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She's crying. I'm the reason why. I went too far with my retribution fuck. I never thought... Fuck! My aim was just to .... Jesus. 

"Bella please open up okay.  I'm really sorry... I just wanted. fuck I'm sorry okay" 

I have been banging on this door for over thirty minutes now and she still won't open up...Travis you so stupid sometimes you know that. She's not like the rest. She's fragile ...I'm busy banging my head on the door because I'm stupid sometimes. If she won't open, I'll do it myself. I can't... She ...Fuck!

I went over to the drawers and retrieved the spare key. Immediate when I opened the door I was met by something that made me feel more stupid, her head was on the toilet seat, she's sleeping. For someone sleeping in an awkward place she sure is sleeping peacefully. 

She's still naked. *Sigh* what am I going to do with you Bella? 

I picked her up bridal style and made way to the bed. I put her inside then switched the bedside lamp off. 

 I took out my phone and dilled cavin numbers. This thing needs to be done once and for all...

"You really mean it" 

"I'm serious man. I can't afford to lose her. In the short time we've gotten along she took a big part of me man, I can't lose her. I love that girl with everything in me"

"I hear you man. so what's the plan?" 

"I need you as my lawyer to start some papers for me. I owe everything to that girl. Should anything happen to me I want her secured. I know that busted Hank won't give her a thing. "

they were all quite. Looking at me like I'm crazy or something but I'm not. I know what I want and who I want. 

"So you totally over Valerie?"  

mmh... that question...

"Valerie was my first. I don't think ever stopped loving her. A part of me still will until forever maybe I don-" 

"Oooh shit" 

I turned to look at who Jeff was referring to and there she stood... Only in my t-shirt and glassy eyes. 

I stood up to go check if she was okay but she moved past me and headed for the bathroom...

*Sigh* I'm never going to win with her am I? 

I'll apologize properly in the morning. 

I went after her and found her trying to grab a glass from the cupboard but she looked like she was in pain.

"Here I'll help you-" 

"It's fine I've got it" 

She snatched the glass from my hands and went to fill it with water, she turned looking for something but I think I beat her up to it. 

I handed her some painkillers, she gave me one hell of a look, took them from my hands and walked out and went back to bed. 

"What did you do?" 

"Lucas is here" Jeff saved me.

thank God for was I going to answer them? 

"Is he here with-" 

"River? Yes" 

"Good... Let's get to them" 

******Basement parking*****


Getting downstairs, Carlos, Jeff and cavin found River and Lucas in a heated conversation...

"What the hell is this DeLuca?"  Ask a fuming River walking closer to Travis ...

"Relax you knuckles Cruise...we have a thing in common" 

River chuckles, puff a smoke and blow it in front of Travis but he remained stoic. In as much as he doesn't like River he's the best option for him right now. He would ask Lucas but then.  this is Bella they talking about he, the little Robinson won't stand back.

"Ooh yeah? Blow my mind. T.R.A.V.I.S" 


That managed to get Rivers attention. 

"I'm about to do something and I don't want Bella anywhere near me, and you the best candidate to help with that "

"Ooh yeah? You not scared that I might make my move on her " 

Rivers was trying to provoke Carlos and for the better part it worked but Travis told himself it's not about him but about his inamorata. 

Travis released a soft chuckle, placed his hands in his pocket and said 

" nah I'm not... we both know you no pervert and I know for a fact you'll never make a move on your niece" 

River was the only one shocked to find out that someone other than him knew the truth. He has been on a mission to get his niece back for years on end. Now someone other than him and his sister knew the truth. He felt a bit septic and at ease in the same time.

"What do you want DeLuca?" 

"Your assurance that you'll keep her safe, it's all " 

"What... You going to a world war III? "

"Maybe" replied Jeff 

River laughed at that 

"World war III is only ever going to come if someone stupid decides to take this fuckers mother on " 

He said the word 'fucker' pointing at Travis. 

No one said anything. They kept straight faces

"No fucken way..." He threw the cigarette butt and stomped it with his foot.

"Jesus DeLuca... Do you know what that means?" 

"We won't be doing this if we didn't know you dumbs hit" -cavin

"Funk off Brown" -River 

"Cut it out you two" -Travis 

"So what do you say? “He wanted everything to work out good so he could be with amor with no problems lurking around...

"No fucken way DeLuca" his heart started beating fast. Sacred that River will say no to his request and not help keep Bella safe ...

"I want also want piece of the pie... I want to see that devil go down... Better yet die. No offence brush" 

He was relieved by that 

"None taken" he replied with a smile on his face. 

"Sorry to bust your bubble but how do you plan on taking that demon down I mean you fucken soft on her man" 

"I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that" said Jeff

All eyes turned on him.

" I'm her fucken offspring... If she's a demon, then I'm the fucken devil himself" 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon