Simpmare [Errormare]

By DahRadSkeleDude

77K 3.1K 3.1K

Nightmare is a simp for Error thats all ya need to know.. love at first sight? slowly falls into simpness? ... More

Chp 1- New guy in town
Chp 2- First Meet
Chp 3- Hot cheeks?
Chp 4- Bad*ss
Chp 5- Dusty is untrusty
Chp 6- Friends?
Chp 7- joining forces
Chp 9- New Friends
Chp 10- Love?
Chp 11- Just as Friends
Chp 12- I hate you?
Chp 13- Simp
Chp 14- Kinky situation
Chp 15- Targeted
Chp 16- love kills
Chp 17- love kills pt.2

Chp 8- Warning..

4.1K 191 126
By DahRadSkeleDude

-BlueBerror's POV-

I tapped my multicolored fingers on the pale white floor of the Antivoid. I was a little impatient today, Error has made a very odd decision lately.
He joined forces with the King of Darkness, Nightmare.

That's the opposite of where I was taking him. I'm suppose to help him become a better person. I'm not saying he hasn't been changing, cause he has..But if he starts hanging around Nightmare and his gang, all my efforts will be for nothing.

I got myself off the floor and begun pacing around the empty white void.

I need to think of something...and fast..I gotta get them separated..

I was startled as a glitched portal opened, breaking the awful silence. My worried expression relaxed. I smiled as I made my way towards the portal. But that smile faded as fast as it came.

Another Skeleton walked through the portal alongside Error. They were..chatting.

Who is this..?

The strangers purple eyelights soon met mine. He wore baggy dark purple pants. I couldn't see his top cause of the small dark cloak he wore over his outfit.

He smiled nervously at me. He seems nice..I guess.

"I was thinking we could go to the Northern parts of the multiverse and visit Wintertale, they have the nicest festivals there- " Error was interrupted by the smaller skeleton waving his hands.

"Woah wait, 'Northern?' How can you tell which part of the multiverse is north and south?"

Error chuckled "Oh you know, the positions and order of how the Aus were placed. Like how, Right after Underfell would come Underswap, then Overtale..ya know" The smaller skeleton shook his head as he chuckled slightly. "No..I don't know.."

Error rolled his eyelights with a wide grin on his face "Fine I'll make you a map and give it to you. Then I'll take you to Wintertale"

The smaller skeleton in purple just smiled. The smile was shakey, as if he never smiled before.

Error turned my way "Oh! Berror, come over here, I want you to meet Dawn." I walked towards them nervously as Error waved me over. I smiled and waved "Hi, I'm Blueberror but most just call me Berror."

Dawn extended his arm and shook my hand "Its a Pleasure to have finally met, Error has told me a lot about you.."

Wow he talks fancy..

"Same, I think we could be good friends! Mweh heh!" I pulled Dawn in for a hug, he jolted as I did. "Uh thanks.." he gave two awkward pats on my back.

Error smiled "Yay, my two short friends are now friends too" I groaned  "I'm not short!! I swear to Toby Fox I will-" Error picked me up and cradled me "You'll what? Kick my leg? Haha!" I blushed from embarrassment.

I caught a quick glance at Dawn's face.. He didn't seem happy. He glared at me, his sockets narrowing with hatred. My sockets widened.

Did Error not notice?

He was still laughing at me. He placed me back on the floor "You know I'm just joking, Berror" I look back over to Dawn. He was smiling now. But it was obvious it was a forced smile..

Error turned to him "What me to pick you up too shorty? Hehe!" Dawn's face lit up with a purple hue. He stuck his hands under his arms and turned away "Uh no thanks! Hehe.. Actually I have somewhere to be right now..Can you take me back to Outertale?"

Error nodded while still smiling. "Sure" a portal opened next to Dawn. He waved us goodbye and left.

"He's from Outertale?" I questioned as the portal closed completely. Error shook his head "No, his Au was destroyed long ago, he just visits Outertale from time to time. And I know what you're thinking, but no I didn't destroy his Au"

Hmm, that's odd..

-Dust's POV-

What's taking Nightmare so long?
First he assigns me to cook with him, then he leaves out of nowhere, and now he hasn't come back after 2 hours.

His behavior is all over the place.
But I'm done with trying to figure him out, made a fool of myself trying to do that..


I thought as I placed my mittens on. I open the oven and pull out the roast beef. I place it on the counter and pull the mittens off.

I was startled as I turned away from the counter. Nightmare was already there behind me "What is wrong with you?" I asked while breathing hard and clutching my jacket.
I assume he was amused by my reaction, since he had a smirk on his face.

He grabbed many ingredients from the pantry and fridge, he began making bunch of different dishes at the same time.

Those tentacles really come in handy..

After a few moments of awkward silent cooking. He started to talk.

" thought I had a crush on the Destroyer ey? That's odd..What made you think that?" I could feel his dark aura around me, my body got tense.

I can tell he's not happy with me..

I began cutting carrots, keeping myself busy as we chatted. "..Well, I mean you can't blame me for thinking that, you were acting very...odd after the day you met him.."

I really don't want to be here talking to Nightmare of all monsters about why I thought he; A bloodthirsty monster fell in love with Another bloodthirsty monster.
It's too awkward..

It went quiet for a while, I can't imagine what's going through his head right now.

"Don't. Ever. Bring this up again..." I nodded in response as I felt him glaring at me. "I'm planning on overthrowing him after I gain his trust, I don't need Error to find this out so keep it to yourself.. understand?" I nodded again.

Nightmare turned into goop and disappeared. I sigh in relief.

I guess that makes sense, the reason he kept visiting Error. I guess Cross was right, He's only trying to find out Error's weaknesses..

Just then Killer teleports beside me "Boss said another presence has entered the area!" I nod and summon a sharp bone into my hand.

Horror and Cross teleported beside me and Killer with their axe and oversized knife in hand.

There was a knock at the door. Nightmare teleported in front of us with his tentacles sharpened and ready to strike. He opened the door.

There stood a glitched version Swap Sans..

He glared at Nightmare before he walked past us and sat on our couch. "Berror what are you doing here!? How did you find this place!?" Boss hissed as he slammed the door closed.

"I guess they know each other.." Killer whispered to me. "I guess so.." I say back. "I just scanned the multiverse for your code and found you here. It wasn't hard really.." Nightmare growled under his breath. "Okay..Now answer my first question..What are you doing here?"

The so called Berror smirked "Error told me he was coming here tomorrow, So I, The Great and Magnificent BlueBerror came by to check this place out" Wait so he knows the Destroyer? What am I saying? Of course he does, they're both glitchy weirdos..

He looked around the room before looking back at the angry Octonoot. "That's not all, I also came by to give you all word of advice, mwe-h h-heh heh-h" His glitched laugh weirded me out.

We all put away our weapons. We sat around the Glitched Swapsans. Even Nightmare sat down on the couch.

"I just wanted to say a few things like, not to touch Error, he has a fear of people; Monsters and Humans alike touching him. If you do, you will be dead where you stand or in rare occasions tied to the wall or something.." Horror chuckled a little.

"So that's why he tied me to the wall and fled when I grabbed his arm." Berror nodded. "Also, He better come back the same way he leaves, I don't want you guys to be any awful influences on him" Berror huffed while folding his arms.

"Why are you treating him like a child? He's the Destroyer for crying out loud.." Nightmare argued.
Berror rolled his eyelights. "Not to give you any ideas but he's still naive, No matter how powerful someone is they can still have ignorance."

What does he mean by that?

"You all look lost..let me explain. Error doesn't know how somethings work. Heck- he barely even knows how to eat, sleep, care for people, etcetera.." Berror's expression saddened.

"I know you guy's are evil and all but I'm trying to help him the best I can..And I need you to do the same.." He hopped off the couch and opened a portal "See ya around, Remember not to touch him! Bye!" The portal closed.


"I didn't know the Destroyer had friends" Cross stated..
But to be neither

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