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The week has passed by and the project we working on is coming together, tomorrow we traveling to Japan for some work function regarding this project and I'm excited and nervous as hell, matt didn't sleep last night busy skyping me all night long giggly with happiness and I barely caught any sleep ...well I guess you all want to find out what happened last time yeah ?well I found out it was not Carl but one of the workers ,she came to close the curtains and bit me goodbye as she was leaving ,you can't imagine how  relieved I was that it was only her and not Carlos ,as for that Travis ass he didn't even come home that day or the day after, I saw him at work once when I dropped off the paper and he barely acknowledged me at all ,to say I was hurt would be an understatement I tell you.

 I guess he took the 'do you and imam do me' thing too seriously, to think I was starting to fall for him and I'm slowly loosing my balance.

I was coming out of the staff bathroom with Lexy laughing at something she said when I almost bumped into someone

"oops sorry" I was quick to say.

"it’s okay, I wasn't watching where I was going anyway" he said.

all too soon I made my way to the work station, today I was in a happy mood in five days our results were due, but I was not scared at all, if anything whatever comes and I'll live. Before I forget I moved in with Lolita, at first she didn't agree and said whatever is going on Carl and I we should work it out, but I cried and begged to stay with her she decided okay I should stay with her but under no circumstances should my father know but when I come back I'm going to look for an apartment.

We were released early because we had to pack and get ready to leave by four so I packed everything needed for the project and made my way out, I was walking pass Carl's office when I saw that his office blinds were open and I saw him and that Barbie bitch being all too close for my liking, a second passed while I stood watching them, he looked up and saw me looking at them and a small mischievous smile played on his lips, he tilted his face to the side and inched closer to her

I couldn't look at this, no I can’t, I can't hurt myself like this. Not anymore, I was about to walk away when I heard my name being called, I looked up to see the guy I bumped into when I came out of the staff bathroom. 

"Hey, Bella right?" 

"uuhmmm yeah?" I asked in a questioning tone.

he smiled and placed his hand forward for a handshake 

"Caving Brown" I took his hand to shake

"high" I said back.

"well look, you dropped this when I so rudely bumped into you"

 he said taking out my access card

"figured you'd need to go out or the security was going to give you shit" he said which actually made me laugh, a real carefree laugh 

"yeah well thank you -?" I'm ashamed to say this even now but I had forgot his name but he seemed not to mind because he responded 

"caving" he said 

"aah yes ...sorry" I gave an apologetic smile 

"well it's not everyday day I get a girl who forgets my name, actually it’s never happened before " he has a small cute smile on him

 "cocky much?" 

 "no. Just honest and since you forgot my name how about I take you out for a drink so you can pay me back for it"

 I opened my mouth to say something but he shushed me 

"aah ah… plus a thank you for saving my ass with the card" he pointed to my hand which hand my access card 

"and also for calling me cocky" 

 I just had to laugh at that last one because yeah he was being cocky. I wanted to decline and head home, cry my eyeballs out for Carl and probably make an excuse to not go to Japan but when I looked towards his office and I saw that Carl was actually looking at me, with an angry and pissed face, Barbie bitch was talking and caressing his should but he didn't seem to notice, his focus was all on us so without thinking I turned to caving and smiled

 "sure why not, a drink or two won't hurt now would it? but I'm buying"

 he protests but I put my hand on his shoulder and said

" don't argue you won't win and since I'm the one in the wrong its only fair I pay alright "

 he wanted to say no but I left for the elevator, I heard him chuckle behind me and a small smile made its way to my face, I didn't want to turn to see Carl even though I was eager to see his face, but I knew if I turned he'd know I'm playing his game and he'd find a way to hurt me more and win but I decided I'm doing me now not this fucked up game of his

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