few minutes inside Taehyung's car was so awkward. Thankfully, he started asking some questions that broke the deafening silence.

"If you really have no interest in business, why are you in this course?"

"You said it earlier. I'm the sole heiress of the multi billion company that my parent owns so all the burden is weighed on my shoulder and I have no one else to pass it to. They actually were the one who enrolled me so I literally had no choice nor chance to pick a different course," I answered while watching the street quickly pass by.

It's the first time I'm going home while looking at the street without any child bawling nor a couple fighting so I'm a bit too mesmerized by the view.

"What course would you like to pursue?"

"Culinary Arts because being a chef has always been my dream. Ever since I was 10 years old I've been imagining myself running a busy kitchen but now it's next to impossible," A sigh escaped my mouth as the memories of the past came to my mind.

How I wish the only thing I needed to do was to play with my fake kitchen set and I have no responsibility to do.

"How about you? Why did you pick this course? You're already a billionaire and have a very successful career." I asked him as he remained silent for a long time and I tool that as my chance to ask him.

"I can't stay as an idol for a long time so this is my backup plan." Taehyung explained and I hummed in approval.

I didn't know that my idol was this smart to even think about the future. I mean, he can have anything he wants right now and I highly believe that his money right now can last until his last day if he'll use it wisely but this is such a smart move.

The rest of the ride was silent, but unlike earlier, it was pretty comfortable. We arrived at my house at 5 pm and we went straight to the library.

"I should've known that the Lim's mansion has every amenities possible." Taehyung said as he looks around the library.

"Mansion? This is not even close to being one," I said and he just chuckled.

To be honest, this house is really nothing compared to out previous one. We just had to move because I tend to hide in places where my parents or any staff would expect me to be.

"Let's start this already so you can leave early," I said and sat on one of the seats here.

"You want to get rid of me that much? I thought you're a fan?" Taehyung asked and I instantly felt my face heat up.

I've been praying to all the gods to let him forget about me being his fan but I guess I'm not that lucky today.

"I am and I also am aware of how much media wants to destroy your reputation and you being caught going out of our house at a late hour with my parents reported to be out of town would do just that," I explained to him before I threw my bag to the corner.

"I didn't know that you have it in you to think this much," he joked but I stared at him with a raised brow before smirking.

"You have no idea how much this mind of mine works. I just don't show it in school but I am actually pretty decently smart." I leaned on the seat and crossed my arms to show how much confident I am.

"Well, I will need your 100% cooperation if you also want to pass this class so you better show me how to do decently smart you are," he said before taking a seat in front of me and placed his notebook and a pen on the table between us.

We then started working on the project together and I tried to provide as much help as I can but it's getting harder to harder as Taehyung gets more immersed on the work.

After the first hour, he took his blazer jacket off because it's getting uncomfortable which is understandable since he already wore that for the whole day. Then he soon loosened his tie because of the stress that the project and my uselessness is causing. Now, he just rolled his sleeves up and my heart is starting to palpitate. Why should he be this hot in the middle of planning our small business?

"Are you done drooling or do you want to take a picture first?" Taehyung said and I instantly felt my face heat up.

This is so embarrassing! How am I supposed to work with him for a few more hours if he already caught me eyeing him?

"Let's make a deal," he suddenly said making me frown and look at him in confusion.

"For every help you can give, I'll let you take a picture or I'll let you pass one pic from my gallery to yours," Taehyung proposed and even if other might think that I should be ashamed of myself, my fangirl self is too eager to accept the offer.

It's an obvious fact that he has a lot of photos he doesn't upload on social media so how can I reject it?

"Call!" I agreed eagerly making him chuckle but I paid no attention to him and just started to think about things to add for our business proposal.

It was already 12 midnight when we finished forming our business proposal. We actually didn't plan on staying up this late but because of ideas instantly pouring from the both of us, we got lost track of time.

"If I had know that you only need to be bribed to lend me a hand, then I would've offered it to you from the very start," Taehyung said and I can only shrug my shoulder in agreement.

"If I can get more than 100 limited edition photos from you, then expect me to lend tou a hand in every way I can." I softly gasped as I realized how dirty my statement came and was about to clear things up when Taehyung spoke up.

"I'll expect that from you."

We once again fell in comfortable silence and just took a breathe after the stressful work we just finished.

"Thank you," I said after a minute of battling with myself.

"For what?" He asked and we both sat up coincidentally.

"For the photos? For understanding? For helping me? Probably for everything?" We ended up chuckling at my uncertainty but I'm sure he know that I am being sincere.

"Anything for my love."

My head immediately snapped as I hardly heard his response and stared at him intently.

Did I really heard what he said correctly or did I perhaps just misheard him?

"I've taken a liking at you ever since the first time you went to a business party with your parents and fell deeper when I realized that you like me too," Taehyung explained and my mind seemed to buffer.

"I like you, Yoona."

My heart began pounding so loud, I was afraid that he might hear it but despite all that, I still found the strength to stand up and jumped to hug him tight.

"I like you too, Taehyung!"

He hugged me just as tight and we ended up cuddling on my bed.

Indeed, nothing is impossible. The things you least expect will eventually find its way to you and just take you by surprise and now, I'm ready to welcome it in open arms.

I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life. A chapter wherein Taehyung is not just the character I always reach for. This time, I won't have to reach for him because he'll always be by my side.

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