MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete)

By Stacey_M03

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What started of as a plan thoroughly set, ends tragedically.Love found and love lost.Travis finds himself in... More



214 26 0
By Stacey_M03


Immediately after Bella left I grabbed my keys and walked out, I don't know what time it is but I know it's early in the morning but I'm a man with a mission, I got in my car and drove off, I know it's reckless of me but I can’t, I need answer and I need them now.  

When I got to the lofts the security guard let me in because he knows me, I thanked him and walked in, I pressed the floor number then waited for the elevator to come. You know that feeling where you know or rather feel something is not going to go according? That's how I'm feeling right now. I've been busy contemplating if what I'm doing is right or wrong, for one Lexy will flip should she find out I came here, second! We'll...I don't know I guess I'll see, I got to Roses' floor and make my way to her apartment, I used my key to open up, Well, despite everything else she never took her keys back and I'm quite grateful for that now. 

I made my way to her room but my movements came to a halt when I heard she was talking to someone, isn't it a little too early to be up? I mean I know Rosie likes her sleep, I put my hand on the doorknob when her words got to me 

"Lucas is mine and mine alone, I’ll do everything in my power to get him back” okay? 

Maybe for a man in my situation those words shouldn't sound good to hear, or for any reason whatsoever because they sound like words an obsessed person utters but my ego fed on them, I’m crazy to think this but seriously? When have I ever been sane with Rose next to me?

"Hhmh! That little Jenkins girl thinks she's the new it now huh-? We'll she's got another thing coming, she clearly doesn't know anything about me, she took everything from me and she's going to pay it back, come hell or high waters " 

That picked my interest, what has Bella done now? I knew from the start that she doesn't really like Bell but what is she talking about?

"Yes! No I know that but I fell in love with him okay? I told you Lucas is out of this Al-"

My heart started beating fast, what is she talking about, I'm out of what? What the hell could this girl be talking about the-

"Yes damn it, we eliminate her okay, capish. You get your guy and I get the money  and Until-...Luu-?"

I don't know how or when but I found myself grabbing her phone and throwing it across the room, she stood up just as quick

"What the hell Rose?"  I was getting frustrated now

"" she kept pointing her at me and then at the door 

"I've been here for long enough, now what's this about Bella" 

Her nose flared up in anger then folded her arms

"Roselle Kathrine Moore... I asked you a God damn question"

"Luu, I'm am sick and tired its Isabella, Bella this, Bella that, are you in love with her?" What?

"What the hell, why would you think that?" I chuckled a bit "wait" I stepped closer to her "is that? that why you hate Bella? Because you think I'm in love with her?"

She continued to ignore me, I chuckled a bit and made my way to the door muttering 

"you unbelievable"

"Lu...Lu wait " I can't stand her right now ...I walked out of her room 


Hah.. The devil better be testing me now, I stopped and looked at them, before I can comprehend my fist were already on his jaw, launching punch after punch with Rose making a lot of noise "SHUT UP" after I've had enough I stopped 

"SHUT THE HELL UP Rose" I felt tears stinging my eyes "shut up!" I rubbed my face with my hands

"Was this part of your mission?" 

"Lu please not now" her eyes travel from me to him, 

Chuckling “I can't believe you right now Rose, do you really hate Isabella this much, no wait...did you " pointing fingers “did you ever love me? Have you ever?" 

Crocodile tears made way to her eyes "wipe those fake tears away because I'm not going to fall for it no more, we done, for good " 

Wiping tears "yeah well we already broke up " 

Bitch! I walked out and went to my car, I drove around with no destination until I found myself out side River Dale, I stood on my car botnet reminiscing about the past and if ever everything was as it seemed, bella deserves the truth. Without thinking twice, I dilled her number, it rang and rang, just when I was about to give up it got answered.


Romantic movies make waking up with the sunlight blighting your eyes so nice, try that with a hangover, after I regained my long needed strength and managed to sit up on the bed, I got frightened when I saw Carl sitting on the couch with a glass of brown liquor on his hand, his stare boring through me.

"Where were you last night " 

It took me a minute to understand what he said, I attempted to stand up but I fell back on the bed because my head hurt, it feels like I'm caring the Table Mountain on my head, he stood as fast as lighting to come catch me “fuck Isabella" his voice was laced with panic 

I felt like my heart was in my head now, Ooooooh oh "Carl" I tried to push him so I stand again but he wouldn't budge, "Carl I need to-" and the vomit landed on his clothes 

"Fuck woman" I stood on the bed with my foot dangling trying to stay awake because he said he's coming I should not stand, after a few minutes he came back with a glass of juice, and an aspirin

"Here drink up" 

I couldn't even refuse because lord you had to give me such a husband. I took them and drank 

"Come take a bath and go back to sleep, you came back early in the morning so you must still be tired " 

When I got to the bathroom he helped me out of the clothes I was in, ooh would you look at that, I'm in his shirt, after he was done I stood under the shower head and let the water cascade down on me ...

Few minutes later I got out, dried myself and went to our room to lotion, I found the bed neatly made and my vomit cleaned, how nice 

I found a t-shirt and boxers on the bed, I wore them and got into the covers.

After what felt like hours later I woke up and it was dark outside and I was hungry couldn't describe what I'm feeling, I went to the bathroom and washed my face, peed then washed my hands. 

I went to the kitchen and I was welcomed by a fit of laughter, girl’s laughter to be precise, I stood frozen on my spot when I saw who it was, I couldn't move don't think there's a word to describe what I was happening to me, what the hell are they doing. Here to start with?

"Oooh hi Bella"  

devil I rebuke you. 

A gave her a small smile just so not to be rude.

, Barbie bit-. "Isabella!!"

 Ooooooh dear husband, I guess I said that out loud 

"your foods in the microwave” I acknowledge with my head then went to the kitchen, it was steak, mash potatoes some veggies, mmmm. I was about to pour a glass of wine when a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of me, I looked up to see Carl staring straight into my eyes, we held eye contact for a few seconds until he sighed and kissed the side of me head 

"we need to talk after " with that he left, how exactly do I behave when he does things like this, I mean Fuck! I threw my fork across the table.mxm...

he’s just determined to make me fall for him harder, a tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it off, I turned to look where he went but lord is you against me, he was standing at the door looking at me, didn't he leave? Seeing him look at me like that and the way his eyes soften was confirmation I needed that yes he didn't leave and that opened the flood gates of tears ...he strides over to me and embraced me in a hug, the water works couldn't stop literally, I'm sure his shirt is soaked with tears and mucus but he didn't seem to mind, he embraced me more.

 "I'm really sorry Bella, I really am " 

I just shook my head, for what I don't know 

He kept saying he's sorry and kissing my head

 "gghm...sorry?" Aah! sure are working part-time in my life

"Valery I'll be with all now give us space " 

I didn't want to raise my head so I kept it on his chest but nonetheless he kept brushing it

"Uuuhmm.okay then, we'll see ourselves out " I felt her heals clicking closer until I smelt her perfume, after a few seconds I felt Carl's body tense then soft hands brushing my back, 

"It was nice seeing you Bella, and I hope you get better " the she left, after we heard the front door close I raised my head and wiped my tears off. 

"You okay?" My voice was cranky so I just nodded my head 

"Babe look at me " the pet name brought a smile to my face 

"And! She smiles " He raised his hands "my job here is done fellas, I'm out here " dork ...

"you crazy" I said that chuckling...

He continued making corny jokes throughout and it was nice, I think I'm in love 

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