Living with a Rockstar (Whitt...

By Chika433

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Claire lives by herself in the town of Friday Night Funkin, well known for it's many singing and rapping batt... More

Music Battle
Letting it out
Shopping and Memories
Getting to know each other
Get Together (Part 1)
Get Together (Part 2)
Little Notice
Surprise Date
Trouble (Part 1 - Encounter)
Trouble (Part 2 - Rescue Plan)
Trouble (Part 3 - Captivity)
Trouble (Part 4 - Reunion)
Ya'll are gonna make me cry
Friday Night Out
The New Neighbors
Return (Part 1 - Whitty)
Return (Part 2 - Claire)
Music and Emotions
Sleepover (Part 1)
Sleepover (Part 2)
I want to scream
Spooky Month! (Halloween)
Little Notice
Birthday Special
New Addition
Bad Day
Now and Forever
Snow Day
Family Secrets
Cruel Prank
Happy New Year
Little Notice
Valentine's Day
Trip to Jamaica (Part 1: Journey)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 2: Arrival)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 3: Visit)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 4: Beach)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 5: Return)
Little Update
Baby Shower
Christmas Arrival
Theme Songs
Anniversary Surprise
Overcoming Fears
Music Video
Day of Attention
Bad Luck Day
Christmas Birthday
Double Wedding
Together Forever
Thank You

Sick Day

412 9 48
By Chika433

Heyo everyone! I apologize for the late chapter, I haven't been feeling too well so I decided to take a break. Still don't feel 100%, but I don't want the week to pass without at least two more chapters going up. Now then, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

☀️Monday Morning☀️

*Claire's POV*
The blinding sun was beaming down my face, causing me to wake up.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in the bed and looked at my legs.

"I can't move around much, so I have to stay in bed until I can walk around without feeling any pain." The large patch on my leg reminded me of the incident from last night.

Looking over to Whitty, I saw that he was still asleep, drooling a little on the pillow.

"Meow!" Fuse jumped on the bed, walking over to me.

Petting Fuse, I greeted her like I always did, but....

"Why can't I hear my voice?"

I tried to say my name out loud, but a sound barely came out.

I didn't want to wake up Whitty, so I placed Fuse on the ground and dragged myself to the bathroom.

Searching for the First Aid Kit, I felt a cramp in my leg.

"Just bear it for a few more seconds."

Sitting back on the bed, I pulled out the thermometer to check my temperature as I searched on my phone the cause of my voice loss.

"The common cold?" Checking the thermometer, I saw that it read 109 degrees.

"So I have a cold....just great." Packing the kit away, I laid back in the bed, finally feeling the heat getting to my head.

"It's only 10am, why can't I just get a break for a day?!"

Whitty finally woke up to see me breathing out of my mouth.

"What's wrong Claire?" He looked worried, since I've never been sick in front of him.

Showing him the phone, he tried to get close to me but I immediately stopped him.

Typing into the phone, I told him that the cold is contagious and I didn't want him to catch it.

"I need my voice back if I'm going to communicate..." looking up remedies for laryngitis, I found that tea can help as long as it isn't caffeine.

Snapping my fingers to get his attention, I wrote that he has to make me some lime tea to help with my voice and to bring me some water to stay hydrated.

"How do I make the tea?"

"Just take the lime leaves, put them in a small pot of water and let it boil for a few minutes until you see it bubbling. Pour it into a mug then bring it to me."

Nodding, he began to walk out of the room until I stopped him.

"I don't want you to get sick, so I'm going to stay in my bedroom until I get better."

"Okay, let me carry you to your room." He came close to me but I pushed him away.

Forcing myself, I got on my feet and dragged myself to my room.

"Just go make the tea." Nodding, he went downstairs to prepare the tea for me.

"I know that it's the fever making me hot, but I'm sweating like crazy!"

Fanning myself with my hand, I tried to cool myself, but it wasn't working.

"I'll go bathe in the cold water when I drink the tea." Laying there in the bed, I tried to recall the last time I was sick.

"I never really got sick now, did I? I'm sure I've gotten sick once or twice when I was younger, but I can't remember how I got sick." My head began to ache.

"Nice, headaches. Why not just give me the stomach flu too while you're at it, universe?"

Whitty entered the room with a big bottle of water and the tea.

Taking the tea from him, I blowed on it first before taking a sip.

"It tastes great! Even though it's just boiled leaves, he seemed to have done well." I took my time drinking the tea, feeling the strength come back in my throat.

"Mmm." I could hear my voice again.

"You did well Whitty." I smiled at him, despite the pounding pain in my head.

"Did you have any trouble making the tea?"

"Well....I almost burnt down the kitchen."

"Oh that's okay, I burnt a few pots before....." silence filled the room.

"You almost burnt down the kitchen?!" I shouted, immediately coughing after.

"I can't be shouting with a sore throat, calm down!"

"Have you ever gotten sick Whitty?"

"No I haven't."

"Can you get sick?"

"No, I can't."

"Okay, then that makes this easier." I raised my hands, gesturing for him to lift me up.

"Take me to the kitchen." I could hear Whitty gulp before taking me downstairs.

The roof had a big black spot and the pot on the stove was completely black.

"Calm down Claire! Don't get mad! You only have yourself to blame for not teaching him how to cook and use the stove!"

"If this happened, how did you make the tea?" He placed me in the couch.

"I made the heat go to my hands. All I had to do was hold the pot until I saw it bubbling."

"Well that's convenient." I could feel my head getting hotter by the minute.

"Get something cold in the freezer to cool me down. My temperature is too high for my body to handle." He stepped off into the kitchen as I closed my eyes, fighting with the headache.

A minute passed and I felt something cold on my head.

"That feels it melting?"

"Whitty, why did you put ice cream on my head?"

"You said to get something cold."

"Once again, my own fault for not being specific."

"Get it off my face before it gets on the couch." He scooped up the ice cream, some still left on my face.

"I'm going to be sticky if I don't get cleaned up." Whitty placed the rest of the ice cream back in the fridge before sitting next to me.

"Let me help." He got really close to me, inches away from my face.

"My blushing and fever are going to kill me!" I expected a kiss from him, but instead felt his tongue on me.

"Whitty stop! I'm ticklish!" I was squirming around, laughing as he licked my face.

"There. I got most of it off." He finally sat up, looking down at me.

"Well now I really do need to take a bath. Could you go buy some stuff for me in the meantime?" Wiping my face with my sleeves, I asked Whitty to do some shopping for me.

"Wait, you want me to go out on my own?" He looked shocked by my question.

"Whitty, have you forgotten already?" I held his face, giving him a kiss, "You're free to roam around now."


"Yes really." I giggled, planting more kisses on his face.

"I'll write a list of stuff for you to buy, but if you're not comfortable going alone I'll ask one of our friends to go with you." He agreed with the friend suggestion, so I dialed Girlfriend.

"Suzy is at work now, so I can't ask her. I don't have Carol or any of the boy's numbers so I'll just call her."

I spoke to Girlfriend, explaining my situation and asked if she could follow Whitty to the mall to buy some stuff for me. Thankfully, she agreed.

"Okay Whitty, Girlfriend will be coming over soon. We can go take a bath in the meantime and I'll write the list of items before you leave."

Carrying me back upstairs, I chose the clothes I would wear and carried them into my mother's room.

"I want to avoid a repeat of last night, so I'll call you when I'm ready to go back downstairs, okay?" He placed me on the bed, a blush appearing on his face.

"About that..." Whitty turned away, "could you teach me about the human body and how it reacts?"

"That's an odd question, why do you ask?"

"I just...want to know..."

"You have to be specific about what you want to know, otherwise I can't help you." His face was fully red when he faced me as he verbally exploded on me.


".........he has a boner....."

Despite my fever, my face flushed red from the sight.

"Sweet pea beauty its's huge!"

" see..." I was a stuttering mess, stumbling over all my words, unable to keep my gaze from his....tent.

"...that happens when you're aroused..." Finally able to answer him, I grabbed my pillow and hid my face in it.

"I'll tell you more when you come back, for now just go get ready." I heard a small 'okay' before the door closed.

Finally left in the room alone, I got up to remove my clothes and go take a bath.

"I know I shouldn't be walking around, but I can't have Whitty carrying me around all the time, besides..."

Turning on the water, I made the cold water hit my face to cool down my head, but it did nothing for my blushing face.

"He saw me naked the last time! Not to mention that he was aroused because of me! Gosh, I'm thankful that he isn't like Todd, cause who knows what would've happened if he had his mindset!"

Dipping into the bathtub, I made the cold water cool my body. Closing my eyes in an attempt to stop my headache, an image popped into my head.

It was my mother giving me some oranges to eat since I was sick.

"Oranges, I'll check if there are any oranges left."

I finished my bath and changed into a sleeveless purple dress before calling for Whitty.

He entered the room, wearing his green hoodie and sweatpants.

My eyes unconsciously drifted down to see that he was no longer aroused.

Catching myself, I slapped my face.

"Dirty mind! Why would you look there?!"

"Claire.." Whitty sat next to me, "could you tell me now?"

We were both blushing, but I managed to speak to him.

"Whitty, that kind of reaction is normal. The best way I can explain it is that whenever a boy feels aroused, the blood in his body will rush to their....member...that results in an....erection." I turned my gaze from Whitty.

"What do you mean by aroused?"

"It's like being sexually interested in something or someone, when your body starts to react then that happens. It can sometimes happen from watching pornography." I looked up at him.

" only happens when I think about you..." He locked eyes with me.

"So I....arouse you?" My face was putting my hair to shame with the shade of red it was.

He nodded before breaking eye contact with me.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice cut in, catching both of us off guard.

"Girlfriend! Why didn't you knock?!" I yelled, immediately regretting it.

I grabbed the bottle of water and took in a mouthful.

"I did, but I didn't get an answer. So I just let myself in with the spare key." She twirled the key around her finger.

"Okay, let me write the list and give you some money then you can be on your way." I grabbed a pencil and notepad, quickly writing down the list of items needed.

"Whitty, can you go get Fuse and feed her please?" He rushed out and did as I asked him.

"So, he saw you naked?" Girlfriend whispered to me.

"It was an accident." I ripped out the page, trying to hide my blush.

"You'll never get to second base if you're always this shy."

"Second base?" It was the first time I heard this term.

"I'll tell you another time." She pat my head, leaving me confused.

We all went downstairs after I gave Whitty the list and money.

"Girlfriend, can you check if there's any oranges in the fridge?" She stepped off to check.

"Whitty, remember to call me if there's any problem okay?" He placed me in the couch.

"I will." He was about to leave my side when I pulled his sleeve.

"I didn't give you your good morning kiss did I?"

"No you didn't. You thought I would get sick if you did."

"Well come get your kiss then." He leaned in and locked lips with me.

"Gmorning my spark."

"Good morning sweetie." He stepped off to bring the wheelchair closer to the couch.

"There's two oranges and some grapes left." Girlfriend brought out a bowl with the fruits and a knife.

"Thanks, you both be safe now." Waving them goodbye, I watched them leave the house.

"Now then," I grabbed the remote, "what's on the television today?"

*Whitty's POV*
We arrived at the mall, seeing Boyfriend and Carol at the entrance of the supermarket.

"Hey Whitty!" They greeted me, so I waved back at them.

"We're buying some food for Claire since she's back at home sick." Girlfriend explained to them.

"Let's go then!" Boyfriend grabbed my arm and dragged me into the supermarket, Girlfriend and Carol following behind.

The list Claire gave me was detailed, stating what items to buy, the brands and the ingredients.

"Let me see the list." Carol asked so I gave it to her.

Looking at the list, I saw her giggle to herself.

"She's really detailed when it comes to this stuff, she's being more cautious too." She pointed to the last item on the list.


"I've got the trolley, let's get the food." Girlfriend came up behind us with the thing called a 'trolley', so we went down the aisle searching for the food items.

*Time Skip*
It look us more than half an hour to get everything, since Claire asked for specific items.

Finally, we were in the line ready to pay for the items.

"That will be $4,400 sir." The person told me.

Pulling out the money Claire gave me, I handed them $5000.

They gave me the change and receipt, so I gave them to Girlfriend and went for the bags.

"Hold on! This is $100 short! Where's the rest of the money?" Girlfriend was asking the cashier.

"What do you mean ma'am? The change is correct."

"The bill says $600, why did we get back $500?!" It looked like she was about to hit the cashier.

"Just give us the money you took and let us be on our way." Boyfriend had to step in to stop the situation from getting out of hand.

"Fine!" They slapped $100 bill on the counter.

Girlfriend took the money then walked away, but immediately turned back around.

"Say that to my face!" She was holding the cashier by the collar.

"What happened?!" Carol looked scared.

"I'm not sure, she just snapped." Boyfriend didn't know what happened.

"I said you're a bitch!" The cashier spat in her face.

"And you're fired!" The person that was the 'boss' said loudly.

"This is the third time I've caught you in an argument with a customer, take your stuff and get out before I call security!" They walked off and the boss gave Girlfriend $5000.

"I apologize for the bad service miss, you can have the food for free for the inconvenience."

"Thank you sir." She took the money from him, seeing the woman storming out to our direction.

"Let's go! Move!" Carol pushed me out the door as Boyfriend dragged Girlfriend.

"Sorry about that guys, that employee had it coming the moment they took the money." It was the first time I saw Girlfriend mad and it scared me.

"Now then, Carol and I are going to stop by a store then we can go home. You two can go to the cafe in the meantime." She smiled at us before grabbing Carol's hand and running off somewhere.

Boyfriend and I just stood there for a moment before we listened and went to the cafe to wait for them.

*Time Skip*
*Claire's POV*
"It's been hours since they left, how much longer is it going to take?"

A total of three hours had passed since they left the house.

I ate the oranges and stayed hydrated, which thankfully made me slowly get better. My headache and fever were gone, but the pain in my legs were taking over.

Fuse was sleeping on my lap as I pet her, slowly dozing off until I heard a click.

"We're back!" Girlfriend barged through the door holding three bags, Carol, Boyfriend and Whitty following behind.

"Welcome back." I couldn't get up to greet them since Fuse was still asleep and I wasn't supposed to walk around anyway.

"We got the food." Whitty held up the grocery bags.

"Thank you." Smiling at him, the bags that Girlfriend had caught my attention.

"Did you buy those for yourself?" I pointed to the bags.

"Not exactly, I bought these for you!" She held up the bags to my face.

"Aww, you didn't have to do that for me, but I appreciate it." Fuse woke up from the commotion, hopping off my lap and walking over to the kitchen to see Whitty.

"You can check them out later, call me when you do." Girlfriend placed the bags on the floor before leaving with Carol and Boyfriend.

Whitty returned after packing away the food.

"How was your day Whitty?" He took a seat next to me.

"Well, the only thing that really happened was that an employee at the supermarket got fired."

"Wait really? What happened?"

"They took $100 from the change that I got back and called Girlfriend a bitch."

"Why does this sound familiar..."

"Did the employee have a piercing on their eyebrow? Dark skin? Long hair?"

"How did you know?" Whitty was surprised by my spot on description.

"I avoid her like the plague. She's the worst employee at the supermarket, she's always stealing and insulting customers. I'm glad she learnt her lesson now." Crossing my arms, I looked down at the bags Girlfriend left for me.

"What could be in them?" Peeking into the bags, one had clothes, one had candy and the other seemed to have a book.

Taking up the bag with the candy, I unwrapped the lollipop and ate it.

"Do you want one?" I held out a lollipop for Whitty.

He took the lollipop and looked at it.

"You take off the wrapper and eat the lollipop, don't eat the wrapper or the stick." Explaining to Whitty, I switched off the television.

"I'm feeling alot better since I rested. The oranges really helped too." Feeling my forehead, my body temperature was back to normal.

"I'm curious about the book Girlfriend bought." I took out the book, the cover being a dark blue.

Turning it to the front, my face flushed.

"This is a sex education book!!!" Putting down the book, I placed Fuse on Whitty, grabbed my phone and got in the wheelchair.

"Excuse me Whitty, I need to make a private phone call." Wheeling into the kitchen, I dialed Girlfriend.

"Hey Claire, did you need some-" I cut her off.


"You're too innocent for an adult, I bet that you don't even know what a vibrator is."

"A vibrator?"

"Exactly! That book will help to educate you and Whitty, so that you can get to second base and later on home run."

"I'd really like an explanation for the whole baseball terms." I was in the dark about the terms she kept saying.

"All you need to know is in that book, plus I bought you some clothes to wear as well. I know that you don't like pants and you already have alot of dresses, so I bought you some shirts and skirts."

"Well, at least I have more clothes to wear. I need new overalls though since the other one ripped."

"Also, I bought you a little something else along with the clothes. I think it'll look great on you so send a picture when you try it on." Oblivious to her words, I accepted and hung up the phone.

"Okay Whitty I'm back." I wheeled in the living room to see Whitty reading the book.

"Wait Whitty don't read that!" I grabbed the book from him.

"I was just looking at the table of content." I opened the book to look at it myself.

I let out a sigh before sitting back in the chair.

"Here," I gave him the book, "this book was bought for us to learn more, so we'll be reading it together."

We spent the rest of the evening reading the first two chapters.

They were pretty tame compared to what I was expecting, but we still blushed the whole time.

It just spoke about different terms concerning relationships and love, it even mentioned the 'second base' talk that Girlfriend mentioned to me.

"Okay, that's enough for today." I closed the book, looking at the time.

"Past 7pm, I'll go make dinner."

"Whitty, you can go take a bath while I make dinner." Moving into the wheelchair, I placed the book down before moving to the kitchen.

"Could I help?" Whitty stopped me.

"Of course you can. Now that I think about it, it will be difficult for me to cook if I can't see everything, you'll be my eyes and arms, okay Whitty?" He nodded before pushing me to the kitchen.

*Time Skip*
We made dinner together and had a lot of fun. Granted, we did make a mess and almost burnt the chicken, it was still fun to cook together.

After we ate, I took the bag of clothes to the washroom as Whitty went to take a bath.

"These skirts look really nice and they reach my knees, I'm glad that Girlfriend knows what I'm comfortable with wearing but I'm not used to skirts. Guess there's a first for everything." I reached the bottom of the bag to find a small box with a note on it.

"A little gift for when you're ready. - Girlfriend"

"Ready?" I opened the box to see what was inside.

"This is....lingerie?! Gosh darn it Girlfriend!" Blushing deeply, I threw the 'clothing' into the machine to wash.

"Just what does she mean by when I'm ready?! I'm not ready for anything!" I looked at the clothing being thrown around in the machine.

"He's my first boyfriend and I want to take my time with our relationship. I'm only going to take it to 'second base' when we're ready." I sat there, spending my time watching the clothes.

Once the dryer beeped, I took out the clothes and packed them in the basket.

"Whitty, where are you?" I called for him but got no answer.

"Is he still in the bathroom? No he couldn't be, it's been a whole hour since he left." I moved to the staircase to call him again, gaining no answer again.

"Okay, now I'm worried. What if something happened to him?" Holding the basket, I stood up and climbed the stairs, fighting with the pain in my legs.

"Whitty! Are you okay?!" I knocked on his door, but didn't get an answer.

Opening the door, I saw Whitty no where in sight.

"Whitty!" I still got no answer.

"What happened up here?!" He was nowhere in sight.

Searching the room, I found the book I left downstairs.

"He was reading this? Could this have something to do with his disappearance?" Skimming through the pages, I stopped on the ones that had slight burn marks on them.

"What is this......masturbation?" The pages had instructions for self stimulation for both male and female.

"Wait a minute...." I noticed that the bathroom was closed.

"Nope! Not gonna go check! I'll just go take a bath." Gathering the clothes, I left his room to go get my night gown then to my mother's room to bathe.

*Time Skip*
"Whoo! That was a nice bath." Fully dry, I looked at the lingerie that was bought.

"I'll just try it on." I slipped into the lingerie and stood infront of the mirror.

"It feels different from my underwear, it doesn't look too bad though." I took a picture and sent it to Girlfriend.

She immediately called me.

"I knew it would look great on you!" She was squealing on the other side.

"Girlfriend, I know that you're trying to help and I appreciate it, but I want to take time with our relationship." I told her how I felt.

"We're both still very new to this whole dating thing, so I'll want to enjoy all the times we have together before we start something new."

"I understand Claire, sorry if it came off as I'm trying to rush things. I'm just really happy that you found someone that will love and care for you. Take care."

"I will, good night." I hung up the call, looking back in the mirror.

"It looks nice, but I'd need to build up a lot of confidence before I could show him this." I spun around to see the back.

Quickly changing out of the lingerie and in to my night gown, I headed for Whitty's room.

"Whitty!" He was sitting on the bed, red all over his face.

"What was taking you so long? I came in here calling for you but got no response." I hugged him, looking up at his blushing face.

"I was...trying out the thing in the book..." he refused to look at me.

"Masturbation?" He nodded.

"Well that's okay Whitty, it doesn't hurt to experiment with new things as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone else." I grabbed his head to make him look at me, giving him a smile.

"Let's take our time and learn together, at our own pace and comfort." He gave me a small smile.

"Now, I'm going to go get Fuse then we can go to bed." I walked to the door before I collapsed on the ground in pain.

"I forgot I shouldn't be walking around! I'm not used to staying in bed, I'm used to always being on my feet!" A pair of arms lifted me off the ground.

"Are you okay?" Whitty looked worried.

"Yeah, just hit my limit that's all. Could you get Fuse from downstairs so that we can go to bed together?" He laid me in the before going for Fuse.

It was a full minute before Whitty came back with Fuse.

He placed her in the bed, turned off the lights and turned on the night light.

Getting in bed, he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll see you in the morning Claire, have a good night."

"See you in the morning Whitty and same to you."

"I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too my spark." We shared a kiss before nuzzling in, slowly drifting to sleep.

Whoo! It took me a long time to write this since I was going back and forth with certain parts. I hope you enjoyed, see you in the next chapter! 👋

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