Rehearsals With You ✓

Galing kay stirthestars

154K 6.1K 4.9K

April Stewart and Grey Collins have been at each other's throat since eighth grade. Putting them within reach... Higit pa

Chapter One: You *bleep*!
Chapter Two: Jinxed it
Chapter Three: Everywhere!
Chapter Four: Dad Jokes
Chapter Five: Hearts, Flowers and Butterflies
Chapter Six: Ouch. Watch it.
Chapter Seven: Named April
Chapter Eight: Haircut
Chapter Nine: Antsy Pantsy
Chapter Ten: Can he walk?
Chapter Eleven: Uncomfortable
Chapter Twelve: Chrisanta and Armand
Chapter Thirteen: Mondays
Chapter Fourteen: Dark. Cold. Alone.
Chapter Fifteen: 'Tis just a hobby.
Chapter Sixteen: God-gift?
Chapter Seventeen: Totes not worth it.
Chapter Eighteen: Coals or Clouds
Chapter Nineteen: France
Chapter Twenty: Your Grace
Chapter Twenty-One: Friends For
Chapter Twenty-Two: Wildfire
Chapter Twenty-Three: Little Miss Important
Chapter Twenty-Four: We Weren't
Chapter Twenty-Five: Bookworm
Chapter Twenty-Six: Invited
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Random
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Your Story
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Predictable and Unforseen
Chapter Thirty: Weren't Meant To
Chapter Thirty-One: May I?
Chapter Thirty-Two: Little Shorter
Chapter Thirty-Three: I'll try.
Chapter Thirty-Four: A Poet
Chapter Thirty-Five: His Story
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Plan

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Play

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Galing kay stirthestars

The play signalized the first of a two-day celebration of the school's High School Day. I don't know why they called it Day when it was in days. Booths and games were all propped up, ready to open after the play. Students were required to attend but I still hope they genuinely enjoy watching. Parents present, on the other hand, were mostly from the crew and cast trying to support the production their child was involved in.

The auditorium was almost full as people strutted in, taking seats beside friends. Mom and Dad were at the front rows chatting with Triss' mom and Liam's parents. Liam and Abby sat behind them. I peaked from the sidelines of the stage, just watching everyone chat along as they waited for the play to start.

When Liam caught me there, I waved at him before disappearing into the backstage. I already wore the dress and wig and only needed a few touches for the make-up.

I took a deep breathe as I tried hard not to think about how I could forget my line or trip out of nowhere. I've had enough embarrassments to last a lifetime. Acting and drama was something I always enjoyed doing. It was fun giving life to a character, stressing some emotions to a line. It gave me a sense of freedom. To forget who I was and live a different life for a moment. It was kind of the same with reading but acting meant I actually got to live it.

Not that I haven't enacted scenes from my favorite books.

I lifted the hems of my dress and sat beside Triss who was going over her line. She wore a simple white floral dress, her hairs straightened behind her back. I tuned my mind to her voice, otherwise I'd give myself more reason to be nervous.

I already felt it with the way my palms sweated, the way my legs felt like noodles and the way I become too aware of how I'm breathing. "Relax, April. Just act like it was another rehearsal," I gave myself a pep-talk. Triss was just as nervous, we couldn't talk, our mind was too preoccupied.

Except this time, you can't mess up.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. I've done this before, acted a role in a play before. But I knew this time it was different. I've never starred in one before, I mostly took minor roles.

I roamed my eyes around to observe people instead as I refrained myself from licking my lips so I wouldn't smudge my lipstick. All the cast were sitting, going over their lines or just meditating. The assigned managers walked around, double-checking every little thing.

On the other side of the room, I watched Grey talk to one of the actors. Blood rushed to my cheeks as i thought about how everyone will watch us kiss. During rehearsals, Ms. Wilde limited the scene because, and I quote, 'We don't want to lose the spark of a first kiss.' . I was grateful for that. I don't think I could've survived with kissing Grey everyday and still keep my feelings a secret. 

Kira strutted across the room and stopped in front of Triss. "You're up in ten minutes," she informed her before turning to me. "And you appear shortly after, along with Diana." I nodded, I already knew that and she as just reminding us. Kira beamed. "Okay, good luck, everyone! You'll all be amazing out there."

I sure do hope so. I scrunched my nose.

"Hello to my third most favorite ladies in the entire world!" Luke greeted us, appearing from behind Kira.

"Who's the first?" I asked.

"How'd you get in?" Kira frowned at him.

"My mom," he answered me before turning to Kira. "I twisted this little thing called door knob and walked through the door–"

"The same door that said 'Crews and Casts Only'?" Kira cut him off.

"It said that?" Luke pretended to look thoughtful before shrugging. "I didn't see it, my bad."

"Who's the second?" I asked.

Luke spared a side-glance at Kira. If he thought he was being discreet, he didn't do a good job at it. "It's . . . um, a secret."

I gave a teasing grin. "Luke has a crush!"

He narrowed his eyes at me but before he could say anything else, Kira butted in. "Buddy, I appreciate that you're showing moral support to your friends but you really aren't allowed in here."

"But," he protested but Kira took his arm before dragging him away. I chuckled at his antics. I bet he wasn't here for us at all.

Without Luka as a distraction, ten minutes seem to have come too soon. Once Triss' voice rang around the stadium, my heartbeat spiked up. I placed my hand on my chest. "Will you calm the freak down?" I murmured.

A moment passed and finally, I was up on stage. The nervousness died down as I played my part, I was so invested in my character I don't think there was ever a room for mistakes at all.


Once I was on stage, it felt so easy getting into character."I don't need this silly dresses to dictate how suitable I am for marriage and whatnot. In fact, I don't need a marriage at all," I announced. "I am my own woman," I declared. "Besides, they make me itch. Would you scratch that part of my back, dear?"

Diana gave a soft smile, getting into character as Hazel. "Of course."

"Ugh, balls with the fancy, pretentious pleasantries people give each other. If mother hadn't threatened to marry - more like sell-" I uttered in distaste "-me to some wealthy, old grandpa, I wouldn't have come at all."

"I think your mother just wants you to find a guy that would make you happy."

I deadpanned at her. "I know you don't actually think that, Hazel."

Diana shrugged. "Well, I was trying to make you feel better. Did it work?" She smiled sheepishly.

"No," I answered. "Though thanks for trying. We both know mother all too well to think she'd care about what I want. She'll be happy to find me a suitor who'll be able to make us richer than we already are and elevate our status." I sighed in defeat and Diana patted my shoulders.

"Come on now, Miss. We don't want those fine gentlemen waiting for your fair beauty now, wouldn't we?" I chuckled and Diana acted as if we were leaving.


I stood in front of Grey. Armand, and I, Chrisanta, have just been newly introduced at a ball. 

"Your Grace, Duke of Welstone," Xandra who played Lady Delia, my mother and I curtsied. 

"Lady Delia," Grey acknowledged. "You're enjoying the ball, I presume?"

"It's quite lovely and dazzingly glamorous, Your Grace," she answered while I just stood there, playing the part of an indifferent woman who would rather be anywhere else but there.

Grey, as his character dictated, noticed me. "I see you have company. Would you be so kind and introduce this fair beauty to myself, Lady Delia?" The way he said, it felt like more than just a script and I felt my heart pounding madly inaide my chest.

"Yes," Xandra said eagerly. "It's an honor to introduce to His Grace my darling daughter, Lady Chrisanta," Xandra presented, giving me little push at the back.

I smiled the smile of a daughter who couldn't believe how ambitious her mother could be to hope a duke would notice her. "Your Grace." I bobbed. "It's an honor."


"This is your fault," I fretted. 

"I know. I'm sorry," he answered.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"The fault is mine and I wholeheartedly understand if you blame me for it. My arrogance and lack of vigilance brought this shameful and most upsetting incident. I am at your mercy, my lady. I beg for your forgiveness."

I stared at Grey, everything that has happened these past few weeks came rushing back in.

"I- Your Grace," I neared him and looked at him in the eyes. His eyes, I could get myself lost in them.

Gre lifted his hands and reached for my cheeks. Chrisanta, as if realizing just who she was talking to, nervously walked backwards, cleared her throat and started blabbing. Grey put his hands down. 

"Your Grace, I- I accept your apology," I started like a woman who couldn't believe a duke was asking for her forgiveness. But she should not be taken by it, her friend needs her most right now so she has to grow some backbone. "But," I resumed, just when Grey started to look thankful. His faced quickly molded into a look of apprehensiveness. "Only if you agree to let me in on the plan."

He looked at me confusedly and stepped forward. I stepped back. "What plan?" He inquired.

"Why, the plan to save my friend, of course. Surely you have one," I answered before adding, "Your Grace."

He looked surprised by my request. "My lady, I'm not so sure it's a good idea at all."

I lifted my head. "And why is that?"

"There are things out in the world that a lady such as yourself are better not knowing." He answered truthfully

Chrisanta was offended and I sniffed at his reasoning. "A lady like myself?" I questioned. "I am not some feeble-minded, ignorant lady. I can handle whatever it is," I answered stubbornly. "You don't have to treat me like I'm gonna break." I insisted. Grey and I have gone so far. We were sworn enemies, then we became friends . . . which did not come without a challenge. We've been so used to fighting each other it was so easy to fall back on that habit.


Grey had an arm slung around my waist while the other held my hand. Our eyes never strayed away as we delivered our lines. "I have never felt this way for any woman before and we may not have gotten to know each other at the most convenient set-up, I'd like you to know that what I feel for you is true."  At realizing my feelings, I would've fluttered under those words. There was something so fulfilling aboit hearing your crush direct those words to you even if it probably wasn't real. And that's what broke it for me, it's not 'probably', because it most definitely isn't.

"Lord Armand, I-" I drew a shaky breath.

"Say the word and I will do what it takes to prove that I am the one for you," Grey continued as his hold tightened."I will offer all that I can offer, but only if you'd let me."

"Is this-" I closed my eyes and exhaled. "Are you-"

"Lady Chrisanta, will you be so kind to accept my love and grant me the honor of calling you my wife?" I snapped my eyes open and acted as if I was letting the words sink in.

"I-" My lips tugged at a surprised yet ecstatic smile. "Yes!" I huffed out a breath.

Grey lifted his hand from my waist and gently cupped my cheek, drawing us closer together. My lips tingled with anticipation, my body yearning for the warmth of his embrace. How his mouth felt against mine was still a vivid memory, how it danced against each other, moving to find our synch. As he wrapped me in his arms, his heat would engulf me, keeping me warm and making me feel like there was nothing else I'd like to do in this world. Resting a hand on my hips, Grey brought us closer. "May I?" He asked and the image of us kissing for the first time flashed in my mind, then the dawning realization I had the thirdt time he said those exact words.

I nodded my headed, a bit out of myself. 

Grey's lips clung to mine in a desperately soft kiss and I moved my mouth with the same intensity. I lifted my arms to wrapped it around his neck as he pulled me aginst him, the kissing building more fervor. Our eyes were shut close as we both lost ourselves in the moment, in the feeling his lips on mine, my emotions tangled with his.

Not part of the script, Grey's tongue graze my lower lip and my legs would've crumbled if he wasn't holding me. The crowd has gone wild, I could hear the giddy squeals of teenage girls and teasing murmurs of boys. I let my mouth open to his even and let out tongues dance together. We probably should stop.

We pulled away and rested our foreheads together, our eyes locked to each other. Suddenly, there was a glint in his eyes and engulfed me with a hug. My eyes widened because this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. What was he doing?

"Grey!" I whisper-yelled. "The play."

"Shh," he murmured, dipping his mouth down to my ear. I shivered. "After that kiss, I am positively sure."

I tried to move my face away from leaning on his chest but his arms tightened around me. I melted. "Grey . . ." I tried to scold him but it felt unconvincing, even to my ears.

"Hear me, April," Grey whispered before stepping back. The stage light has turned dim and the spotlight was bright on us. A different music played on the background. He lifted his hand to brush a stray hair that came out of the wig before placing his palms on my cheeks. I leanes against, never breaking eye contact.

"What's happening?" I asked quietly.

Grey wrapped an arm around my waist again and flushed our bodies together. I felt my stomach do some flips as the blood rushed in my face. I looked up and saw that his ears were just as red. We continued to stare at each other.

Then in a voice that spoke to the entire auditorium and in a tone that reached my heart, he said, "I love you." My eyes widened. That's not in the script, what was he say– "I love you," he repeated. "Always have, April," he murmured. He gulped then shook his head. "Sorry."

"What?" I frowned at him. What was he trying to say?

"I was suposed to say something before dropping that on you but I just . . . blanked out," he added, blinking at me.

By now, I felt like my chest was gonna explode. In shock, in exultation. I though he– I felt the tears well up at the corner of my eyes.

Grey's eyes widened at the sight. His body stiffened as if he has been showered with cold water, and just when he was about to step back and open his mouth to say something, I stood on my toes and pecked his lips. He blinked while I smiled widely. "I love you too," I answered.

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