Snake Venom

By DisasterChild20

52.1K 759 104

The story of Jughead Jones' twin sister Clementine. Although she tends to go CJ as she hated her first name. More

Clementine Janet 'CJ' Jones
Chapter One ~ The River's Edge
Chapter Two ~ A Touch Of Evil
Chapter Three ~ Body Double
Chapter Four ~ The Last Picture Show
Chapter Five ~ Heart Of Darkness
Chapter Six ~ Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!
Chapter Seven ~ In A Lonely Place
Chapter Eight ~ The Outsiders
Chapter Nine ~ La Grande Illusion
Chapter Ten ~ The Lost Weekend
Chapter Eleven ~ To Riverdale and Back Again
Chapter Twelve ~ Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter Thirteen ~ The Sweet Hereafter
Chapter Fourteen ~ A Kiss Before Dying
Chapter Fifteen ~ Nighthawks
Chapter Sixteen ~ The Watcher In The Woods
Chapter Seventeen ~ The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Chapter Eighteen ~When A Stranger Call
Chapter Nineteen ~ Death Proof
Chapter Twenty ~ Tales From The Darkside
Chapter Twenty-One ~ House of the Devil
Bring Me To Life
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Silent Night, Deadly Night
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Blackboard Jungle
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ The Wrestler
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ The Wicked And The Divine
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Tell-Tale Heart
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ The Hills Have Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Primary Colours
Chapter Thirty ~ The Noose Tightens
Chapter Thirty-One ~ A Night to Remember
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Prisoners
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Shadow of a Doubt
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Judgemment Night
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Brave New World
Chapter Thirty-Six ~Labor Day
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Fortune and Men's Eyes
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ As Above, So Below
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ The Midnight Club
Chapter Forty ~ The Great Escape
Chapter Forty-One ~ Manhunter
Chapter Forty-Two ~ The Man in Black
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Outbreak
Chapter Forty-Four ~ No Exit
Chapter Forty-Five ~ The Stranger
Chapter Forty-Six ~ The Red Dahlia
Chapter Forty-Seven ~ Bizarrodale
Chapter Forty-Eight ~ Requiem For A Welterweight
Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Fire Walk With Me
Chapter Fifty ~ American Dreams
Chapter Fifty-One ~ Big Fun
Chapter Fifty-Two ~ The Raid
Chapter Fifty-Three ~ Jawbreaker

Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ There Will Be Blood

436 3 0
By DisasterChild20

CJ sits looking at all the information Jughead has gathered against Hiram "Hey. What's all this?" FP asks them. "Hopefully, this is the article that saves the town from Hiram Lodge." Jughead responds. "Jughead..." FP starts. "If we can fit the pieces together." CJ adds onto her brothers statement. "Kids, you need to drop this. He rescued us. He bought the trailer park, forgave our debts." FP tells them. "What? He's the reason we almost lost the trailer park." CJ retorts. "Hiram's slicker than a bottle of snake oil, no doubt, but this is..." FP tries. "Dad, please! Hiram Lodge just bought The Riverdale Register. He's trying to silence dissenting voices before he makes his big play. He's afraid. He's afraid of this exposure." Jughead tells their father. CJ stands up "I'm gonna bounce, I told Sweetpea, Fangs and Toni that I'd hang with them at the Wyrm." she says. "Weren't you supposed to be at school?" FP asks. CJ shrugs "I've been told I'm to have a couple of sick days after what happened at the lake house." she says before walking out the trailer and to her own trailer.

The next morning CJ walks into the Wyrm and over to her friends with a small smile "Hey guys." she greets. Hey CJ." Fangs says enveloping her in a hug. CJ grins and hugs him back before hugging both Sweetpea and Toni "So is there a reason for us skiving today?" Toni asks. "Like you three want a reason. Besides I got today off and I didn't want to be alone. Plus, I want to get a new tattoo and need you guys to help me choose a design." CJ responds. "Okay where you want it, what style and how big?" Fangs asks happily throwing an arm round her shoulder. Toni starts going through CJ's tattoo book and points at a design "How about this one? On your chest though, between your boobs." she asks. CJ nods in agreement "What we waiting for? Let's go." Sweetpea tells them leading them out of the Wyrm.

That evening CJ sits at home watching tv with Oreo asleep on her lap when her phone pings

Handsome💜_ You at home? Xxx

Baby Girl🤍_ Yeah why? Xxx

Handsome💜_ Be there in 5 xxx

Smiling CJ puts her phone down and scratches Oreo between the ears as she waits for Reggie to arrive.

After about five minutes Reggie opens the front door causing Oreo to jump off CJ's lap and run over to him. Chuckling Reggie picks the puppy up and strokes him as he walks over and flops next to CJ on the sofa "What wrong babe?" CJ asks noticing the stress on Reggie's face. "I was helping Jug with finding dirt on Hiram, Archie gave us some more info. Hiram has bought Pop's, Jughead's going to talk to Pop tomorrow." Reggie explains. CJ groans and runs her hand over her face "He is not getting away with this. I'm not going to let him get away with this." she says. Reggie smiles and puts an arm round her "Changing the subject, I saw Fangs and he said you've got a new tat." he says smiling. CJ smiles and pulls up her top to show him "I'm loving it, especially with the position it is in." Reggie smirks making CJ laugh slightly. "I thought you would. It was T's idea to get it there though." she explains before kissing him gently. Reggie smiles into the kiss but they are cut off when someone knocks on the door, CJ chuckles as Reggie groans. Jumping up CJ opens the door to find Sweetpea and Fangs "Hey boys, where's T?" she asks letting them in her trailer. "At Cheryl Blossom's, Clifford's will reading is tomorrow and Cheryl wants her their for her." Fangs explains making CJ freeze slightly before sitting next to Reggie, Oreo climbing onto her lap. Smiling CJ strokes Oreo's head "You guys want to watch a movie? I could use a distraction." CJ asks. "Always up for a movie." Sweetpea grins.

The next morning CJ walks out of her trailer and meets Jughead by their bikes "You ready to go see Pop?" Jughead asks. "Definitely." CJ responds climbing onto her bike. The twins ride to the diner and walk inside, sitting at a table next to each other. Pop walks over to them "Usual, Jughead, CJ?" he asks. "Not today, Pop." CJ starts. "We actually have a question for you. Did Hiram Lodge buy this diner from you?" Jughead asks. "Jughead, CJ..." Pop sighs sitting down. "The Tates have owned this diner for over years. When my ma gave me the keys, she made me promise that no matter what, I'd always keep this shop in our family. Now, I did what I needed to with Mr. Lodge but my mother's still with us, God bless. It would kill her to hear I went against her wishes. Please, Jug, CJ, can you keep this to yourself while I still have my mom?" Pop asks with a sigh "And then you can tell whoever you want." he tells them. CJ nods "Of course Pop." she tells him, making Jughead nod in agreement. Pop walks off making the twins stand and leave the diner "We can't publish this article." CJ tells Jughead. "I know, it'll break his heart." Jughead sighs. CJ runs a hand down her face "We'll have to find something else." she says with a sigh.

CJ sits on her sofa with her head in Reggie's lap "So Pop did it so he could stay open?" Reggie asks. "Yeah, we can't run the article. It'll break both his heart and his mother's." CJ tells him. Reggie nods "What next?" he asks. "Arch is meeting us at Dad and Jug's trailer. We need to head over in a few." CJ explains. "Okay so we have enough time to do this then." Reggie smiles kissing CJ. "Definitely enough time." CJ smiles sitting up and moving onto Reggie's lap. CJ runs her hands through Reggie's hair and gently tugs it as she kisses him, making Reggie groan slightly. After a few minutes the two of them pull away "We need to head over to Dad and Jug's trailer." CJ tells Reggie. "Come on then." Reggie smiles standing up with her in his arms. CJ squeals slightly before Reggie puts her down so they can head over to see Jughead and Archie. Walking into the trailer CJ sits on Reggie's lap, next to Jughead "Well? Did Pops confirm Mr. Lodge bought the diner?" Archie asks them. "Yeah, he did. But I'm sorry, I can't publish that article, Archie. It would break Pop's heart." Jughead says with a sigh. "Jug, we can't give up. I think my dad's gonna run." Archie explains. "Archie, we have talked to every possible suspect connected to the Lodges, even Mayor McCoy. They're all on lockdown." CJ tells their friend. "Maybe you've been talking to the wrong McCoy." Archie says before leaving. "What now?" Reggie asks. "We try and think of another way to beat Hiram." CJ tells him.

That evening FP walks into the trailer and sits with the twins and Reggie "Hiram's gonna beat the clock. Feels like every step we make, he's two or ten steps ahead of us. He's lapping us!" Jughead explains. "He's been winning at this game a lot longer than you three have been alive." FP responds. "Yeah, because he's been rigging the game and everyone's too afraid to come out and speak against him." CJ says. "You know, uh... There's one person you haven't asked to go on the record yet." FP tells them. "Who?" Reggie asks. "Me. You know, back in the day, Hiram asked me and the Serpents to trash the drive-in so he could buy it for rock-bottom price. We complied." FP sighs. "On purpose? You worked for Hiram Lodge?"Jughead asks. "I'll own up to that. On the record, if it'll help you bring him down." FP tells them. Just then Jughead's phone starts ringing "Hello?" he asks. "Who was that?" CJ asks as Jughead hangs up. "I have no idea. But you may not have to go on the record just yet." Jughead tells their dad. CJ and Reggie jump up and follow Jughead out the trailer. "Where we going?" CJ asks. "Bus terminal." Jughead responds, jumping on his bike. CJ copies, Reggie jumping on the back of her bike before they follow Jughead out the trailer park.

The three of them walk into the bus terminal and sit down waiting for whoever called Jughead "I haven't much time." a man says, who is sat behind them. "Are you Deep Throat?" Jughead asks. "You've been calling everyone in town for information about Hiram Lodge but not me. That's why I called you." the man tells them. "No offense, but how does a bus driver have insider information on Hiram Lodge?" Reggie asks. "I used to be someone else, someone who was privy to Hiram Lodge's personal affairs. Someone who suffered at his whims." the man explains. "What kind of personal affairs?" CJ asks. "I coordinated transportation for Mr. Lodge, sometimes out to Shankshaw Prison. He also received mail from the warden there." he explains. "Shankshaw?" Reggie asks. "That's not where Hiram Lodge served time." CJ adds. "I'm afraid that's all I have for you." the man tells them. "That's it?" Jughead asks. "And one more thing. A question. Miss Veronica, how's she faring through all this?" he asks making the three of them sigh. CJ stands up and walks out to her bike with Reggie and Jughead following her "What the hell could Hiram want from Shankshaw?" Reggie asks. "I don't know, let's go see if dad knows anything." CJ says jumping on her bike. Reggie and Jughead nod in agreement before they drive back to the trailer park.

CJ leads the boys back into the trailer "So, Hiram Lodge's master plan has something to do with your old stomping ground, Shankshaw." CJ explains. "I've tried calling the warden a dozen times but he hasn't called me back." Jughead adds. "That corrupt son of a bitch." FP comments. "Do you have any contacts on the inside that might know something?" Reggie asks him. "Yeah, War Baby. He knows everybody's business." FP responds. "Can we get in to see him?" CJ asks. FP nods "Come on." he tells them, leading them to the bikes. Reggie jumps on the back of CJ's bike and holds onto her hips as she follows her Dad and brother to Shankshaw. The four of them walk into the visiting room and sit, waiting for War Baby to come see them. "What's up, Jonesy? You want me to knock some heads in here for ya?" he asks as he picks up the phone. "No, War Baby, we need intel. You heard about anything major going on behind the scenes? Maybe to do with a guy named Hiram?" FP asks. War Baby chuckles "Hiram Lodge?" he asks. CJ nods "Yeah, why?" she asks. "He's making a private for profit prison on the south side, where the school is." War Baby tells them. "He's what?!" Reggie exclaims quietly. "That's why he's buying everything on the south side, he's turning the whole area into his empire." Jughead realises. "Thanks War Baby." CJ thanks the man before they leave the prison. "This'll work." Reggie smiles. "Hopefully. We'll print this in the Blue and Gold." Jughead agrees.

The next morning CJ and Reggie stand in the Blue and Gold with Jughead as Betty reads the article "Hiram Lodge is diabolically insane." Betty comments. "Agreed." CJ nods. "We need to show Riverdale just how insane he is." Reggie adds. "This is the best thing you've ever written, Jug. Principal Weatherbee needs to publish this right the hell now." Betty tells them. "Let's go." Jughead says. The four of them walk to Weatherbee's office and hand him the article to read. "This is quite a story, Mr. Jones." Whether we says after reading it. "Thank you, Principal Weatherbee." Jughead responds. "Unfortunately, it's not one that the Blue and Gold can print." Whetherbee continues. "Why the heck not?" Betty sis. "A malicious take-down of one of our students' parents is not the appropriate subject matter for a school paper. Now, if you'll excuse me." Whetherbee says standing up and walking out. "Come on, apparently there is an announcement happening outside the Town Hall." Reggie says. CJ nods and holds his hand as he leads her out to his car "I can't believe Whetherbee won't publish the article." she rants. "We'll find some way to stop this." Reggie says kissing her hand as he drives.

CJ stands with Reggie, Jughead, Melinda and FP as Veronica walks onto stage "Thank you all for coming. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your next mayor of Riverdale, my mother, Hermoine Lodge." she says moving out the way so her mother can walk forward. The crowd cheers as Hermione walks for award, CJ looks at Reggie in shock and anger. "Thank you, Veronica, and thank you all very much. Like many of you, I grew up in this town dreaming of a better tomorrow. For myself, for my family and for my friends and now, for the future that you all so deserve. Riverdale is one of the most dynamic, resilient communities. Riverdale cannot succeed unless all of us succeed and that will require certain sacrifices. We will also need your support. We will need your trust. We will need your loyalty. This town has endured so much these past few years. After so much adversity, aren't we all ready for a taste of prosperity?" Hermione asks making everyone cheer again. CJ rolls her eyes "Where was their prosperity and adversity what the Black Hood attacked me? Oh wait I'm a Southsider." she glares.

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