The Legend Of White Werewolfs...

By Galaxy-godess

45.9K 1.6K 467

The weakest wolf in your pack. That's what everyone called you. Despite that, one day Alpha of your pack deci... More

The beginning
The change
The legend
The trouble
The explanation
The training
The magic
The preparation
The ceremony
The new start
The hard part
The hope
The argument
The dream
The meeting
The family
The prisoner
The voice
The tower
The Golden Room
The fight
The cult
The promise
The feeling
The potion
The Silver Werewolf
The secret
The end

The pack

1K 52 0
By Galaxy-godess

It has now been one week. One week of trying to forget about The City of Werewolfs. One week of trying to forget about my friends there. One week of trying to forget about Jimin.

After I ran away, I ran down the familiar path that led out of The Dark Forest and back to my pack. At first no one believed that I was really Y/N they once knew. The old Y/N was small skinny and powerless. The new one that stood before them had a pretty white silky furr, was bigger than before and had confidence and power.

But once they smelled me, they were sure some kind of magic happened to me. Because even tho I smelled the same, they could smell some unknown scent. Everything changed from before. The male wolves were actually interested in me. But I turned all of them down since I already found the one I want. The female wolves were no longer ignoring me, they wanted to talk to me all the time. Their fake act made me want to puke. All of them wanted to know what happened to me but I stayed misterious all till now.

Today was a beautiful day. Sun was shining, birds were chirping and water was cleaner than days before. I was laying beside the calm river beside our residence together with some other female wolves while males were 'playing' in the water, trying to impress us.

Other women were fangirling over them while I just calmly looked at the trees or the part of the river where men weren't playing. It actually looked like I was calm. The truth was, I was thinking about the past month even tho I promised myself I'll forget it. 

That was a little easier to say than do. It was the best thing that happened in my life after all. And even after a week, I could still feel his lips on mine. I could still feel his touch on me. I could think about it all day if it wasn't for one of my new 'friends', Ryujin that put me back to earth.

Ryujin:"Y/N, someone's looking at you."

I boredly looked at her and then to wolves that were playing in the water just to lock eyes with my former crush, Jay. Jay didn't change one bit since I last saw him. He was still one of the biggest wolves in our pack, he still had gray furr with slightly white color and he was still a big ego-maniac.

Since I came here, he was the only one that didn't understand my words when I said 'I'm not interested'. And since then he's always trying to seduce me. It's not working. He pushed one of other wolves away just to show off his strenght and went out of the water towards me.

I groaned inside because I knew he wants to harass me again. He stoped in front of me and my fake a*s friends and streched his neck so the muscles were visible. All other girls squeled while I just rolled my eyes.

Jay:"Today's a beautiful day, ladies, isn't it?"

They nodded but he was only looking at me while I avoided his eyes.

Jay:"Isn't it, Y/N?"

I finally glanced at him, rolled my eyes yet again and sarcastically smiled.

Y/N:"Yes, indeed very beautiful."

He smiled back at me and laid down beside me. I scooted away from him because his closeness was really making me uncomfortable.

Jay:"C'mon, Y/N. Why are you playing hard to get? I know you want me too."

I scoffed.

Y/N:"In your dreams. I learnt a thing or two in this one month when I was away. I'm not playing hard to get."

He leaned closer to me and I leaned back.

Jay:"Since you've started this topic already, where were you, Y/N? We missed you VERY very much. Especially me."

I scoffed again and stood up.

Y/N:"Yeah, right. You didn't even know I was gone. And I already said, I don't want to talk about the past month."

Jay wanted to say something but was interrupted when our Luna, Amber, ran to us.

Amber:"Hey, guys, I don't care what you're arguing about. Y/N, I need you to come with me. It's urgent."

I nodded and silently thanked all the gods that sent her in that moment. I didn't even say goodbye to them and followed Amber to the main area on our territory.

Y/N:"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need me?"

Amber:"Jackson and some other wolves went hunting again when they came across a wandering wolf. He asked them if they knew where he could find Y/N and he begged them to take him to you when they told him they did know you. But he did smell weird, not like a wolf."

I tensed up when she said the last part. It couldn't be someone from there, right?

Amber looked at me judgingly.

Amber:"Do you have any idea who could it be?"

I just quietly shook my head and looked in front of me.

We walked for a few more minutes until we came to the Alpha's residence. There were a few wolves there, just like Amber said but what caught my attention was the somehow familiar dark gray wolf standing in the middle of some kind of circle they created. We came closer to them and Amber made it clear we've come.

Amber:"She's here. This is the Y/N you've been looking for."

I had some distance between me and the new wolf but when I made eye contact with him, the distance dissapeared and only one name came to my mind.


I whispered and ran to him. I didn't even realise Dawn gave me a control over my body and I changed in a human. I didn't hear all the gasps that came from my pack mates and I didn't see all the judging and shocked eyes. All I knew and felt was him.

Before I could reach Jimin, he also turned into a human and when I came in contact with him, he lifted me up and spun me around. I giggled and hugged him harder than before. I heard his laugh too and it made me smile even more. He finally put me down and looked in my eyes. 

Jimin:"This might sound cheesy because I've seen you one week ago but I missed you."

I smiled at his words.

Y/N:"I missed you too."

His eyes were sparkling from happiness and relieve. I felt myself slowly lean forward just like him. But our moment had to be ruined by my current Alpha.

Jackson:"Y/N??? What is this? You're a human? Some kind of creature?"

I hung my head low, sighed and pulled away from Jimin but he quickly put his arms around my waist and stood on my side.

Y/N:"No, I'm not a human. I'm actually a werewolf and I'm surprised you didn't notice."

There were even more gasps and now almost the whole pack was watching us.

Jackson:"And you didn't tell us? Y/N, what happened to you in that one month you were away?"

Y/N:"What happened is none of your concerns. I already told you it's not something I'll easily tell. All you have to know is that it changed my life."

Jimin squeezed my waist lightly to get my attention. I looked at him and now he had a more serious facial expression than before.

Jimin:"I need you to come with me, Y/N. I can't tell you all reasons why but if you come, I promise you'll know everything. Let's say that for now, I want you to come so I can save you from your pack."

He whispered the last part. I didn't even need to think about my choice. I nodded and turned to Jackson again.

Y/N:"If you don't mind, I want you to kick me out of your pack."

Jay:"What?! Kick you?! Are you crazy?! You can't survive without us. We need- I mean, you need us, Y/N!"

I rolled my eyes at him AGAIN. He's so full of bullshit, I can't help it.

Y/N:"I don't need you for sh*t. I can live on my own just fine."

Jay turned to Jackson and looked at him desperately.

Jay:"Jackson! DO something! She can't just leave!

Jackson sighed.

Jackson:"Unfortunately, if she wants to be kicked out, it is my duty to do so. She's a part of our Star pack and my duty as the Alpha is to satisfy all her wishes that are in my power."

Jay looked furious and glared at me but tried to calm himself down and looked at me with his 'seductive' face.

Jay:"C'mon, Y/N. You can't just leave us. We had a great time, didn't we?"

I got furious at his words.

Y/N:"Great time? You're the only one that had a great time! Because you obviously don't remember your actions before I went missing. You don't remember how you bit me all the time that I had wounds all over my body? How you pushed me around? You don't remember all the words you said to me? Too bad because I do!

And now that I magically became stronger, prettier and better, you think I'm just going to forgive you? That's not how it works! Try to go through the same sh*t and then we'll talk. Jackson, please."

The surprise and embarrassment on Jay's face was evident. Jackson nodded and cleared his throat.

Jackson:"I, Jackson Wang, the Alpha of Star pack, am kicking you out of my pack because you don't belong among us."

I smiled at him.

Y/N:"Thank you, Jackson. Goodbye."

I turned to Jimin and smiled at him.

Y/N:"Lead the way."

He grinned while grabbing my hand and leading me back in the forest.

Jay:"You'll be sorry for this! When you come back, we won't take you!"

I ignored him and smiled as Jimin told me to turn back in my wolf form and run behind him. I felt the wind that I love so much, blowing in my face while I took in the fresh smell of the river we were running along. And I didn't feel one bit of sorry or regret on leaving my previous pack.

As we were running, I noticed we were getting closer to some kind of a camp. It had three tents, made of wooden sticks, leaves and moss that were standing in a shape of a triangle. Very creative. In the middle could be seen remains of a campfire. Beside the 'tents', I could see some weapons and fruits on a wooden table.

We stopped in the middle of the camping spot, beside the campfire. He turned back to a human and I followed him. And when he turned around, he had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face.

Jimin:"You're really here."

I nodded and went to him. He grabbed my hands and interwined them with mine.

Y/N:"I really am."

We again had our moment but just like before, it was ruined. Only this time, I liked the person that ruined it.

Taehyung:"It was slimy! I couldn't do any- Y/N!!!"

Taehyung immediately let go of all the wood he was carrying and ran to me with such a force we almost fell over when he hugged me. I laughed out loud and looked the way Taehyung came from. There I saw Hoseok and Namjoon looking at me and smiling like Jimin.

Taehyung pulled away from me and examined my face with a grin on his.

Taehyung:"Oh my god, you haven't changed one bit. Where did you go?! You know how much I missed you?!"

Y/N:"Sorry, I-"

Taehyung:"Nah, it's okay, I was just messing with you. I'm glad you're back."

I smiled at him and hugged the two werewolves that were standing by the side. Taehyung was yelling some more happy words until another person came in the frame.

Jungkook:"Oh, hey Y/N."

I turned to him and let out a relieved sigh. He was still alive and breathing. He did have a bandage over his stomach but it looked like he wasn't bothered by it. I walked to him and acted upset.

Y/N:"Is that how you talk to an old friend?"

He held an emotionless face but it quickly broke into a smile.

Jungkook:"Just kidding. Come here!"

He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back with a soft smile on my face. When we pulled away yet another member of our friends group came and he was much more enthusiastic than Jungkook in the beginning.

Jin:"Y/N, Jimin found you!"

He had a bandage wrapped around his right thigh and had a stick he was walking arund with. Other than that he had a beautiful smile on his face. I went to him and hugged him too.

Y/N:"I'm happy you weren't injured any more than this leg thing."

The witch shrugged with his shoulders and we went to the rest of them.

Jin:"It's nothing I haven't experienced before."

Y/N:"I'm concerned and happy at the same time."

Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin brought wood logs that were big enough for us to sit on. I looked around and noticed there was only six of them. A thought went through my head. What if...

Y/N:"Where's Yoongi?"

They all looked taken aback by the question and quickly looked down in sadness. I examined them and realisation hit me.


Yoongi:"Yeah, no need to be happy about me surviving. It's not like I was of any sort of use."

I widened my eyes when I heard his voice. Turning around I saw Yoongi standing outside of one of the tents. He smiled at me and I rushed to hug him. We might not be that close but I'm still happy he's alive.

Y/N:"You're alive! "

Yoongi:"Of course I am, it's me! You didn't expect me to give up, did you?"

Y/N:"Well, I hoped you didn't."

Yoongi:"Hope is a good start."

I helped him to his 'chair' since he was limping a bit and sat down on my own. I finally felt complete with them by my side. And I was happy they were all alive. How did they came to this point? Now that's another story.


new chapter! I hope you liked it. It has some sweet vibes, a little sad and maybe even romantic. But I hope you liked it anyways. I also hope you're enjoying the story so far and I must tell you we're slowly coming to an end. I don't know how many chapters I'll write but I hope you'll stay with me till then. Thank you for all reads, votes and beautiful comments. They really make my day.

Love ya, bye!

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