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With a lot of persuasion from Travis I finally managed to let Lucas be, it wasn't easy but I managed to give him the 'space' everyone says he needs, even Carl says so. What I don't understand is what EXACTLY, does he need space for, I'm his friend for heaven's sakes, he should talk to me. okay, fair enough, I haven't been the best friend since, ooh well, since I got married, I mean Travis is a handful but I can't blame it all on him, come to think of it, I've always burdened Luu with my troubles, since we were young. I haven't had his back in like, forever. *sigh* yeah, trophy for shitty friend goes out to me.

I’m jolted out of my train of thoughts by Lexy sitting next to me she doesn't look fine and neither does Matt.something is up and I'm going to find out, I have to be a good friend and find out, I did a shitty job with Lucas I'm not about to do that now, hell-to-the-no! For now, I'll let everything slide for now because I need to focus on my studies.

Throughout the whole day I didn't have any sort of contact with anyone, reason being my lectures were a drag, and everyone seemed to be swamped and occupied, yeah I won't lie, school is a lot, it's now six and I'm just getting out of my last class and I'm tired as hell, I just want a long bath and some sleep but I can't, it's not the weekend yet and I have studies to catch up on. I called an uber five minutes away' it said. If I'm this tired from just school work how the hell am I going to juggle both work and school? Yeah I'm as good as dead.

Before getting home I asked the driver to pass by KFC because I was craving their dunked wings *sigh* then McDonald's for their burgers. The uber dropped me off on the entrance of THE LOFTS, that's where we stay. I paid the driver and the butler opened for me

 "Mrs de Luca" he greeted, you should have seen my face, I didn't know that they knew me, hell I am not never used the first floor before.

 Getting home, I find soft music playing through the speakers, mmmh. Nice. I placed my bag, keys and the food on the kitchen table where Carl was with papers played out, hair messy and loose tie, he looked stressed

 "hey" I greeted, he just acknowledges me with his head. 

"Are you okay?" He's never like this something

 "Mmmh" something is up with him, I stepped closer to him while removing my shoes, I reached for his laptop but he quickly shut it before I could read a single syllable

 "okay" he grabbed all the papers and his laptop and walked out to the direction of his study. I'm definitely not doing this tonight. 

I grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass, took my school work and walked to our room, I stripped down naked drinking straight from the bottle, I'm slowly turning into an alcoholic, if I'm not careful.

I ran myself a bubble Bath, got in and enjoyed me my little sanctuary.

I felt a presence next to me, I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it is.

 "Scoot" he sounded tired and drained, I could hear it all from his tone. He got in and played my hair on his chest, took my fingers and played with them. That little gesture was enough to make me forgive him for the stunt he pulled not going to pressure him into talking, he will tell me when he's ready. I've learnt to never force him to talk or I'll end up crying and that's not what I want today, or any other day.

"You look tired" Ladies and gentlemen, he talks.

"I feel tired" he's still playing with my fingers 

"You should get some rest" his hands have resorted to my shoulders massaging me


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