The Sun And The Moon T•M•R

By classicallycomplex

1M 28.7K 48.1K

Tom Marvolo Riddle was the moon. Aurora Dahlia Blossom was the sun. His sunshine. well that's what he liked t... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
i have question
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
just some cool fan art i found
Chapter 7
casting i guess
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13*
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27*
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an update
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
hey guys
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

chapter 41

8.9K 282 495
By classicallycomplex

The apartment was silent when they arrived.

Tom had grew impatient with Auroras slow stumbling walk and ended up hooking his arms under her legs and carrying her close to his chest.

He walked through the apartment silently the only sound was the ticking of the clock in the living room and Auroras occasional babbling whispers due to her intoxication.

He gently set her down in the bed and went to the kitchen to grab the biggest jug of water he could find. He came back and put a silencing spell on the room just to make sure Aurora didnt wake the other girls.

"Aurora" he whispered tapping her arm. He told her to drink atleast 5 glasses.

He sat on the edge of the bed as she guzzled the water down. He kept flexing his hands, jaw clenching and unclenching form everytime he thought about him.

How badly he wanted to rip him off of Aurora, his filthy hands running over her waist, his body close to hers. How much restraint it took him to not manually wrench his head from his neck.

Aurora set down the glass her hand ghosting across her temples as she groaned a little in pain.

"Fucking hell how much did I drink" she muttered angrily blinking fast as if she was feeling dizzy.

Tom shifted a little infront of her. "How many fingers am I holding up? He asked holding up 7. Aurora squinted through her eyes. "Seven" she murmured rubbing her head.

"How'd you know were i was?" She asked softly. "I have my ways, dont worry about it" he dismissed.

Aurora sighed softly "was it Domminc or Lucia?" Se asked her voice sounded slightly disappointed.

"None actually. It was Lucius" he answered simply. "Lucius! Why that son of a bitch I'm gon-" "Aurora, Aurora stop" Tom demanded as she tried to et out of the bed towards the door.

She hesitated for  moment before she sunk back down into the bed. She grumbled angrily under her breath floping back against the pillow, Tom couldnt help letting  his eyes wander across the skin of her bare stomach, her top had ride up to just below her breasts.

Aurora opened her eyes catching him. "Enjoying the view?" She snapped Tom looked up at her, a small devious smirk settled in his face.

"Hmm very much but I was wondering wher the other half of your clothes went" he said. Auroras jaw dropped slightly.

"are you... slut shaming me?" She hissed a slight tone of amusement in her voice. Tom shrugged "I never said that, I dont care what you wear" he stated nochantlly.

"Yeah you shouldn't, it's my body" she said. Tom moved slightly closer to her his arm on the other side of her body do he was leaning over.

"But I do care who you let touch that body" he growled his breath hitting Auroras face as an angry scowl took over his face.

Aurora groaned "what are you going to do about it? Throw a temper tantrum?" She spat one eyebrow raising challengingly.

Tom chuckled humorlessley. "No, I won't do anything to you because you arent my wife yet, I have no power or say in what you do... but the other guy.." he said danger lacing his tone

. Aurora grabbed his by the collar of his black shirt. "Don't you dare" she seethed. Tom laughed against her pathetic attempt of aggression when she was still half drunk and underneath him.

"I won't darling" he smirked sitting up again. "But only because I don't like it when your angry at me" he said his voice slightly softer.

His hand traced over her face pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Go to sleep" he murmured before he stood up from the bed about to walk out.

"Tom" Aurora called grabbing his wrist to stop him from leaving. He turned back round raising an eyebrow an supprise.

"The-... the dream has been getting worse lately...they're-.. they're better if I'm not alone" she murmured her eyes flicking away from his as if embarrassed.

"You... you want me to stay?" He asked softly. Aurora pressed her lips into a firm line. "...yeah" she whispered.

Tom paused for a second "...alright" he said softly. She let go of his hand as he walked d away towards the other side of the bed.

"Wow wow wow what are you doing?" Aurora asked sitting up. Tom looked at her confused. "Going to... bed" he stated cautiously but still confused.

"What? No you-" "you asked me to stay!" "Yeah on the sofa Tom! Your still a serial killer!" Aurora protested. Tom looked at her as she had just suggested him to wear his shoes as a hat.

"You must be joking" he hissed, Aurora stared him down determinedly. Tom rolled his eyes and angrily grabbed the throw at the end of the bed stalking over to the sofa mumbling inaudible cuss words under his breath.

He lay down on the sofa. "You are intolerable sometimes" he called up to her as he settled down in the sofa.

He raised his head when he felt a force hit him on the back of the head. He turned around a deadly look on his face.

"Did you.. just throw a pillow at me?" He asked slowly. Aurora smiled sweetly down at him from the bed.

"It slipped" she smiled shrugging. Tom took a deep breath. "You...are such a child" he hissed. " if I'm a child your a pedophile" she sang tauntingly.

Tom groaned "I hope you choke on your own saliva" he said adding a sardonic smile at the end.

"Hope you swallow you own tounge darling" Aurora smiled again. Tom glared at her before laying back down on the sofa agian.

He felt another thud in his head.

"Aurora I dont need another fucking pillow!"


Aurora didnt dream of the awful nightmare she regularly had of her parents death that night.

Maybe it was soemthing in her self conscious that had been triggered from Tom being away for so long then being there.

His scent invading the room, his words being last thing she heard before diving into her slumber. She didnt know what it was but she found her mind wandering back to the first day they met.

Aurora had seen Tom riddle before. He wasnt a boy that went un missed.

She heard the other slytherin girls gossiping about him, how tall he was, how flustered and giggly they'd get if hed ask them to pass an ingredient in potions.

She had seen his in the corridors before or in the potions class he was always top of.

There had been very little words exchanged between the two, the first day was in 4th year when she had spotted Regulus speaking to Lucius and Tom in the corner of the common room.

She had walked over quickly placing her hands on the back of Regulus's shoulders.

"Sorry boys mind if I steal him for a sec?" She asked with a perfect smile

. Tom had glanced at he briefly and dismissively at first. But then his eyes travelled back quickly in a double take and he recognized her as the girl he had, had his eye on for a while.

The one who was determined enough to get on the slytherin quitich team despite John Alson's obvious sexism, that she managed to become one of the best on the team.

The girl who was always hanging around with the black brothers and falling asleep in the back of class.  The girl that he had seen multiple times sitting in the common room with a blue covered tatty old book nos deep looking so invested.

She struck Tom's interest for some reason he did not know. "Of course, but only if you stay in his place" Tom said to her smoothly a charming smile gracing his features. Aurora scoffed with a small smile rolling her eyes.

" nice try, come on Reg" she said grabbing onto his hand. "Arent you even going to tell us your name?'" Tom asked with a wicked smirk.

Aurora turned back at him her smirk matched dhis own in level of mischief.

"That wouldnt be much of a challenge now would it?" Then she was gone dragging Regulus along with her.

He had then saw her again at Aries Rosiers party.  She was standing by the champagne fountain swaying lightly to the music playing so the skirt if her purple dress moved a little watching couples twirl  on the dance floor.

"Are you going to tell me you name now?" Tom whispered into her ear.

She jumped turning around with a slightly annoyed face, but it broke into a small smile when she saw it was Tom.

"You scared me" she said with fake annoyance a small smile on her lips. Tom couldnt help himself admiring how pretty she was.

And he couldnt understand how the boys back in slytherin didnt speak of her more often. Then again he still didn't know her name.

They always talked of Narcissa Black and Nancy Rolen.

He had remembered one day she had walked into the common room while a couple of them had been discussing girls, Tom had just been sitting back watching he didnt converse in such immature manner.

Her name had been briefly mentioned but he couldnt remember it all he remembered as Lucius malfoy saying she was too lippy, Luke Parlson agreeing saying she didn tone how to behave in a mans presence.

Tom never understood that concept, why would they want someone who was small and quiet? Like a doll. What was the fun in that? What was the challenge the interest?

Sure obedient girls where good for one night but soon became boring that was probably how he had gone through half of the slytherin girls and the occasional ravenclaw already and he was only 15 .

He admired her a little longer, she didnt really look like Narcissa or Nancy. She didnt even look like the other stereotypically pretty girls he knew.

Her features where sharper her jaw, her chin, and her nose. It matched her prominent  cheekbones.

Her skin was pale nearly white, lips red eyes a prominent jade green that nearly looked un natural.

Hair so dark it could be mistaken as the night itself. She was beautiful in a unique way nearly mythical like how you would imagine a nymph. 

She was tall aswell, probably about 5 7" or 5 8"  which wasnt a problem to Tom whi stood at close to 6 6" but apparently to the other boys he had heard it wasnt "feminine".

He thought it was rather pathetic their masculinity was threatened by such a small thing as height. Models where tall for a reason.

"That was the point love" he teased. Aurora rolled her eyes playfully the corner of her lips quirking up slightly.

Tom's eyes caught on a approaching figure, with wild curly hair and a sadistic smirk permanently dancing on her blood red lips. Bellatrix Black.

He looked back down at Aurora, "dance with me?" He asked extending his hand. Aurora ran her tounge over her teeth smiling wickedly.

"And why should I do that?" She asked mockingly. Bellatrix was drawing closer and her eyes where darting between Tom's and the back of Auroras head. Tom sighed and swallowed his pride.

"Please, Bellatrix Blacks coming over and she wont leave me alone all night" he said. Aurora raised her eyebrows.

"Woah never expected for the great Tom Riddle to be begging me for a dance" she smirked but accepted his hand.

Tom let our a small sigh of relief as he led Aurora onto the dance floor slipping his hand onto her waist the other into hers as she placer her own hand on his shoudler

He pulled her in a little closer than the other couples, she raised an eyebrow in question and Tom just shot her a cunning smirk.

"You still havent told me your name" he said softly his breath fluttering against her cheekbone. Aurora smiled up at him tipping her head to the side.

"Guess" she smiled. Tom chuckled softly "seriously, there are millions of names" he laughed softly.

"Well then I guess we'll be dancing forever then" Aurora said softly. "I think I'd like that" Tom whispered moving a piece of her hair behind her ear.

He smirked at the small blush splashed across her cheeks and he dragged his finger over it till it met her hand again.

"Emily?" He asked. Aurora shook her head. "Okay.. what about Laura?" "Nope" she smiled. "Charlotte?" "No.." "Mia?" "No"

"Margret?" "Margaret! What no" she laughed "what? It's a common name" he protested "yeah in 1940" she giggled.

"Okay... give me a clue?" He asked "it begins with A" she answered. "A... what about Anna?" "No its longer" "Annabell?" "No" "Antoinette?" She shook her head laughing at his attempts "Ariel?"

"Muggle disney princesses now hm? Well you are getting closer" she laughed.

Tom's eyebrows scrunched slightly thinking "Al-" "Aurora!" Both there heads turned towards the source of the shout to see a tall older women with short ginger hair cut in a long bob wearing a deep blue dress with a lot of golden jewelry.

Aurora lifted her hand waving at the women so she caught her eye to let her know she was fine. The women gave a small wave back looking relieved she was okay before walking away.

"Who's that?" Tom asked watching as the women disappeared into the crowd. "That's my Aunt" Aurora answered.

"i live with her my parents died when I was very young"  she said her voice had the slightest hint of hurt. "Mine too" Tom said. Auror nodded her head softly.

"So... Aurora?" He asked smiling a little at her. "Yes Tom?" She asked with a smug smirk. "Aurora what?" He asked again.

"Aurora Dahlia Blossom" she answered. "Beautiful..." Tom murmured as they continued to sway softly to the music. Auror felt her cheeks warm up slightly again.

"Well...hello Aurora Dahlia Blossom, I'm Tom Marvolo Riddle" he said his smirk still in place.

"Nice to meet you Riddle" she smiled. "You can call me Tom Darling" he laughed softly.

"And what if I dont want to?" She teased "well I'd be very offended" Tom pretend to be insulted. Aurora laughed "you wouldnt want to hurt my feelings now would you?" He asked as his charming grin returned.

"No... Tom"  she said softly her lips curving a smile. "Do you know Aurora in latin means the dawn?" Tom asks as his grip on her waist tightened a little pullig her in closer.

"No, I didn't know" she answered.

Well you learn something new ever day... Sunshine".


Aurora awoke first after ther dream had melted into a deep darkness for the rest of the night.

She groaned as her head throbbed when she tried to shift. She touched her temple lightly as she forced herself to sit up and walk to the bathroom.

She let out a small sigh as she realized she was still in last nights makeup, her eyes now smudged black with mascara her lipstick smeared to her chin.

She held her head as she fumbled for a towel and headed to the shower turning it on. She le ther clothes fall and stepped in devouring the sensation of the hot water hitting her skin.

When she was finished she left ther clothes kn the bathrooms laundry basket that elves would come and collect and headed back out into the room with only a towel and damp hair.

She stopped when she saw a figure on the sofa. She didnt recall bringing anyone home all she remembered was dancing with a blonde man.

But this man wasnt blonde, he was brunette and shirtless lying with his back to her. She peered over and soon realized who it was with a small huff.

Her eyebrows furrowed a she tried to remember what had happened. Did they sleep together again? Was there a fight? She picked up the pillow from the opposite sofa and hit him hard with it.

"Ow, fucking hell" he cursed his voice still strained from sleep making it deep and croaky.

He sat up a little gazing around through tired eyes to find out what had hit him and they landed on a dripping wet Aurora.

"Stop throwing pillows at me" he hissed snatching it from her hands. "Why are you in my room?" "What do you mean why am I in your room? Do you not remember last night?" He asked confused.

Auroras eyes widened a little and she paused. "Did-... did we..." "fuck?" He interrupted with a smirk as his eyes travelled up and down her body.

She cowered back slightly into her towel and snapped her fingers in his face. "Well?" She asked, Tom's eyes met herself again.

"You think I'd take advantage of you when you where drunk?" He asked with a mocking pain in his voice.

Aurora rolled her eyes "just answer the qustion" she sighed.  "No, i took you home from that filthy club you disappeared to when you where grinding up against some sweaty muggle and where nearly to drunk to stand" he explained looking slightly frustrated.

"...oh" she muttered "oh" Tom mimicked. "Why where you there?" Tom demanded his voice held that slight spark of annoyance that Aurora knew all to well could grow in a blazing fire of rage.

"Why where you following me?" She bit back. Tom clenched his jaw, "i don't need your permission to do things Tom" she snapped turning around the search for clothes.

Tom stood up a followed her to her drawers as she pulled out clothes. "Maybe, but I don't appreciate finding my fiance throwing herself at some scummy surfer" he spat.

Aurora sighed clutching her clothes to her chest. "Why is it we always argue when I'm only in a towel" she asked rhetorically pushing past him to go behind the changing screen.

" you can't just expect me to be okay when you decide your just going to get to and leave out of know where. Cant you atleast let me know where you are?" Tom sighed angrily standing outisde of the screen.

"Why so you can send a pack of your litte body guards to baby sit me?" She called as she threw on her clothes adjusting them till they where comfortable.

"As i said before Tom, I dont need your permission, i dont owe you shit I'm 21 years old i can do want I want when I want" she said as remurged from the screen dressed in a simple black oversized button up tucked into her jeans.

"I dont need you" she smiled sarcastically poking his bare chest. Tom scoffed loudly.

"I'm so sick of you saying that" he seethed his eyes growing darker. "Why truth to heavy?" She spat back.

"You would break without me" Tom threatened taking a step forward toward her.

Auroras eyes turned into a harsh glare. "I dont need you, I never needed you. I'd be better off without you" she snarled. 

"oh dont give me that bullshit again Aurora." Tom scoffed again.

"What would you do if I just let go hm? Are you just gonna leave go live your normal life in your normal house with your normal friends?" He asked patronzingly hisnface getting closer to hers in a threatening manner.

He saw her eyes flicker with self doubt for a second or maybe it was fear.
"Your trying to fucking fool yourself but we both know that you need me. So you try to move on and sleep with as many men as you want but I know your imagining it was me." He laughed bitterly with devious smirk.

"Stop it Tom"  aurora growled like a warning. Tom's smirk grew even more wicked as he leaned in closer to her his breath cascading over her features. "I know your imagining it was me touching you"

"s-stop"  she murmured trying to take a step back but ran into he drawer behind.

"is it because I'm the only one that can make you feel good? You know I bet you've said my name while another one of those unworthy bastards was inside you." He sneered his hands resting on the ledge on the drawer trapping her between them like a caged animal.

"I said shut up!"  She ordered her voice nearly sounded slightly scared under her fierceness.

"Do you want to know why you do that?" He asked sardonically.

"Becuase it doesnt matter how many times you tell me you hate me, or you try to convince yourself that I'm the villain. Becuase self consciously you know you'll never truly hate me. Becuase your mine. Your soul belongs to me. It doesn't matter how many times you try to convince yourself you dont need me, your body will still always yearn for me and only me" he declared his with a satanic like grin it would send goosebumps up your spine.

  "Tom shut the fuck up!"  Aurora yelled shoving him hard by the chest causing him to stumble back a little so she was free from his hold.

She stormed away from him. "Why? The truth to hard for you sweetheart!"  He yelled back. He came back to her facing exactly infront.

Her face was set and stony matching her icing glare. "You don't know what your talking about" she hissed but let her gaze down at their feet. 

Tom chuckled tauntingly. He grabbed her gently by the chin tilting her head up to look him in the eyes. "look me in the eyes... and tell me I'm wrong..."  he challenged.

Aurora paused for what seemed like a long moment, the only sound was the noisy silence and soft tick of the clock in the corner. "...your wrong"  she whispered a lethal poison lacing her words.

Tom chuckled once again.".... I'm never wrong sunshine" he whispered back.

They glared at one another for a moment. "Get out" Aurora ordered.

Tom took a slow step back, paced steps toward the door. "Theres a dinner tomorrow night, with Mr and Mrs Leech. Your presence is required" Tom said  before he left.

"But I dont want to go" Aurora snapped crossing her arms defensively.

Tom shrugged "neither do I, but no one says no to the minister"

Hey guysss
Hope this chapter was okay and you enjoyed it I'm meant to be doing history google classroom rn but Its sooo boring

So I have a question.... what's your thoughts on a prequel to the book? Like after this one is finished a book based on Tom and Auroras relationship and Hogwarts. It would be alot more based on the mauraders and Regulus and be a lot more light hearted in the beginning

Anyways hope your all safe I love you

~Lizzie <3

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