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'here we are starring at each other as strangers sleeping in the same bed'

I'm sitting on the bed with my legs crossed while he’s on the couch. Hands on his knees and head buried in his hands. His shirt buttons are torn, suit jacket on the floor, shoes? Well I don't know. He looks a mess but I don't care. I want the truth and nothing but the truth. 

I can find it out all on my own by I want him to be the one to tell me. 

We've been sitting like this for over an hour and no one has said anything to anyone. Four words from me is all it took for him to look like this, now it's confirmed that there's a lot going on that I don't know anything about. I don't care aabout a lot I just want to know of his relationship with Luu that's all.

After what felt centuries of silence I stood up. Walked over to the closet but he beat me to it 

"Bella what are you doing" He had both his hands on my shoulders

"Ooh so now you talk" Pushing his hands of me I grabbed one of the closest hoodies that happened to be his.

"Bella please don't leave. It's late if you don't want to be anywhere near me I'll be the one to go" 

His eyes were red and glassy. As heart breaking as it was to see him like that I can't. If he won't tell me someone else will. And I know just who.

"Okay fine Miamor... I'll tell you everything thing then" I chuckled.

"No you won't" I wore the hoodie, grabbed a pair of sneakers, went out to grab my phone. He took out his phone to switch it off or something then placed it back in his pocket.

if he thinks I'm stupid then he's in for a ride. I placed my hand out to him.

"Give me your phone"


"Travis your phone" he took it out but hesitated a bit. I quickly grabbed it and his car keys that was on next to the headrest.

"Bella wait. Come on man. What the hell" I walked out leaving him calling out my name. When I got outside I found Roy on the door blocking me from moving past him

"Don't patronize me Rudolf" 

I pushed passed him and went for the elevator. If this fools think they can play me then they in for a surprise. Getting to the basement parking I got inside the car and drove out with a plan in my head. 

" If they think I'm stupid then they better think again" 

banging the steering wheel, I cussed "fuck! I can't believe I fell for that fucker"

I took out his phone, no pin...just my luck. I scrolled through his contacts until I found one that I was looking for. 

Travis better pray my love for him get the better of me or so help me God. A text came through from his phone BINGO! 

you know when you do something and the suddenly your heart is no longer there? Like guilt is weighing on you? Suddenly everything felt so wrong like why am I doing this? Bella you've never done anything like this why start now?

I parked in front of the building and walked up to the elevator. It's after one in the morning and I'm busy going places I don't know of.

When I got to the elevator I pressed the last floor and patiently waited for it to reach the last floor.  11nth floor room number 605. I walked all the way down the hallway until I reached the last door on the right. 605 it read. Deep breath in-and-out in-and-out. 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now