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I woke up with a mother of all headaches. Took my phone from the nightstand and checked the time, I was a little early so decided to sleep a little until my phone buzzed with a text.it read

 : morning beautiful-cavin

I found myself smile and returned the text, it wasn't until I checked the time and saw that it was close to ten and my stomach growling I realized that I was hungry and I need to get the hell up, I made my way to the kitchen to try and make breakfast, I was going to settle for just cereal when I saw the note on the fridge from Lolita saying my breakfast is in the microwave and to have a safe trip that I realized

 "shit I haven't even started packing anything yet",

I quickly went to pack as formal and presentable clothes as I can.

After all the running around I was doing I was only left with two hours to get to the airport since the drive there was almost an hour away I decided to leave right now, I got the shock of my life when I went downstairs and saw an all too familiar range rover park outside…

I tried to pretend that I didn't notice and call a cab but Roy got out quickly and took my bag without a word and put it the car trunk and another guy I don't know grabbed me by my arm and led me to the back of the car, my heart was racing a mile a minute I didn't anticipate this especially not today when I looked to my side Carl wasn't even paying attention to me he was busy on his phone doing God knows what and ignoring me. 

I stood there looking at him, so many emotions were running through me and many questions running through my mind.my head was running a mile a minute, do I say something to him or just keep quite? I decided to speak 

"Uuhmmm. Car-"

 he interrupted me, held his hand up and said “Bella um busy, pretend as if I'm not here and I will”.

what in the actually fuck is this? Who does he think he is exactly? Telling me what to do?

What do I do, a part of me is happy that he's here and another is seriously pissed, how can he just show up at my place, without telling me, force me into his car and then pretend as if he isn't here? His presence alone from afar affects me like crazy, and now he's next to me and wants me to what? nigger bats hit crazy 

"don't call me crazy Bella" ouch!!!did I say that out loud?

 "Yeah you did" he answered still looking at his phone 

"fuck you Carlos" I was beginning to get pissed now, I saw a faint smile creep out but quickly stopped when he saw that I was looking at him, so that's his plan huh? get me all worked up? fuckin bustard.it takes two to fucken tango mom. 

A faint and yet audible scoff came out of him, fuck him, if that's what he wants then that's what he'll get.

After what felt like a decade long we pulled up at the airport, I didn't even wait for them to pull up I was already out of the car and walking my way inside, I didn't care about my clothes I had my purse on me with my passport and everything I could need, when I got inside everyone was at the terminal

 "bitch you late" that was lexy, from the look of things they were here for long

"yeah whatever" I dissed her off, I seriously was not in the mood, from my peripheral I saw Roy looking for me, he spotted me he came forward to give me my luggage, apparently so did the Barbie bitch because she asked him 

"Roy?" She looked behind him "where's Carl? Is he here with you?" That pissed me off even 

"No mam...I just came to give Mrs Bella her stuff" he responded immobile 

MY RUDE HUSBAND (complete) Where stories live. Discover now