false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

The next day, as Elise and her friends stand by their lockers chatting, the school door opened and saw Hunter and Tyson badly beaten. They had bruises on their cheek, busted lips, and black eyes.

" What happened to the both of you?" Blake asked. The two looked at him and Nick who was leaning by the locker with his siblings." Nothing." Tyson said walking past Blake.

Nick's eyes followed them with a look of satisfaction.

Elise looked her brother, a little smirk on her face. Nick saw Elise smirk so he smiled before walking to their class.

Later that afternoon, in the auditorium, Liv and Liam handed out the scripts to the casts.
" Starting early next year, we will be having our daily rehearsals." Liv said.

" Avery and Sean will be the choreographers as usual while Natalie and the glee club will be assigned with the playlist." Liv said.

" And lastly to announce, next week will be the start of our Christmas break." Jaycee said and everyone cheered.

" I think that's mostly it." Liv said. Everyone grabbed their bags and left the auditorium. Later on, the cheer team were practicing by the field while the football team are playing.

" Repeat it from the top." Kalani said raising her voice as the team were practicing." Kalani, we've been repeating the routine over and over. Can we have a break?!" Kendall asked.

" Not until you perfect the routine." Kalani said." Well if it's easy then do it yourself. You've been standing there doing nothing!" Kendall yelled.

" Ladies, keep yourself together." Elise came, in a cheer leading outfit." What are you wearing?" Kalani asked as she noticed the uniform Elise was wearing was the same uniform the head cheerleader use.

" Taking my position back. Obviously you don't know how to lead the team while I'm gone." Elise said, reminding the team that she used to be the head cheerleader.

" You can't just take my position away from me." Kalani said." With the reports saying you've lead the team into a losing streak for the 2 years I've been gone, you certainly don't have the qualifications continuing on leading the team." Elise said.

" And also people told me the team's performance are rather a... flop." Elise added glancing at her sisters and to the students in the field, listening to their argument.

" And another thing..... who says black people aren't allowed to join cheer?" Elise added referring to the try outs in where Kalani rejected Nia and her friends.

The girls looked at Kalani." I'm not even gonna ask why you rejected them, cause since the beginning, you are extremely racist." Elise said.

" 15 minute break." Elise said. The girls sat down by the bleachers and watched the football team.

" Are there a spot in the team for 2?" Elio asked the football team huddled up in the middle of the field.

"  Try outs are only held during the first month of school year." Bryce said." Who's the captain?" Nick asked. Max raised his hand." Can we consider?" Elio asked.

" No way. Just because Max is your sister's boyfriend, you can use it as an advantage." Noah said." Oh no, don't get us wrong. We play a fair game." Elio said.

" Either way, you can't play, bet you're too weak for the game. You live like the Royal Family, a bunch of softies." Blake said.

Nick looked at him with a glare then looking at Elio and Alex watching them from the side." Too weak and a bunch of softies..... Alright." Nick said turning to Hunter and Tyson.

" I-I think we should let them try out." Hunter said. The whole team looked at him confused." You and Tyson look scared." Greg said.

" Shut up." Tyson said." We can do the try out right now." Max said." I have extra shirts by the bleachers." Matt said.

" Ok, We'll just go change and meet you back here." Elio said patting Nick's back before walking to the bleachers, where the cheer team are sitting.

" Hi girls." Elio smiled waving at them. The girls blushed as he and Nick looked at them with a smile. Elise rolled her eyes as she noticed the girls were blushing because of her brothers.

" Are you guys seeing this?" Elise asked her sisters who nodded." See you guys later." Elio said before him and Nick went to go change.

Alex, then sat down next to his sisters and said hi to the cheer team." What are you doing here?" Avery asked." I'm the new football coach. I'll also be your P.E. teacher." Alex said.

" Principal Albi already talked to the team about me as the new coach, they were fine with it." Alex said." I heard the news that you finally replaced Kalani." Liv came with her camera.

" I did." Elise said." Finally. Smile for the camera new Cheer captain." Liv said taking a photo of Elise." Hi Mr. Alex." Liv said.

" Hey Liv." Alex smiled." New Coach, right?" Liv asked and Alex nodded." Right." Alex said." Smile." Liv said taking a photo of Alex.

Later on, Nick and Elio came back. Alex discussed the game before letting them play. Elio and Nick teamed up with Max and some of the team members against Tyson, Hunter, Noah, Bryce, Blake and other members.

Nick and Elio were leading the team as the other team were easily taken down by the two. It proved how strong, fast, and strategic they are when it comes to playing. The cheer team were cheering loud and clear for them.

Almost the entire school were watching." Your brothers are killing the game." Oliver told Elise." To be honest, I wasn't expecting them to play like this." Liam said.

" My brothers used to play football in elementary, probably they continued it till high school." Elise said." Our family always come to their games and no doubt they were MVPs." She added.

" Wonder how it feels to have a brother you can be proud of." Liv teased as the group laughed at Oliver who playfully pout." Hey, Oliver won a pizza eating contest, you should be proud of that." Cassie said then they laughed.

" Yeah, when he was 12." Liv said. The group just laughed before continuing to watch the boys play. Overall, Elio's team won. The other team were on the ground and couldn't get up. Elio and Nick removed their helmets and smiled at each other before helping the other team to get up.

Max and the others were impressed." So...what do you think, captain?" Nick asked Max." Not to sound bias at all but you guys killed the game." Max said.

" Are we in?" Elio asked. Max looked at his teammates. Some were looking away, embarrassed about underestimating Elio and Nick.

" Definitely." Max said. Elio and Nick smiled and shook Max's hand and the rest of the team." I'm sorry we doubted both of you." Bryce apologized.

" We're hanging out at S&N tonight, you guys should come. And with Mr. Alex." Noah said." What time?" Elio asked." Around 11." Blake said.

Nick glanced at Elio." Sorry boys, above 8 pm is our family time. We have a rule to spend time with our family that time." Elio apologized.

" How about after school?" Greg asked." We can work with that." Elio said. Nick just nodded." We're gonna go ahead and change." Nick said.

The cheer team were practicing and suddenly stopped when they saw Elio and Nick remove their shirts on their way to them, well, towards Avery and Natalie holding water bottles for them.

" Go take this water bottles and quickly change." Natalie handed Nick the water bottle." Girls! Snap out of it!" Elise tried to get their attentions.

" How can you not stare? They're hot." Riley said." They're my brothers, I see them shirtless around the house... and stop calling them hot. It makes me cringe." Elise said.

" Lucky." Dylan said. Elise rolled her eyes." Guys, can you please go away? You're distracting my team." Elise told her brothers.

" Sorry Cleo." Elio apologized with a smile. Him and Nick looked at the cheer team before leaving. Elise looked back to the girls." From the top." Elise said.

After school, at the parking lot." Bryce invited us at S&N." Nick told his siblings." With who?" Avery asked." Alex and the whole team." Elio said.

Elise turned to Max." They're part of the team now, it's a good time to celebrate." Max explained.

" Honestly don't care at all. So have fun." Elise said." And drive safely." She told Max." I will." Max smiled before she entered the car with Natalie and Avery.


At S&N, the whole team were celebrating." Order whatever you guys want. My treat." Alex said." Really?" Matt asked." Yeah." Alex said." Matt, must've forgot that you're a Harper." Greg teased.

The whole team laughed." So, tell us about yourselves." Bryce said." When we were kids till high school we play football, but when we entered college, we stopped and focused on studying business." Alex said.

" We've been separated from our sisters so right now, we're trying our best to gain their trust and build our connection all over again. So we do nothing else but spend most of our time with our sisters." Elio said.

" You guys are probably protective when it comes to them." Blake said." Oh trust me. We are." Nick said glancing at Tyson and Hunter.

" Whoever messes with my sisters has a lot of  consequences." Nick said." Max better watch out and try not to make a wrong move." Noah teased.

" We don't worry about Max. We trust him." Alex said." I'm glad to gain your trust." Max said." Back to the topic, why did you guys decide not to come here in West Brook with your family?" Max asked.

" We stayed with some relatives. Moved in and out of the country. Learning about our family business." Elio said." That's why Avery, Natalie, and Elise were mad at us. Because we didn't stay in contact with them." Elio added.

" You see, the 6 of us have a very close bonding. We share everything to each other and promised to look after one another. And when they moved, we broke the promise to stay in contact." Alex said.

" And now, we have a love hate relationship. It sounds normal to people who have siblings but not for us." Nick said." We're sure we'll be close again in no time. It just takes time for them." Elio said.

They talked about more stuff about the Harpers and what happens in West Brook and more as the night continues.

Heyyy guysss. It's been awhile. I'm very sorry. I apologize for not updating for weeks. Last week, monday, my Grandmother passed away. Just so you know, that's the reason I didn't have time to write and update FC. I kept promising to update very often but I can't. LMAO, I'm such a clown. But anyways, Vote Tate in 2 Juno Nominationssssss. 

Also..... Too Young To Be Sad EP!!! The EP every Tater tots have been waiting for. Tate's second EP drops March 26/27!!! I'm dying inside, waiting for the EP.

And John's new single on March 24/25!!! I Don't-Johnny Orlando!!!!!

That's all, Peace!

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