𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭...

Por kirstenenn

2.4M 54.4K 94.6K

Shy, innocent Eliza Rosier accidentally walks into rude and ignorant Draco Malfoy. Draco begins to question w... Más



22.9K 655 1.4K
Por kirstenenn


Christmas is supposed to be a day filled with joy and happiness but I can't help but feel the opposite. Instead of joy, dread swims deep inside my core. And as the sun sets, my nerves worsen. I stand in the foyer of my house, wearing the long black dress I got from Madam Malkins and with my long hair falling down my back, luckily concealing what remains of the burn on my back.

I tried my best to look as put together as possible but I didn't want to go and I'm not entirely sure why. I feel so afraid, so afraid of Noah and when he will next appear. The note has been haunting me and my nightmares, and my lack of sleep is evident in my eyes and make-up did little to conceal the dark marks.

My father readies himself, straightening his suit while my mother, who is wearing a stunning dark green dress, brings over the floo powder and holds the bag to my father. He grabs a small pinch and walks into the arch of the fireplace.

He gives us a small grin, "Malfoy Manor."


Large green flames engulfed my father's frame and he vanished into thin air, leaving dust to rustle where his feet once were.


I look over at my mother who is holding the bag to me. I'm too shocked to move, why did I not think to ask where this ball is being held this year?

"Malfoy Manor?" I ask, swallowing the thick lump of dread in my throat.

Mother looked at me bewildered, "Yes. The Malfoys are hosting the ball this year."

I figured Draco would be at the ball but I didn't think it would be held at his house. How can I avoid him in his own home? Not that I want to avoid him but our parents can't find out about us for our own separate reasons. How can I stand at a ball and pretend like he means nothing to me? How can I look him in the eyes and see no inkling of love?

"I'm not feeling too great," I say, my palms sweating, "I feel sick."

And that was not a lie.

"Don't be silly, Eliza," Mother ushered the bag toward me, "your father is waiting for us, let's go."

Knowing I had no choice I pinched a small amount of floo powder and with shaky legs, I made my way into the arch of the fireplace. I looked up at my mother and she nodded her head, smiling gracefully.

I avoided the desperate urge to say anywhere else and said, "Malfoy Manor—"

There was a beat of darkness and then I was standing in a large fireplace, my father standing in front of me. I stepped out and braced myself. It was warm inside the Malfoy Manor but the dark decor made me feel cold. And it smelled like candles and a mixture of Christmas smells, and a hint of Draco—

"I trust you to make a good impression on our family?" my father asked me, "be polite and smile and stay out of trouble."

"Of course, Father," I said quietly, almost like I was afraid Draco could hear us.

A flash of green flames and my mother was stepping out of the fireplace, my father took her by the waist and I took the opportunity to take in my surroundings. Beside us were large doors which echoed a slow tune of piano and violin. Candles flickered on the dark walls and beneath my feet was a long rug. I couldn't help but think how many times Draco walked this hallway and now I am standing on it, almost without invitation.

Did he know I would be here tonight?

"Let's go," Father announced and I walked to his side. And as three, we walked through the double doors and into the ball. I prepared myself for the worst and yet still felt as afraid as ever.


I stood with Theo and Blaise in the corner of my family's ballroom which was filled with purebloods and important families of the wizarding world. Even the Minister was here. I hated these balls and found them to be a long, tiring night. Everyone in this room loathed one another and solely kept each other as mutual acquaintances for money, power and because of the blood in their veins.

Theo pulled out a flask from his blazer and Blaise and I glanced up around the room to see if anyone was paying us any attention. Luckily no one was. We were too young to be bothered by their conversations about a great dealings of power and wealth. So, luckily for us, we could always get drunk at these horrendous things.

Just as long as we kept it quiet and discrete.

"Save some for us," Blaise muttered, glaring at Theo who was pouring the flask into his mouth. He passed it to Blaiss, a teasing grin on his lips as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand.

"Sorry, I need to stay awake somehow," Theo said as Blaise took a few sips and then passed it to me.

I took it back, enjoying the burn of the strong alcohol and with each sip, I felt more at ease.

"Parkinson is here," Blaise said, nudging Theo's arm and nodding his chin to the entrance of the ballroom.

She walked wearing a long silver dress with a high slit up the side. She walked with her parents who immediately began talking to a group of people. She greeted them and then walked towards us.

"Hello boys," she smiled at all of us and then stood on her tip-toes and kissed Theo.

Blaise raised his brows at me and took another swing of the flask.

"Look at Pucey," Blaise pointed to the center of the ballroom and my eyes made their way to the drinks table, "he is just like his father. It's like they're starved for money."

Pucey was intently talking to the minister and his daughter and I could already tell that he would be whisking her away later tonight and flirting with her until he could no longer speak. But by the looks of it, the minister's daughter seemed to be enjoying the attention.

"Hey," a soft voice spoke from behind us and I turned to see Daphne walking up to us wearing a short green dress and her hair securely pulled back into a ponytail.

"You finally escaped your mum and dad?" Blaise asked, pulling her into his side.

She smiled, "Yes, a lot of those men had a lot of questions about my academic achievements and my parents were keen to show me off. How is your half-term going?"

I took the flask off Blaise and took a heavy swing of it as I zoned out their happy catch-up. I was the only one here without my girl and something dark was twisting inside of me. I felt awfully agitated and wanted this night to hurry up and end.


I stood beside my father, almost hiding at his side. I kept looking around the ballroom but still had yet to see Draco or anyone from school for that matter. Although, I did spot Adrian who surprisingly shot me a little wave. I politely smiled back and hoped he wouldn't come and introduce himself to my parents.

"So Eliza," one of my father's co-workers, called Wyatt said, leaning closer to me, "how is school?"

"It's good," I said, smiling like it would disguise my blunt response.

"Any idea what you want to do when you complete your schooling?" Wyatt questioned.

Owning a bookshop would have been my dream but unfortunately, my father would not approve of that. It's too muggle so I said, "I hope to become a Healer."

His eyes raised, "Oh wow. That is a wonderful job, a lot of work though," he chuckled.

"I've always liked a challenge," I smiled, followed by a little laugh.

"Yes, my daughter always has her head in some sort of book," my father laughed. All fake though of course.

"She is bright, so very clever, our Eliza," My mother smiled, and of course, there was no lie in her words or smile, "we know she will make our family proud. Whatever path she chooses in life."

Wyatt smiled and then his face seemed to drop.

"I wish you well, Richard and Dianna," Wyatt suddenly said, his eyes averting behind us and I avoided the urge to turn around and see, "and I wish you all the success for your future," he said to me and then dismissed himself.

"Richard," a strong voice said from behind him and instantly my entire soul and body tensed, "long time no see."

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy stood behind us.

My father turned and shook the hand of Lucius. A strong manly handshake which almost shook the entire room.

"A lovely ball, Narcissa," my mother smiled, taking her hand softly, a sweet, delicate greeting.

"That is very kind, Dianna," Narcissa smiled, "I've been keen to host a ball and this year we were finally given the opportunity."

"It's wonderful," my mother smiled.

"The cleanup won't be wonderful," my father laughed followed by a deep laugh from Lucius.

I was almost frozen, hoping I would remain unnoticed.

"That's what the House Elves are for," Lucius chuckled, which my father found a little too amusing.

"Is this your daughter?" Lucius had turned his gaze upon me, taking a sip of his glass as he took me in. Eyes drifting down my entire body. I tensed as chills slithered up my spine.

This is the father of the boy I love and yet, he has no idea who I am.

"It is," my father said almost like he was actually proud.

I didn't break eye contact with Lucius.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"Eliza," I smiled, a quick forced smile and when he took my hand in his, shaking it softly, I hoped he couldn't tell how badly I was shaking.

"Do you attend Hogwarts?" Narcissa asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

"What year?" she questioned.

"Seventh," I answered.

"Oh, you must know Draco then?" she asked me.

I suppose you could say that.

"I do yes, we have a few classes together," I said and it was a great effort not to stutter over my words.

"How lovely," Narcissa smiled.

"Where is your son?" My father asked, it was a curious question but my father is never one to be nosey. Or maybe I was just overthinking it. I did not want this to happen, it was truly like I was living in a nightmare. I was desperate to leave, so desperate that I was eager to get on my knees and beg.

Wherever Draco is, I hope he stays there and I wish to every God that he remains far, far away from my father.


I could feel the alcohol taking its effect and I was heavily glad for it. We came out onto the balcony to get some quiet from the deafening music and chatter of the hall. The cold of the night was comforting and the loneliness of the night allowed us to talk freely.

An hour had gone by and we were running low on alcohol so we made the hard decision to go back in and attempt to secretly sneak alcohol out of the kitchens. It wouldn't be as strong as the stuff we had but it'd be better than nothing.

Daphne almost tripped as we walked back in but Blaise caught her and she quickly straightened herself before anyone could notice. She was the most drunk out of us all, the only one who seemed to be having a good time.

I was the last to walk through the door and as I closed it, Theo came up to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from turning around.

"Do not turn around," he told me.

"Why?" I asked, attempting to turn but his grip tightened.

"Do not turn around," he told me again with more desperation.

"What are you doing, Nott?" I asked.

He turned around, looking at whatever it was he didn't want me to see.

"You cannot freak out from what I'm about to tell you," Theo said.

"What is it?" I looked up at my friend with annoyance.

"Eliza is here," he said. My face dropped and I attempted to turn around again but this time he placed a hand on my other shoulder, forcing me to look at him.

"Wait, listen," he began, "she is talking to your parents."

I have never felt such dread. Such fear. Never have I wanted to punch Theo so he would let go of me.

"What," was all I could say.

Theo looked over my shoulder. I stared deep into his eyes as if I would somehow see Eliza through his stare.

"He is shaking her hand," Theo informed me, then he looked back at me, "You need to keep your calm, Draco and don't do anything stupid."

He too knew the seriousness of this.

"I have to go over there," I said, almost pleading with Theo.

"I know," he nodded his head, "but you need to calm down first. Your head needs to be clear."

"I know, I know, fuck—"

"Hey," Theo said, "calm down. She will be fine. You will be fine. Just as long as you stay calm."

I nodded my head and tried desperately to calm my breathing because I knew Theo wouldn't let me go over there until I relaxed. And I needed to go over there. Now.

"Can you tell what they are talking about?" I asked Theo.

"No," he said with a shake of his head.

I tightened my jaw and said, "Okay."

"Okay?" Theo said, asking if I was good.

I nodded my head and the moment he let go of my shoulders I turned and instantly beheld Eliza across the room. Merlin, she looked beautiful. Even from this far her beauty was mesmerizing. With each step I took, I became closer to her and all I wanted was to pull her into me and kiss her, hug her, and simply just hold her. But I could not.

She was talking to my father. The man I hated most in this world and it felt so wrong to see such an angel like Eliza talking to the devil who is my father.

As I closened, nearing her I beheld the dress she wore and my mind filled with dark thoughts. It was such a sexy dress and it wasn't even meant to be, it was a simple black dress and yet it hung to her body with perfection, hugging each curve of her body. It was going to be harder than I ever imagined. To stand in front of her and pretend like I don't want to rip her clothes from her body and send her into the heavens.

I loosened my tie, suddenly feeling hot and stiff and it was my mother who saw me first. She smiled as I quickly walked behind Eliza and her parents, catching a quick scent of the familiar sweet vanilla smell of Eliza, and stood at my father's side.

I had walked so close to Eliza that our bodies almost touched. She looked up at me as I passed and it took everything inside of me not to look her way.

"Ah, here he is," my father said, gripping my shoulder.

Eliza's father took me in and I kept my hard gaze on him, "Richard Rosier," he held his hand out to me and I shook it, a quick, strong shake.

Then I looked at her mother and she looked awfully like Eliza. It was no surprise that Eliza was so beautiful. Eliza had gotten her pretty green eyes from her mother, and just like Eliza's, hers seemed to glisten in the light too.

She smiled kindly, "Dianna," she quickly shook my hand, "Lovely to meet you, Draco," her voice was like an angel, "Eliza mentioned you have a few classes together?"

My jaw clenched again and this time, I couldn't help but look at Eliza. Oh, my sweet girl looked so frightened and I couldn't help but smile at her. It was a brisk, small smile, one that would seem like a polite greeting with no words but one to her I hoped would ease her worry.

"Yes, we do," I answered, forcing my eyes away from her.

Dianna smiled at me and she reminded me a lot of my own mother.

"It's great to finally meet one of Eliza's classmates," Richard, her father began speaking, "you see Eliza has never introduced us to a friend of hers. I was starting to worry that she didn't have any."

His laugh made me want to strangle him to death. I looked over at Eliza and noticed her shift in her stand and the way she looked away, she was embarrassed and I wondered how a father could embarrass their daughter like that.

"Oh, yes, Draco never introduces us to any of his friends either," my father said, "I always assumed it was Hogwarts and that old headmaster who doesn't allow them to have friends."

Dianna and my mother gave each other a look. A knowing look. Like they were starting to feel irritated by their husbands and their crude comments and laughter.

"Someone should check in on Dumbledore and see if his screws are all properly still intact," Richard said, a cunning grin on his face, "I mean for Merlin's sake they let an Avarias inside the school and allowed him to attack my daughter."

Richard placed a hand on Eliza's arm and I didn't fail to notice by how much she flinched at her own father's touch.

My father shook his head, "truly awful. I suspect the Avarias' have something to do with all the other attacks."

"You know, Lucius, I have been thinking the same thing," Richard said.

Eliza and I caught eyes again and I couldn't tell what was swirling around in her beautiful eyes. All I wanted to do was take her away from here. It was painful standing here and doing nothing.

Suddenly, she looked away from me and up at her father, "Could I be excused? I need to use the bathroom."

Her father gave her one nod of approval and she turned on her heel and walked away, her dress swaying effortlessly behind her. I wanted to follow her so fucking bad and it was with great effort that I stayed still. If I followed her then it would be obvious, Eliza and I were closer than they thought.

I might as well just spit it out and tell them if I did.


I could not bare to stand in the conversation any longer. The moment Draco appeared, the worry that consumed me was like nothing I have ever felt before. I knew we wouldn't be able to hide our relationship for long but I hope we could for as long as possible. It's simply easier if they don't know. I have no idea if my father would even approve and I am afraid of what he will do if he doesn't.

I make my way through the crowd and down a hallway and into the bathroom. I close the door behind me and lock it. And I start pacing the small room.

I'm afraid of what Draco might do if ever found out how my father treats me. If he will judge how dysfunctional my parent's relationship is. I fear what he thinks even though I know with all my heart that Draco loves me. I just can't control this fear.

It feels like I'm always afraid and I hate it. I'm starting to feel a little dizzy and disoriented. I'm so panicked and worked up and so tired that everything in my body feels like it's failing.

I want Draco. I want to be alone with Draco and I want to be alone with him forever.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

It's him. It's Draco. Who else would it be?

I quickly walk up to the door and unlock it, then swing it open a smile on my face.

But it instantly drops when I see who is standing only a step away from me. Who is so close to me, who is towering over me and I swear I can feel the dark magic covering me. Clouding over me like a storm.

He stepped in and I backed Into the bathroom.

This cannot be fucking happening.

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

Insta & TikTok @ kirsten.enn

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