The Music Time Machine -- Jon...

By Amympr96

9.6K 90 29

In the year 2015, In the bustling city of central London. A young woman named Amy is working late one evening... More

The Morning After
Husband and Wife
Take me to the Hospital
Mission Time Travel
Drawing board
Let's party with the band
Breakfast and Karaoke
Take me Home, Thunderstorm
Cure for a broken heart
The last stand
The Charity Ball
Back to Normal
New Identity
New Identity part 2
I can give you everything
Me, Myself and I
Meet the family
I'd die for you
Vancouver here we come
Erotica Spice
Honey moon phase
Detroit Rock City
Make a wish
I got sunshine
Going Down the rabbit hole
A White Christmas
Our House
Studio Time
New Jersey on the road
Super power
He speaks to me
Becoming Mortal
Double Trouble
Blaze of Glory
Little Bongiovi
Star-Spangled Band
Love of my life
No more machine
The new show opener
I'd live and I'd die for you
A Rockstar's wife

Just a Thunderstorm

682 4 2
By Amympr96

The date is 23rd May 1985 in the theatrical capital of London, the sparkling of the stars in the night sky glistening on the damp streets. The heavens begin to open up with a crack of thunder, a whiplash of light strikes the metal structures, the perpetual deluge falling from the dank clouds above, thudding the pavements. The hellish storm lashing through the theatre. 

Below the storm, deep in the west end foundations of The Dominion Theatre, Bon Jovi were lighting up the stage with their fiery tunes. Jon darting across the stage with his mic in hand, his husky notes blasting out the lyrics as Richie rips into his guitar, firing out chords fasting than bullets. 

"BREAKOUT!!!......" The band screams out the opening lyrics to the second song of the night whilst Tico beats his drums to death. Jon sets off across the stage, strutting and skipping to the beat, smiling and holding his clammy hand out for the fans to grasp. Screaming and chanting fill the stuffy air of the theatre. 

Just as they were about to sing the second chorus, A monstrous crack of thunder slashed through the building, causing the power to surge. The storm ripped open a hole in the stage, In the panic of the moment, Jon falls into the hole. The band runs to the hole calling out his name as they cant see through the dim. Jon comes round to the sound of electric pulsing behind him, he turns to see a blinding light, he covers his eyes from the harsh light and moves towards it, vanishing into the energy. 

 In the year 2015, In Dominion Theatre, The same monstrous storm cracks through the foundations of the building. A young woman named Amy Rose is working late shift and is checking over everything before closing up when she hears a huge surge of energy spray through the building. She decides to go investigate the sound, she makes her way backstage when she sees a blinding light, the sound of electricity whipping through the air. She covers her eyes from the harsh light and moves towards it when all of a sudden the light disappears. She stampers around in the pitch black, using the wall as a guide when she trips over something on the floor, sending her flying to the floor, her legs sprawled up on top of something. She scrambles for her mobile phone in all the confusion, using her torch to see what she's lying on. On closer inspection she sees a man lying face down on the floor, a mass of dark blonde hair covering his face. As she moves the torch over his slender body, she wraps him in her jacket after noticing he's naked.  Keeping her phone in her hand, she stumbles to her feet, she grasps his ankles, gripping them like a vice and drags him out from under the stage, gasping at the weight and takes him backstage, to a more lit up area. She yanks him up as gently as she can onto the couch, running back and forth for a bottle of water, damp cloths for his dirt ridden face and some spare clothes. 

With difficulty she manages to pull the clothes on him, "How did you end up under there?" she whispers as she sits beside him, damp cloth in hand and with her other hand she gently swipes his hair from his face. She begins to clean his face with the damp cloth, revealing his freshly washed features. As she gazes down at him attentively, she realizes who it is, gasping in shock. "No, No you can't be, that's impossible..." she questions herself as she gently strokes his forehead with a fresh cloth. "But you look exactly like him, how can that be?" chatting away to herself when she hears a pained groan come from his soft plump lips, his brow furrows.

 He blinks in and out of consciousness a few times when eventually he begins to come round. His eyes slowly opening, squinting as his blurred vision begins to settle "W-WWhere amm I?" his husky tones quizzed in his grogginess, pulling his hand up to his head to feel the damp cloth. Their hands touch sending shivers through both their bodies, she quickly removes the cloth. In a soft calming voice she replies "Just relax, you have a concussion, you're in London" , The sweet tones of her voice soothes him, making him relax. "Can you tell me what your name is honey?", His vision returns as he opens his eyes to look at her. His eyes widen as he takes in her beauty, her long dark red hair flowing by her face like the rolls on a beach wave, her emerald eyes gazing at him and her soft ruby lips smiling sweetly. "I-I'm Jon Bon J-Jovi" He stuttered at her beauty. 

She gasped in shock, her eyes widened at his statement, upon seeing her reaction he begins to panic. "W-Why, what is it? W-Wheres the band?" he exclaims as he tries to nudge himself up, she stops him by gently placing her hand on his chest "Its alright, just lay back, you need to rest Jon, Its just you and me here, what's the last thing you remember?". He sighs deep, rubbing his temples in hopes of bringing his memories to the surface. "We were on stage I think, performing, we recently had an album come out, so we've been on tour.......But then something happened, I-I remember something, yeah, we were on stage and there was a thunder storm outside and it cut the power, but then I fell through the stage and when I came round, there was a light....then......then I woke up here" he explains as his grogginess begins to subside. "I don't know how to tell you this but just keep an open mind please, I promise you I'm telling the truth" she exhales a deep breath before breaking the news. 

"The year is 2015 and by the looks of you, you're only in your 20's, so I'm sorry to tell you this Jon, But you've travelled 30 years into the future...." she trails off softly, not quite believing her own words. "Huhh??? What? Who put you up to this? It was Rich wasn't it?" he laughed it off as he begins to pull himself up on the couch. "No, Jon, I'm not lying, I promise you......Here look at this" She utters whilst pulling out her mobile phone, tapping on the screen and showing him the date. "There see, the date is 23rd May 2015.....I mean have you even seen a device like this before?", He feels a lump forming in his throat, his breath trapped as the panic rises. "N-N-nO, I haven't, but how is that even possible, how do I know you ain't lyin?" He defended, in an agitated tone, She sighs deep and gently pulls his velvet hands in hers "Jon, I swear I'm not lying, I was literally locking up when I found you, I saw a blinding light and I tripped over you because I couldn't see you on the floor, there is nobody else here, you can have a look around if you don't believe me". 

He searched her emerald apertures for a lie but found none, in realization, his head fell into his hands "B-But, What am I gonna do? How can I get back?" he exclaimed worryingly. She hesitated as she placed her hand on the back of his head and gently rubbed circles in his hair. "I don't know but I promise I'll help, I'll do everything I can to get you back there" She stated in a caring tone, "You will?" His husky voice all shaky, he lifted his head to reveal his teary blues. "Oh My God, Come here........I will, I promise" She claimed as she pulled him in for a gentle hug, his head hiding in the crook of her neck, he let out a deep sigh upon hearing her calming words, he breaths deep, taking in her sweet rose and Vanilla aroma. They reluctantly pull away from each others touch and gaze into each others eyes for a moment before she broke the silence "Come On, I don't live too far from here" she ushered him to the door, locking it behind her. 

"My Bike is just over here, come on" she claimed while pointing to the car park, "Bike?" he shook his head in amazement, "Oh, I mean motorbike" she giggled through her words. "I know what you meant, I just can't believe you ride" he exclaimed with a laugh, "Here put this on" she stated as she handed him a helmet. She whipped her way through the streets on her bike, The engine humming and buzzing on the surface, his hands gently on her hips. The moon light gleaming down on the damp road as they ride through the cool night air. She pulls up to a small store front with a black banner hanging out front with the name 'Vinylgenics' written on it, "Why we stoppin?" he queried her while glancing at the store front. "This is where I live, This is my record store, my apartment is above it" she threw him a smile while locking up her bike. "Wow that's cool" he nodded in approval "wait! people still buy vinyl?" stopping in his tracks in amazement. "yeaaah, they're quite popular, there's no other format of music that compares to vinyl" she claims while she unlocks the door to her apartment, "So you're a fan of music then?" he quizzed her as he steps over the threshold, "yeaah, I mean who Isn't? I'm a big fan of rock music, I love your band as well by the way" she pronounced with a smile. "Well, thankyou" A sweet bashful smile painted on his soft lips. 

"So this is my home, come on in, I'll show you around" Leading him further into her apartment by the hand.  "bathroom is here, you're welcome to a shower anytime, towels are already in there" She pushes open the bathroom door, letting him have a peak inside.  "This is the kitchen, I can cook us some food coz its abit late to order anything" They both stand in the centre of the kitchen, awkwardly gazing around for a moment before continuing their little tour. "This is my room here and right next door is a spare bedroom, you can stay in there, I'll give you some clothes to wear after I cook us some dinner aaaand this is my living room, I can show you how to use everything tomorrow, any questions?", "Yeaah, umm, what happened to my clothes? why am I wearing this?"  he questioned with a cocked brow while tugging the sweatshirt. "Oh, yeah, about that, you weren't wearing any clothes when I found you, so I put those on you" She shifted her feet nervously while looking to the floor, "Oh My God" he giggled through his words bashfully. "Any other questions?" she quizzed politely, "yeaaah, umm, You didn't tell me your name?" gesturing to her with his velvet fingers as he spoke. "Right, Sorry, My name is Amy Rose Williams, but you can call me Rosie if you want" She shook her head in embarrassment. "Rosie....I like that" his husky tones flirted with a sexy grin. She looks down as the blood rushes to her cheeks, turning a shade of scarlet "Uhhh, Uhhh, ill go make us some food, you must be starved" she uttered out, quickly changing the subject, she turned the tv on and gave him the remote "Make yourself comfortable on the couch, watch some tv, you just press these buttons to change the channel" she explained with a smile. 

While Jon worked his way around the remote, flicking through the channels, Rosy got to work on cooking dinner, she decided to quickly whip up Spaghetti Bolognese, she was good at making pasta dishes. While she's distracted with cooking dinner, he managed to have a quick look around on his own and the more he sees, the more he believes the fact that he is in fact in the future. "You want a beer Jon, or some wine ?" she shouted over the bubbling water, "Yeaah, wine please, that'd be great, thanks" he shouted back to her, slumping himself back down on the couch, his mind racing with so many thoughts. She brought the icy cold bottle out to him with a large glass "I didn't know if you'd want the glass or not so I brought one anyway" she giggled nervously through her words. "Oh, yeah thanks, I can see the tv shows haven't much improved in 30 years" he sighed while gesturing to the tv. "Yeah, its all shit to be honest, I never really watch tv, I could put a movie on if you want?" She questioned him politely. "Yeaah sure, that'd be great, can we watch a comedy?" He Verbalized whilst she flicked through her movie collection, humming away to herself "All night long..... in my secret dreams--" she muttered under her breath, not realizing she was singing Bon Jovi. Jon let out a throaty laugh "Are you singing my song?" clapping his hands in amusement, "Well I told you I loved your music, what more can I say?" she shrugged her shoulders as she turned to him. "Here, what about Eddie Murphy-Raw?" she questioned whilst throwing the DVD case to him, "yeaaah, he's hilarious, I remember watching this on tv when he first did it" he exclaimed in excitement as he looked at the case. 

"Hey uumm, Can I ask, Is my band still playin? Are we even still around? I wanna know that what we're doing is gonna make a difference" a concerned look written on his face, she sits down next to him and takes his hands. "Hey, I'm not saying this coz I like your music, just for one minute, forget about that.". Throwing him a serious look before continuing "You make a huge difference to music and your still around today putting out albums and going on tour and people are still singing your songs from the 80s today" his smile growing with each passing moment. "I mean I don't wanna give too much away but you are so close, but of course you can't tell anybody anything you've learned here when you get back to 1985, you've just got to stay on the path you were on before you got here" Releasing his hands as she faded out, a huge smile from ear to ear stretched across his face. "Thanks honey, speaking of getting back, how are you gonna do it", she let out a nervous sigh. "Honestly I'm not sure, but if you got here, then we can get you back, we just have to go through everything". 

She finished off the Spaghetti Bolognese then dished it out, giving him a larger portion then sat down to watch the movie. Laughter filled the room as they watched the comedy, spaghetti slipping out their mouths as they slurp it up. As the movie came to an end they were sat facing each other, chatting away and throwing questions back and forth.... "So what's changed in the past 30 years then?" He quizzed while sipping his wine, "Well, music just isn't the same in my opinion" sighing in frustration "Oh yeah? That bad huh?" Cocking his brow at her "I mean you might like it, I dunno, but I mainly listen to older music" The slurping of their wine filled the silence "Technology has changed a lot, as you can see" gesturing to her tv "we now have mobile phones, its like a small house phone that you can carry around and computers have changed as well..." waving her phone around as she explained. "So you can call people with that thing?" He quizzed with a confused expression sitting on his face "Yeahh.... You can also send messages, watch videos, listen to music, you can do a lot" explaining while swiping through her phone. "We have mobiles in the 80's but they're huge....much bigger and you can literally only call people on them" Giggling as he trails off, his eyes widening dramatically. "Yeah... I've seen photo's of them... they look so awful.... I can't imagine carrying that humongous house brick around" A deep throaty laugh bursts from his lips, instantly bringing a smile to her face. 

As the night went on they carried on talking while breaking into more wine, before he knew it she was leaning on his shoulder fast asleep. "Rosie..." He whispered with no response so he was sitting awkwardly in silence for a minute or so while contemplating what to do. After a while he slowly slid himself off the couch, gently scooping her up into his arms and made his way to her bedroom door, using his elbow to open it. The door swung open and he scanned the room with his blue orbs, his mouth slightly agape. The light illuminates the lilac coated walls, making it look rather majestic. He slowly walks to her four poster bed, sliding her onto the soft plushie bedding, moving the strands of hair from her face. He caught himself gazing at her beauty and how peaceful she looked, her hair so soft like velvet and her rosy lips so plump and kissable. He had to shake his head to snap himself out of it before grabbing a blanket and draping it across her slender body.  

He made his way to the spare bedroom, closing the door behind him, letting out a deep sigh. He stripped from his clothes but leaving his pants on just in case Rosie came in. He jumped into bed and draped the duvet over him. Laying in bed for a while just gazing up at the ceiling, his thoughts running away from him. Thinking about everything that has happened in the past 24 hours and if he will ever get back to where he's from. He rolled onto his side closing his eyes, attempting to get some sleep when an image of Rosie popped into his head. He let out a frustrated groan as he tossed and turned back and forth, unable to shake the thoughts of her. He couldn't help but wonder why he was thinking of her, sure she seemed nice and she was hot but he didn't really know her. After a while, he fell into a deep slumber, dreaming of home.   

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