Darling, Quiet (Fred X Fem Re...

By aFredWsimp

648K 17K 23.6K

"Darling, Quiet. Don't want to be caught now do we?" Y/n Bardot, a troubled girl swallowed in desires, proble... More

Dementor Attack
The Feast and the First Morning
The Boggarts
Ready for Hogsmeade
Hogsmeade and Black
Sleeping in the Great Hall
Truth or Dare
The Map
Going home for Christmas
Going back
"Please just go"
April 1st
End of Year 5
The Burrow
Midnight talk
The Bardot Vault
The day before tomorrow
Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Quidditch World Cup Part 2
The Attack
Heading to the Castle
Start of Year 6
Crucio and The Potion
The Tri-Wizard Champions
Opening Up
The First Task
The Yule Ball
First Time
The Second Task
The Party
Close to Talking
Easter Break
Rough mornings
The Third Task
Keeping in touch
Harry's arrival
To the Castle
Conflict in the Common Room
In the Dormitory
The Second Night
Reading Revelations
Lunch Date
High Inquisitor
Lazy mornings
Finding the room
Practice Begins
Kicked off
The DA
Together Again
The Challenge
"Darling, Quiet"
No Returns
The Plan
Summer with You
Attack of the Alley
A trip to the Castle
Keeping An Eye Out
Missing Person
Getting Worse
Days Away
The Big Event
The Haunting
-Charlotte Chantey x
A Final Wish
Moving Harry
Attack at the Wedding
No.1 Desireable
Staying Home
Keeping Ron Home
A Forever Promise
Taking The Control
Happy Valentines
Surprise visit
Eventful Activities
Being 20
"Darling, it's time"
"I'll be back"
In Remembrance
The Last One Standing
Our Promises
The Start Of Us


7K 215 285
By aFredWsimp

Hit 7k reads today!! (10.03.2021). It doesn't sound crazy compared to some stories out there but it's literally wayyyyyy more than I ever thought I was going to get, thank you all for the love and support! Xoxo

It had been a few days since the champions were announced. You had planned to sit out in the courtyard with Cedric to talk about how you both were, since you hadn't properly spoken since the Quidditch World Cup.

It was your free period so you went outside to go and find him. The hufflepuffs had recently begun making badges, shitting on Harry's name. You thought it was pathetic.

You saw him sitting on a bench with his friends as you begun walking over to greet him.

"Cedric. Can we hang now?" You asked looking down at him on the bench.

"Uh sure, where should we go." He replied. His friends began sniggering and whispering amongst themselves.

"Something amusing?" You asked, eyeing them all down. They all stopped their childish ways as you walked off with Cedric.

"Sorry about them, they just want to get under your skin. So how you been?"

"I mean okay I guess, how are you? I can't imagine the stress you're going through. Can't say I'm not worried."

"Is little miss independent y/n Bardot worried about me?" He said in a babyish tone.

"Don't patronise me Diggory, you'll regret it. And I should be worried, you heard what Dumbledore said, it's dangerous, people have died. I don't want that to happen to you." You told him.

"I'll be fine. Don't you worry yourself." He gave you a reassuring smile.



"Any word on how Harry is? Since you're all champions." You asked him.

"No, hes apparently laying quite low. I don't know how he done it to be fair. The Daily Prophet is laying it on a bit thick though."

"They always do. That Rita Skeeter really likes to make everything so dramatic, she clearly is trying to hold onto that job for dear life."

"I have a question for you. I don't have any reason for asking, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. What's going on with you and Fred? I only ask because you seem really close." Cedric said to you quietly.

"I appreciate you being quiet, but nothings happening with Fred and I, can't a girl be friends with boys. Take us for example. I'm friends with you. Doesn't mean I'm trying to date you or get into your pants." You exclaimed.

"Wouldn't be such a bad thing if you were." He replied. You hit his arm, rolling your eyes at his comment. He was laughing cheekily, making you laugh with him.

"So what happened to you after we split at the cup?" You questioned.

"I remember finding my dad, we ran to a port key and got out of there as soon as we could. How about you? You were quite a way from your tent."

"I mean I ran and found the weasleys and found our portkey, we then went back to the burrow. I was quite scared though. Death eaters at a high security event like that."

"That's what everyone was saying, that and why death eaters are roaming around again. Apparently they're recruiting again." That would make sense to why your fathers now a part of them. Left with nothing, now turning to extreme measures.

"Let's not discuss dark wizards. Do you know your first task yet?" You asked, wanting to know how dangerous it truly was going to be.

"No idea. I just know it's a task to challenge my bravery and courage. So that could be literally anything."

"Yeah there's a lot of grey area there, let me know though. When you know. Also tell everyone to stop wearing those stupid badges. I'm sure Harry is stressed out by all this enough." You ordered.

"I mean I'll try, I've already asked but they won't, said he deserves it for cheating." You had heard Harry explaining to someone how he hadn't put his name into the goblet, you believed him. You weren't sure why but Harry seemed smart enough not to put himself in those situations. It seemed as though you were the only person to believe him.

You sat and lightly chatted about school and a little on the tournament again, before heading off to the library to return some books.

As you walked in you scanned the room to see who was in it. You noticed Hermione sitting on one of the desks, with Viktor Krum reading looking up at her every so often. You giggled at yourself as you could see Hermione had noticed and almost felt uncomfortable.

You went up and returned your books, putting them back onto their shelves. You walked up to Hermione, "say Mione, have you any good book recommendations. I'm not sure what to go for next." You signalled her to follow you, to which she did. "Krum is totally crushing on you." You told her hiding behind a bookshelf. She almost flushed with embarrassment seeing Krum looking over at you both.

"Oh gosh, do you think. Thats probably why he's always watching me study." She said.

"I mean young miss granger, bagging Krum. Go you. By the way I don't actually need advice, I just wanted to tell you that. Have fun." You turned and walked off going to find a new book.

You found the muggle fiction books, and saw one from Jane Austin. You had read one of her books before, they were so enlightening and interesting to read. You began trying to reach up for the book, since you could be bothered to take your want out your sock. You stood on your tip toes, almost taking the book, when someone else grabbed it for you. Adrian.

"Beautiful, flirtatious, and recently widowed, Lady Susan Vernon seeks an adventurous second marriage for herself. Seems interesting y/n." He said, reading the back of the book.

"I read a book of hers before, wouldn't hurt to do it again." You said trying to snatch the book off him.

"Now now y/n be patient now. And be polite." Adrian leant closer to you holding the book behind his back. I'll go along with this one, why not have a bit of fun.

"And if I'm not polite. What you gonna do? You going to punish me? I promise I'm a good girl Adrian." You almost whispered, seductively.

He was completely taken back by your words, you took the book out his hand and began moving towards towards the book check out desk, "knew you'd break Pucey, don't be so weak." He rubbed the back of his neck, before walking off.

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