Some Things Are Best Unknown.

By Hophop2020

40.4K 1.4K 342

It was the smile that through everyone off. She was always cheerful, always smiling, and always kind to other... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

1.2K 53 4
By Hophop2020

A/N- Sorry for the late update! Sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors!



"What business do you have dealing with the Shinko, Orochimaru?" Around the said man and the man speaking was a bedroom within a cave. The lighting is dreary and Orochimaru looks like he can't even get out of bed."

"I heard that you have created a new jutsu." Orochimaru said raspily and in-between coughs.

"And what if we do?" The man crossed his arms like a nine year old performing a rebellious inquiry.

"Well, let's just say that we can help each other out."

"What can you do to help us?" The man seemed pretty sceptical of the man's appearance since he looked half dead.

"I hear you are looking for a certain Shinobi...a Shinobi that I know where to find...*cough*" There was a beat of silence before it was broken again by a thoughtful hum.

"I'm starting to like where you're coming from."

"That forbidden jutsu you have is very desirable, unfortunately, my body is too weak to perform it. When the time is right, I will come for payment, and in return, I will send Sasuke to help you acquire the Cherry Blossom... Do we have a deal?" The man smirked.


"So, the Shinko are looking for the Cherry Blossom, eh?" The Tsuchikage mumbled to himself. "Well, they didn't seem to attack any people in the place you were at, " He sighed deeply. "So-"

"He must've found something." Shikamaru said, "He wouldn't have left without any damage to the settlement if he didn't find something he liked."

'It had turned out that our group was late to capture the Shinko as there was no trace of them anywhere in the village, so our team reconvened and decided to head back to the Tsuchikage with the information we received. It seems that the group had found what they were looking for, which means: I have to watch out.'

"Due to the circumstances, you guys are dismissed from the mission, you will still be paid in full due to the information you have gathered." The team bowed and began filing out when the Tsuchikage continued, "Sakura Haruno." She stopped and turned to face the Tsuchikage. The door closed leaving the two of them alone.


"Tell Ms. Hokage that we will willingly help if Konoha is ever in need." Sakura nodded and left noiselessly.

"What an interesting kunoichi." The old man mumbled to himself before continuing the dreaded paperwork.


"What am I going to do?" Sakura said, distressed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what if they are looking for me...too?" 'I almost revealed that I am the Cherry Blossom.'


"My mom was a Hitachi, I," she gestured to herself, "am a Hitachi. Maybe the Shinko will come back for my family, they'll find me." Now that Sakura had let that one secret about her mom being dead slip, the jar lid on her person has loosened. Ino and Sakura were on a walk going around Konoha. Sakura is ranting about her concerns while Ino is taking it all in and seeing a new side of her best friend. "What if they go after my friends? What if they go after Sai? What if they go after you?"

Now, Ino is good at reading people, and when she saw Sakura begin her rant, she knew it was going to be a long list coming. Her friend is beginning to spiral into a not-so-good headspace currently, and all of Ino's training has not prepared her for the grip of seeing her best friend in pain. Ino stopped walking.

Sakura turned around and saw Ino stare at her with understanding, and yet, hardened eyes.

Ino saw the puffiness in Sakura's face and the dark circles that only seemed visible due to redness rimmed around her eyes. "I can take care of myself. If being in constant danger is what it takes to be your friend, it's worth it if it means I am with you." Ino grabbed Sakura's hand and tugged her friend into a hug. "I can't promise that these people aren't going to come after you, or me, or anybody, but what've we been training for? You aren't that little girl anymore who witnessed her mother's death, you are a shinobi now. So what if they come for us? We are going to take them down." Ino felt shoulders shaking and a dampness in her shirt as she tightened her grip around Sakura.



"Oh, you like flowers huh?" A little blonde girl said as she looked down at the peculiar pink-headed girl.

"Huh? Oh, I guess so...." The pinkette had shoulder-length hair with bangs that curtained over her eyes and was sitting in a little patch of daisies (that she had created a bit ago).

"That's a cute ribbon you got there Sakura! Can I see it?" Ino asked while pointing at the pink ribbon that her mother had given her.

"Ummmm...." Sakura said, unsure, the ribbon was very special to her after all.

"It'll just be for a second, I promise,"Ino said with a wink and a finger to her lips.

"Ok..." Sakura gingerly untied the ribbon around her wrist and handed it to Ino. Ino smiled and began pulling Sakura's hair back.

"Ta-da!" Ino said proud of her work. Sakura's ribbon was now working as a headband and holding her hair away from her eyes.


"You're really cute Sakura, you just got to show it!"


'You were always there to boost my confidence huh?' Sakura thought as she inhaled Ino's flowery scent and smiled. 'Figures the flower-shop girl befriends the girl who can create flowers; of course, she doesn't know that.' Sakura giggled at the thought.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just glad to have you as my friend."

"Me too. Wanna go to the Hot Springs?"

"Uhhh Yes!" 'It's good to have my friend back.' they both thought.


"Do you have an issue with going to Konoha for this assignment?" A snake-like person asked suspiciously.

"No, I have no attachments." Sasuke's voice was cold, cut, and clear.

"Are you sure?" He hissed questionably.


" Not even Naruto?" Orochimaru continued to bait, " Not even Sa-ku-ra?" Sasuke gave no physical signs of hesitation when he heard those names. "Oh, you ARE cruel, I just knew you were the perfect apprentice...and vessel." He started to laugh but was cut short due to a coughing fit. The raspiness of his voice was getting worse and his physical stature was visibly worse as his once muscled body is now a skeleton with pale skin.


"Cherry Blossom." A girl with brown hair and ripped shorts kneeled in front of Tsunade, the Hokage.

"Yes, Hokage-sama?"

"A group that I have sent out for a partial diplomatic mission has informed me that there is a group out there that is looking for you."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Do you know anything about the Shinko?"

".......yes." Sakura hesitated, worried that Tsunade will soon connect the dots.


"The Shinko is a group who has a history of mass-murder and genocide. Years ago, they had actually taken out the entire Hitachi family because they feared their ability.....the ability that I possess. My mother was a part of the Hitachi family, and I think that my success in the Shinobi world has put my ability out there and now they are probably back to finish that mission." The Cherry Blossom raised her head to look straight onto the Hokage. Tsunade smirked.

"I have no doubt that we can handle this group. Just be prepared for a fight Cherry Blossom."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"You're dismissed." flowers fluttered to the ground, this time a pile of irises.

"I need some sake and research group to help me find out more about this Shinko and the Hitachi family."


A/N- I know this is a short and messy chapter. I have so many different chapters started because I know what I want to do, it's just this part in the story where things are about to get intense and I don't have much experience with those transitions. Please forgive me for the late Chapter! Sorry for any Misspellings and Grammatical errors!


1341 words.

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