Family Forever- H.S. (Teen Pr...

By 1Dstuffjustforfun

944K 8.2K 48.5K

"Management is gonna be so mad,"Camryn sobs pulling away from Harry's chest to look him in the eyes, "they're... More

MASTERLIST (How to read the kid's novellas)
The Early Years (2007-2009)
Pre-Kid Rendezvous: A Styles' Holiday (July 2009)
The Party That Started It All (July 2010)
You're pregnant? (August 2010)
Telling Their Parents (August 2010)
How Are We Going To Do This? (August 2010)
First Ultrasound Anxieties (September 2010)
It's Not a Secret Anymore (September 2010)
Morning Sickness (September 2010)
Birthdays and Morning Sickness (October 2010)
First Kicks (December 2010)
X Factor Finale (Decmeber 2010)
Pregnant at Christmas (December 2010)
Negative Press & Protecting His Girls (March 2011)
Late Nights at Anne's (April 2011)
Darcy's Birth (April 2011)
Postpartum Pains (April 2011)
Anne and Gemma Meet Darcy (April 2011)
Uncle Louis Has the Magic Touch (April 2011)
Introducing His Baby Girl to the World (April 30 2011)
Baby Darcy's First Time on Stage (May 2011)
Mastitis & Home Sickness (May 2011)
A Sickly Newborn & Teen Parents (June 2011)
Marriage Maybe? (June 2011)
Doctor Appointments and Shots (June 2011)
Please Don't Leave Us (July 2011)
The Engagement (August 2011)
Overwhelmed Teen Parents and Fights (August 2011)
Sick Days (December 2011)
Darcy's First Christmas (December 2011)
The Mum I Never Had (January 2012)
Camryn's 18th Birthday (March 28 2012)
Nostalgia & Home Videos (April 2012)
Darcy's First Steps (May 2012)
I Choose You Forever- WEDDING (June 19 2012)
Backstage Closets Make Everything More Fun (June 2012)
The Miscarried Baby (August 2012)
Miscarriage (October 2012)
Roadtrip with 1D (October 2012)
A Rainbow Baby (December 2012)
Protective Mumma (February 2013)
Finally Meeting her Father (May 2013)
The Fight (July 2013)
The Pains of Pregnancy (August 2013)
My Water Broke!...Just Kidding (August 8 2013)
Really Niall? (August 2013)
Lennon's Birth (August 2013)
Darcy Meets Her Little Brother (August 2013)
Loving on Lennon (August 2013)
This is Us Premiere (August 20 2013)
Learning How to Have Two Kids (August 2013)
The Story of My Life (August 31 2013)
Halloween with the Styles (October 2013)
Teething and No Sleep (November 2013)
You're Pregnant Again?! (November 2013)
The...Joys...of Touring with Kids (December 2013)
Christmas at Anne's (December 2013)
New Years with the Styles (December 31 2013)
The Not So Glamorous Parts of Teenage Parenting (January 2014)
When's Daddy Coming Home? (June 2014)
False Labor (July 2014)
Labor Squats (July 2014)
August's Birth (July 2014)
A Not So Welcomed Little Brother (July 2014)
Through the Dark (August 2014)
Nightmares and Monsters (September 2014)
You Guys Won't Even Look at Each Other (October 2014)
Period Accidents (March 2015)
Zayn Leaves the Band (March 2015)
Waterpark with 1D (May 2015)
Harry's Appendicitis & an Anniversary June 19th 2015
Broken Bones & Motorcycle Falls (September 2015)
Auggie's Stutter (January 2016)
Losing Auggie (January 2016)
Bowie's Birth Pt. 1 (February 2016)
Bowie's Birth Pt. 2 (February 2016)
I Never Want to Get Rid of You (February 2016)
Late Nights (April 2016)
Darcy's First Day of School (August 2016)
A True Mumma's Boy & Breastfeeding Galore (November 2016)
Jay's Death (December 2016)
Harry & Bowie's Combined Birthday (February 2017)
We're Having ANOTHER Baby?! (June 2017)
Robin's Death (June 2017)
You're Dating My Sister?! (July 2017)
Meeting Baby Calum (January 2018)
Misbehaving Kids During Interviews (April 2018)
An Anniversary on Tour (June 19 2018)
Sharpie Hearts & First Days (August 2018)
A New 1D Relationship (May 2019)
Another Baby Girl for the Styles
Appendicitis (November 2019)
Doctor and Dentist Appointments (March 15 2020)
Back Aches and Frisky Kisses (March 2020)
Bindi's Birth (March 2020)
Meeting Baby Bindi (March 21 2020)
We'll Sleep When We're Old (April 2020)
Dad Duty & 6 Sick Kids (September 2020)
Santa's Six Little Elves (December 2020)
Valentine's Day (February 2021)
I'll Be Your Protector (February 2021)
We Love You Bug (March 14 2021)
Bindi's 1st Birthday (March 20 2021)
Matilda- Harry's House (August 2021)
Love On Tour (November 20 2021)
"As It Was" Music Video (April 1 2022)
Coachella (April 22 2022)
Home Alone with Daddy (May 2022)
Auggie's 8th Birthday (July 7th 2022)
Terrible Twos & Panic Attacks (September 2022)
I Guess She Isn't So Little Anymore (May 2023)
A New Styles Cousin and ER Trips (August 2024)
Stood Up on Valentine's Day (February 2025)
When the Hate Becomes too Much (September 2026)
The Aftermath of Auggie's Attempt (October 2026)
Synched Up Periods (December 9 2026)
I'll Be Your Dad Forever (March 2029)
Pregnant on Her 18th Birthday (April 16 2029)
Kidney Stones & an Overdue Pregnant Darcy (September 2029)
Calum's Gay Awakening & Birthday (January 28 2030)
Getting Their Wisdom Teeth Out (October 2030)
Pregnancy Pranks & Rebellious Teenagers (April 1 2033)
I Don't Know a Thing About Periods (April 2033)
A Teenage Miscarriage (November 12 2033)
Lennon's 21st Birthday Camp Out (August 15 2034)
A Pregnancy Scare in their 40s (July 2036)
Grandpa Harry (December 2040)
A Christmas Cabin Full of Styles (December 2040)
Styles Family Photos (January 15 2047)
A Very Tired Christmas (December 25 2037)
The Final Chapter (March 2055)

Calum's Birth (January 2018)

16.6K 67 51
By 1Dstuffjustforfun

Harry: 23
Camryn: 23
Camryn's bump: 38 weeks, 5 days

Darcy: 6
Lennon: 4
Auggie: 3
Bowie: 23 months

She needed to last one more day. That's all she needed. One. More. Day.

He had refused to go at first. He had made a promise to himself on that day almost 7 years ago now in that car with Paul rushing on the highway to try to make it to Darcy's birth. He'd promised himself he would never go anywhere in the last month of Camryn's pregnancy's. And he'd stayed true to that promise. That is until this pregnancy.

It was a last minute kind of thing. A charity raising awareness for childhood cancer asked him to perform at their event. He'd originally politely declined and explained that Camryn would be due anytime, that is until Camryn heard about it.

"You said no?!"

"Well of course I did! Cam, that's two weeks away from your due date!"

"You're going. You're performing. That's important."


"Haven't you learned by the fifth time not to argue with a pregnant woman?"

So that was that. He was going.

And go he did, but not very willingly. Camryn practically had to push him out of the house yesterday when he left. The plan was to get there yesterday, perform tonight and then come home tomorrow morning. A quick trip.

Camryn had reassured him and often reminded him that at her most recent midwife appointment she wasn't even dilated. This little baby seemed very content where he was.

Harry had still insisted that Anne stay with Camryn and the kids while he was gone, which Camryn had been happy to agree to. Taking care of 4 kids while 38 weeks pregnant was not an easy feat.

But here she was, laying on her back on their bed with her hands on either side of her stomach at 5 in the morning, trying to breathe through consistent pains and convince herself that they're just Braxton Hicks. Except she knows they're not. She's done this 4 times before.

Before her mind can start racing, she decides to take to pacing around in the room. She puts in her earbuds and listens to HS1 to hear Harry's voice and for once this morning she feels extremely relaxed and safe. Hearing his voice through the songs makes it so that she can almost imagine he's right next to her, helping her breathe through contractions.

After almost an hour she decides to take a shower to try and soothe her aching muscles that have gotten increasingly worse. She sleepily walks into the bathroom and slips off the big t-shirt of Harry's that she's wearing, turning on the water to be almost scoldingly hot.

She gently steps onto the tile floor and feels the water hit her stomach, sighing in relief as her aching muscles begin to release. She places both of her hands at the bottom of her stomach and holds it as she closes her eyes and lets her head rest back on the ball of her neck.

She'd never been this anxious about an impending labor and delivery. She could blame it on Harry being in a different country right now which, sure, didn't help her anxiety, but that's not what it's truly about. Thoughts of Bowie's traumatic delivery rush through her mind as she thinks back to that day. The feeling of blood pooling down her leg and the feeling of herself not being able to quite focus on Harry's words or the newborn on her chest. The feeling of needing to comfort him, but not even having the strength to hold him to her chest. She'll never forget the look on Jay's face when Harry finally realized the seriousness of what was happening.

And then her heart aches for another reason, Jay. One of her best friends and one of the most mother-like figures in her life is now gone. She never felt safer in labor than when Jay was there to help her through it and deliver her babies, and the thought that she'll never get that again makes a sob escape her throat before her brain can even register that she's crying.

And then before she can register anything else, another shooting pain ripples through her stomach. But this one is different, this one makes her cry out. This one she can't deny. This is a contraction, and an active labor contraction, not an early labor contraction. She braces a hand on the shower wall while keeping her other hand under her stomach and tries to rock her hips and breathe through it.

She prays that this labor will be like her other 3 labors and not like Auggie who came in an hour. She needs Harry to get here in time. She can't do it without him.

After another 20 minutes in the shower and contractions that are coming every 6 minutes, she decides to get out and begin to walk around, the water no longer soothing to her tense body.

She takes a second to look at her swollen body in the mirror and feels her heart in her throat. Her stomach has dropped a lot. It's practically between her knees. She whimpers as she looks at it and runs a hand over the swell. "Babe, I just needed you to wait one more day."

She slowly waddles into the bedroom with a towel tied at her hips. Just as she's rummaging through Harry's drawers to find a shirt for her to wear and a pair of boxers she hears the door squeak open. She jumps and quickly grabs a shirt to hold in front of her bare chest, turning around to see her unexpected visitor. The unexpected visitor has straight dark brown hair with a pacifier hanging out of his mouth and his pale blue blanket slung over his shoulder.

"Well hi little mister,"Camryn smirks looking at little Bowie standing in the doorway. "Did you wake up?"

Bowie toddles over to Camryn and ends up in her arms, Camryn huffs as she pulls him up to her chest. "Good morning, my love." She kisses his rosy red cheek and takes a good deep inhale of his familiar bubblegum shampoo scent.

"Mumma,"Bowie mumbles resting his cheek down on Camryn's shoulder.

"Hi, bubby,"Camryn murmurs, combing her fingers through his brown hair. "I love you."

His tiny palms travel along Camryn's bare chest as he begins to try to maneuver his body into a cradling position.

"Oh do you wanna nurse, buddy?"Camryn grins as she helps him turn to cradle in her arms. "You can eat, my love." Bowie quickly latches onto her nipple and begins to feed.

Camryn walks over to the bed and gently lays down, laying Bowie next to her, who is still latched. She lays on her side and looks at her little boy who's ravenously sucking and holding onto her breast gently, laying on his back.

"I love you, mister,"Camryn whispers, running a gentle finger up and down his cheek.

Bowie unlatches, keeping Camryn's breast between his hands and looks up at her with his big brown eyes. "Baby?"

"Baby?"Camryn asks, trailing her fingers along her swollen bump that's beginning to tighten. "Is the baby coming? Can you sense something, mister?"

Bowie smiles contently that his mum understood what he was saying and latches again.

Camryn tries to keep the pained look off of her face to prevent from scaring Bowie, but it's hard. The stimulation of her nipples from Bowie breastfeeding has kicked her body into full gear and the contraction she gets is extremely intense.

Her body has pretty much always skipped through early labor and just thrown her straight into active labor, making sure to sprinkle in an excessively long transition into the mix, and this labor is proving to be like the rest: full force active labor right away.

She breathes through pursed lips as she presses her face into her palm. She feels the baby lodge down deeper in her pelvis causing her legs to flinch and a low moan to escape her mouth.

She looks up from her hand to see Bowie looking up at her curiously, still sucking.

"Hi baby, I'm okay. Mumma's okay,"she whispers with a strained smile as the contraction does one more heave before releasing her from its grip.

She hears the door open and sees Auggie walk into the room, knuckling his eyes, and groggily tripping over his own two feet.

"Hi baby,"Camryn greets the blonde little boy.

"H-h-hi m-m-m-m-"he gets frustrated, jutting his lips into a pout and stops talking before the second word can come out.

"Hey, it's okay. Slow down. Mumma,"Camryn exaggerates the word "mumma" to try and encourage him to say it.

"M-m-m-mumma,"Auggie finally spits out with a tiny smirk.

"Good job, buddy,"Camryn encourages with a warm smile, "do you wanna come and cuddle with mumma and Bowie?"

Auggie nods and climbs up onto the bed and cuddles himself up against Camryn's low stomach, his head resting to the side of Bowie's feet, who's still lazily nursing.

They first noticed Auggie's stutter when he was about 8 months old. He started speaking fairly young compared to his siblings and they could tell he was incredibly smart. They took him into a speech pathologist when he was 18 months old and he determined that he had a stutter and gave them some exercises to work on to try to get it to lessen, but nothing worked. In fact, the stutter got worse as he grew. However, his mind just got brighter. By the time he was 2 1/2 he was already reading and had the reading level of a 8 year old. They had looked into options to put him in a school for advanced children, but ultimately they felt that keeping him around his siblings was the best choice.

"What do you think, bug?"Camryn asks looking into Auggie's light blue eyes, "do you think the baby is coming today?"

Auggie looks at Camryn's bump and then looks back up at her, nodding.

"Yeah? Well you're very clever, so I guess I should probably trust you, huh?"

She gets a proud smile from the little boy and a coy head nod as he rubs her bare stomach gently.

"D-D-D is m-m-m-m-making br-e-e-eakfast,"Auggie murmurs up to Camryn.

"She's making breakfast?"Camryn smiles down at him, running her fingers through his white-blonde hair. "With nana?"

Auggie nods his head and sits up.

"You can go down there if you want, bubby,"Camryn offers, "and tell nana that mumma is just feeding Bowie and then I'll be down to help."


"N-n-n-ana,"Auggie calls running into the kitchen to find her helping Darcy, who is standing on a chair to be able to reach the counter, stirring a big bowl of pancake batter, "m-m-m-m-umma is ha-a-a-aving the b-b-b-baby."

Anne feels her heart drop as she turns around to look at the little blonde boy who's pulling on the fabric of her pajama pants to get her attention.

"What lovely?"she questions, wanting to make sure she understood him right. She kneels down and cups Auggie's cheek with her hand, "mumma is having the baby?"

Auggie nods, "s-s-s-s-she's feeding-g-g B-B-B-Bowie a-and th-th-then s-s-s-she's g-g-g-going t-t-t-o co-o-ome d-d-d-down."

Anne's heart is in her throat as she nods at the 3 year old. "Alright buddy, thank you for telling me. Do you wanna be Darcy's taste tester?"

Auggie nods his head as Anne lifts him onto the counter to be sat next to the big bowl of batter that Darcy is still relentlessly stirring.

"Here Gussy,"Darcy smiles, picking up a piece of chopped up strawberry that Anne was in the middle of chopping before he interrupted her, "try this." Darcy plops the piece of strawberry into Auggie's mouth and watches with a grin as his face lights up.

"Yummy?"Darcy questions looking at her little brother.

Auggie nods and watches his big sister in amazement. All of the Styles boys think that their big sister Darcy is just about the greatest thing to ever exist. She protects them like a little mum and always makes them feel like they're the most important people on this earth.

"Kisses?"Darcy asks puckering her lips towards Auggie. Auggie puckers his lips that are coated in strawberry juice and pecks them against Darcy's.


"Hi mummy!"Darcy exclaims, standing on a chair next to Anne, watching as Anne flips the pancakes. Auggie is sitting at the kitchen table and reading one of his new books that his program gave him.

"Good morning, baby girl,"Camryn smiles with Bowie holding one of her hands and his blanket in his other hand.

Anne snaps her head over to Camryn and can see the pain etched in her features. She may be able to hide it from the kids, but she can't hide it from a lady who's been through labor twice herself. Anne gives Camryn a knowing look as she comes closer.

"You didn't have to make breakfast, mum,"Camryn smiles, pecking her cheek, "thank you so much."

"Of course,"Anne responds, "I love doing it. You know I love cooking." She leans in to Camryn to whisper in her ear, "how far apart are they?"

Camryn furrows her brow and looks at Anne, "how did you know?"

"You've got a very clever little man over there,"Anne smiles, motioning her head towards Auggie who's still encapsulated by his book. "And you've got a face that isn't too good at hiding your emotions." Anne winks making Camryn break out in a smile.

Camryn nods her head and runs a hand over the swell of her stomach, "about 5ish minutes."

Anne nods and takes a deep breath, running her hand up and down Camryn's arm, "have you called Harry yet?"

"No,"Camryn shakes her head, "I don't want to. That makes it real."

Anne frowns, pulling Camryn into a hug. Camryn feels her eyes sting, but tries to dry them so that she doesn't scare the kids.

"Spain isn't that far of a flight, love,"Anne whispers, kissing her temple, "he could be here so quickly."

Camryn nods and squeezes Anne, "you're right. I'll call him after I dish up the kid's breakfast. And I should call Louis, he's gonna watch the kids."

"Leave dishing up to me, you just call Harry, alright?"

Camryn nods and walks out of the kitchen and begins her trek into her bedroom because she's afraid that once she hears his voice she's going to break down and she doesn't want to do that in front of the kids.

And she is exactly right.

"Hi baby,"his low and cheerful voice rings through the phone. She clutches it harder and tries to keep her breathing even.

"Baby..." It's all she can get out before she bursts into tears, Harry immediately shushes her through the phone, quietly cooing to her to try to get her to calm down.

"Sweetheart, talk to me. Baby..."Harry begs through the phone as Camryn continues to wetly sob.

"I-I'm in labor,"she hiccups. The words make her want to scream out in fear and frustration.

His heart stops. He curses under his breath as he immediately pulls out his laptop to look at flight tickets back to London. "Buggy, breathe for me. It's okay. It's okay. We're okay. You're going to be just fine, alright? I'm pulling up flights right now to get home, okay? It's only a 2 and a half hour flight. I can be home so soon, alright? You are just fine."

"I can't do it without you,"Camryn sobs, "I don't wanna do it without you."

Harry's about to respond but he hears her lowly moan through the phone. Dropping it on the bed as she stands up from the edge of the bed and rests her palms down flat on the mattress, trying to swivel her hips.

"Ohhhhh,"the moan escapes her lips freely before she has time to process it, her knuckles turning white as she grips the sheets.

"Breathe sweetheart,"Harry's voice comes through the speaker phone, "you're doing so good. I'm so proud of you."

"Harry,"Camryn whimpers, "they already hurt so bad." To prove her point, the contraction peaks and makes her break into a low moan again. "Harry it's my back!"

"Easy, buggy, that's it,"Harry coaches as he hears her begin to breathe deeply, "it's almost done. Good, good breathing."

She kneels down on the floor, leaning over the bed to try and find some relief as she continues to talk, "baby, I need you here."

"I know sweetheart, I just found a plane that leaves at 10 and arrives in London at 12:30,"Harry responds calmly, his fingers gliding along his laptop as he buys the ticket. "Can you make it 5 hours?"

"I dunno,"Camryn whimpers, "they're already really bad." Her breathing comes in quick inhales as her anxiety catches up to her. "Baby, what if I can't make it? I need you to be here. Harry, please. Please."

His heart clenches at the panic that's filling her voice, "I'll make it in time, I promise you." He knows it's a stupid thing to do, making a promise that he has no idea if he'll be able to keep or not because he has no control over Camryn's labor. "I'm gonna head to the airport right now, okay?"

Camryn nods her head and sniffles, "okay."

"I want you to call me once you get to the hospital with mum, alright?"Harry instructs gently, his voice dropping to a low and soothing manner like he does so well. "Call me when you get to the hospital and I'll help you until I get on the plane, okay?"

"Uh huh,"Camryn agrees with a hiccup.

"And mum will be with you the whole time,"Harry continues, "and wear one of my shirts, okay? So then it will really be like I'm there."

"Okay, I will,"Camryn whispers feebly.

"I love you so much, buggy,"Harry whispers, waiting to hear Camryn's voice through the sniffles.

"I love you too,"Camryn replies.

She rests her forehead on her interlocked hands as another contraction comes full force, making her cry even more. Her hips are aching relentlessly as the baby tries to travel extremely fast through her body. She wants nothing more than Harry's big and warm hands to press her hips inward, applying counter pressure. He knows her body better than anyone which is a main reason that he's so helpful during labor. He knows what she wants before she even knows what she wants, so right now she feels a bit lost without him.

She continues to cry long after the contraction ends, deciding she needs to get it all out before she goes downstairs and sees the kids.

"Mummy?" A tiny voice that she would recognize anywhere whispers from behind her.

She sniffles before she picks her head up from her overlapped arms and smiles wetly over at her oldest son, her little protector.

"Hi baby boy." She holds her arms out and sits on her bum, allowing him room to sit on her lap and nuzzle his cheek against her chest.

"Are you sad mummy?"Lennon quietly inquires, looking up at Camryn with his father's eyes.
"I'm not sad,"Camryn assures him, "I just miss daddy a bit."

Lennon nods his cheek against her skin and reaches his tiny palm up to caress her cheek, wiping some of the tears off. "I'm sorry, mummy. Daddy will be back soon."

"He will be,"Camryn nods with a smile, "he's coming home today because the baby is coming."

"It is?"Lennon questions looking down at Camryn's bump.

"It is,"Camryn nods, "you're gonna be a big brother again! What do you think about that?"

"I like it,"Lennon decides with a smile.

"Pretty cool, huh?"Camryn giggles, kissing the top of his brown curly hair. "Are you hungry? Nana and Darcy made breakfast."

Lennon nods and climbs off of Camryn's lap, reaching for her hand as soon as she stands up. They slowly travel down the hall and stairs, Lennon slowing his pace to allow Camryn all the time she needs to get down comfortably.

Lennon quickly runs in to sit with his siblings and Nana at the table as soon as he sees the pancake breakfast that they're enjoying.

Camryn's stomach tightens with another ruthless contraction. She squats down, keeping a grip on the counter to keep her balance and tries to breathe through it quietly, trying to make sure none of the kids notice her distress.

Anne, however, picks up on it and quietly rushes over to Camryn. "Where is it the most, sweetheart?" She kneels down next to Camryn who is lolling her head from shoulder to shoulder as she grimaces.

"My back,"Camryn pinches out, "oh mum, my back." She's never really had back labor before, but she assumes this is what it is. Her back feels like it's going to break in two. It feels like her spine is getting mangled.

"I've gotcha, my love,"Anne whispers as Camryn bites down on her own hand to keep from yelling out and frightening the kids, "breathe with it, that's it."

Camryn takes a few deep breaths at the end of the contraction before looking over at Anne with teary eyes, "I think we need to go to the hospital, I don't want to scare the kids with the contractions."

Anne nods her head and kisses Camryn's temple. "Okay, honey. That is totally fine. I'll get you there. Did you call Lou?"

Camryn nods, taking a deep breath as she rests her head against her shoulder, "he's on his way right now."

Anne continues to rub Camryn's lower back. "Perfect. We'll leave as soon as he gets here."

The kids are too distracted in their own world to realize the two ladies are having a conversation on the other side of the kitchen and to make Camryn even happier, they didn't even realize that Camryn went through a contraction.

"And you called Harry?"

Camryn sniffles and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to control her emotion, "I did. He got the soonest flight, but it doesn't leave till 10. He'll land at 12:30."

Anne tries not to let the disappointment cross over her face as she increases the speed that she's rubbing Camryn's back. "Alright, we can work with that too. I don't want you to worry, love, okay? You leave the worrying to me. You just focus on getting your little boy here."

"I think I'm having back labor,"Camryn tells Anne, "my back has never hurt this bad during labor before."

"Yeah? Usually you mostly get it in your hips, huh?"

Camryn nods, "my hips and my pelvis really bad."


"Hello Styles children,"Louis calls through the hallway, taking off his shoes, "your favorite uncle is here." Camryn watches as each of the kids perk up excitedly at the sound of Lou's voice and cheer as he walks into the kitchen.

"Lou!"Darcy exclaims, jumping down from her seat to go and hug him.

"Hi, princess,"Louis smiles, picking up Darcy with a huff and kissing her cheek, "how are we this morning?"

"Good,"Darcy smirks before she wiggles out of Louis' grasp and then runs over to the table to continue to eat her pancakes.

"Hi babe,"Lou smiles, walking over to surround Camryn in a hug. She's been standing by the kitchen counter, resting heavily on it with her forearms overlapped fighting her way through contractions.

"Hey,"Camryn exhales as she sinks into his familiar embrace. He's the closest thing to Harry that she can get right now, and his familiar scent and voice engulfs her with a warm feeling.

"I've gotcha,"Louis whispers into the top of her head as he feels her shaky breathing pick up against his chest, a telltale that her anxiety I picking up. "I gotcha, love. You're alright. I've gotcha, yeah?"

Camryn silently nods her head against Louis' chest, gripping his shirt tighter.

"You okay?"Louis checks, running a hand over Camryn's long blonde hair.

"Yeah,"Camryn nods, looking up at him with watery eyes, "I'll be okay."

"Liam is gonna drive him to the hospital as soon as he lands, alright?"Louis informs Camryn, "that way he won't have to wait for a taxi or anything."

Camryn nods as Louis' hands move to her back to firmly rub it.

"K,"Camryn whispers, dropping her forehead to his chest.

"You got this, yeah?"Louis grins gently, gathering Camryn's face up in his calloused hands.

"Yeah,"Camryn agrees shakily, "I hope. I dunno. I dunno, Lou."

He sees the fear behind her eyes and he hates it. All of the boys have a special place in their hearts for Camryn. They're all extremely protective over her. They had to watch all of the hardships she faced so early on in their careers with the media criticizing every little thing she did. Even though the band is now on a hiatus and the boys have their separate careers, they're still a family, and they still care immensely about each other.

"Hey, hey,"Louis frowns shaking his head, "you got this. No tears, yeah? Harry is gonna be here so soon. He won't miss it. He made it to Darcy's birth, didn't he?"

"He did,"Camryn smirks, wiping at her wet eyes.

"Exactly, and he'll make it to this one. You got this,"Louis kisses her forehead gently to make sure she knows he means it.

"Thanks, Lou,"Camryn murmurs with an appreciative smile as Anne walks over to the two.

"Hi, honey,"Anne grins softly opening up her arms to give Louis a hug. It's been about a year since they've seen each other.

"Hi, Anne, I've missed you,"Louis says kissing her temple gently and squeezing her tightly.

"I've missed you too, honey,"Anne says patting his stubbly cheek gently, "you look great."

"I would have to say the same about you,"Louis winks making Anne chuckle.

"Alright, the kids all know what's going on and Anne should be home by tonight to take them off of your hands,"Camryn begins to explain, "they shouldn't be too hard, I told them to be good for you. If you have any questions about where stuff is Darcy is your girl. She runs this house. Other than that they should be good. You can text mum at any time with your questions and I'll tell her what to tell you. Umm, am I forgetting anything..."

"Cami, don't worry,"Louis smiles, gripping onto her shoulders, "I got it, you just get the baby here, alright?"

"Alright,"Camryn nods with a smirk.


9:15 AM- 4 hours in labor

"Honey, you're okay,"Anne shushes Camryn, leaning over the bed to that Camryn is laying on to give her a place to hide. Camryn blubbers into Anne's neck and grips onto her, digging her nails into Anne's shoulders.

"Mum, he's not going to make it,"Camryn sobs, her whole body trembling with nerves.

"Sweetheart, he will,"Anne assures Camryn, kissing her temple, "you're okay. Can you take some deep breaths for me?"

"But I'm 7 centimeters,"Camryn cries out in desperation, "how did I dilate that fast? I've only been in labor for 4 hours."

The car ride to the hospital was filled with low moans and high pitched whimpers as Camryn braced one hand on the dash in front of her and one hand clutched in Anne's hand. She's never felt back pain like this in her entire life and sitting in the small constrains of a car made it a million times worse. It felt like her back was going to break, in fact she repeatedly told Anne that she was convinced her back was going to break.

They got to the hospital and were immediately admitted when the midwife saw how heavily Camryn had to lean on Anne to walk through the halls, having to stop frequently to moan through a contraction.

The midwife checked Camryn almost immediately. Camryn clenched onto Anne's hand as Anne quietly cooed to her, trying to calm her nerves. She yelled out in pain during the check causing the midwife to flinch, anxiously looking up to see what the matter was.

It dawned on Anne almost immediately. This is a midwife who didn't know Camryn, she had no knowledge of the situation. She quickly explained to the midwife that Camryn had severe tears during her last delivery and had to be surgically fixed up.

The midwife nodded, immediately understanding, "oh I'm so sorry, honey," she ran a soft hand over Camryn's leg and began to check again, this time way more gentle to make sure she causes the least amount of discomfort as possible. She explains that Camryn has a lot of scar tissue in her cervix from the tears which means she's going to have to push a bit harder than normal to get the baby out.

Camryn's lip wavered as she nodded and then helplessly looked up at Anne, needing comfort. That's the last thing she needed to hear. She'd already been in so much pain, and it's worse because it's a pain she's never felt before, and now she has pushing to dread.

Anne watched as the midwife frowned and furrowed her eyebrows, biting down on her lip as she continued to check Camryn, "well honey, you're a good 7. You're doing so good, but did your doctors mention anything about baby's positioning?"

Camryn shook her head and gripped Anne's hand tighter.

"Alright, my love, well I think I know why your back labor has been so bad,"the midwife took her hand out of Camryn and snapped off her gloves, placing a gentle hand on Camryn's trembling knee, "your baby is posterior, sweetheart." The midwife watched as Camryn's breath picks up and tears form in her eyes. "But don't worry, we can still deliver the baby vaginally. That will be no problem, we just might have to put you in a couple different positions to help you through, alright? But, we've got you. Don't you worry."

"So that's why my back hurts?"Camryn hiccuped.

The midwife nods, "the hard part of your baby's head is pressing against your spine, that's why it hurts so much my love."

So that's where we pick up and why Camryn is currently crying into Anne's shoulder.

"And the baby is posterior,"Camryn cries feeling Anne's soft fingers comb through her long blonde hair, her cheek against the top of Camryn's head, quietly shushing her.

"He is, honey,"Anne nods, "but we can still get him out, we'll help you through. I'm not gonna leave you, alright?"

Camryn hiccups and nods as Anne pulls away from her and holds her face in her hands, "I've got you, I promise. I know I'm not Harry, but I've got you."

Camryn nods her head silently and waits for Anne to continue.

"I love you so much, sweet girl,"Anne whispers, her lips gently brushing against Camryn's hot forehead, "I'm so proud of you. I'm gonna stay right here with you, okay?"

"Okay,"Camryn hiccups, wrapping her hands around Anne's wrists.

9:30 AM- 4 1/2 hours in labor

Every time Harry tried to call Anne and Camryn was a failure because of the terrible internet connection he had at the airport, and eventually he just stopped trying after Anne texted him and told him that the calls that never seemed to go through were causing Camryn more distress than good. She would get all excited when she would see Harry's name light up on Anne's phone, only to break down into feeble tears when they would answer the phone and hear Harry breaking up, unable to be understood.

He decided the best he could do was send a video right before he boarded the plane for Camryn to watch so then at least she could hear his voice and see him.

Anne's phone buzzes in her pocket right as Camryn is finishing up a contraction on her hands and knees on the bed. "Honey, Harry recorded a video for you, do you want to watch it?"

Anne's never seen Camryn nod so fast and it warms her heart to see Camryn's face light up for even a second. Camryn kneels on the bed as she holds Anne's phone. Anne's arms go around her waist and with her head resting lightly on Camryn's arm to keep her supported upright since she's started to shake quite a bit.

Harry's flustered but smiling face immediately lights up the screen and it immediately makes Camryn break down in silent tears.

"Hi buggy! I'm sorry none of the calls were working, but I hope this is okay too. I'm so so proud of you sweetheart. Mum says you're doing so good. I heard your back has been bothering you a bit and that he's in a funny position, huh? I'm gonna be at the hospital so soon and I'll be able to hold you and rub your back, okay? I love you so so much. You're doing so good, honey. I'm just about to board the plane right now and then I'll be there in 2 1/2 hours, alright? I love you so much, sweet girl. You got this okay? You just listen to your body and if you have the baby before I get home that's okay, alright? I don't want you to work against your body. I'm going to try my best to be there, but I don't want you to not push if you have to." A voice comes over the loud speaker and causes Harry to halt in talking. His face lights up again as he looks back at the phone. "That was the flight attendant. I'm boarding the plane right now, okay? I'm going to be there so soon and I'll hold you. I love you, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." He brings his lips close to the Camera and kisses the phone in a way that he knows always makes Camryn giggle.

And he was right, he does successfully get her to giggle for the first time since she arrived at the hospital. It's a giggle through tears however, hearing Harry's voice and seeing his face was quite emotional for her. But, it's welcomed tears in Anne's book because they're not pained tears.


10:30 AM- 5 1/2 hours in labor

"C'mere,"Anne murmurs, reaching towards Camryn who was rocking back and forth in the rocking chair, the rocking motion was surprisingly soothing to her aching back.

Camryn breaks down into silent tears as soon as she stands up and is wrapped up in Anne's familiar arms.

"Oh shh shhh,"Anne coos, placing butterfly kisses on Camryn's head as she cries into Anne's neck. "Sweetie, you're okay."

"Mumma, I want Harry,"Camryn whimpers.

"I know, sweetheart,"Anne nods, her cheek against Camryn's head and rubs her hands down Camryn's shaking back. "I know you miss him so much." Camryn nods against Anne's neck and wraps her arms around Anne's shoulder's tighter. "He texted me a few tips of what you liked during labor."

Camryn smirks up at Anne and sniffles. "He did?"

Anne smiles and nods, "he did. He said you like to sway while holding onto him, is that right?"

"Mmhmm,"Camryn nods with her eyes closed, trying to imagine she's in Harry's arms instead of Anne's. She loves Anne more than she can describe, but it's not the same. "That always helps a lot. That's how I spent almost all of Darcy's labor."

"Why don't we try it, hmm?"Anne hums, beginning to sway her hips and bring Camryn's along with her.

"Ohhh,"Camryn lowly moans into Anne's neck and digs her nails into Anne's shoulders. "Mum!"

"I know, you're okay,"Anne murmurs as Camryn continues to cry out into her neck. "You're so close to meeting your baby boy. So so close."

"Mum..."Camryn moans, "Harry."

"I know,"Anne nods, tears forming in her eyes as she physically feels Camryn's love for Harry radiate from her body. He's the only person who can make her feel okay and the fact that Anne can't help to get him here sooner breaks her mumma heart for both Camryn and Harry. Both of her babies. "I know you want Harry, sweet girl. He's coming so soon. And he's going to come and hold you and love on you. You'll be just fine."

The midwife quietly walks into the room and stands by the door, lovingly watching as Anne continues to soothe Camryn through her tough contraction. Once the midwife can see Camryn's body relax signaling the end of a contraction, she begins to speak. "You've got a good mumma, huh?"

"The best,"Camryn murmurs with a soft smile, her cheek smushed against Anne's shoulder as Anne's hands rub endlessly at her pained back.

"Have you been there for all of her labors,"the midwife asks smiling at Anne, "you seem to know her laboring body really well."

"No no,"Anne shakes her head, "this is actually my first labor I've helped you through, huh lovey?" Camryn nods against Anne's shoulder and Anne kisses her head, "but I have known this sweet girl since she was 13 and my son gave me a pretty detailed text of what she likes during labor."

The midwife puts her hand over her heart and smiles. "Oh how sweet! And this is your fifth baby right, love? You're an expert by now, huh?"

"You would think,"Camryn mumbles with a smile and a wink, "but i've never had back labor before now and-" she widens her eyes and blows out a breath, "this is so much more painful than my other labors."

"Oh yeah,"the midwife nods knowingly, "back labor is a whole different level of labor. But you are doing wonderfully sweetheart."

"You really are,"Anne agrees.


11:00 AM- 6 hours in labor

"Oh mum,"Camryn whimpers from her place sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I know, lovey,"Anne nods with a frown, sitting down next to Camryn and rubs a hand against her lower back to try and relieve some of the intense pain there.

"I dunno what to do,"Camryn cries softly, hiding her face in her hands, "I've never had back labor before and it's unbearable."

Anne nods her head sympathetically and kisses Camryn's temple before Camryn's head falls to Anne's shoulder with another anxious whimper. "What normally helps during your labors, honey? What do you normally like?"

Camryn sniffles. "I usually like the water."

"Yeah? Okay, do you want to try that? I'd be more than happy to fill the tub for you."

Camryn nods her head and watches as Anne makes her way to the bathroom. As she's filling the tub Camryn's hit with another contraction. Her instincts tell her to go on her hands and knees, so that's what she does. She rocks her body back and forth and slaps the floor lightly, yelling out in pain and frustration.

She murmurs to herself and uselessly reaches towards her lower back. "Harry, please come. Please Harry, I need you to get here." She's begging to the air, even though she's alone in the room. It makes her feel better to get it out and say something.

Anne comes back into the room after the tub is done filling. She slowly helps Camryn make her way into the bathroom and helps her pull off her clothes leaving her completely naked except for her bra.

"Alright, sweetheart,"Anne murmurs, as Camryn grips her forearms to help lower herself into the pool, "I gotcha...good job...go slow...there we does that feel?"

"Oh,"Camryn moans in delight, a smile crossing her face as she looks at Anne. "So good. It helps so much."

"Good I'm glad." Anne kneels down in front of the pool and busies herself with playing with Camryn's long blonde hair. It immediately takes away most of Camryn's nerves. When Camryn and Harry first started dating when they were 13 while watching movies Anne would comb through Camryn's hair. Camryn never had a motherly relationship with her own mum, so she savored the time she got to spend with Anne, and Anne always loved Camryn like one of her own.

"Oh!"Camryn winces, her face scrunching up in pain, " back!"

"I know it,"Anne shakes her head with a frown, her heart breaking to see her little girl like this. "Do you want me to rub your back?" Camryn currently has Anne's hands in a death grip.

"No,"Camryn cries as she desperately tries to swivel her hips to see if that will help. "I need your hands!"

"Okay, okay,"Anne nods and soothingly coos at Camryn, "you're doing so good. Breathe, babe. Big breaths for me...good...deep breath...breathe him out."

Once the contraction is over, Camryn overlaps her arms on the bath's edge and rests her cheek on top of them, closing her eyes and trying to relax.

"Mumma?" Camryn whispers barely audible.

"Yes baby?"Anne coos, her fingers gently running through the hair by Camryn's ear.

"Did we extra shirt of...Harry's?"Camryn murmurs slowly, having to concentrate heavily on what she's saying. Her brain is beginning to become fogged because of all the pain. "Not the one...I was wearing...but a...different the bag?"

"We did, I brought a shirt of his and a sweatshirt." She looks over Camryn with the most caring and motherly eyes.

"Can-can you get me the sweatshirt?"

"Of course."

Anne quickly walks out of the bathroom and returns with a grey sweatshirt of Harry's that has a strong smell of his cologne.

Camryn gives a sound of relief as she smells the cologne and immediately reaches for it. She rests her cheek on top of it like a pillow and tries to imagine he's with her. "Smells like him,"Camryn murmurs with a slight smile.

Anne chuckles lightly and kisses the top of Camryn's head, "I packed another two shirts incase that one looses its smell."

Another contraction starts leaving Camryn a groaning and whimpering mess. She buries her face into the sweatshirt as she begs Anne to put pressure on her back. Anne obeys and reaches over Camryn to press her palms into Camryn's lower back.

The relief of Anne's hands is enough to make Camryn want to cry in gratitude. Instead however, she cries painfully into the sweatshirt, her noises becoming muffled in the fabric.

12:00 PM- 7 hours in labor

"Is he okay,"Camryn murmurs, her eyes closed and her face in her hand, her elbow resting on the edge of the tub as the midwife drags the doppler along Camryn's belly. She tries to zone out everything and just listen on her baby's heart beat.

Anne's heart speeds up as she sees the midwife's face pull tight as she pulls the doppler off of Camryn's stomach.

"His heartbeat sounds a bit slow, love,"the midwife gently explains. She watches as Camryn's eyes snap open and her face becomes extremely panicked. "It's okay,"the midwife immediately assures her, rubbing her upper arm soothingly, "posterior babies sometimes do some funny things with their hearts because labor is just as hard on them as it is on us. It just means that I want to keep a closer eye on you than I normally would. Just a few more checks than normal."

"Can I stay in here?" Camryn doesn't know if her heart can take no for an answer. The bath does barely anything for her back at this point, however she knows it will be even worse if she doesn't have the water.

The midwife sighs with a sad smile, knowing what she's about to say is not what Camryn wants to hear. "I'd really prefer to move you somewhere where I can monitor the baby a bit more closely. The water prevents me from doing all of the checks I want to do. We can get you situated in the shower if you want, that's less water to mess with the monitors."

Anne has known Camryn for 10 years and over those 10 years she's learned when a breakdown is about to happen. And right now is one of those times.

"Hey, hey, sweetie,"Anne coos, reaching for Camryn and hugging her to her chest, "it's alright, you're okay. We're gonna get you somewhere you like, alright? I know you want the water so bad, but we're going to get you in a position you like, I promise."

"I need Harry,"Camryn sobs. In such a vulnerable and overwhelming state, the fact that she doesn't have Harry here to hold her is almost debilitating. "I need him to hold me."

Anne nods against the top of Camryn's head and looks at the midwife who is frowning sympathetically at Camryn and rubbing her arm.

"Honey, do you know what time it is?"Anne asks gently.

Camryn shakes her head, she hasn't checked the time since she got to the hospital.

"It's noon sweetheart, do you remember what time Harry lands?"

Camryn sniffles and murmurs softly, "12:30."

Anne nods, "mmhmm. And Heathrow is only 30 minutes from the hospital. That means that he's gonna be here in an hour."

Camryn pulls away from Anne and looks at her with wet cheeks and welled up eyes. She urges Anne on with her eyes.

"He's gonna be here in an hour and he can hold you and he's going to see your baby boy be born and everything is going to be so much better, okay?"

Camryn nods shakily and sniffles, "okay."


12:30 PM- 7 1/2 hours in labor

"Mumma, I want the epidural,"Camryn moans lowly, gripping onto Anne's shoulders, kneeling on the floor. She's since moved to the shower, finding that having the water drip down her back while still being able to be monitored was a good compromise since her constant need for monitoring prevented her from being able to labor in the tub. Anne kneels just outside of the shower to prevent herself from getting wet. Camryn digs her nails into Anne's shoulders as she yells out lowly and primally. "I can't- I can't."

"Okay, sweetheart,"Anne soothingly whispers, kissing Camryn's sweaty temple as Camryn lowly moans again, "I'll go tell the midwife. I'll be right back."

She quickly stands up from Camryn and watches as Camryn goes on all fours and curls into herself, making primal moans and grunts that make Anne's heart clench in sympathy.

Just as she walks out of the room her phone rings and she sees its Harry.

"Mum, mum please tell me the baby's not here yet." He sounds completely out of breath and Anne can tell that he's running through the airport.

"He's not, honey. I have a feeling you're gonna make it. But you have a very pained little love in there."

"Really? Is she okay?"

"She's just screaming in pain, the poor thing. She said it feels like all of the bones in her back are breaking because he's posterior. She's begging for an epidural, so I'm going to ask the midwife to get her one right now."

Anne hears Harry sigh and then he begins to talk. "I love her so much. Okay, okay I'm glad she's getting the epidural, with Lennon she was too stubborn to. Well I'm like 20 minutes out, so I'll be there so soon. Tell her I love her."

"I will, sweetheart."

"Thank you for being with her, mum."

"Of course. She's been so strong, but she really needs a nice big hug from you."

Harry smiles gently. "There's literally nothing I wanna do more than hug her. Oh! I see Liam! Okay, I'll see you guys so soon."


1:00 PM- 8 hours in labor

He's never run so fast in his entire life, he's sure of it. He jumps out of Liam's car before the car even comes to a complete stop and runs straight past the front desk and down the hall to room 20 where Anne texted him and told him that they were. He runs into the room to see Camryn in the shower, clutching onto Anne. The midwife is kneeling right next to them and trying to coax Camryn into getting up on the bed so the anesthesiologist, who is standing by the bed across the room, can administer the epidural.

Camryn's repeatedly moaning that she can't while shaking her head against Anne's shoulder.

"Hi baby,"Harry's husky and low voice murmurs rushing over to kneel down next to Camryn and Anne. All three of the women's heads snap up in surprise at Harry's voice. They were too focused on coaxing Camryn to even realize Harry had walked in.

"Harry!"Camryn gasps immediately letting go of Anne and reaching for Harry. He catches her as she falls into his chest and immediately places butterfly kisses all over the top of her head.

"Hi, my sweet girl. Oh hi. I'm so proud of you. I love you,"Harry murmurs into her hair as Camryn cries out in relief. He feels her hot tears fall against his neck as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"You're here,"Camryn pants in disbelief, gripping onto him so hard like he's going to disappear if she doesn't keep ahold of him, "you're here. You're here."

"I'm here, sweet girl,"Harry nods, "I've gotcha. I'm right here."

"Camryn, will you let Harry help you onto the bed,"the midwife tries to persuade Camryn gently looking at how tightly she's gripping onto Harry.

"Yeah baby, can I carry you to the bed? I promise you'll feel so much better once you get the epidural,"Harry whispers, looking down at her as she turns her head on his shoulder to look up at him with the most broken eyes. They're the same eyes she gets during all of her labors and they absolutely shatter him every time.

"I don't want to move,"Camryn decides completely changing her mind. The thought of moving and having to stay still overwhelms her completely. She looks up at Harry, "I don't. I don't want it. I don't want to move. I don't want to. Please, Harry."

"Honey, it will make you feel so much better,"Harry tries to persuade. He's practically begging her. Out of all of her labors he's never seen her in this much pain. In fact, he's never seen anyone in this much pain. He just wants her to be okay and even though he's only been in the room for less than 2 minutes, the amount of pain she's in is terrifying him already.

"No, please Harry,"Camryn insists, stubborning shaking her head with earnest tears rolling down her face, "I just want you to hold me. It's a really big needle. Please. I need you. Please."

"Okay,"Harry sighs, looking down at her with the most comforting eyes, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I won't make you. I've gotcha."

Harry flicks his eyes up to the midwife and nods, silently telling her that Camryn has made her decision. The midwife nods and walks over to the anesthesiologist, quietly following him out of the room to give the family some privacy.

1:30 PM- 8 1/2 hours in labor

Camryn groans as she fists the sheets harder on the bed, bending over it and trying to sway her hips because she's convinced herself that that will help with the pain. It doesn't. Nothing does.

"My backs gonna break,"Camryn groans out, pounding a fist on the bed in pure frustration.

"I think you're gonna be just fine,"Harry smirks, pressing a gentle kiss to her spine and rubbing her back to try and combat the pain.

"Harder please." She's not so much breathing anymore as she is gasping in breaths between whimpers and groans.

"Honey, if I push any harder I'm gonna give you bruises,"Harry frowns, feeling her soft flesh under his hands. He's surprised he hasn't broken her back already with how hard he's been applying counter pressure.

"I don't care!"Camryn snaps in frustration. He doesn't understand how desperate of a need she has for the counter pressure. It's the only thing her mind can think about. "Just please Harry!"

"Okay,"Harry relents and pushes his hands in harder against her back, feeling the muscles ripple and tighten with the contraction.

Camryn sighs when it comes to an end and takes a few deep breaths, her hips continuing to sway.

"Baby?"she whispers, still bending over the bed.


"I'm sorry I snapped at you." She sniffles and wipes at a single tear that escaped from all of the emotions she's feeling.

Harry smiles, she can hear it and he gently raises his hand on her back to squeeze her shoulder. "I don't mind at all. It's what I'm here for. You can snap at me all you want, I promise."

Camryn nods and continues to try and slow her breathing down for a minute.


"Yeah?"Harry smiles again at her little voice.

"I'm really glad you're here now."

His heart explodes. He moves to her side and leans down to press a kiss to her cheek, her head hanging. "I'm glad I am too. I'm so proud of you."



"I love you a ridiculous amount."

"I love you a ridiculous amount too, Camryn Renee."


2:00 PM- 9 hours in labor

"That's my girl,"Harry whispers as Camryn gives one last moan and then slowly straightens up from gripping onto him. He cups her cheek that's dripping with sweat and uses his other hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay?"

Camryn scrunches up her face in exhaustion and whimpers, "I'm so hot."

"Here, what about we take this off." Harry picks at the sleeve of his shirt that Camryn is wearing. She found comfort in wearing it when it was just her and Anne because it smelled like him, but now its more of a bother than it is a help. She can't remember a time in her life where she's ever felt hotter and sweatier and just overall gross.

She nods tiredly and slowly raises her arms as Harry helps her to pull it up and over her head. Once it's off, his eyes are met with Camryn's black bra that he can only imagine is extremely bothersome to wear while she's so hot and in so much pain. He taps the clasp of the bra and quietly asks, "do you want this off too?"

"I dunno,"Camryn whimpers, rubbing a hand down her face before nervously looking at Harry. He watches as her eyes dart across the room to Anne, who's grabbing another cool rag to place on her and the midwife who's typing stats into the computer in the side of the room. He knows Camryn well enough to know exactly what she's thinking at pretty much any given time. He knows she wants it off but is feeling a bit anxious about being completely naked in front of people.

"It might feel better,"Harry offers quietly, using his hand to gently tap Camryn's chin to get her to look at him. "Why don't we try it?" Camryn's eyes search his anxiously, darting side to side with a grimace plastered on her face. He lowers his voice so that only she can hear him, "no one cares, bug. I promise. No one minds." Camryn warily nods and leans forward against Harry to allow him easier access to her bra's clasp. Harry successfully unclasps the bra and is able to toss it to Anne to put in the overnight bag before Camryn grabs onto him with a low moan.

"Okay, okay,"Harry murmurs in response to Camryn's pained whimpers, "I gotcha. I've gotcha. You're okay, baby. You're doing so good." Camryn hugs her bare chest to his chest and digs her fingers into the back of Harry's shoulders.

"My back,"Camryn cries out, pulling in tighter to Harry. The midwife immediately comes over to the couple and places her experienced hands on Camryn's back, right where the pressure points are. Anne rushes over with a cold washcloth and brushes across Camryn's cheek that isn't squished against Harry's shoulder and across her sweaty forehead as she listens to Harry's quiet comforts in response to Camryn's moans and cries. She gently pulls away from Harry after the contraction and looks at him with tears in her eyes. Harry shushes her and softly uses his fingers to wipe away the few tears that escaped out of the corner of her eyes.

"I probably smell so gross,"Camryn whispers looking into Harry's gentle green eyes. She's been sweating so much that she can only imagine how bad she smells.

Harry chuckles a bit and runs his hand down her long blonde hair, "you don't smell gross, I promise. And even if you did I wouldn't care."

Anne gently places a cold washcloth on Camryn's bare back rubbing it up and down, "do you want your hair up sweetheart?"

Camryn nods, suddenly well aware of the sweat dripping down her neck, "please."

Harry gently takes off the black hairband on Camryn's wrist and puts it in between his teeth as he reaches for Camryn's hair. She rests her forehead forward on his shoulder so he can more easily reach her long blonde hair. He gathers the hair up into his hands and craftily ties it into a messy bun that he's perfected over the years, especially when he had his own long hair. "Better?"

"Much,"Camryn smiles weakly before gently placing her lips against Harry's.

"My boobs hurt,"Camryn sighs as she presses her forehead against Harry's. Harry can't help but chuckle at the statement and Camryn even cracks a smile. Harry cups her cheeks with his hands, "are they a bit full?"

Camryn nods and grimaces, "can someone bring Bowie in here to eat? Or tell Calum to hurry it up?" Harry bursts into giggles and his heart soars at the fact that Camryn has found it in her to joke a bit even with the amount of pain she's in.

"Do you wanna pump?"Harry suggests, "I'm sure they have a pump somewhere around here."

Camryn shakes her head, "that's literally the last thing I wanna do right now." She leans forward to nuzzle her face into Harry's neck as he smirks at her response. He's glad to have her little sassy self even this far into labor, it helps to keep his nerves at a low knowing she's still able to joke a bit between contractions. She kisses his neck gently and murmurs, "I just want you."


2:30 PM- 9 1/2 hours in labor

"Mmm, I feel lots of pressure,"Camryn moans, sitting sideways on Harry's lap as they rock back and forth in the rocking chair.

Harry presses his lips again to her temple and nods, "I know. That's alright. You're okay."

"Oh why is there so much pressure,"Camryn yells, gripping Harry's harder and pressing her forehead into his shoulder. She's so confused about the pressure because it's not a pushing pressure, but it's so intense.

Harry winces at Camryn's pained cries and kneads his hands into her back to try and help. He feels her legs tense on top of his as he continues to rock their bodies back and forth.

"Baby, I need your hand,"Camryn whimpers, reaching her empty hand towards Harry's that's rubbing her back. Harry grasps her hand as she immediately begins to squeeze it hard enough to break his fingers.

She gives a loud shriek as her breathing quickens, getting more anxious about how much pain she's in. She's loosing it quickly and Harry is desperately trying to recenter and get her to focus. "I've gotcha baby, I've gotcha. I've got your hand and you're gonna be just fine. I've gotcha."

"Ohhhhhh,"Camryn moans, pressing her forehead against his.

"You're alright, baby,"Harry whispers, "you're doing so good. I'm so proud of you."

"Harry...the pressure...I can't...I can't,"Camryn grunts through gritted teeth, squeezing his hand and turning it purple.

She puts a hand on her bare bump, "Calum, please." Just as she's about to cry out again she feels a pop and a gush of fluid from in between her legs, completely soaking the panties she was wearing. It also completely soaks Harry's lap that she's sitting on.

"Oh!"Camryn gasps, looking down at their wet laps. She bursts into tears immediately looking down at Harry's wet lap. "Baby, I'm so sorry! Oh Harry, I'm so sorry!"

He watches as her shoulders begin to shake with sobs as she covers her blushed face in embarrassment. "Hey, hey, hey,"Harry murmurs, cupping her face in both of his hands, "hey, it's alright! I don't mind at all. It's just your water breaking. Hey, look at me, you know I don't mind." He presses a long kiss to Camryn's forehead as she pouts at him. "You know I don't mind. It's okay, bug. You couldn't control it. No more tears, yeah? No more of that." He wipes at her tears with his fingers and presses a kiss to the tip of her nose. "I love you so much, sweet girl. So so much."

"Oh, it's all over your lap,"Camryn sniffles, hiccuping with a sob, "I'm so sorry."

"Hey,"Harry says again to get her to look at him instead of his soaked lap, "I don't mind, sweetheart. It's not a big deal."

Camryn doesn't seem convinced so he presses his forehead against hers and drops his voice to a low whisper, "hey, can I tell you a secret?" Camryn flicks her eyes up to his and nods. Harry smirks as he whispers, "you puking on me during Darcy's birth was way worse,"he winks, "this is nothing." That elicits a small smile and giggle from Camryn.

Anne helps Camryn off of Harry's lap and Harry begins to wipe his jeans down, trying to dry the water as much as possible. He then walks over to Camryn and wipes down her inner thighs and helps her into a new pair of panties.

"I love you,"Harry whispers, pressing butterfly kisses all over her cheeks and then finally landing on her lips.

"I love you more." 


3:00 PM- 10 hours in labor

When transition hits, everything goes to Hell. The room is filled with constant pained noises with little break in between them and constant frustration from Camryn, rightfully so.

Camryn has found a bit of relief straddling a chair and desperately gripping the back of it. Anne kneels behind her and endlessly works at her back while Harry stays up near her head whispering encouragement to her and letting her take out her anger on him.

"You're never touching me again!"

Harry has to hold back his giggles as he makes eye contact with Anne who is also trying to hold back her giggles. Harry tucks a piece of sweaty hair behind Camryn's ear and nods, "okay, sweetheart. Just breathe."

Camryn snaps an eye open to look at him and catches his smirk before he can wipe it off of his face. "I'm serious!"

"I know,"Harry nods seriously and wipes the smirk off of his face, "you're okay. You got it, Cam."

Harry watches as Camryn moans her way through the contraction, her head lolling from side to side as she uses the back of the chair as a sort of lifeline. Her legs are trembling in pain and her knuckles are completely white as she grips the chair. Her teeth are gritted and the sounds coming out of her are unlike anything he's ever heard before. She has no control over them either, they're just coming from her throat nonstop. He's never seen her like this.

At the end of the contraction Camryn reaches her arms out for him and it takes a second for him to react because she's been pushing him away for the past couple contractions, frustrated with the pain that she's going through and taking it out on him. Soon enough, he realizes that she's reaching for him and presses his chest against her bare one. She flops her head down to his shoulder and pants heavily.

"Did you forgive me?"

Camryn grunts. "Until the next contraction."

3:30 PM- 10 1/2 hours in labor

The absolute last thing that Camryn wants to do is walk around the room, but the midwife, Anne, and Harry finally convince her that it will help bring the baby faster, so they begin their trek around the room.

Harry suggests the halls, but Camryn is feeling far too anxious to leave the room, so they settle for walking wall to wall.

"We've both got you, darling,"Anne whispers. Harry is holding onto one side of Camryn while Anne holds the other. Camryn can barely make it through contractions without blacking out, so her body needs constant support. "Just lean on us. You're doing so good."

Camryn whimpers and leans her head on Harry's shoulder as he holds her hand with one of his hands and puts his other arm around her waist.

"We are...never doing...this again,"Camryn moans looking up seriously at Harry. "I mean it."

Harry nods and kisses her forehead. He's a bit relieved that she said that honestly, he couldn't make it through watching her do this ever again. He's in a constant state of feeling like he's going to sympathy puke and pass out. "That's fine, baby. That's totally okay."

"He's in so much trouble when he gets here,"Camryn groans, shuffling her feet across the floor, but not picking them up.

Harry chuckles lightly and kisses her forehead before swiping a finger across her breast to remove a piece of fuzz that was resting there.

"I'm not very modest right now,"Camryn murmurs with a slight smile, referring to her naked state.

"None of us mind, love,"Anne assures Camryn with an encouraging smile, "I promise you."

"Ohhh ouch!"Camryn shrieks, snapping her hand out of Harry's to place it on her back. "Oh no, oh no,"she whines looking up at Harry with pure agony written all across her face. "He just moved, oh his head is pressing even more on my back now, OH IT HURTS!"

Harry looks at Camryn and finally breaks down with her sobbing with Anne now desperately trying to pick up the pieces of both of them and mend them.


3:50 PM

"Harry, please!" Camryn cries out into his neck, pulling in tight and grinding her teeth as her entire body spasms with a contraction. Her spine is going to break. She's sure of it.

He continues to sway their bodies in a slow dancing movement as he focuses on watching Anne knead at Camryn's back. "What do you need me to do, Cam? What would help?"

"I dunno,"Camryn cries, getting extremely overwhelmed when she realizes that nothing will help her. No one can help her. It's just her and her baby and she wants nothing more than to give up right now. She can't do this. "Nothing helps."

Harry nods and sniffles back his tears, fighting with himself to stay strong for her. She's breaking right in front of his eyes, but he can't again. He has to remain strong. He regained his composure after his breakdown a couple of minutes ago, and he can't lose it again.

"Baby!" Camryn whimpers as she digs her nails into his shoulders and it makes his heart clench.

"I know, bug,"he croaks through his choked up throat. A few tears escape and he curses them silently, praying that Camryn doesn't open her eyes and see him beginning to fall apart. "I'm so sorry."

"Honey, is there anything that we can do to help?"Anne asks desperately.

Camryn shakes her head and lets a sob escape. "I can't...even...think." The pain has gotten to the point where it's completely fogged up Camryn's brain. She can't even think about what to do in the future because she feels completely out of control of her body.

"I want...I want the kids...I want Darcy...and Lennie...and Auggie...and Bowie...I want them, baby,"Camryn begs in between pained whimpers.

"I know,"Harry nods and uses his hand to cradle the back of Camryn's head to his chest, "I know you do, baby. They love you so much."

"I wanna go home,"Camryn sobs uncontrollably, heaving in air to try and not pass out. She has no control over herself anymore. "Harry, I wanna go home."

"I know, I know you do, sweet girl,"Harry whispers, shushing her quietly in between words. "You are so close to being done. I promise you."

4:00 PM- 11 hours in labor

"I can't! Harry it hurts so bad!"Camryn screams, clutching onto his shoulders as they kneel on the floor beside the hospital bed.

"Cam, you're okay, you're almost done baby,"Harry whispers and cringes as she screams into his neck. Anne's hands rub endlessly on her lower back trying to offer any relief, but because of the baby's positioning it's gotten to a point where no position helps to ease the pain. "You can do it, baby,"Harry promises, feeling her shaky fingers dig into his shoulders, "you're so strong, Cam. I'm so proud of you."

Anne begins to notice Camryn curl in towards herself at the end of the contraction, but decides to not say anything. However, she can't deny that Camryn's sounds have changed and her motions and it seems like she's only a few contractions away from pushing.

Another contraction starts on the heels of the last one and Anne again watches Camryn curl in towards herself and grunt, working against her body and forcing it to not push.

"Honey, are you trying not to push?"Anne gently asks, her hands still working on Camryn's back as she grunts into Harry's neck again. It's only then that Harry recognizes Camryn pulling in tight against him and her grunts that tell him she's working against her body.

"Cami, do you need to push?"Harry echos his mum and looks down at Camryn's face noticing how its scrunched up in an effort to fight the urges.

"I don't wanna push,"Camryn grunts out, swiveling her hips to try and take her mind off of the overwhelming pressure in her butt.

"Sweetheart,"Anne coos gently, "your body needs you to push."

"No it's gonna hurt so bad,"Camryn cries into Harry's neck clutching him for dear life, "please don't make me push, please Harry, don't make me push. It's gonna hurt so bad."

"Buggy,"Harry frowns at the desperate tone of her voice, pleading with him, "you have to push, Calum is ready to meet you. Let's push and meet him, alright? You're so close to holding him, I promise you."

"Baby,"Camryn looks up at Harry with her lips wavering, "I'm scared."

Harry coos gently and kisses her cheek, "don't be scared, sweetheart. We've gotcha, yeah? I've gotcha. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, alright?" He realizes after he says it that she's not just scared to push because it's going to hurt, she's scared because of what happened during Bowie's birth. His heart sinks as he realizes how scary this must be for her, after all she almost died during her last labor. He takes her face in his hands and uses her full name to make sure she's listening, he only uses her full name when he means business and it always gets her attention right away. "Camryn, look at me. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise. This isn't Bowie's birth, okay? This is a new birth. We're gonna listen to what the midwifes say and I'm going to help you focus on what they're telling you to do, okay?"

Camryn nods as Harry kisses her shaky lips gently and then looks up at Anne, "will you get a midwife?" Anne nods quickly and stands up from her place on the floor, Camryn whimpering at the loss of her hands on her aching back.

After a couple of seconds of Harry trying to help Camryn breathe and her blubbering in agony, the midwife and Anne rush into the room.

"Alright, sweetheart,"the midwife coos gently, kneeling down next to Camryn and Harry's bodies, "do you wanna try pushing on your hands and knees first? That will really help take the pressure off of your back."

Camryn hazily nods and warily lets go of Harry's shoulders to place her palms flat on the blanket that Anne put down to protect Camryn's knees when her and Harry first started kneeling.

"Alright lovey, you know what to do. You're a pro at this now, huh? You just push when you need to, okay?"

"I don't think I can,"Camryn whimpers, beginning to cry, her shoulders shaking as she looks at the floor, completely overwhelmed at the pain and pressure.

"Baby girl, you can do this,"Anne assures her, rubbing her hand up and down Camryn's arm.

Harry gently places his hands on top of Camryn's that are on the floor and feels his heart pick up as he watches her take in a deep breath and tuck her chin to her chest, crying out in pain as she pushes.

"Oh lovely push, Camryn,"the midwife encourages, sitting behind her body and watching between her legs intently. "Keep at it. Right down towards the floor. That's it, Camryn."

"MY BACK,"Camryn screams louder than Harry has ever heard her scream. He immediately moves from in front of Camryn to be kneeling by her side and presses his palms into her back to try and offer some relief.

"FU**,"Camryn screams out, pounding a fist on the floor, "I can't do this! I can't!"

"Camryn, you can,"Harry encourages, pushing his palms in hard enough that he's scared he's gonna break her back, "I promise you can. You're so close to holding him, baby."

"I'm,"Camryn moans out, her face turning green as Anne places a bowl on the floor right in front of her head. She pukes into it, the pain of the baby's head on her back is so intense that it's making her body puke.

The midwife shakes her head and bites her bottom lip, she's never seen a birth as painful as this and is highly considering offering a c-section to Camryn because she's starting to become convinced that this is going to be impossible.

Camryn's body heaves forward into the bowl and empties the bit of food she had in her stomach. Between the heaves she breaks into pitiful sobs and Harry can feel himself breaking along with her. He doesn't realize he's crying until he sees one of his tears drip from his cheek onto Camryn's bare back as she heaves again into the bowl.

"I've gotcha, Cam,"Harry mumbles, rubbing her back soothingly. For the first time in the 10 years of being together he doesn't know what to do to soothe her and it kills him. He's never seen anyone in this much pain and he's amazed that she's able to do this without dying.

She pushes for another 15 minutes before the midwife decides to pull out a doppler and check on the baby. She puts it on Camryn's stomach as she catches her breath, in between contractions to try and hear the baby's heart rate.

"Honey,"the midwife coos, snapping the doppler away and trying to mask her fear, "baby isn't really liking pushing, alright? His heart rate is dropping super low, so we really need to work to get him out. I'm going to have you get up on the bed so that we can monitor him better, alright?" 

Camryn sobs harder, completely overwhelmed with everything that is happening. Not only is she in more pain right now than all of her labors combined, but now she knows that her baby isn't doing good and it makes her chest constrict to the point of almost not being able to breathe.

Harry wipes his overwhelmed tears that have fallen the past couple of minutes so that he doesn't scare Camryn and immediately jumps into action. "Baby, c'mere. Listen to me, sweetheart." Harry crawls in front of Camryn who immediately latches onto him, sobbing into his neck. "I know, buggy, I know." He rubs his hand up and down Camryn's back and tries to swallow back his tears that have risen in his throat making his voice croaky. "Look at me,"Harry coos, cradling Camryn's tear filled face in his hands and looking into her broken and extremely pained blue eyes. "You are doing so good and you are so close to getting to hold Calum, okay? We just need to get you up on the bed to make sure he's okay. I'm gonna stay right next to you, okay?" He gets a shaky nod and sniffle in response. "Okay, okay, let's get you up on the bed." Anne and Harry both help Camryn onto the bed and onto her back so that the midwife can better monitor the baby's heartbeat.

"I don't wanna be on my back,"Camryn whines, reaching her arms out towards Harry. Laying on her back makes her back pain 1000 times worse.

"I know, sweetheart,"the midwife says from between Camryn's legs, "I know you don't, but we need to for your baby, okay?"

"You got it,"Harry whispers, rubbing back Camryn's hair from her forehead and pressing a longing kiss to her forehead. "You're so strong."

"Alright sweetheart, let's meet this baby, okay?" The midwife pats Camryn's leg soothingly as Camryn whimpers out.

"Baby,"Camryn whimpers anxiously, looking up at Harry with her blue eyes swimming in tears.

"You're okay,"Harry cups her cheek with his hand and nods down soothingly at her, encouraging her that she can do it. "I'm right here. You're so safe."

Camryn bears down roughly groaning loudly as she pushes through her contraction. Harry watches her in amazement. He's always amazed at how strong she is, but this is a whole other level. She's screaming in pain and feels like she's getting torn in half and that her back is breaking, and yet she still has the ability to listen to the midwife and slow her breathing down when she says so, to take a deep breath, and to make eye contact with Harry.

"Amazing push, Camryn,"the midwife smiles widely. "You're incredible, sweetheart. Do you have more? Good...good...get mad at that pain sweetheart."

"Harry...ow...Harry!"Camryn screams, choking on tears and throwing her head back on the bed, looking up at him and pleading with her eyes.

"I know, I know,"Harry whispers, choking on his own tears of sympathy that are falling down his cheeks. "I've gotcha, buggy. I'm so sorry." He quickly reaches over and puts a cool wet towel on her forehead and rubs his thumb down her cheek as she tearfully looks up at him.

"Harry, my back...I-I can't...Harry...I dunno...I can't,"Camryn panics shaking her head up at him as the pain slowly begins to grow again. The thought of having to push again makes her want to give up and never have this baby.

"You can, look at me,"Harry whispers soothingly, continually rubbing his thumb down her cheek and wiping off her tears. "You're almost done, baby. You're so close."

"Can you see him,"Camryn grunts, about ready to start pushing again.

"Almost, my darling,"the midwife encourages as Camryn begins to push again, "he is so close."

"C'mon sweetheart,"Anne whispers, kissing Camryn's temple as Camryn's face scrunches up in a push. "You're doing so good, I'm so proud of you, Camryn." Anne looks at Camryn and wants to break down at the sight of her. She's so tired and sweaty and the sound of her yelling is breaking her mumma heart. To see her little girl, she considers her her own daughter because she's practically raised her since she was 13, in so much pain makes her want to lay in that bed and take the labor for her.

"That was a fantastic push, sweetheart,"the midwife smiles, using a doppler to monitor the baby. "Baby is still not loving pushing, so we've gotta keep doing this fast, alright? You've done fantastic, though."

Camryn pants, looking over at Harry as he replaces the cool rag on her forehead. "I'm gonna puke."

"Okay,"Harry nods and quickly grabs the basin and puts it under Camryn's chin as she pukes into it. "Alright, you're okay. You're okay. Get it all out, sweetheart. That's alright."

Anne tucks Camryn's loose hairs behind her ears and squeezes her hand as she continues to puke.

"Oh sweetheart, now I know why you were in so much pain; your baby's got a big head, honey," the midwife explains looking up at Camryn. "Are you feeling him move down?"

Camryn nods and then heaves again into the bin making Harry wince. The only reason the puking stops is because she has to push.

"Oh wow, okay, Camryn, Camryn, slow down for me a bit,"the midwife watches as the baby makes a huge descent down Camryn's birth canal. "Camryn, listen to me. I need you to do some slow and controlled pushes, okay? This baby has a really big head and we don't want you to tear, okay?" The midwife's eyes gawk at how big of a head the baby has.

Camryn can barely process anything as she bears down to push again. She doesn't even really process that the midwife just said to slow down and that her baby is so close to coming out.

"Camryn, Camryn, slow down honey." The midwife braces her hands on Camryn's inner thighs to try and get her attention. "This needs to be really slow so you don't tear."

Harry has a sudden flashback of Bowie's birth and sees how bad Camryn not listening while pushing went last time. "Slow your breathing down, baby,"Harry whispers, bringing his forehead to Camryn's, "You're okay. I promise you're okay."

"I feel it,"Camryn whimpers, feeling his head begin to come out, "oh it burns!" Camryn begins yelling out in panic about how bad its burning.

"Oh I know sweetie,"the midwife frowns in sympathy, watching as Camryn desperately tries to stretch around Calum's huge head. "That's a lot of stretching right there, I know it. Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe for me, don't push."

"Harry, I have to,"Camryn screams out, tears pooling down her cheeks, "Harry please!"

"Camryn, look at me,"Harry says seriously, not wanting a repeat of Bowie's birth. "Look at me. I've gotcha. Big breath...good....good...take another one with me....pant...good."

"So good, Camryn,"the midwife encourages with a huge smile, "you are stretching wonderfully. Can I have a little grunt? Just a tiny one."

Camryn grunts, completely willing to because it's what her body is begging her to do. Then she gives into her body again and gives one gigantic push, yelling out.

"Oh Camryn!"Anne gasps, watching the baby's head completely emerge, "sweetheart, you're amazing!"

"Good job, Camryn,"the midwife smiles, holding the baby's head in her hands, "his head is out!"

"It's out,"Camryn pants in disbelief looking up at Harry who's smiling down at her, "it's out? Completely?"

Harry nods quickly and presses a kiss to her sweaty forehead, "completely, baby. He's got a big head, Cam. Those Styles genes came through on this one."

"Do you wanna feel him, Cami?"Anne whispers from behind Camryn's shoulder, squeezing it gently, "he's darling."

"I'm really shaky,"Camryn whimpers out, "I don't think I can."

"I'll help you,"Harry quickly offers taking her hand that's shaking uncontrollably in his and putting it on the baby's slimy head.

"Oh!"Camryn gasps in relief, her head falling against the pillow, "it's my baby."

"It's your baby, sweetheart,"Harry nods tearfully watching a smile cross Camryn's face, "just a couple more pushes and we'll get a cuddle."

"Did I tear?"Camryn pants, keeping her shaky hand on the baby's head and looking blearily at the midwife, "I feel like I tore."

"You didn't sweetheart,"the midwife shakes her head and pats Camryn's inner thigh gently, "you look perfect."

"Cord check,"the midwife by Camryn's stomach who came in right before the baby's head was born says looking at Calum's heartbeat which is continuing to drop during pushes.

The midwife in between Camryn's legs slips a finger in to feel around the baby's neck. Harry watches as the midwife's face drops and she looks back at the other midwife, "cords too tight, I can't get it off. Have NICU on standby." The third midwife in the room pulls out a device and pages the NICU doctors.

Camryn is too focused on Anne trying to help her to breathe to notice anything going on but Harry feels like his whole world is crashing down.

"Camryn, sweetheart we need really big pushes from you, okay? Your baby has the cord around his neck and it's too tight to get it off, so we need to get him out, okay?"

"I can't,"Camryn moans exhausted, "it hurts so bad!"

"Cami, you need to,"Harry gets a bit stern, knowing that because of her exhausted and pained state she can't think properly. "Sweetheart, we need to get him out. Do it for Calum. C'mon, you can do it."

"Camryn, grab behind your knees and push hard,"the midwife at her stomach commands, "c'mon, you got this."

Camryn lets go of her grip on Harry's shirt and her other grip on Anne's hand and puts her hands around her knees, pulling them back towards her chest. Harry puts his hand on top of Camryn's on her knee and his other hand goes behind her head to help support it. Anne's hand goes on Camryn's other knee to help her pull it back.

"Alright, another contraction's starting,"the midwife watching the monitor says, "big push, Camryn."

Harry helps bring Camryn's chin to her chest and watches as she pushes with all of her strength, growling out at the the pressure and pain.

"Good, job, baby,"Harry whispers, watching her face scrunch up and pale in pain, "c'mon Cam, push. Push, baby."

Camryn pushes for the rest of the contraction, screaming out explicits because of the extreme back pain and the baby emerging from her. Both Anne and Harry keep encouraging words in her ears before she collapses back against the bed, her eyes immediately searching for Harry's as her chest heaves.

"Heart is decelerating,"the midwife calls out watching Calum's heart rate get worse and worse.

"What?" Camryn looks up at Harry with the most broken eyes. "Baby..."

"It's okay,"Harry assures her, rubbing his thumb along her sweaty forehead, "it's alright, we just need you to push and get him out, okay? Don't think about any of that. You're doing so good. I've gotcha."

Everything is too overwhelming for Camryn with all of the doctors in the room and hearing the baby's heart monitors going off and all of the panicked shouts calling different doctors in. Harry watches her head whip from side to side to try and comprehend everything that's going on. Her breath is quickening and he can see all of the signs of her panic attack starting.

"Camryn, look at me." He brings his hand up from her knee to cup her cheek and turn it towards him. "Don't think about any of them. It's just you and me and Calum, okay? You're okay."

"Harry, I can't,"Camryn moans, tears streaming down her face.

"You can bug, you can,"Harry says, trying to remain as calm as possible for her sake. "I'm watching you do it right now."

Another contraction starts and everyone returns to their original positioning with Camryn screaming out as the midwife tells her that they need the baby to come out and fast so she needs to push harder. Camryn shrieks out in pain, trying to collapse against the bed, completely exhausted.

"No no, sweetheart,"Anne coos, rubbing her knee, "we need you to keep pushing."

"Harry it hurts!"Camryn screams out, "my back!"

Harry nods down at her with tears in his eyes. "You're almost done...I promise you sweetheart, he's so close. I need you to push for me, babe."

Harry peeks over her knee to see a completely blue and lifeless baby emerging from her body, half of his stomach out. He feels his stomach churn immediately and feels like he's about to puke all down his front. His baby is lifeless.

With one final scream the baby completely emerges from Camryn who collapses back against Harry's hand that's still tangled in her hair.

The midwife immediately places the baby on Camryn's shaking and completely bare chest. Her hands immediately go to the baby's neck and the midwife starts unraveling the cord that was wrapped around 3 times. "One...two....three. Wow! Alright little man, that's quite a lot!" Even after the cord is unwrapped, the little baby remains silent and unresponsive on Camryn's chest.

"Is he okay?"Camryn frets, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath and sobs leaving her throat as all of the emotions come through, "why isn't he crying?"

"He's just a little startled I think. The cord was wrapped around his neck pretty tight for a second there,"the midwife calmly says rubbing the baby's foot and smiling down at them comfortingly, "c'mon sweet thing, stop scaring us."

Harry watches as 2 doctors rush into the room and crowd around Camryn and the baby. He's in a daze as he listens to the midwife explain to the doctors what is happening and watches as they inspect his little boy who is turning bluer by the second.

"Harry,"Camryn whimpers looking up at Harry. Camryn's broken voice snaps him out of his gaze and he tries to mask the fear in his eyes as he looks down at Camryn. He realizes how lucky he is that his previous 4 babies came out wailing and breathing perfectly.  

"It's okay,"Harry quickly assures her, bending down so that his head is closer to hers and keeping his lips on her forehead, "he's okay. He just needs a second. He's okay, baby."

"C'mon bud,"the midwife tightly whispers, furrowing her brows, growing increasingly more concerned as Calum grows more and more blue. "C'mon, c'mon." Anne stands on Camryn's other side and keeps a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her cheeks are filled with tears running down them, at first from the joy of seeing her grandson's brith, but now from fear.

"We should move him to the table,"the NICU doctor suggests watching as the midwife continues to rub all over Calum to try and rouse him into crying.

"No,"the midwife shakes her head, "he needs his mum. He needs to be with her."

After a few more forceful rubs from the midwife, Calum lets out a loud wail to let everyone know he's okay and then quiets down to just little whimpers. There's a collective sigh heard around the room and Harry immediately breaks down into more tears as he places butterfly kisses on Camryn's sweaty forehead.

"Oh, hello,"Camryn cries in relief listening to the new little baby's cries.

"Oh that's better,"Harry sniffles, rubbing back Camryn's hair from her forehead, "yeah, that's better. Hi buddy. Oh I know, it's so bright out here."

Camryn looks down at the little boy on her bare chest and giggles wetly as he lets out a dramatic cry and then looks up at her, completely unfazed just a second later. "I know, I know buddy, that was rough, huh? Tell me about it." Camryn looks up at Harry to see him looking down at the baby with the most loving eyes. "Look at him, baby. He's here."

Harry nods wetly with a gigantic smile as he presses Camryn's salty lips against his, "he's here, bug. You did so good. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much."

Camryn looks down at the little boy who has a bit of a cone head from his rough positioning during birth. She giggles a bit as she gently rubs her fingers against his head that's adorned with a bit of dirty blonde hair, "oh you're a bit smushed aren't you?" She leans down to press a gentle kiss against his forehead, "but you are just perfect. Absolutely gorgeous."

"We've got another blondie,"Harry chuckles, running his fingers against Calum's hair and kissing the top of his head softly.

"That was the most painful thing I've ever done,"Camryn sighs with a dazed smile, resting her head back against the pillow, "I can't even begin to explain how much that hurt."

"I can't imagine, honey,"the midwife smiles over at Camryn, "posterior with a head like that?! You're my hero."

"Sorry I was so loud."

"Oh nuh uh,"the midwife shakes her head with a smile, patting Camryn's knee, "never apologize sweetheart! You were having a baby, a posterior baby with one big noggin, you deserved to be loud. I'd have been more scared if you weren't screaming." She winks at Camryn which makes Camryn feel a lot less embarrassed about her noises. She's normally a fairly quiet and shy person in front of strangers.  

Camryn smiles at her in appreciation and then looks over at Anne who is still actively crying and rubbing Camryn's bare shoulder gently. Camryn reaches out a shaky hand and Anne immediately sandwiches it in between her two hands.

"Thank you for all your help, mumma,"Camryn rasps through her mangled throat, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world, my sweetheart,"Anne gushes, kissing Camryn's cheek twice, "you were incredible, honey. Absolutely incredible. I've never been prouder of you." Anne switches her gaze to Calum and looks at him with the most loving eyes. "He is just stunning, you two."


"Does that feel better?"Harry asks with a smirk as Calum finishes breastfeeding for the first time.

"So much,"Camryn sighs with a soft chuckle and then looks over at him, "are you ready for a snuggle?"

"I thought you'd never ask,"Harry winks and jumps up from his stool next to Camryn's bed, takes off his shirt to do some skin to skin and reaches out his arms towards Calum to take him off of Camryn's chest. The newborn whimpers at first, not liking that he was taken away from his mum's familiar chest and smell, but soon nuzzles into his daddy's bare chest with a sigh. Harry chuckles at the baby's little reaction and coos down at him while swaying his hips side to side gently, "you're quite a dramatic one, aren't you? You're gonna be a silly one, I can already tell." He places his lips on the baby's forehead and places butterfly kisses all over it. "Oh, buddy, you're amazing. I love you so much. You are just the best little thing."

Camryn and Anne giggle gently as they watch Harry coo to his new little bubby. Anne sits down on the edge of Camryn's bed and takes her leg in her hand, gently massaging her fingers into Camryn's calf.

"Oh, thank you mumma,"Camryn hums tiredly, closing her eyes against the pillow in bliss.
Anne squeezes Camryn's leg a bit and smiles over at her, "I'm so incredibly proud of you."

"Hi mate,"Harry coos as the little baby blinks up at Harry against his chest, his eyes a bluish green color. "You just wanted to make a dramatic entrance, huh? Yeah, well no more of that. No more scaring mummy and daddy, alright? Deal?" Calum hiccups up at Harry making Harry gasp with a huge smile. "Oh! Look at that! You have the hiccups already? You had the hiccups all the time in mumma's belly, so it's only right you have them out here, huh?"

Camryn reaches her arms out towards Harry and makes grabby hands at both of her boys. "Can I have some cuddles."

"You just earned every cuddle you could ever want,"Harry smirks and walks over to Camryn's bed, gently sitting next to her on it. "I can't believe you did that, Cam. You are amazing, baby. Thank you for doing this."

"It was worth it,"Camryn hums, while Anne heads out of the room and to their house to bring the kids to meet their new brother.

"Get a little rest before the kids come, okay?"Harry whispers, kissing the top of Camryn's head, "you deserve it, sweetheart."

"I love you boys,"Camryn murmurs with her cheek against Harry's bicep as she drifts off to sleep. 

"We love you too,"Harry whispers, rubbing his little boy's back who is snoozing against Harry's bare chest. "And we're both so proud of you."



Ahh I can't believe I'm finally posting this! I've been writing it since literally November lol. I had a first draft done and then I decided I didn't like it and completely scraped it HAHAH. I'm kinda sad tho cuz now I only have Bindi's birth left to post. (I'm about 1/3 of the way finished with that one)


If you guys have any requests for chapters you'd like to see PLEASE message me! I'd love to hear!!

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