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"are you ever going to tell me what's going on or it's none of my business?" 

She asks, she's right here next to me ,with her head on my shoulders while I'm playing with her fingers, I need to put a ring on this finger , before everything comes out, it's near but I need to secure my marriage and fast, I agree when we got married it was all planned and we didn't get along, but she grew on me, hell I'm even in love with her, she hasn't said anything regarding what I said to her but I'm a dick, that's not how I planned to tell her but with what has been happening lately I just felt like she should know or maybe it's one of my plans ,I don't know but what I do know is I don't see myself without her, I know it's still early to say this but it's exactly how I feel, I need her more than she could think. 

She's going with me to the airport, when I asked her to accompany me she didn't even hesitate to, I'm glad, for once I didn't have to do anything to get her to say yes and-

"Travis " ooh. shit. She was talking. 

 "Mmm" she looked at me then placed her head back on my shoulder*sigh* 

"Bella please okay. It's nothing"

 she removed her head from my shoulder

 "ok" then she opened the door

 "where are you going?" She can't possibly be thinking of getting out in the middle of no-

"we've reach the airport" and with that said she got out*sigh* I'm never going to have peace here will I?

 Roy opened my door and my phone rang 'Mirabelle ' Yeah, I'm never getting a break 

"Hello" I answered.

"Don't even think of double crossing me young boy, you make sure you come to New York tomorrow" 

"I can't mother I -" she hangs up, she fucken hang up on me. 

If it were possible to change parents believe you me, I'd gladly do so with this woman, she's never been a mother to me, not ever.

I turned to look at Bella and she was focused on her phone.

 "That was Mirabelle" that managed to get her attention

 "she uuhmmm. She-" 

"Travis you don't owe me any explanation, especially when it comes to your mother, come on let's go "

  are you ever going to win with woman ever? I guess not. I know for a fact that she's mad but she has to understand, Mirabelle is not something anyone should talk about. That woman is fucken dangerous to a person's lively hood I tell you. Since we using my jet there was no need for the long queues and shit.

I left Roy to take charge of all security check and everything, Bella walked me to the jet and we stood still and looked at each other, I had her left hand in my hands and sighed before I said anything, I am doing that a lot these days.

 "look Bella, I'm sorry abo-” she shut me up with a kiss, ohkay? I grabbed both her cheeks to deepen it.

"mmh" she moaned then pulled out gosh...a small smile made its way to my lips.

"I'll call before you sleep okay" she nodded her head yes

 "good, I love you. Take care" I kissed her forehead then made my way into the jet. When I got to the door, I stopped and looked back at her, she had her back facing me, I saw her shoulders sag back a little then she walked back to the car, I watched it drive out 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now