- CapeBoy The Hedgehog - The...

By CapeBoy357

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Some Years after the events of Shadow The Hedgehog some Strange Things will Happen in the Sonic Universe Turn... More

How it Started (Remastered)
After The Fight (Remastered)
Chaos Energy
a look into the Past (Remastered)
New Universes
Alternate Characters (Encore)
The Sword of Chaos
the Other Rivals of Team Sonic
Training for The World Cup
Training for the World Cup Part 2
Practice Race (Remastered)
Start and Explanation of The World Cup
the Second Race
The Truth about the World Cup
No Profit
achieving heights on own (Remastered)
Doing Something out of Metal
New Team Mate
Visiting a New Universe
The SMG4 Crew
a little Race
Metting Alternativ Selfs
The Fight between two Hedgehog's
After the Battle
Playing a little Prank
a diffrent Universe
An Interessting Fight
Godly hights
a trick in the Back Hand
An evil Couple
Knowing More About the Thives
The Plan of the Thieves
Making Progress
Tracking Down SMG3 and Desti
Finding Clues
Finding SMG3's and Desti's Base
Looking Threw The Lab
What Desti and SMG3 Are planning
Further Evolution (Remastered)
Day in Peace [who believes it at least]
The First Chaos Emerald
A New Rival (Encore)
CapeBoy joins Smash Bros
From a happy day to the Worst Nightmare
Violet's Backstory
Power of the Sun and Moon
Laying and using a Bait
Showdown! Hyperstyle!
New Upgrades
Exploring Mobius (part 1)
Sol City
Saving Lives
a new opponent
New allies
Display of Power
Pure Strength
Running instead of Fighting
Theory Explanation
Race against Time
Fighting till the Last Breath
The Beginning of the Finally
A Turn of Tabels
Final Showdown
New Ability's
Demonic Appearances [Encore]
The Lord Of The Exe's [Encore]
A Different Type of Demon
Growing Darkness
Parted Paths
The Chaos Errupts
Rival Battle Takeing Further
Time Of Judgement
The Verdict

Taiming a Lion

15 1 0
By CapeBoy357

*as Neo Metal Sonic is Looking up at the Building the Person was talking down from he spots nothing more than a Shadow*

Neo Metal Sonic: did you do all this ?!

???: *grinns evily* Of course i did~ and that was just the beginning and i wont stop until everyone i see is bleeding to death~

Neo Metal Sonic: If you think that i will allow you to do that then you will highly regret it! *he charges of the ground and charges at ???*

???: *with her spear in her hands, with incredible speed they change the Hold of the Spear in to the hold of a baseball bat and smashes Neo Metal Sonic away into the next building with tremendous speed and power*

Neo Metal Sonic: *Crashes into the Shop and there into the Glass, holding his head* holy heck I didn't even saw her move

???: whats the matter bolt brain? I though you want to stop me

Neo Metal Sonic: Dont get ahead of yourself! Chaos *he waves his hand upside down* Spear! *and a bunch of Chaos spear's are heading towards ???*

???: *spins their spear rapidly in a circel like a bay blade deflecting the spears with ease while yawning* Comon Metal Head thats alllll you got ?

Neo Metal Sonic: Now you slowly make me mad! *he jumps up to the building with tremendous speed; Flying in front of them, he holds his hand at them as it glows yellow* Chaos spear! *the spear evolves from his hand like a blast*

???: *evolves from the smoke cloud and wracks Neo Metal Sonic with their spear again and he crashes again*

Neo Metal Sonic: Dang it...She took now damage at all!

???: Im getting bored! time to finish this! *they aim the spear at him and a the tip starts to glow darkly* Say Goodbey!! *a beam evolves from it and is about to hit Neo Metal Sonic at the chest but it gets deflected to another Building which explodes there* What the!!?

CapeBoy: *has appeard with the Glow of Chaos Control and looks back to Neo Metal Sonic* Heya need a hand ?

Neo Metal Sonic: you could say so but do you got the Emeralds you wanted to get ?

CapeBoy: Of course I did was pretty fun to do so but that doesn't matter now! *turns his vision to ???*

Neo Metal Sonic: True, then enjoy yourself with this! *he starts his engiens and dissapears*

CapeBoy: *quitely* don't mind if I do

???: *looks intressted* Woooow a Member of the Race of the Hedgehogs! that's quite something i will enjoy gladly!

CapeBoy: *calls up to them* it is true that I am a Hedgehog as well but who might be ?!

???: *steps out of the Shadow, they show that they are a Hedgehog aswell* Just like you I am from the same race

???: and I am going with the Name of Violet! Violet Tsunagaru! but you wont need to remember it because you will die today anyway!

CapeBoy: *gets his Musceles warmed up* Well then I go with the Name of CapeBoy or for short Cape and as my Partner said! We wont allow the likes of you to just do what the hell they want!

Violet: then dont mind if I end your life right here and now!! *she charges at CapeBoy full of Rage*

CapeBoy: *charges at her and grabs her spear but she simply kicks at his stomach and forces him to let go of her spear and kicks him to the ground, she directly follows and was about to smash CapeBoy's head in by knocking on it with the spear like a hammer, he gets up fast looking as amused as she does by makeing steps backwards and smiling big*

Violet: *smiles* Ohhh you seem to love it to fight just like I do! Dont you

CapeBoy: indeed I do I really get fired up when I find someone who really can be a Challenge *he holds his hand to the side and in it appears his Sword of Chaos Now* Now i hope your ready for round two because i am! *aims it at Violet*

Violet:  *dissapears and appears on the ground with her spear in her hand, aiming it at CapeBoy*  then I have a task for you.... dont make it to easy for me~ 

CapeBoy:  *smiles*   Ohh dont worry I wont make it easy for you at all  *charges at her*

Violet:  *she holds her spear a way she can Block CapeBoy's Sword and sparks are starting to fly around*   I see you are strong  but lets see if  its enough  *pushes him away and stabs at him*

CapeBoy:  *counters the stabs by moving his sword to the Side, but the stabs are getting too fast and he jumps away; He cruels to a ball and spins holding his sword outside to make the spinn deadly and spinns at her*

Violet:  *spins to a ball as well and holding her spear outside and they both clash pushing each over for the advantage*

*both Move up and down till Violet finds an opening to kick CapeBoy to the ground and he hits it hard*

CapeBoy: *gets up carefully*  - Holy heck she is strong.. i maybe have no choice to evolve into the Super form -   *holds his head* 

Violet: *shakes her head as she levitates down*  I though i said that you shouldn't make it easy for me but i what can i say  you at least somewhat entrained me 

CapeBoy:  *looks up at her*  So what are you going to do now  Huh ?!  Just kill me ?

Violet:  Jep!!! thats what I am going to do!  *she aims her spear at CapeBoy and the tip of it starts to glow darkly*

CapeBoy:  ohh fudge...   - this darkness something is of about it, but that's for later i need the Super Form now -  *he closes his eyes and concentrates* 

Violet:  as it seems you made peace with yourself  then we both will see each other in the after Life!!   *a Energy Blast Erupts from the spear and makes his way towards CapeBoy and it gets Bigger as it goes*

CapeBoy:  *his fur changes from Black to golden as his Energy breaks the roof as sign of the Super Form, he rushes at the Energy Blast and kicks it in the air and it explodes there and he stands back on the ground*

CapeBoy The Hedgehog: *Form Level up: "Super Form" Level 3 *Allows him a Greater boost in Speed, Attack and Defense**

Violet: *looks in the Sky and sees the Explosion in slight fear*  W-what!  h..how!?  *looks down at Super CapeBoy*  How did y- YOU!!! 

Super CapeBoy:  *looks at her* 

Violet: ... That glow.... i though it was a Myth.. a  a Legend  ..but it is the Super From   *yells*  i demand to know how you manage to achieve that transformation! 

Super CapeBoy:  *clenches his hand to a fist*  As it seems if you want to know that you have to Force me to because I wont tell you!! 

Violet:  *Angry*  I hope you dont regret thos words!!! *she chargs at Super CapeBoy*

Super CapeBoy:  *But he charges at her first and passes past here, grabbing the end of her spear and slams her to the ground, with the impact she levitates a bit in the air, with his speed he dashes behind her and kicks her in the air* 

Violet:  *stops herself in the air*  You Fool I will finish you and This Planet!!!  *she makes her spear dissapear and holds her arms in the air in them she Charges her Final Attack*

Super CapeBoy:  *looks behind himself were he spots some citizens and Buildings* - if that his the Ground we all are done for!  i need to stop her! -  *looks back at  Violet and Charges in one hand a Attack of his own* 

Violet:  Master Breaker!!!  *she throws the Energy Blast at Super CapeBoy and its Power already starts to pulverize buildings around them*

Super CapeBoy:  Chaos Flash!!  *he shots his Energy wave at the Energy Blast and counters it and pushed back*

Violet:  No! this Cannot be!! I wont allow a lower being  to defeat me!! *she shots Energy balls at her dark attack and the Energy blast gets bigger and bigger*

Super CapeBoy:  *struggles*  - if i don't give it my all we all will be done for!!  i have no choice -   *he reaches with the one hand he has free to one of his Inhibitor rings and takes it off, only half one is enough to give him a Boost in power which he needs to over Power her attack*  

*the Chaos Flash Energy Wave overpowers the Master Breaker and and Violet gets hit by the Wave, Super CapeBoy uses the Chance and whirls to a Ball again and rushes threw the Wave and hits her in the stomach and and Crashes her into a building which finally knocks her out* 

Super CapeBoy:  *uncruels and looks down on her, the Stronger Power Still rushing threw him*

Neo Metal Sonic:  *appears with speed by Super CapeBoy, with his ring in hands, hands it to him* Did you beat her ?

Super CapeBoy:  *takes on his Ring and his Energy and goes back to normal*  I did beat her   but I wont kill her  because I have the feeling that there's something off with her  *his fur Changes back to Normal*

Neo Metal Sonic:  What do you mean with "something is off about her"  she is a killer and you tell me you show mercy to her?  

CapeBoy:  Yes Neo!  Just trust me on this one! and if i am wrong then we just end her she is weakened anyway! 

Neo Metal Sonic:  Fineeeee!! Soo whats the plan ? 

CapeBoy:  *picks her up over his shoulder*  Easy we go to the Master Emerald and  even tho the Sun's setting we would need to stay there tonight 

Neo Metal Sonic:  Allright then I take the lead then  *he already dissapears and makes his way*

CapeBoy:  *looks at Violet over his shoulder, mutters*  Lets hope I am right about this  *he takes a spring and makes his way to the Master Emerald*

*after 2 Minutes of Gliding He arrives at Angel Island and meets there with Neo Metal Sonic*

CapeBoy:  okay then  as it seem Knuckels is not around here as it seems he has gone home or something 

Neo Metal Sonic:  *shrugs*  Seems like but now lets get to the plan 

CapeBoy: allright  *he jumps and aktivates his shoes to fly and lays Violet on top of the Master Emerald*   Okay and now...  *he lands and holds his hand  towards  the Master Emerald and closes his eyes*   - Master Emerald Listen to me  grant me my wish and clean the Soul of the Person on top of you i beg you -  

*The Master Emerald start to glow and shots a beam out of its top and some Dark Energy Leaves Violet body* 

Neo Metal Sonic:  it seems it worked 

CapeBoy: *opens his eyes again*  it seems so  now we got to wait till she wakes up   *Picks her up and lays her infront of the Master Emerald, moves away from her and Crosses his arms*

[15 Minutes Later]

Violet:  *groans, wakes up slowly and Sits up right, holding her head*  W-what... happend ?  where am I?

CapeBoy:  *walks over to her*  Your on Angel Island, you were quite a Foe back then 

Violet:  W-what ?!  what are you talking about ? Who are you anyways !?

CapeBoy:  So you don't Remember huh ?   Well then i will explain everything that happend when you arrived here 

[5 Minutes after a quick Explanation]

Violet:  *looks at her hand*  Wow .. i really did all that destruction ?  Wow... i am really am Sorry and i think i cant even pay you back for what i did...

CapeBoy:  There is maybe a way for you to do so  but before that i have some questions for you 

Violet:  and those are ?

CapeBoy:  Who are you  and why were you here to begin with ?

Violet:  *closes her eyes*  allright i think  you really deserve a Explanation of my actions and you will get those 

Neo Metal Sonic:  *comes back with wood to start a Camping fire* Good that i found good wood to burn so it could be a Campfire story! 

CapeBoy:  *chuckels*

*All three Move away from the Master Emerald to the Field next to it and Neo Metal Sonic made a Fire, Both Neo Metal Sonic and CapeBoy Were Quite so Violet can Begin telling the Story*

(Dear god i waited soooo long to do this Chapter  soooo CYYAAA) 

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