Living with a Rockstar (Whitt...

By Chika433

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Claire lives by herself in the town of Friday Night Funkin, well known for it's many singing and rapping batt... More

Music Battle
Letting it out
Shopping and Memories
Getting to know each other
Get Together (Part 2)
Little Notice
Surprise Date
Trouble (Part 1 - Encounter)
Trouble (Part 2 - Rescue Plan)
Trouble (Part 3 - Captivity)
Trouble (Part 4 - Reunion)
Ya'll are gonna make me cry
Sick Day
Friday Night Out
The New Neighbors
Return (Part 1 - Whitty)
Return (Part 2 - Claire)
Music and Emotions
Sleepover (Part 1)
Sleepover (Part 2)
I want to scream
Spooky Month! (Halloween)
Little Notice
Birthday Special
New Addition
Bad Day
Now and Forever
Snow Day
Family Secrets
Cruel Prank
Happy New Year
Little Notice
Valentine's Day
Trip to Jamaica (Part 1: Journey)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 2: Arrival)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 3: Visit)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 4: Beach)
Trip to Jamaica (Part 5: Return)
Little Update
Baby Shower
Christmas Arrival
Theme Songs
Anniversary Surprise
Overcoming Fears
Music Video
Day of Attention
Bad Luck Day
Christmas Birthday
Double Wedding
Together Forever
Thank You

Get Together (Part 1)

516 13 46
By Chika433

Heyo everyone! So just a little note before I start the chapter. I don't post on Saturdays, so there won't be a new chapter tomorrow, but that depends if I can write a whole chapter in the night. Anyway, all images, videos and songs don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on with the chapter!

️Friday Morning☀️

*Claire's POV*
The past few days have been very peaceful, going to work during the day and spending the night with Whitty and Fuse.

Whitty always stayed home to avoid being found by the group, but I do wish that I could go out and have some fun with him.

"Let's start the day, it's a Friday so I don't have to go to work." Rising from my bed, I headed to my room to freshen up myself, change into my overalls with a blue blouse and start breakfast.

I've realized that Whitty has been happier now, even though he spends his days inside the house.

"Oh wait, I think I left my phone in his room." Going back to the bedroom, I walked in to see the cutest thing.

Giggling to myself, I went over to the bed.

"Gmorning Whitty," I kissed him on the cheek, "and gmorning to you too Fuse." Lifting her up I kissed her on the head.

"Good morning..." Whitty answered back, still sleepy.

"Come downstairs after you clean up, I'll be teaching you some stuff today since I don't have work."

Carrying Fuse downstairs, I filled her bowl with food and placed her down to eat.

Preparing breakfast has always been an easy thing for me to do, since my mother taught me at a young age.

"Hmm....I could make this a little more entertaining..." I took up my phone and picked a song to play while making breakfast.

Swaying side to side, I prepared breakfast for Whitty and myself.

Placing the trays on the table, I realized that Whitty wasn't downstairs yet.

The song kept playing so I sang along while dancing to the beat.

Cause you make me love my imperfections,

Answer all my questions just to show me

What's on the other side of ambition.

No apologies my baby...

How do you do? Cause I'm feeling so cool.

Bouncing to the beat, I failed to notice that Whitty was watching me.

"You look like you're having fun." I whipped my head to see Whitty looking down at me.

"Well..." scratching my neck from embarrassment, "I can't help it, I love music after all."

"It's alright, seeing you have fun makes me happy." He took his seat and grabbed the food on the table.

"....thanks my spark." Sitting next to him, I hugged him before he could eat.

"Ok, I think there's a channel that talks about animals, I'll be showing you the different animals that exist." Switching on the television, I found the animal channel and let Whitty watch it as I explained each animal to him that came up.

"That's a red panda?" Whitty pointed to the animal on the screen.

"Yup! Honestly if I could have one as a pet I would, they're adorable!" Looking at the panda on screen, the sound of hissing could be heard.

Following the sound, I saw Fuse hissing at the front door.

"Fuse, what's wrong?" Lifting her up to calm her down, I looked to the door.

"I didn't order anything today, plus I'm not expecting anyone." I reached for the door but Fuse smacked my hand before I could touch it.

"I wonder...."

Looking over to Whitty, I gestured for him to head upstairs and close the bedroom door.

He did as I said, then I opened the door.

"Good day ma'am." A tall man was standing at the door.

He had on a suit, stood with his chest out and smelt like cologne, but the odd thing was his head.

".....a cloud?"

"Good day to you too sir, how may I help you?" Petting Fuse to calm her down, I questioned his presence.

"Pardon my intrusion, I am just looking for a prisoner that escaped. I was told that he was last seen in this area so we're going by all the houses to warn everyone to be on the lookout." He handed me a poster that had a picture on it.


"Thank you sir, I'll make sure to be on the lookout."

"It must be difficult living on your own in this big house ma'am, do you live alone?" He peered inside the house.

"It's just my cat and myself here." My stomach turned as I had to lie to keep Whitty safe.

"Ok miss, stay safe." He finally left, stepping into a limousine then driving off.

Closing the door, I caught my breath and rushed upstairs with Fuse.

"Whitty, open the door, the person is gone." I heard a click, so I opened the door to see Whitty sitting on the bed.

"Who was at the door?"

"It was a man with a cloud for a head."

Whitty immediately froze.

"That's the boss, isn't it?" I showed him the poster that was handed to me.

".....Updyke, that's his name."

I sighed, sitting next to him and placing Fuse on his lap.

"I'm going to check the money I have and get it together so that we can buy your freedom." Standing on the bed, I hugged his torso to calm him down.

"For now, you can't leave the house since they know you're in the area, so how about this?" I climbed off the bed.

"I'll call my friends and see if we can have a get together, are you okay with that?"

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea, what if he comes back?"

"We won't be leaving the house, I'll say that we're having a sleepover party and that they can stay over."

I looked over to Whitty and I saw how uneasy he was about the situation.

"Of course, I'll only do it if you're comfortable with it." Sitting on the bed, I held his hand and looked into his eyes.

He was hesitant at first, but soon looked back into my eyes.

"Okay...just your friends okay?"

"Okay! I promise you won't regret it!"

I was ecstatic, so I jumped out of the bed and ran for my phone to text the others.


"Hey Girlfriend, Are you free later?"

"Hey Claire! Yeah I'm free later, what's up?"

"I'm having a sleepover party, so I wanted to invite you first."

"Of course I'll come, can I bring Boyfriend?"

"Sure you can, he's welcome too."

"Ok I'll ask him right now!"

1 minute later

"He's asking if he can bring a friend."

"Just one person okay? I want to keep it small for Whitty to be comfortable."

"Alright, when should we come over?"

"Come over by 9pm."

"Okay, see you later!"

"See you."


"Hey Suzy, are you free later?"

"Hey Claire! This is new, yeah I am. My boyfriend and I were just gonna stay home and watch a movie."

"Perfect! I'm having a sleepover party and I want to invite you."

"Sure I'll come, can I bring my boyfriend?"

"Sure! It's just three more people coming so it's okay."

"Alright, when should I come by?"


"Alrighty, see you later!"

"See you!"

Unable to control my excitement, I ran back upstairs to Whitty and jumped into his arms, showering him with kisses.

"You have no idea how much happiness you bring me Whitty! I'm so happy to have you in my life!"

His face was flushed red, since I was on top of him and just covered him with kisses, lighting his fuse.

"Oh my gosh Whitty!"

He grabbed a cloth on the night table and wrapped his fuse in it.

When he removed it, the fuse was out.

"I have a wet cloth here incase I can't make it to the bathroom in time."

"Smart thinking Whitty." Patting his head, I glanced at his fuse.

"It's really small now though, if it lights one more you may not be able to stop it in time."

"Well what should I do?"

"Hmm... oh!"

"C'mon! We're going out." Dragging Whitty by the hand, we made it downstairs.

"But what about Updyke?"

"He won't be seeing us." Grabbing the keys, I headed for the garage.

Entering the place, I saw the red car that belonged to my mom still in the spot it was left.

"You had a car? Why didn't you use it?"

"My job is in walking distance, plus I don't go out much so I never needed to use it." Pressing the button, the car came to life.

"Now get in, we're gonna go somewhere. Then go buy some stuff for the sleepover." We got in the car, Whitty getting in the back while I sat in the driver's seat.

Fuse ran out the door, meowing loudly at us.

"Do you want to come with us Fuse?" She meowed back at me.

"Okay, go to Whitty, I'll get the harness." Placing her in his lap, I rushed back in the house to get the harness.

"Alright, let's go!" Starting the engine, I drove out of the garage and headed to a spot outside of the town.

*Time Skip*

"We're here!" Waking up Whitty who dozed off from the long drive, I parked the car at a spot.

"Where are we?"

"At a cliff." The car was parked at a spot hidden by some trees.

"You can let your fuse go out and explode here, then you can grow back your head and be good to go. No one comes up here and we're far from the town so no one should hear the explosion." I stepped out of the car and went over to the cliff, taking in the view that was there.

"Still beautiful as always."

"You've been here?" Whitty was next to me, holding Fuse in his hands.

"Well....I kinda ran away from home once and ended up here. It was at night and I was scared, but when I got here the sky was lit up with the moon and stars. It became my favourite spot, but I only came here once." Holding my chest, I recalled seeing the moon shine down on me.

"Now then, we don't have alot of time left, so we should hurry. Remember to take off your shirt." I took Fuse from Whitty and his shirt and backed up to the car.

"Um...well....I only explode if I'm....well....pushed over the edge." Whitty stumbled with his words, twiddling his fingers.

"That's true, it only happens when he's either embarrassed or angered. I don't want to make him angry, but how do I embarrass him? He's gotten used to compliments and nicknames and kissing him is out of the question."

I struggled to think of something until an idea came up. It was something that Suzy told me about once at work, it embarrassed me just from hearing her talk about it.

"Guess I have no choice."

I placed Fuse in the car before getting in Whitty's view.

"Close your eyes for a second, then open them when I say so."


"Just do it please!" I gripped the straps of my overalls as Whitty closed his eyes.


" can look now..."

He opened his eyes to view my state, immediately blushing and his fuse going off.

"When I showed my boyfriend my bra, he almost fainted from embarrassment!" Suzy was telling me about her prank on her boyfriend.

"I'd be too shy to pull that off." Looking down at the plates I was washing, I tried to calm down my blush.

"Who knows? You might do it one day."

"I doubt it. I'm not even that nice to look at."

"What are you talking about?! Have you looked in the mirror or are you being modest?" Suzy nearly dropped the plate I handed her to dry off.

"You've got beautiful hair, gorgeous eyes, a wonderful personality," she got behind me, "and not to mention these!"

"Suzy stop!" She was grabbing my breasts, fondling them. Somehow I was able to get out of her hold.

"Honestly, any person that dates you should cherish you." My cheeks dusted red, turning my gaze back to the plates.

"You just wanted an excuse to touch my chest."

"Maybe, but I'm serious when I say that you'd be perfect for anyone."

Flashback over

The only thing I could come up with was showing Whitty my bra, which meant I had to pull down my overalls then lift my blouse.

I quickly fixed my clothes then headed to Whitty's body.

"At least it worked." I waited for him to stand then lead him to the car.

"Ok, I'm gonna go buy some food then we'll go home." Starting the car again, we headed back into town.

*Time Skip*

🌙Friday Night🌙

"Ok, preparations are finished!" I prepared all the snacks, food and drinks to accommodate everyone coming over.

Looking on my phone, I saw the time was past 8pm.

"They should be coming soon, so I'll go freshen up."

"Whitty, I'm going to go take a bath. Come get me if they arrive."

"Okay, I will."

Going upstairs, I left Whitty in the couch as he was watching the television with Fuse.

Picking out a purple dress, I placed it on the bed before going to take a bath.

Finally, I finished my bath, drying my hair as I grabbed my underwear to put on.

While dressing myself, I heard a knock on the door.

"Claire, they're here."

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute, you can go get a bathe as well."

"Okay." He stepped off into his own room.

Brushing my hair, I fixed my clothes before going downstairs to greet our guests.

"Claire! You look nice." Suzy complimented my outfit.

"Thank you." I smiled at her, taking notice of her boyfriend, Tony,  standing next to her and another female.

"Um Suzy, I thought you said you were going to bring your boyfriend alone."

"Oh! I thought I sent you a text saying that I'd be bringing a friend?"

"I didn't receive such a text." Looking through my phone, I didn't see any unread messages.

"Oh man! I must have sent it to someone else!" She hit her head jokingly before introducing her friend.

"This is Carol, we met when we had a singing battle." The girl had a big head of black hair, a black top and blue shorts.

"Nice to meet you Carol, I'm Claire."

"Nice to meet you too."

A knock interrupted us.

"I'm coming!" Going over to the door, I opened it to see the remaining guests.

"Glad you could make it." I hugged Girlfriend and let her and the others come in.

"This is Pico, they had a rap battle with Boyfriend once."

My eyes landed on the ginger haired boy, my eyes widening in shock along with his.




"PAY ME BACK!!!" We shouted at each other.

The last rap battle I had before I met Whitty was with Pico.

I was running home and happened to meet him by chance. He held me up at gunpoint and threatened to shoot me if I didn't battle him.

Long story short, we had the battle and he shot a bullet through my phone. He dropped the gun in shock so I grabbed it and threw it into the train tracks, grabbed my stuff then made a run for it back home.

"Y'know what? Forget it. I'll pay you back, then let's just put that battle behind us."

"Fine by me." He was carrying a bag on him.

"What's in that bag?" We all brought our attention to the bag Pico was carrying.

"Just some stuff for myself, my UZI, my cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol."


"Ok no, hand those over." I asked for the bag.

"No way! Not happening!"

"If the police come here, you will take full responsibility for all your items?" I was not about to go to jail for someone else's mistake.

"Yes! Jeez you didn't tell me she was like this." Pico whispered to Boyfriend.

"Well pardon me for not wanting to go join my brother." Silence filled the room.

"....sorry.." Pico apologized.

"It's fine, I'll go get Whitty. In the meantime you can get comfortable and have some food." I went upstairs to check on Whitty.

"Whitty, are you ready?" I opened the door to see him in a green hoodie and black sweatpants.

"I guess so...." That gut feeling kicked in again, so I sat next to him.

"What's wrong Whitty?"

"I'm nervous....what if they don't like me?"

"Whitty, I know most of them. They'll like you as long as you be yourself."

He looked down at me, with something in his eyes. I couldn't find out what it was until I was suddenly pinned to the bed.

"Whitty?!" My face burned as Whitty looked down at me.

Leaning down to me, he kissed my neck, gaining a gasp from me.

"Mmh~" It was a weird feeling, but it wasn't a bad one. His kisses on my neck were gentle to the touch.

He pulled away, looking at my neck.

"So that's a hickey? It looks good on you."

"Where did you learn something like that?! On the phone?!" He nodded his head.

Grabbing the small mirror, I saw a large red spot on my neck.

"Why did you do that?" Covering it with my hand, I was now an embarrassed tomato that had an obvious bruise now.

"It said that partners give each other hickeys to show the world their partner belongs to them, also it's a way to show love."

"My gosh was giving him a phone a bad idea?!"

"I'm sorry I did it so suddenly, you looked upset so I wanted to show you that I loved you."

I looked up to him, that was the thing that was in his eyes, love.

"Thank you Whitty, I love you too." Reaching up, he lifted me in his arms so that I could kiss him.

"Now let's go out there and have some fun!" He carried me out of the room as we headed downstairs.

Part 1 is done! I'm doing two parts so the next one will be out later. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you soon! 👋

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