Naofumi of the Sharingan

By Striker777

55.3K 1.1K 581

Naofumi Uchiha, current acting clan leader of the Uchiha Clan and Jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village, is thrust... More

Chapter 1 - Ninja in the New World
Chapter 2 - The Raccoon and Wanui Genin
Chapter 3 - The Rescue of a Weasel Genin
Chapter 4 - Summon and Return
Chapter 5 - The Mines and the Ninja
Chapter 6 - The Wave is Here
Chapter 7 - Aftermath
Chapter 8 - The Duel to End it All
Chapter 9 - Plot Heavy
Chapter 11 - What Next?
Chapter 12 - Return to Lute Village
Chapter 13 - The Races in Different Worlds
Chapter 14 - Naofumi's New Children
Chapter 15 - Keeping Up With the Shinobi World
Chapter 16 - The Trader's Spirit
Chapter 17 - The Nue and the Magic Gemstone
Chapter 18 - Jinpachi Munashi
Chapter 19 - Iron Sand
Chapter 20 - Blockades
Chapter 21 - Violence of the Vines
Chapter 22 - Shenanigans in the Hot Springs
Chapter 23 - Plauge of Mirso Village
Chapter 24 - Curse of Hatred
Chapter 25 - Investigation and Turning Point
Just a placeholder

Chapter 10 - Naofumi's Home and Past

2.3K 42 13
By Striker777

Hey guys, Striker777 here. Some life stuff happened and now my campus is closed, so I'm writing this to keep me sane. Anyway, this chapter focuses on the current situation with Naofumi's home, featuring Anko, Pakura, Naruto and Sasuke. I hope you guys enjoy, vote and comment if you do, and for now, onto the story.


"Take it you slut!" yelled a burly man on top of a woman, feeling a burn in his groins and an instant high as he came. He smiled in satisfaction as he laid down on the bed, drifting down to sleep. The woman who was sharing his bed sighed, picking up a tissue to wipe herself clean. Not like she needed the whole tissue anyway, two wipes and she was a clean as the day she was born, bar the sweat running down her body that was definitely not hers.

Anko Mitarashi, Jonin of the Leaf Village in the Torture and Interrogation Unit, who doubles as a standard Jonin, taking assignments every so often. Now, she was spending more time in the field than she was in the interrogation chambers. A full month had passed since that day.

When her favourite boy toy disappeared right in front of Kakashi.

It came out of nowhere, one moment he was there, the next he was enveloped in light and gone, according to Hatake anyway. Now, she was on one month without a decent sex partner to really challenge her. One taste of the Uchiha and any girl is hooked. It was like a genetic thing, seeing as his pseudo younger brother Sasuke was basically drowning in pussy without even having to do anything. Foreign girls were going to love him, just like his older brother.

She and Pakura began checking up on the kid Uchiha and their resident jinchuriki to make sure they were doing okay, chatting with them, sometimes just messing with them, and stuff like that. Now they were both out of the village with Kakashi and their least favourite pink banshee, doing their first C Rank escort mission.

Now, Anko began the trip home from the house of the absolute disappointment of a man she had just slept with. She would later come to learn that the man had a wife in the active line on duty, and felt bad for her. Not for her husband's infidelity, cause amongst shinobi, that was common, but on how poor of an excuse he was in bed. She made a note to introduce her to the Uchiha bedsheets when Naofumi came back home.

But currently, coming down from absolutely no sexual high whatsoever, which was not what she was hyped up for coming from his gloating of his giant cock and extreme skills in the sheets, she entered her home and dropped on her bed. It was late, she was tired, but she wanted to do something really bad.

She'd get her wish come morning.


"WHAT?!" yelled Anko, slamming her hands onto the desk of Hokage. "SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW!"
"I can promise you, Anko, Pakura, that this information comes straight from Hatake Kakashi." said Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Professor and the Third Hokage. "Naofumi was briefly spotted between a battle between Zabuza Momochi and Team 7. We need a team to confirm this and to assist Team 7 in their mission."
"This is clearly an S Rank mission." said Pakura of the Scorch Style. "Zabuza Momochi is an S Rank shinobi, much like myself. This is not a mission Genin should be participating in."
"That is why you two will be going as support, with two S Ranks and an A Rank ninja on the brink of S Rank, you two should have little problem teaming up with Kakashi to defeat Zabuza." said the Third Hokage. "But, whilst you are there, try to remove the influence of a man named Gato in the region. That man hinders the trade routes of the merchants and is driving the country into poverty. If that country is to pay for an S Rank mission, that man needs to be gone. Consider it an additional A Rank. Dismissed."
"Yes, Lord Hokage." said the two women at once, leaving Hokage tower to pack their things and begin their journey.

"Naofumi..." muttered Pakura. "It's been too long since I last saw you."
"You need to loosen up." complained Anko. "We get it, you love the dude, but come on, you're acting like one of those Uchiha fangirls."
"Unlike those fangirls, I actually get laid." shrugged the Scorch Style user. "And at least I have a genuine reason to be attracted to him, unlike those sluts who only want to get his money or status."
"Yeah... gonna be a real shame when you marry him." muttered Anko. "I ain't one to step on another girls man, especially when he's married. Gonna be a shame to lose the only good dick available in this whole damn village."
"Come on Anko, we have fun together." said Pakura, grabbing the Snake Mistress' ass and squeezing it. "A lot of fun~ I'm sure Naofumi wouldn't object to continuous threesomes if I bring it up, not all that different from our current arrangement anyway. Or, he could just marry both of us."

"That Lord Second." muttered Anko. "What was he thinking when putting in the CRA into the official law of the village? Old perv probably wanted some action with his clan dying out and figured he could get some with a literal law."
"I heard he died unmarried and with no kids. 'All work no fun' with that guy apparently." retorted Pakura. "But the context doesn't matter. We have a way to both get what we want, and I know a certain someone wouldn't complain."

"I don't know..." muttered Anko, stopping outside her house. "Things like marriage and settling down never really crossed my mind. Always figured I'd be a free spirit, away from expectations about everything. Society, my teacher, my skills. I just... never thought about it."

But now that she did, she could see a fairly large house, with a little boy running around with a toy snake, chasing after a little girl younger than him, both with purple hair. Another girl with green and orange hair chased after the other two, and a trio of adults sat on the couch and watched.


It wasn't the lifestyle of Anko Mitarashi, but it was not something she'd be opposed to.

"I-I'm going to get prepped. I'll see you at the gate in 30." said Anko, rushing into her house. Closing the door behind her, she lost her thoughts to what she had just let play out in her mind. Kids, a husband, a family. It was a strange thought for Anko, not really knowing imagining it to be possible. In the world of shinobi, any day could be your last. Anko was an orphan, and decided that if she had children, she didn't want them to suffer the same fate as she did growing up.

She grasped her hand to her neck, where that son of a bitch Orochimaru bit her and gave her the Curse Mark. She may be sociable on the outside, but she was extremely self conscious about her neck and biting. She didn't like getting bitten, but some men she slept with before didn't give a fuck and did it anyway. She promptly got one of her snakes to poison their dicks. But Naofumi was different. Gentle and careful at the start, until she trained him up into a fine young man that would have any woman's toe's curled up in ecstasy. He was a compassionate guy, who truely spent time with her outside of the bedroom or missions. He was...

He was someone Anko needed to have a very long talk with when she found him again.


"I'm telling you, it was Naofumi-oji!" yelled Naruto inside the house of the client, Tazuna the Bridge Builder.
"Naruto... we know what we saw... but how could that possibly be Naofumi-itoko?" questioned Sasuke, secretly just as hopeful as his blonde teammate that the person they saw really was Naofumi. "He disappeared to god knows where, comes back for a few seconds, and disappears again? For all we know, it was just our mind playing tricks on us or a genjutsu."
"No way! I know Naofumi-oji! It was him! Naofumi-oji was here!" yelled Naruto. "He... he didn't leave me behind like... like the others..."

I believe context is needed for this. The Nine Tailed Fox Demon attacked the Hidden Leaf Village 12 years ago. At the time, Naofumi was 8. He understood that the previous jinchuriki had the beast extracted from them, and it began wrecking the village in retaliation. That night was also the night Naofumi's sharingan fully matured, instantly gaining 3 tomoe in each eye. When the night was over, his idol, the Fourth Hokage, was dead. Naofumi was deeply unsettled by this, and grew to detest the Nine Tails.

However, when out on a trip to the grocery market at age 15, he met a little boy, 7 years old, named Naruto Uzumaki. Naofumi knew who he was, what he contained, and the sacrifice he unknowingly made to keep the village safe. Naofumi hated the Nine Tails more than anything.

But he could never hate a young child who was hungry, cold and alone.

Naofumi took him home with him, since Shisui was out doing ANBU duties. Naofumi had rejected being a member of the ANBU black ops, and instead chose the life of a normal Jonin. Naofumi showered Naruto, fed him some good food, and let him spend the night in his bed with him, since no one was there to occupy it that night.

Naofumi would continue to bump into Naruto, and the two began hanging out. Naruto called him his uncle, despite the fact Naofumi was closer to his older brother. Naofumi was even kind enough to pay off his tab at Ichiraku Ramen. Naofumi was basically a god sent to him, kind and caring in a village full of people who would more likely than not hunt him for sport. Naofumi had protected him, helped him out when no one else would. Naofumi desired Naruto living a nice life and having a good childhood. He made sure that Naruto was cared for.

Then, before Kakashi got to introduce themselves, he took Naruto and Sasuke aside and told them what happened, causing both of them to rush to the Hokage's office for answers. The Third Hokage had no answers for the boys, only his thoughts and theories. Naruto was devastated. He didn't even register that Kakashi had joined them to take them back to the academy to continue on with their team introduction.

Naruto was an utter wreck. He didn't even register half of what Kakashi said during the start up, but he knew the guy's heart wasn't in it. Naruto had seen the two of them around the village together before, joking around and laughing like old friends, which they probably were. He bet Kakashi knew Naofumi way longer than Naruto did, so his pain must be extreme compared to his.

And Sasuke...

Naofumi was the only family he had left. After that night, Naofumi fought tooth and nail against the council to seperate him and Sasuke into different clans, saying he was the new head of the Uchiha Clan, and he was not going to be separated from his only remaining clansmen. They agreed, as long as Naofumi signed the CRA submission forms created by the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju. Naofumi begrudgingly agreed, and after careful consideration, decided to get back at the council by sleeping with as few women as possible, and only ones that caught his interest and he legitimately had a great time hanging out with.

He taught Sasuke all the ins and outs of avoiding fangirls, drilling escape routes into his head until his brain overflowed. Sasuke was, however, eternally grateful to Naofumi for doing so, since they came in handy on an almost daily basis. Naofumi simply smiled and ruffled his hair, saying that it was his duty as Sasuke's family to look out for him. Naofumi was the one bright spot that Sasuke had in his life after the tragedy, and now he was gone, without warning, nor a trace or a trail to be followed.

And then there were the two women who came to check up on Naruto and Sasuke, Anko and Pakura. They were Naofumi's great friends (according to Naruto, to which Sasuke just calls him a dumbass, much to Naruto's chagrin). Sasuke knew Naofumi was sleeping with the both of them, and not exclusively either. Sasuke knew all about Naofumi's little exploits around the village and beyond.

He knew he had an on-off thing with a member of the Hyuga branch family, as well as a mother and daughter pair in the village that he couldn't quite trace to the source. Then, one night, he overheard Naofumi getting drunk with his friends, Hayate and Yugao, and letting it slip that he slept with a Hidden Cloud woman (and much to Sasuke's surprise, Yugao asks him how many that was now, to which Naofumi replied three!). And a few months ago, he had to go to a meeting where Naofumi had to explain, in graphic detail, why the leader of the Hidden Mist Revolutionary Army was requesting a marriage contract with him, saying he needed to take responsibility for his actions.

Naofumi claimed it to be a drunk one night stand, but the woman highly disagreed.

And so, that was the sex life of Naofumi Uchiha, man-whore of the Hidden Leaf's Uchiha Clan. At least, the sex life that Sasuke knew about. He was still digging to this day for more potential women that his older cousin had slept with, just to satisfy his own curiosity.

But now...


When Pakura first met Naofumi, she was on the brink of death.

There she laid in the mist, her back looking like a needle cushion for kunai and shuriken, and her chakra all but drained. That son of a bitch, the Fourth Kazekage, set her up. That was that.

She was going to die.

She embraced it, as a shinobi. She tried her hardest to create peace without bloodshed, but all that got her was a kunai in the back, literally. She'd die for her home country, trying to bring peace to the shinobi world.

She may have embraced it, but she didn't want to die at the age of 19.

That's when he showed up. 3 years ago. He appeared out of nowhere, like a guardian angel, he stepped in front of her and blew all the shuriken and kunai away. He holstered her on his back and he ran, for 3 days and nights without even stopping to eat or drink, and she laid unconscious on his back. He got back to the Leaf Village and sent her straight to the hospital, where she would stay for another month. Apparently, Naofumi joined the ANBU guards in watching over her, but instead of the reason being to keep an eye on her, he tried to keep her safe from any foreign ninja who would try anything.

He had also saved her life about a week into her hospital stay, killing 3 Sand ANBU before they even reached the hospital roof. He earned her respect for that.

He won her heart through his generous offer to take her in.

She was made a provisional member of the Hidden Leaf Shinobi Force, and stayed on a team with Naofumi for the whole duration, since he vouched for her. He also let her stay in the Uchiha compound, setting her house up close to his, where a good friend of his had used to live before the night of the tragedy. Naofumi had opened his compound, his home, and his arms to her.

Unsurprisingly, it took less than half a year for Pakura and him to becomes official 'friends with benefits'. Pakura knew he was sleeping with other women, but she wasn't as angry as she assumed she would be. Naofumi genuinely had a good time with her, and always asked if she wanted to hang out without the sex stuff (which had a 25% chance of becoming sexual). They laughed together, cried together, fought together, and shared all their closest secrets and insecurities with each other.

When Pakura accidentally walked in on Naofumi and Anko in bed together around a year and a half ago, she got invited into their activities. She accepted, and had the fucking time of her life. She was a sub by nature, whilst Anko and Naofumi were both switches. Sometimes Anko was on top, sometimes Naofumi, but her 'master' and 'mistress' were both extraordinarily generous in the bedroom. It was the best sex she ever had.

They decided to make it a regular thing between the three of them. Anko and Pakura began hanging out a lot, and they sometimes went over to Naofumi's for some group fun. Anko was very open about her previous experiences with other guys, ranking them from D to S. Most were Ds, and Naofumi himself started out as a low B, but she moulded him into the perfect S over the six years they had been physically involved with each other.

Naofumi was kind, gentle, reliable and basically an instant win on the battlefield. With the abilities of his sharingan, he was unmatched in visual prowess by anyone, even Itachi feared him in the boy's youth. Now, however, no one knew what the outcome would be if the two of them were to face off, only that the surrounding landscape would have to be redrawn on every map, since they would forever alter it.

They feared the day coming to fruition, but knew it was more than likely, seeing as Naofumi was one to hold a grudge for years. To this day, he couldn't look a shinobi from the Mist Village in the eyes without killing them. If he ran into any on a mission, he was sure to take their heads. He actually learnt quite a bit of extra money doing bounties of Mist shinobi, which is how he is able to support Sasuke financially whilst still having time to spend with his family and his loved ones.

Now, however, he was missing in action. Gone in the blink of an eye. Pakura was devastated, since Naofumi was the first one to truely care for her, apart from her mother, who had died when she was 8.

And now, she found herself, 14 years later, rushing off to another country to help the younger cousin of the man she was fucking with the woman the pair usually had threesomes with.

That was a very difficult sentence to comprehend.

She and Anko were rushing through the trees, leaping at top speed to try and get to their destination as fast as possible. Anko was slightly ahead of her, as she had memorised the route they would be taking, as well as having an extra 2 years on her for physical conditioning. Pakura was simply a breath behind her, however, maintaining the same speed as Anko.

"If we keep up this speed, we should be there in a day!" yelled Anko. "Once we're there, we'll reconvene with Team 7 and assist however we can, whilst looking into the Gato guy!"
"And what about Naofumi?" asked Pakura. "If he's really there, what do we do then?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!" replied Anko, looking on ahead, her mind deep in thought.

Unlike Pakura, her meeting with Naofumi was significantly less dire. She found him slumped over a bar, with a glass of what she could only assume was some of the real strong stuff in his hand, almost empty. It was the anniversary of his team's death, and he was grieving. Anko talked to him for a bit before deciding he needed a pick-me-up, so she took him back home and had sex with him. For his first time, he was pretty good.

Anko came back for more.

She began training him in the art of pleasing women, and he only got better after each escapade, finally maturing enough to be the best she ever slept with, and the best some other women had slept with, no doubt about that. He was Anko's pride and joy, like a mother watching her son graduate the academy, and then proceed to fuck him relentlessly to say 'congratulations'.

The village didn't really accept her, seeing as her teacher was the traitorous Orochimaru of the Sannin, and she was tabled some really bad things, such as the old snake's whore. Naofumi didn't really care about that, even when his clan forbade him from seeing her, he kept showing up because he didn't care. It made Anko feel special, since he was the only guy she had sex with more than 3 times. He was special to her, as her best lover, and she was special to him, as his first lover, and maybe his best.

So when he disappeared, Anko kind of, shut down for a day or two. She honestly couldn't believe it, she never thought of the possibility of him not being there one day. She had always assumed her best friend in the whole wide world was only ever going to be 3 streets down. She had then thrown herself into the field to release some stress and to look for him, but after a month of no results, she was beginning to lose hope.

She never let it show on the outside, always saying that when he got back, he was going to drill her brains out as an apology for leaving without telling her, but now she wasn't sure if her was coming back.

But this sighting, it was a lead. Naofumi was out there, and she was going to find him. Because there wasn't anyone else in the village that truely accepted her like Naofumi did, except the Third Hokage, Ibiki and her friends Yugao, Kurenai and Pakura. He was one of the most, if not the most, important people in her life. She...

She loved him. Not purely physically, but she felt genuine love for her.

Anko Mitarashi was in love with Naofumi Uchiha, and she wanted to shout it out at the top of the Hokage monument damn it!

"Please... be there..." she muttered, before rushing off, Pakura tailing closely behind.


Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, student of the First and Second Hokage, the Professor. He was known to many as a father, a grandfather, a widower and a leader. He fought in the three Great Shinobi Wars, kept his village safe, and tried his damnedest even in his old age to do what was necessary for the village as its Hokage. He lived through tragedies and made questionable decisions, he wasn't perfect like people expected him to be. He was always going to make a mistake or two along the road in his old age.

But he had never faced something like he was going through now. Naofumi Uchiha, 18th head of the Uchiha Clan, a close friend of the Hokage, the Nine Tails jinchuriki, and one of the last two remaining Uchiha left, had vanished without a trace. There one second, gone the next, in a flash of light. Kakashi had rushed over straight away, not even caring that Hiruzen was in a meeting with his old teammates, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane.

He quickly explained the situation, and an investigation was launched. ANBU black ops were immediately summoned and sent to investigate the area, and summoned Anko and Pakura immediately after to inform them privately.

Pakura... he had taken the girl into his home and village after a brutal betrayal by the Sand. She had seemed lost, without a purpose, scared of anything and everything. It was understandable, and Hiruzen, yet again, took on the fatherly/grandfatherly figure in her life. When the Fourth Kazekage had demanded that they release her to them, Hiruzen had flatly refused, and offered the Kazekage a chance to prove himself in combat against him.

Hiruzen's reputation preceded him, and the Kazekage begrudgingly backed down.

He knew Naofumi and Pakura were going to get involved with each other, the entire elder and civilian council was praying for it, so Naofumi could not only pass on the sharingan to future generations, but also Pakura's kekkei genkai, the Scorch Style. They wished for the Uchiha Clan to reach even greater heights by having two Kekkei Genkai in their blood.

Power hungry fools the lot of them, forcing Naofumi into the CRA for his Kekkei Genkai. It was a hard transition for Naofumi, going against every moral he had grown up with for 16 years, and he was still getting back at the council by not being married at age 20. He may very well plan to live his life as a bachelor, just to stick one final 'fuck you' finger up at the council.

Unfortunately for him, the council has begun pressuring Sasuke into the CRA instead, already giving him marriage proposal letters from girls in and outside the village. Naofumi's blood would be boiling.

Hiruzen chuckled, hearing him yelling even now. "Lord Third!" he imagined. "You damn Pervkage!"


Actually, he could hear him.

Hiruzen stifled, looking around his office to see that he was very much alone. He could still hear Naofumi calling him, however, so he looked again.

And he saw him.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed. It's good to have something other than uni to do, so I've been working on this for a while whilst doing an assignment or three. Helps keep me productive, surprisingly enough.

Yeah... my campus may or may not have been flooded, and I couldn't go in to use the desktops, so it freed up a lot of time until I can go in tomorrow and work on the project, so I had a lot of free time and decided to do another chapter. I'm going to start the next one immediately after posting this one, but don't expect it for a while, since I can do my uni work again as of tomorrow. But for now, this is Striker777, over and out.

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