Baby Daddy c.t.h.

By brokenscenexx

176K 3.3K 1.3K

Shaylee Ava Hemmings, twin sister of the one and only Luke Robert Hemmings. After some drunken sex with Calum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Fanfic!!!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Sequel Stuff
Untitled Part 24
Chapter 18 pt. 1
Chapter 18 pt.2
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 (For real lol)
Chapter 20
Would You?
It's Out!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
I'm Sorry...
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Sequel Shenanigans
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Pray For Paris
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Important, please read
Chapter 32
Update Soon
Chapter 33
Thank You
Fanfiction Awards

Chapter 11

4.7K 90 51
By brokenscenexx

Again, I'm super sorry for all the time skips!! I just have tons of ideas for when they get back to Australia... Thanks for all the reads you guys. I don't think you know how much I appreciate it!!

Pic at the side is the outfit she goes home in


~4 weeks later~

I sit at my bed folding up my clothes and neatly putting them back into my bag. I leave an outfit out for today and tomorrow morning. I take today's outfit and walk to the bathroom. I place the small pile on the counter and slowly start to peel my pajamas off.

Tomorrow Kimberley and I will be leaving the boys. I hate the fact that I have to leave them. Don't get me wrong, having the house to myself is going to be awesome but, I'm really gonna miss them. We had so much fun these past five months.

Calum and I shared a kiss under the Eiffel Tower our last day here, I found out I was pregnant, my best friend was with me for half of the time, Michael dyed his hair several different colors, everything was perfect.

The things I've experienced on this trip will stay with me forever. Travelling the world was the best thing ever. Especially when it was done with your brother, your boyfriend, and your best friend.

I turn the hot water on and step into the shower. I start by washing my hair, massaging my scalp with the strawberry scented shampoo. Then rinsing it out and putting the matching conditioner in my hair. I rinse that out and start to wash my body.

After I'm done, I get out and blow dry my hair. I quickly get dressed and apply a light layer of makeup. I fix my hair and place a beanie on top of my head.

I take a look at myself in the mirror and sigh. One more day, then I won't see Calum until February. It's December now, that means when I get home it'll be the summer time. Christmas is just around the corner too.

Christmas. Calum and I aren't going to be together on Christmas. Our first Christmas together as a couple, and we're not going to be together. I walk out of the bathroom and flop onto my bed.

A few seconds later, the door opens. "Hello?" Calum.

"Over here, Cal." I sigh. He walks into the room and lays down on the bed next to me.

"I have a day off today." He smiles, throwing his arms around my waist.

"Can we go to Starbucks and do something fun?" I ask him, playing with his hair, "You need a hair cut." I add.

"I know Shay." He chuckles, "We can do what ever you want, my love. We can go to Starbucks and you can get what ever you want."

I give him a weak smile, "That sounds nice."

"What's bothering you?" He asks me, holding his head up with his hand.

"We're not gonna be together on Christmas." I frown, my eyes beginning to brim with tears.

"Oh Shaylee. There's always next year. Besides think about it, next Christmas we're gonna have our own little family. Then we'll allbe together. All seven of us; Me, you, the twins, your brother, Ashton, and Michael." He tells me, wiping tears from my face.

"I know but, you only have your first once." I whisper, "And I wanted to be with you. Like really bad and now I can't." More tears begin to fall down my face.

Calum takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, "So," he starts, "what color do you think Michael is going to dye his hair next?"

I look up at him and frown, "You're really bad at changing the subject." I laugh, "But, to answer your question I think he's gonna dye it blue next."

"Why's that?" Calum asks me.

"I asked him to." I smirk. "He loves me so he's obviously gonna do it."

"I think he's not gonna listen to you and dye it... purple." He says.

"Sure. He told me he was dying it today. He said he was gonna tweet a picture tomorrow at the airport before me and Kim leave." I smile.

"What ever you say Shaylee. I still think he's gonna dye it purple." He says, getting off the bed, folding his arms across his chest and starts walking towards the door.

"Cal!" I whine, "Come back and cuddle." I make puppy dog eyes, "You were keeping me warm."

He shakes his head no and reaches for the door knob. As he opens the door, someone knocks. Before I could get up to see who it is, I hear Calum say, "Shit Michael." He pauses for a second, "You look like a fucking blue berry." I get up and laugh when I see a blue haired Michael standing in the doorway.

"What's so funny, Shaylee?" Michael asks me.

I continue to laugh but manage to get my answer out, "He didn't believe me. Not even for a second."

"You know just because your girlfriend is blonde that doesn't make her stupid." Michael says in a "duh" tone. Michael's comment to Calum just causes me to laugh more.

"How do you mange to make my girlfriend laugh more than me?" Calum asks Michael.

"What can I say?" He says, shrugging his shoulders, "The ladies love me....... they used to love Daniel too." He finishes, pretending to cry.

I walk up to Michael and hug him, "Two minutes ago I was crying. Two minutes later I'm peeing my pants because I'm laughing so much." I smile.

"What, I don't get a hug?" Calum asks me.

"Nope." I giggle, tightening my grip on Michael.

I finally let him go and the three of us cross the hall so we're in Ashton and Michael's room. I lay down next to Ashton, who I find scrolling through Twitter. Ash let's out a sigh.

"What's wrong Ashton?" I ask him.

"People are starting to find out about Bryana. People are saying really bad things about her." He says.

"Well, to be honest Ashton. She's not the best person in the world. Remember the other day when me, you, Cal, and Bryana went to the mall?" I start. He nods his head, "Bryana and I were at the food court and she called me a fat pig. Then when I told her I was pregnant, she called me a whore." I tell him.

"What?" Ashton asks in complete shock.

"I got it all on record if you don't believe me. She's really not a good person, Ash. I've seen on Twitter she's not treating fans very nicely either." I say, trying to stay calm. This Bryana girl is hurting Ashton. He's changed because of her. I honestly think she's using him.

In my totally honest opinion she's using Ashton for money and popularity. No one should ever use anyone, especially when it's Ashton. He's such a good person. He's sweet, caring, funny, thoughtful, and he's also very cute.He doesn't deserve to be used. That is if my theory is right and she is indeed using him.

I watch as Ashton's eyes begin to brim with tears. I look at him with sad eyes and give him a hug. Instead of saying anything nice, like he usually does, he pushes me off the bed, away from him. "Leave." He whispers.

I look up at him, "What?" I ask, extremely confused.

"You heard me, leave. All of you. You have no right what so ever to talk about my girlfriend like that! Do you think I care if Bryana called you a whore or a fat pig?!  'Cause I don't! She was telling you the cold hard truth anyway!" Ashton yells.

"You know what Ashton, fuck you!" Luke snaps, getting off his chair, "You don't have the right to say that to my sister, you asshole." Luke finishes, helping me get off the floor and out of the room. As Luke takes me out, I could see Michael holding Calum back as best as he could.

As the door closes behind us, Michael runs for the door and lets Calum go. Michael just makes it out the door before it closes all the way. We hear someone running down the hallway. "Whoa, what's going on I could hear Ashton yelling from the third floor." She says in between breaths.

"And why the hell is Shaylee crying? What did Calum do to her? Do I need to slap a bitch?" She asks.

"Michael, can you just take Shaylee inside? I need to explain something to Kimberley." Luke asks him, handing over the door key. Michael takes the key and nods his head, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

Michael unlocks the door and opens it for me. I murmur a little 'thanks' and go to the bathroom to wash my face off.

"And I thought today was gonna be a good day." I sigh drying my face off with a towel. I look down at the towel to find it covered in my makeup, mostly the mascara.

I place the towel back on the counter and walk out to the room. "Here." Michael says, handing me a glass of water, guiding me over to my bed. He sits down beside me and sighs.

"I thought today was gonna be a good day too." He says, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" I ask him.

"You said you thought today was gonna be a good day. Well, I did too."

"Oh, I said that out loud?" I ask him, my cheeks getting a little red.

"Yeah but hey, it's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I'll order some pizza and we could watch Netflix with Luke and Kimberley." He smiles.

"I like Netflix......... and pizza." I giggle.

"Good, why don't you get Netflix set up on your laptop and I'll order some pizza."

~3 Hours Later~

It was now 4 o'clock and we were just finishing up our 2nd movie. I laid in between Luke and Kimberley and Michael laid next to Luke. My laptop sat on my growing stomach and the two pizza boxes laid on the floor.

Every light in the room was off and the room was dark, except for the dim glow of my laptop. Scary Movie 5 goes over and I hand my laptop over to Luke. "Kimberley?" I whisper, "Can you get up for a second?"

"Why?" She groans.

"I have to pee." I tell her. She makes the shape of an "O" with her mouth and quickly gets up out her place. She helps me get off the bed and I go to the bathroom.

After I do my business, I wash my hands and dry them off. I walk out of the bathroom and find Luke missing.

"Where'd Luke go?" I ask, getting back into my spot.

"He went to go check up on Ash and Cal." Michael tells me.

I laugh, "Its been so quiet over there. I hope they didn't kill each other." Michael and Kimberley join in on my laughter.

"Guys!" We hear Luke yell from across the hall. "You might want to come and see this." We all rush out of the bed and walk across the hall. Luke had left the door open so we walked right in.

The room was trashed. The TV was off the wall, the comforters on the bed were all tangled up, any kind of utensil from the kitchen was shattered, and the boys both laid on the ground, their chests slowly rising and falling. Ashton had a small gash in his head and Calum had a black eye along with blood running down his arm. Both boys had bruises and tiny scratches all over each other.

I put my hands in front of my face. "Someone call 911. I say, breaking the silence. Kimberley quickly takes her phone from her pocket and dials the number. She quickly gets an answer and explains the situation.

Five minutes later she's off the phone with operator. "Ambulances will be here in ten minutes."

I run out of the room and head back to my room instead. I quickly find my pajamas and put them on. Why would they do this? They're best mates and because of me, they started to fight. I knew I should've kept my mouth shut. God, I'm stupid.

After I get my pajamas on I crawl underneath the warm covers of the bed. I close my eyes and feel someone climb into bed with me. The person pokes my back.

I slowly turn around to be faced with Kimberley. "You okay?" She asks me. I shake my head letting a few more tears slip from my eyes.

"Hug?" She whispers. I nod my head she wraps her arms around me in an awkward hug.

"I love ya girly." She whispers.

"I love you too." I smile, slowly falling to sleep.

~~Next Morning At The Airport~~ 

This morning I found at Calum and Ashton were okay except they needed some stitches. Other than that they were fine. We were all at the airport, saying our goodbyes. Of course, being the emotional hormonal pregnant woman I am, I was balling.

"I don't want to leave you guys." I whine.

"We don't want you to leaver either Shay but, you don't want to go into labor on the plane now do you?" Michael laughs.

"Shush you." I say, giving Michael a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Hemmings." He smiles, breaking the hug and places his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm gonna miss you too Clifford. " I smile, giving him one last hug. I get to Ashton and on the outside, I really wanted to not say goodbye to him but, on the inside if I didn't say goodbye I would feel really bad.

So, we exchange an awkward goodbye and I move onto Calum. He quickly embraces me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much baby." He mumbles.

"I'm gonna miss you too Cal. Listen, do me a favor and try not to beat up anymore band members?" I laugh. He waves me off and places a kiss on my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Cal." I sigh, "I'll see you in February." I smile.

"See you in February." He smiles and gives me one last long hug.

I saved the best for last and moved onto my brother. "Lucas." I sigh.

''Shaylee." He mimics. Before I could say anything Luke pulls me into a hug. "I love you Shay." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too, Luke." I whisper back.

"We're gonna miss you." He says, pulling away from the hug.

"I'm gonna miss you guys too but, its for the best. Besides when you get back your little niece and nephew will be at home waiting for you." I smile, tears starting to brim my eyes.

"I'm not gonna be there when they're born though." He pouts.

"Luke, by the time you get home they'll probably be like 3 days old. You wouldn't be missing much." I say, trying to brighten the mood.

"Yes I would. I would be missing the first three days of their lives. I wanna be there the first time they open their eyes." He says, starting to cry. 

"Please don't cry Luke." I say pulling him into another hug.

"I'm not," he says, "my eyes are sweating." I laugh at his comment and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Flight 143 to Sydney, Australia is now boarding." The lady on the intercom announces. We break away from our hug and get into one big group hug.

"I love you guys, enjoy being baby free while you can." I laugh, causing the boys to chuckle a bit.

"We love you too, Shay." Ashton says.

"We'll miss the both of you very much." Michael adds.

"It was interesting having Kimberley on tour with us. She's an odd but unique person." Luke laughs. We all join in on the laughter and tear the hug apart.  

"Well, we have to go now." KImberley says.

"I guess we do." I sigh. I smile at all of them and give them one last wave goodbye. These next two months better go bye quick or I'll surely die.


That's it for this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it!!

This was very poorly edited it.

Love You Guys xxx

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