My Little Cowgirl

By lizzy_carver

27.3K 969 39

Jessica is a junior in high school and is just waiting for the day she can graduate to get away from her abus... More

Chapter two
chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter 7
Chapter Eight
The Ending To This Drawn Out Story

Chapter one

6K 144 9
By lizzy_carver


      I wake up to the same sound what seems like every day. This is the sound that grabs me away from my peaceful dreams, taking the only goodness away from me. This sound is my father's bedroom door slamming shut, indicating he is in a mad state.

"Jessica, you get your little butt down here and clean these dishes, before I drag you down here myself." He yelled to me, walking downstairs. Jack always seems to be mad in the morning, mainly from being hung over from drinking the night before.

     Jack's way for handling his hung over stage is by drinking even more no matter how early in the day it is. You will almost always see Jack carrying around an open bottle of beer. There is no real way to stop him from drinking; the only time I have seen him not drinking is when he is beating me.

     Rolling out of bed I slip on my clothes and shoes, quickly brushing throughout my wavy brown hair. I knew if I didn't hurry Jack was going to drag me down just like he said he would. That is the last thing I needed; my wounds from my last beating were still healing.

     Finally dressed, I walked down stairs and entered the kitchen. Like always Jack was at the table with a beer in one hand and his phone in the other. Piled around him were all of his empty cans and bottles, which I am going to have to pick up at some point.

"Get those dishes clean!" Jack yelled, not even looking up from his phone. I made my way to the sink and started to clean the dishes; trying not to make so much noise. My attempt was a failure and Jack certainly noticed.

     He got up from his chair, bottle still in hand, and made his way over to where I was standing. I tried my hardest not to cringe, but my reflexes got the best of me. Jack seemed to notice, which put a smirk on his face. I could feel his eyes watching me, and that made me even more nervous.

"You don't have to be so darn loud." He said calmly before grabbing my arm with a tremendous force. Calm talking seems to be my only warning before the abuse comes.

"Now, I have a headache and I don't need you clanking these pots around," he finished before ripping his hand off of my arm. With that he walked upstairs and into his room slamming the door behind him.

     When my job was done I quickly walked up stairs, making sure to be very quiet when walking in front of Jacks door. If he saw me again this morning I knew he would do more than grab my arm, probably leaving a bruise. Finally making it to my room, I walked across the room and grabbed my bag and headed to the window.

     This window is probably what saves me from getting beat even more. The window is located right in front of this huge maple tree. Instead of walking out of the house the normal way and risk being seen by my father, I go out by tree.

     Opening the window I put my foot onto the closet branch and begin my descend. It only takes me about two minutes to reach the bottom and touch the ground. From then on it is to school.

     My house is only ten minutes away so my walk isn't too long. Along the way I roll my sleeve up to see how bad my arm was from Jack. It wasn't that bad, but there was still a bruise shaped like a hand. This means I have to keep my sleeve down so no one could see it.

     Finally walking around the last corner my humongous high school came into view. This is where my whole future is decided, how I am going to get into college, and how I am going to get away from Jack. My whole life depends on this place.

     Today is our first day back to school, and everyone around me is squealing and talking non-stop. Friends are meeting up again and so are boyfriends and girlfriends. Everyone is talking besides me. I am the one person that has no friends; the person who ignores everyone to try not to get attached.

     The way I see my school life is passing all of my classes with the highest grades imaginable. To do that I don't need any distractions, so that means no friends. It doesn't really bother me having no friends, because all they are, are dead weight for people like me.

     While thinking all of this I had already walked half way through the parking lot dodging running friends. No one seemed to even notice me, which I liked. It all seemed fine until I got to the popular section.

     This section was devoted to the riches, the people who had the most money. Lucy, the snotty air head queen bee and her minions, known as Kacy , Zoey , and Sasha. Lucy's gang ran the school with their tight shirts and short skirts. Sadly along with the queen bee also comes her knight in shining armor, Luke. He is the quarterback and Lucy's on again off again boyfriend.

"Awww , look the loner has returned. Maybe this year she'll actually talk." Lucy said talking obnoxiously loud to her friends. Who of course, trying to make her happy, laughed loudly, which gained everyone's attention. By that alone I knew this year was going to be the same as the others.

     Picking up my pace to get far away from them I headed to the main building. I had to stop by the main office to grab my schedule and locker number before homeroom. Thankfully no one was in there at the time, so I slipped in and out quickly.

     When I exited the office people were staring to file in through the door, signaling I needed to hurry. Keeping my head partially down I began my search. Finally finding it I quickly put my books into the locker and checked my schedule to see what classes I had first. Seeing my first two periods were science and math I quickly got those two binders and slammed my locker shut.

    Turning around I rammed into something that felt like a brick wall. At first I really thought it was a brick wall until the wall started talking.

"Whoa, sorry I didn't see you there. I was so busy looking at my map I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going." A smooth, country accent said. When hearing this, my stomach filled with butterflies and my heart started beating 100 miles per hour. When I looked up the voice matched perfectly with the face.

"It's ok," I said weakly, taking his looks in. He was a tall guy, but mostly everyone is to me being as I am only 5ft. He had hazel eyes with a green ring around them that matched perfectly with his sun kissed skin. Everything about him was perfect.

"Well, good, seeing how it's my first day here I don't want to make any enemies. Especially with someone who looks as tough as you," He said grinning at me, causing me to blush. Wait, blush..... I never blush, something must be wrong with me.

     All of a sudden the warning bell sounded telling us to get a move on. I looked around and noticed that the halls were almost empty. This really surprised me because I am always in homeroom by now.

"Well, I better get a move on. It was nice to meet you," he said, some words more country than others. He started walking again looking around for his locker. When he turned the corner I checked to see who my homeroom was and quickly walked there before the tardy bell rang; that is one thing I cannot get one more of. Last year I got so many I was almost expelled. Luckily tardies don't spill over into the next year. I am going to try harder this year to not get as matter how hard Jack beats me in the morning.

     Finally making it to my homeroom before the final bell, I quickly walk to a pair of empty desks in the back left corner. Once seated I looked around and noticed that Lucy and one of her minions, Zoey, were sitting two desks ahead; just my luck.

     Just as the tardy bell rang, in comes walking the guy from the hallway, I noticed that I never caught his name, but it doesn't even matter really. It's not like we are going to be friends, right?

"Hmm, this is not a good start for the New Year is it Mr....." Mrs. Roberson, my homeroom teacher, trailed off. She was a big woman with short blonde hair and glasses like a librarian.

"Wane, Hunter Wane." He replied, catching my eye and smiling. This made Lucy and her minion turn and scowl at me. Obviously they liked what they saw, and by all means they can have him. I don't need to be in a relationship anyway.

     Once Mrs. Roberson was done checking Hunter in, he made his way to where I was sitting and plopped down in the empty seat next to me. At this moment he is making a huge mistake, and he should know that.

"Um, Hunter, you're making a big mistake by sitting beside me." I weakly said, I wasn't even sure he heard me until he turned and looked at me. He was wearing a confused but amused look on his face.

"And how is that?" he asked back still holding the same look. His mouth was kind of perking at the sides, showing he was fighting off a smile.

"Well, it is going to look really bad for your reputation if you are seen sitting with me." I said looking down at the desk. I could feel Hunter's eyes on me and my cheeks went red with warmth. All of a sudden he started to laugh.

"Are you serious? I really don't care what people think about me. I know you and only you and so I am going to sit by you." He said still smiling away. It was cute the way he smiled; he had dimples on each side of his face.

     We both sat there in silence for a bit. It wasn't an awkward silence but like a peaceful silence. We both glanced at each other from the sides of our eyes, our eyes meeting on occasion causing us both to look away quickly. Finally Hunter broke the silence.

"So you know my name, but I have no clue what yours is," he said in his country voice. It was a very nice sound to hear when coming from a broken home.

"Jessica, Jessica Blake," I said looking into his eyes. His eyes were amazing; I could drown in their beauty if I stared into them long enough. Then the bell rang pulling me out of my trance.

"What a beautiful name." Hunter said winking at me, causing my cheeks to go a deep red and him to laugh. We both got up from our seats and walked over to the door, flowing out with the rest of the crowd.

     When we both got out the door we waved bye and went our separate ways. While I was walking to my first class my head was filled with thoughts about Hunter. Maybe this year things will be different.


So i rewrote this first chapater so please tell me what you think !!!! THANKS SO MUCH :p

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