Book Two - Just Enjoying My L...

By LisaStanbridge

87.7K 2.5K 351

Book Two of The Price of Love Series (Book One is titled 'In Love With Mr Wilson') Entering a new relationsh... More

A message from meeeee :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6a
Chapter 6b
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

Chapter 4

2.8K 92 8
By LisaStanbridge

Hello again! Here is chapter 4 - thanks for your continuous support and I hope you enjoy!


It’s probably the quickest lovemaking session we’ve ever had. That said, it’s most definitely the most exciting. By the time it’s over I’m leaning against the wall trying to get my breath back. Sam is grinning at me as he changes and I can’t help but blush under his gaze.

“Well that’s worth remembering.” Sam says with a wink. “Perhaps we should do it again.”

I manage to push myself off the wall and fix my clothes up. I kiss him then say, “Perhaps we should. Now let’s get back out there before some poor blighter wets himself.”

Sam opens the door a crack and checks that the coast is clear then walks out. A few moments later I follow suite and am just about to sit down when one of the other passengers gets up and powerwalks to the toilet. Sam notices this and he chuckles quietly. I giggle and sit back down in my seat. I’m about to settle down when the hostess approaches me again. She has a look of annoyance on her face and I get a sudden gut feeling that she’s twigged. I glance across at Sam and he just winks at me. He’s so immature.

“May I get you anything, Miss?” She asks in a strained voice.

Yep she’s definitely twigged! Oh well, it’s not her job to tell us off.

I smile at her sweetly and say, “Another wine please, the same as before.”

She gives a curt nod and walks away. I look back at Sam again and his shoulders are shaking as he laughs silently. Suddenly a male hostess approaches Sam. Even from where I’m sitting I can tell he’s gay and his stance clearly indicates he’s flirting with Sam. I can’t help but gasp then I start giggling uncontrollably. Suddenly I start choking on my saliva and can’t stop coughing and spluttering. My own personal hostess arrives with my wine and I take a huge gulp to try and stop the coughing.

“Would you like anything else, Miss?” The hostess asks with an evil glare.

Suddenly it dawns on me. She has had her eye on Sam from the beginning. She’s not annoyed at what we did, she’s annoyed that we’re an item and she knows it. Maybe she’s part of the mile high club too? She probably gets it on with all the male first class passengers. My guess is she sent the male hostess out on purpose. Do I really look that gullible?

Finally I say, “I’d like a bottle of wine that I can share with my boyfriend if I’m allowed. Perhaps it you can put in an ice cooler for me?”

The look she gives me confirms my suspicions. She nods curtly again and walks off. The male hostess leaves at the same time. I instinctively know she’s given him ‘the look’ to tell him to follow her. As I watch them disappear I can hear stifled whispers coming from them. I stand up and go back to Sam. The first thing I notice is how pale he suddenly looks.

“I see you have an admirer.” I remark with a smirk. “Is he your type?”

Sam visibly shudders and I giggle. He pulls me down to him and kisses me.

“You’re my type.” He says once we pull away. “If another gay man ever hits on me again I’m going to punch him.”

I stand up again and go back to my seat. By this point my hostess is returning with my wine. She still looks put out and this time doesn’t even look at me. It’s only then I notice Nancy is awake and watching TV. She grins at me and removes her headphones.

“My parents didn’t tell me they put us in first class!” She exclaims. “Isn’t this just perfect?”

“It sure is. You should heck out economy, we’re treated like royalty here.”

“I know, I’ve flown economy before. Have you checked out the bathrooms? They’re amazing!”

I can’t help the blush that creeps up my neck. I quickly nod but Nancy notices. That’s so typical, she notices everything!

She gasps and starts giggling. “You’re not telling me -”

She’s giggling so much she can’t even finish her sentence. Since I can’t deny it I just shrug and nod. I notice Sam smiling smugly, not at all embarrassed by it. I wish I was as easy-going as he is.

“Seriously, you two just can’t wait a few hours can you?”

“A few hours?” Sam says. “This flight is twenty-four hours long.”

My face is beet red by this stage. “You guys, let’s just get off the topic.”

“No way!” Nancy says. “I’m impressed, Em. You’re turning it somewhat of a rebel!”

I can feel my blush deepen. Nancy and Sam laugh at my expense and I just sink back down in my seat. It shouldn’t be embarrassing but for some reason it is. This whole thing is still new to me I guess. While Nancy and Sam talk, I put on a movie and settle down in my uber comfortable seat. It’s so nice to be able to lie down completely and snuggle in with a movie. I really feel for those in economy though. How uncomfortable! Maybe I should be a kind person and give up my seat for someone in economy?

It only takes me a second to make up my mind. I’m really not that kind, I’m quite happy in my first class luxury. As I watch the movie in front of me, I can feel my eyes closing again. This time I don’t try to stop them. I’ve had my fix of Sam for a while so I should be able to sleep soundly.

What feels like hours later I wake up and stretch. Checking the time I notice it’s only been a couple of hours. And this is supposed to be a 24 hour flight? God there’s still another 16 hours to go! I’m going to go insane! Adjusting my seat to the upright position I look to the left and right of me only to see that Nancy and Sam are both sleeping. Great, now what am I supposed to do? I should have brought something to do but I didn’t really think of it. Picking up the remote for the TV I start flicking through the movies. Most of them are pretty crappy really.

Finally I find a movie that looks tolerable and sit back to watch it. Half an hour in the hostess reappears with drinks. I wave a dismissive hand and she walks away snobbishly. I’m not trying to be rude but seriously, we’ve been flying for 8 hours and I’m over it. Yes ok I slept for most of that time but there’s not much else I can do from now on.

I begin thinking about our holiday. Our first stop is London where we’ll meet our connecting flight to Madrid. We won’t get to see any of London at our first stop but it has been scheduled as our final stop where we can sight see then. Sadly that will be where I’ll have to say goodbye to Nancy. That thought saddens me immediately and I push it out of my mind. I just have to keep telling myself that we have six weeks together.

Once we arrive in Spain, we’ll meet up with the rest of the group from the tour. I really am excited about visiting Spain. I’ve never really thought much about it but the men are hot! Ok perhaps I shouldn’t be thinking that when I’m with Sam but seriously, I can’t help it. I’m certain he’ll be eyeing off the Spanish ladies.

Giggling to myself I adjust to a more comfortable position and start daydreaming about hot Spanish men. If they all look and speak like Antonio Banderas or Rafael Nadal I’ll be in my element. There’s no way I will ever cheat on Sam, he means too much to me. That said I can’t help but look, it’s just instinct.

Almost as if on cue the next movie appears on my screen and I started giggling uncontrollably. It has to be Puss in Boots of all movies and it comes on just as I’m thinking about Antonio Banderas. God his voice is so sexy. I wonder if I’ll meet him in Spain?

Fat chance of that, Emily. He’s in Hollywood!

Yes ok, I’m stupid. My jetlag is already starting to kick in. Regardless of how sexy Antonio’s voice is, I’m really not in the mood for Puss in Boots. I’m not a real animation movie type of girl. They’re cute but they’re not me. I like actual movies with actual actors. I’ll watch pretty much anything as long as it had a good storyline.

Ok, what else can I think about? I’ve thought about Spanish men but that’s a bit boring now. What else can I think about? I’m so bored! There really is nothing good on TV and I just want to do something that’s going to pass the time quickly. Perhaps I’ll get drunk? That’ll be fun.

No! Bad move, Emily! Remember last time?

Yes I do remember last time. Ok so it was a little crazy but there’s only so much crazy I can do on a plane. At least if I get drunk I can have a bit of fun and perhaps I’ll pass out and sleep for the rest of the flight. Right, it’s a plan. God I’m really going to regret this, aren’t I? Oh well.

I’m just about to order a drink when Sam stirs next to me. He sits up and looks across at me with a grin.

“How far are we into the flight?” Sam asks.

Glancing at the time on my screen I notice I’ve managed to pass another hour by daydreaming. “Nine hours. I’m so over this! I was just considering getting a drink, how about it?”

He winks at me. “Sounds good but I’ve got a better idea to pass the time.”

I raise my eyebrows at him. “Really?”

“So are you up for it?”

Nodding eagerly I jump out of my seat and disappear into the bathroom. It is probably a good thing that he is as eager for sex as I am. It’s not easy being a teenager at this current point in my life. I’m not going to deny it, I like sex. A lot. At the same time I’m not ever going to be a floozy and sleep with any man just to get some. It’s just convenient that Sam is as eager as I am. It’s a win, win situation. I had to go long enough without it while I was waiting for Sam so I’d do it again if I had to. I’m just glad I don’t need to.

A few seconds later Sam sneaks in. He locks the door and turns to face me with a twinkle in his eyes. My stomach flutters at the look, the feeling I always get. I can’t believe how in love I am with him.

He pulls me close and holds me just for a moment. He always manages to make me feel so safe and loved. For a fleeting moment I get that feeling again. The uneasy feeling of whether this whole thing between us is going too fast. I love Sam, I really do but what if I was just too eager?

Shut up, Emily!

No, not this time. Last time I put it down to being overtired but this time I have no excuse. I’m just -


Yep that’s it, I’m just jetlagged. My mind is playing tricks on me again. I love Sam, we’re doing things couples do. I told myself during the last few weeks of high school that there was nothing wrong with doing things as a couple. I’m sticking to that, I am not going to be like those other teenagers who can’t make up their minds.

Sam starts nibbling at my neck but I’m suddenly not in the mood. Since when am I never in the mood? Well that’s obvious, only since I started thinking negatively about us.


I pull away but don’t look at him. “Sam, I’m sorry. I’m just -”

The silence is too long. As much as I don’t want to look up I can’t help it, I still do. The first thing I notice is the look of frustration on his face.

The look quickly disappears and Sam smiles at me. “Don’t be sorry, I understand.”

I’m such a cow. What I just did is totally uncalled for on my part and now I feel so wretched.

“I really am sorry. I think I’m just really jetlagged.”

Lame excuse, Emily.

He strokes my cheek and smiles genuinely. “It’s ok, Emily, really.”

I look up at him through my lashes and smile seductively. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.”

He grins this time, any frustration he once felt seems to be gone. “I’m going to hold you to that. C’mon, let’s go back out.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

He sneaks out and I lock the door after him. I lean against the door and slowly slide down it until I’m sitting on the floor. What is wrong with me? Where has this sudden lack of enthusiasm gone? Before school ended I was so eager to be with Sam but now something just isn’t right. I don’t feel that usual beat of excitement when I see him, as was evident when we left first thing, now suddenly I’m not in the mood for sex. This is just so not me! Yes I know I initially put it down to being overtired and now jetlag but something in the pit of my stomach tells me it’s more than that.

Did we rush into it too quickly after school? No, not possible! I was so sure of what I wanted and so was he. That is not a possibility. This is what I think. I think the holiday was a bigger shock than I expected and it just hasn’t sunk in yet. As soon as we arrive at our first destination and have done some sightseeing I’ll be fine. It has only been a few days after all. There is nothing wrong. I love Sam, he loves me and we’re going to be together forever.

See? Everything is fine.

Then why the hell do I feel so anxious?

Ah well that’s simple. It’s me! I overanalyse remember? I overanalyse EVERYTHING. It’s a very bad habit of mine. I just need to go with the flow and let life take its course.

Taking a deep breath I stand up, splash my face with water and exit the toilet. I feel so drained after that little pep talk. I really shouldn’t have deep and meaningful conversations with myself when I’m travelling.

Sitting back down in my seat, I flash Sam a smile then sit back and watch Puss in Boots after all. What can I say? As much as I’m not into animations, Antonio Banderas really does it for me. And let’s face it, I do have to get used to Spanish accents, right?


As always, please vote / comment so I know what you think. For those continuous readers, I love you all and your support means the world to me!

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