Guilty | ✓

By theolympianarchive

9.1K 508 586

After being the incriminated by a crime she didn't commit, Genevieve finds herself tangled in a web of liars... More

I | Guilty
II | Guilty
III | Guilty
IV | Gulity
V | Guilty
VI | Guilty
VII | Guilty
VIII | Guilty
IX | Guilty
X | Guilty
XI | Guilty
XII | Guilty
00 | Guilty
XIII | Guilty
XV | Guilty
XVI | Guilty
XVII | Guilty
XVIII | Guilty
XIX | Guilty
XX | Guilty
XXI | Guilty
XXII | Guilty
XXIII | Guilty
XXIV | Guilty
XXV | Guilty
XXVI | Guilty
XXVII | Guilty
XXVIII | Guilty
XXIX | Guilty
XX | Guilty
XXXI | Guilty
XXXII | Guilty
XXXIII | Guilty
XXXIV | Guilty

XIV | Guilty

186 12 19
By theolympianarchive



A SENSE OF COMPLETE EUPHORIA came over Genevieve as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes specifically traced her lips — where he had recently been.

It had been a whole day since her courageous move, and Genevieve had to say — she didn't regret it one bit.

Nothing exciting happened after, well maybe to the public. Though Genevieve was in complete ecstasy for the happiness that flowed through her veins, a feeling that was extremely foreign to her.

Genevieve, though, couldn't believe it. Her stomach was still, filled with butterflies, her arms and back covered in goosebumps. The brunette's happiness was completely contagious too.

It didn't stop there, Tiffany immediately called Jonas to speed to the street immediately to catch her to watch the extraordinary moment.

Unfortunately, the pregnant blonde didn't arrive on time.

After Genevieve's words of encouragement, Jonas took it upon herself and told Daniel that she was pregnant. Like the brunette suspected, he was over the moon. Actually, no, that was an understatement — he was over Jupiter.

Who could blame him? The man's only dream was to have a whole little spy team built from his own specimens.

Jonas almost fainted upon looking at Genevieve and Elias locking lips. The day and nights for the past weeks that Jonas has been constantly nagging the brunette to profess her extreme love for him apparently worked, and she was fucking proud of it.

Certainly, it took guts. Genevieve, herself, didn't realize what she had done until her face was millimeters close to him, after kissing Elias. It was a little late to say anything after.

The tingling feeling though, never left both of the couple's lips. Her body was still coursed with the adrenaline from the day before, leaving her with absolutely no sleep. Not that she sleeps regularly anyway, but Genevieve couldn't get the fucking smile off her face and she hated it. Her cheeks were getting cramps from the involuntary grinning.

Shaking her head, Genevieve gave herself a once over through the mirror, only to realize that the kiss actually damaged her, upon looking at herself.

She was wearing pink. All pink.

A dissatisfied look was painted on Genevieve, it's not that she didn't like the outfit — it's just a little bit too "colorful".

The chiming of her phone snapped Genevieve out of her thoughts making her greedily fumble the phone.

"Genevieve. It's Matt."

Genevieve sighed in relief as she took the time to save the number into her contacts. It was weird for her though, the only contact she's had was Elias and Jonas', you wouldn't exactly consider Genevieve 'friendly' towards strangers.

"Hey," Genevieve mumbled, "So, uh, what gives?"

Matt coughed over the phone confused, his British accent coming out baffled, "I'm sorry — what gives?"

Jonas, who was slumped in an angel position on Genevieve's bed, snapped her head up. Momentarily taking her gaze from the phone that was filled with millions of google searches for adorable baby names.

"I think we'd, uh, we —" Started the blonde as she held up a questioning finger.

Quickly, Genevieve waved her hand dismayingly, sending a dirty side glare towards Jonas. "The adults are having a meeting, Jonas!"

Turning around facing the wall, Genevieve exhaled her attention back on the phone call. "Now every seventh grader — even the dumb ones, know the second law of thermodynamics," Genevieve explained, "All ordered systems tend towards disorder, disorder!"

"So I'm going to ask you one more time, Matthew Wilder!" Demanded Genevieve as she gritted her teeth annoyed. "What gives?!"

"Isabelle wasn't at the museum, that's what gives," clarified Matt, Genevieve could hear him try to stifle an awkward cough that made her roll her eyes.

Quite recently, after the party, Genevieve had contacted Matt Wilder, a private investigator, to find out a couple of pieces of information about some people. Obviously, he couldn't deny it — Matt was a man who did dirty work for a few criminals and somehow always getting caught by his victims. Genevieve saved his ass some time ago, so he owed her the favor.

Genevieve lifted an intrigued eyebrow as she pressed the phone harder to her ear, "Tell me more."

Her eyes widened the slightest as she heard Matt murmur the information, the information that just might solve the case.

Before Genevieve could end the call, Matt's voice rang on the phone catching her attention. "Y'know, you are a petty, selfish, manipulative, disciplined psycho bitch —"

"You are a man," Genevieve growled, lowly. "You are an average, lazy, boring, cowardly, woman-fearing man."

"I saved you," added Genevieve with a snarl. "Remember that, asshole."

Ending the call, Genevieve slipped the bright white fur coat, an everlasting stoic expression on her face. Jonas watched the brunette leave curiously, she could hear of doors slamming from the outside of the apartment bedroom.

- - - - - -

Throwing the doors open, Genevieve stepped into the police station, her handbag hanging loosely on her propped arm.

Susie, who caught Genevieve arriving, immediately moved towards the brunette's side upon capturing her angered expression.

"Is Bob here yet?" Genevieve asked as she stalked towards the station's lounge. Before Susie could respond to her question, Genevieve continued as she looked at everyone in rage, no one daring to look her in the eye. "No? Well when he gets here — could you remind him, my anger is at an eight."

"You might want to dilate it down to a four, because Isabelle's in the interrogation room with Elias," Susie informed, cautiously. Her body slightly slanting towards the side, wearily trying to catch a glimpse of Genevieve.

Genevieve took a large inhale, her shoulders sagging as she gritted her teeth. "How do I seem now?"

"Maybe like a seven?" Susie responded, awkwardly.

"No one asked you," gritted Genevieve as she pushed her handbags towards Susie's chest, who was protesting continuously.

Slamming the doors open, once again, Genevieve stepped inside the interrogation room, catching the attention of Elias and other officers who stood at the door.

Elias came up to her, with a knowing look on his face making Genevieve's smirk grow broadly. Pushing at his chest, the brunette moved towards the metal chair. Shrugging her delicate jacket off, she placed it on the back of the seat as Genevieve sat herself cross-legged staring at Elias in the eye, shrugging sheepishly.

"I know I didn't get an invite, but I'm here whether you like it or not and we need to talk—"

"Get the hell out," Smith yelled, he stood next to Isabelle, crossed armed.

Genevieve gasped, "Screw you, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here to talk about the museum heist—why is the crazy lady here?"

Isabelle sent her younger sister a fake smile as she lifted her hands showing the handcuffs. "Nice to see you lil' sis."

"Nice to see you too," Genevieve countered, smiling. "I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash."

"Hilarious," Isabelle mocked, sarcastically.

The brunette smirked, "Totes."

Turning her gaze back towards Elias, Genevieve raised her hand, signaling for him to continue what he was doing before.

Clearing his throat, Elias stood next to a sitting Genevieve, his hands gently placing themselves on the iron table as he looked at Isabelle skeptically. "Your alibi?"

"I did it!" Isabelle confessed, leaning forward on the table. "I killed Davis Miller, I killed him!"

Genevieve snorted, making Elias turn his attention towards the brunette giving her a serious look, to which in response Genevieve rolled her eyes.

Standing up, Genevieve folding her hands, laughing to herself as she paced around Isabelle, who now by every minute was getting even more nervous under the intense tension.

"Miss. Romano, what had you done earlier that day?" Proposed Genevieve, grabbing the files, her eyes flipping through them.

Isabelle rolled her eyes, slumping on the uncomfortable chair, "Like I said, I woke up, got a latte, got a spray tan at Beckett's at 8, got to the museum, killed Miller and went home."

"When you got a spray tan at Beckett's then killed him at 8, correct?" Genevieve asked, smirking.


Genevieve let out a dark chuckle, "You're lying."

"One time Jonas got a spray tan at Beckett's," Genevieve explained happily. "Not a good look for her, she looked like a knock-off version of a carrot—"

Smith groaned loudly, "Why is this relevant? How do you know the psycho is lying?"

"Because I tracked Isabelle down! Which is why I look so good, and I highly recommend it —but I digress," announced Genevieve, turning towards Isabelle, Genevieve pointed at her with an accusing finger.

"I know that you were getting your spray tan at 8 and I know Beckett's spray tan takes four hours, because it contains HDH and it needs time to work!" Accused Genevieve, Isabelle's nonchalant composure crumbling down. "So there is no way you could've been at the museum at 11:00, because you would not be done until 12!"

Looking back at an awestruck Elias, Genevieve grinned, "Asked and answered, objection sustained no further questions Elias, please do, continue."

"You hate me don't you?" Isabelle questioned, one of the officers grabbing her from behind, forcing the woman to stand up.

"No, I don't hate you — I just like to have power," Genevieve explained, as she looked at the guards. "Hold her tighter."

Isabelle struggled against the men, "Knowledge is power."

Genevieve laughed, looking at the guards again, she gave them a pointed look. "Let her go, step back."

Doing as they were told, Genevieve then stepped forward standing close enough to Isabelle that their noses were barely touching. Smirking, Genevieve's eyes crinkled in amusement, "Power is Power, bitch."

"You're no Queen."

"You're most certainly right darling," Genevieve mumbled, letting out a small bitter giggle. "I'm a king."

Flexing her arm back, Genevieve swung her fist forward, slamming it against Isabelle's jaw, making her topple to the ground, a loud cry leaving the blonde's lips.

Before turning around, Genevieve bent down towards Isabelle's fallen state, smirking as she gave her a once over. "For the record, this doesn't change anything — Cher's drag Queen impersonator called, wants her dress back."

Facing back around Genevieve sauntered out the door. The feeling of a warm hand clutching her shoulder bright chills down her arms, knowing exactly who was touching her.

"Why'd you do that?" Elias asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets, he aimed a few mindless glances at her.

He couldn't help it. Finding a woman you're attracted to in an attractive position drives you crazy — or at least that's what Elias thinks, he just reads too many books and his favorite fictions are coming towards his head.

"At first I cared," sighed Genevieve, grabbing a cigarette from a half-empty pack, slowly the lighter in her hand lit the marijuana alive. "But then I was like, 'nah, fuck you.'"

Elias restrained a chuckle, "There's always second chances?"

"Fuck second chances," Genevieve derided as she took a puff of the smoke, "people never change."

"The watch, they hate, then they copy," the brunette continued. When they reached the lounge Genevieve was there herself on the leather clad sofa.

"I get your point," reasoned Elias as he sat next to her, settling Genevieve's head on his lap as he caressed her head lovingly.

Both had to admit, it's been a long time since they felt the special type of affection. For Genevieve, it was a completely new experience. Never in her twenty-two years of age had she been treated so beautifully against a stranger.

For Elias, though, it was a distant memory. He had been raised with a kind woman with two sisters, it was a habit he had picked up on. Truly, he knew a lot of things many men don't know, from braiding fishtails to styling a red carpet look, he knew it all.

Perks of being the only male in the house.

"I'm here!"

Bob's annoying voice rang around the room, making Genevieve snap up.

"I see you've finally decided to show up," She shot out as she stood in front of the nineteen year old, giving him a suspicious look. "Where were you?"

The dark lanky haired boy grinned, well tried too, his broken nose wasn't much help, "I was with my girlfriend!"

Genevieve scoffed, if he could get a girlfriend then she had a dick, which she didn't.

"Oh yeah, prove it."

Instantly, after Genevieve's snarky comment left her lips, a blonde entered the room, she had sharp features and typical sky blue eyes.

Realization came over the brunette making her eyes widen, her body started becoming limp until she toppled to the ground. Darkness surrounded her vision, Genevieve could feel Elias trying to calm Genevieve down but no use.



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