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By FanFic_colby_Daddy

261K 4.8K 7.6K

Livia Dawn knew it was a bad idea to follow three guys, who were probably criminals, into the woods. Mistake... More

~π•€π•Ÿπ•₯π•–π•£π•žπ•šπ•€π•€π•šπ• π•Ÿ~
Authors note
Book two: Darling


4.3K 80 157
By FanFic_colby_Daddy


I woke up to Maurice shaking my leg gently. Still on edge from the night before I jolted upward in fear before calming down as soon as I laid eyes on him. He gave me a warm smile of reassurance before saying, "Good morning miss Dawn, I've prepared you breakfast you can enjoy while you dress. Mr. Brock wants to speak with you downstairs in his office."

Colby has an office?

I give Maurice a smile and a nod, "Thanks, Maurice. Have you eaten?" I ask him.

He nods, "Had toast and tea this morning dear." He reassured me. I thanked him once more and watched as he left my room, leaving behind a tray of eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice on my bedside. I smile at it, flipping off my nightlight, and then getting up off the bed.

Devyn and Tara left late last night and left behind a mess in my room after they "comforted me" for going through so much. I mean, of course, I was and am thankful, but how the hell do they make such a mess?

I picked it all up while I ate and got dressed. It took me a while but it's better than making Maurice do it. When I finished I made my bed, grabbed the empty tray, and left my room. It was 12 in the afternoon now so I expected everyone to be up by now.

"Morning Livy." Sam greeted me, watching as I disposed of my dishes.

"That name again, really?" I ask him, referring to when he called me it while naked in the pool with Kat oh drugs.

"I think I may stick to calling you that," he said with a smile, "You seem to love it." I roll my eyes at him, "Anyways, how are you feeling?"

I pause what I was doing to look at him, responding in a small shrug, "Shaken up, but, Colby talked to me about it last night and I feel a bit better." I tell him.

"And by talk you mean.." he gave me a suspicious smile, inferring something completely different.

I gag, "Stop."

He laughs, "I ship it. Lolby, or, Ci-Covia? I like Covia." He said aloud to himself.

I roll my eyes, "We did nothing sexual, trust me. He just kind of talked to me and made me promise something."

"Promise? What did you promise?" He asked.

"Promise me you won't go down the same twisted road I did. Promise me you'll still be Livia Dawn and not a stranger."

I smile, "That's confidential man." I pat his shoulder, "Also where's Colby's office? Apparently, he has one." I ask.

"Bookcase room." He tells me.


I nod and walk to the same room I had completely reorganized. I didn't know it was his office but it doesn't surprise me. It's secluded, it has a desk, and it had filing cabinets plus a ton of books.

I knocked on the door once and Colby's voice called from inside, "Come in."

I open the door and walk in, glancing at the bookcase before looking at Colby, who say patiently at the desk, looking down at something on his computer. He wore sunglasses for whatever reason, blocking his eyes.

"What's with the shades?" I ask him.

He took a moment to look up at me and when he did he removed the glasses revealing a black eye. I blank-faced, feeling a bit awkward I had forgotten he got into a fistfight last night. How did that even come about? They both had guns?

"Oh." I smile nervously, "Uh, sorry."

She shook his head, "Nothing to be sorry for. Black eye never hurt anyone."

I clear my throat to excuse the awkwardness. My hands clamped together and came up to my chest, "So, Maurice said you wanted to talk to me?" I get straight to the point.

He nodded, shutting his computer and standing up. He walked over to me and stood in front of me, "I feel bad about yesterday and want to make you feel a bit more comfortable here." He said, face straight, "So I'm offering to take you shopping today. Actual shopping; No Devyn, Tara, or Kat. All expenses on me."

I blinked a few times, not knowing if he was being serious, "Wait.. really?"

He nods and I continue to question it, "Is it even safe?"

He shrugs, "It's not the first time I've been attacked, so it won't be the last." Wow, way to make a girl feel better, "But, I have 3 guys who will happily escort us to wherever we need."

"Oh.. I mean, it would be nice to get some more clothes.." I trail off. I didn't want to seem greedy, because I did have enough clothes here. I was given more than I needed if I was being honest. But an idea came to mind, "Can I donate a few things from my current closet? That way I'm technically just replacing things?" I offer.

It was his turn to blink in confusion, "I-I mean.. if you want to?"

I smile, "I do. I'll need 20 minutes." I put my hand on his chest with a smile on my face before skipping out of the office and heading back to my room.

I ended up getting two trash bags full of clothes ready to donate. All weren't expensive and were more of chill relaxing clothes. But I did throw in a few pieces of simple jewelry because why not. Everyone deserves a little style. And as someone who once didn't have a lot of money growing up, I wanted to give back and provide what I can.

I walked downstairs to see three guys, all in black suits, waiting by the door and Colby waiting next to them. I looked from them to him, "Are these them?" I awkwardly mouth to him. They all looked so intimidating I didn't know what to do.

Colby smiled at my reaction to them and took the two trash bags from my hand, giving them to one of the guys who took them without question. "Livia, today you are royalty. Wherever you want to go, we're taking you." He tells me, arm places around my shoulder as we walked outside, "Consider me being your sugar daddy."

I grimaced, "Never refer to yourself as daddy again." I scrunch my nose. He opened the car door for me and allowed me to enter before he followed me in and took the left seat while I took the right.

"What, you're not into the daddy kink?" He grinned, teasing me with his suggestive gaze.

I shook my head, "Nope. Please tell me you're not either." I plead.

He shrugged, "I wouldn't be complaining if a girl called me daddy. Wouldn't be the first." He says and I felt my body physically cringe. Ew.

"Please. Never say that again." I give him a look.

"What, you're telling me you have no kinks?" He gave me a look right back, "Somehow I find that hard to believe."

I scoff, "Are you suggesting I have some strange sexual desire I feel the need to accomplish through the title of a kink? Because you're wrong." I cross my arms. How crazy was he to even suggest that?

He grins and leans back into his chair, "I thought we established something the last time we were shopping." He said, referring to our encounter at Victoria's Secret. I didn't allow myself to get flustered this time, I kept a straight face.

"You accused me of something. I never confirmed it." I correct him.

"Confirmed what. That you like to be bossed around?" He suggested, "Does that count in bed as well?" He asked. He was trying to get a reaction from me, but I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. I refused to and I did that by biting my cheek. "Because I can provide that if you'd like."

"Nope." I quickly respond, "I can assure you that none of my sexual fantasies can be fulfilled if you were the one I was doing it with."

His grin turned into a playful, almost mischievous, smile and I regretted what I said almost immediately, "So you admit to having a sexual fantasy?" He said. Ugh, fuck him for putting words in my mouth. "Care to share?"


"Bummer." He sighed.

I stared at him in disbelief, "Are you two different people? At one point you hated me, then you get all sweet with me, and now you're attracted to me?" I question him. He laughed and tilted his head.

"Who said I haven't always been attracted to you?"

I stare at him, "Literally every time we talk!" I exclaim.

He leans his back against the car door, humorously staring at me "You're getting really worked up over this darling. Any reason?" He asked, suggesting something I would quickly deny.

"No. Just that you can't seem to keep it in your pants." I retort.

He chuckled, "Guilty as charged." He raised his hands in defense.

I didn't respond and simply rolled my eyes, looking out the window as we entered the city. I needed to learn to bite my tongue so I didn't end up in situations like this. Where he gets the last word and leaves me to basically question my own existence. I made a good point with the whole 'His being 3 different people' thing. He can be the angriest and most annoying person of the century and then suddenly feel affection towards you and make you feel butterflies all throughout your stomach. Then comes another curveball, he feels guilt and empathy! Gasp! Then boop, he's ready to get into your pants! He's so infuriating! And confusing! And.. charming. Though I hated to admit it.

I needed to get my priorities straight again. Things were getting out of hand. I've killed people for crying out loud! And now here I am, a day later, going shopping with the very person who's the reason behind that.

Why didn't I run when he told me to? Why did I go back to help the man who's hurt me more than help? I ran in there and left with more baggage than I had planned out. I should have run, I should have escaped. But no, I went back and saved him.


"Livia?" Colby pulled me from my thoughts, placing his and on my thigh; Where it stayed until I addressed him.


"You spaced out, I said your name like 5 times." He chuckled, removing his hand. I realized we had found a parking spot, so I quickly apologized.

"Oh, sorry." I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car, joining Colby's side as we and the other 3 bodyguards followed us. I still found it strange that 3 guys would just be following us while we shopped, but oh well. Better be safe I guess.

"So tell me, where does your heart desire to go?" Colby asks me, flipping on his sunglasses again to cover his black eye. I had never had one before but it looked painful.

"I have no clue. I've never gone shopping in such a large setting before." I tell him truthfully.

"What about with the girls?" He asked, "You went with them didn't you?"

I nod, "Yeah, but they took the reins with that one. I kind of just followed them." I awkwardly explain.

"Hm." He paused, "Well, I guess that just means we'll have to stop in every store." I see him grin from the corner of my eye and I couldn't help the smile that took its place on my lips. I was actually excited.

I mean, who wouldn't be happy going shopping in one of the most glamorous places in America? Not to mention not having much of a limit when it comes to money. But I didn't want to go crazy. I really didn't want to ask for much but I was down for the experience of trying a lot of this game on and making Colby wait while I do that.

"Huh, we didn't come here last time we were shopping," I say in wonder, looking around. It was a wide circular area surrounded by shops; three stories. It was different, better. So many options, so many more people.

I could feel a lot of them staring, and I couldn't blame them for it. I would be staring to if you saw three bodyguards following people. And I knew they probably thought me and Colby were dating, or that we were just important. But oh how they were wrong.

"Livia, welcome to Hollywood and Highlands, best shopping court here in Las Angeles if you ask me." Colby gestured to around us.

I scoot a step closer to him, "People are staring." I murmur to him, not wanting to say it too loud, "Are you sure 3 bodyguards are necessary?"

He nods, "For yours and my safety, yes."

"Okay." I let out a breath and Colby laughs a little, placing his arm around my shoulder again, "Relax darling, this is LA. People important walk around and do normal things all the time." He says, trying to comfort me while my eyes were glued on the kids running through the water towers being squirted from the ground, giggling and laughing.

"Yeah well, I don't do these things." I retort.

"But you are now." He glanced down at me through his sunglasses, "Get used to it. Here." He looked up at the first shop. It was a decent size, but fuck did the clothes look fancy.. and expensive. Who is even able to afford that?

Well apparently him because we naught 5 things there. 3 tops and two bottoms. He helped me pick them out but mostly I was the one who found them, with a little bit of guidance from one of the workers. They helped pick out my sizes and match two outfits that would best work with my "body shape"

I guess there's a lot more that goes into shopping than I realized.

Colby paid for the items, gave the bags to one of the bodyguards, and then we left for the next store.

For the next few hours, we walked around the court and stopped in multiple shops of my choosing. I can't lie and say I didn't take the lead, because I did. I was thriving at the endless possibilities and I felt so alive seeing the different styles of clothing. I had looked up and done research on the setting of fashion but seeing it in real life was something else. Kind of like when I experienced the strip club.

I have a feeling I'll be experiencing a lot of new things with Colby.

Slowly the bodyguard's hands were getting filled up and we were down to our last shop. It was a quiet boutique right on the third story; very small, very exclusive. There were many options of outfits but I needed to try them on before I could choose one; seeing as the prices were so high and I didn't want to spend more than I already have...

Which is a lot..

"You take forever to try on a single outfit." I hear Colby call from outside my dressing curtain. He was waiting for me while I tried the outfit on, insisting I model them for him. It took convincing but I allowed it.

I roll my eyes as I stared at myself in the mirror,  adjusting the strap around my waist "You know I didn't make you do this? You can leave if you want." I remind him.

I hear his scoff, "Yeah right, I want to see where I'm putting my money."

"Hm," I reply blandly, focusing on making the strap around this dress feel just right. It was a long white dress with an open back and open chest. Basically, my boobs were exposed and I looked like a fancy hooker going to the met gala. "I'm not sure about this one," I call out.

"Well let me see, I'll be the judge." He called right back.

I stepped out of the curtain and did a spin. His eyes looked me up and down before he smiled, "I love it." He says.

"Well, of course you do it reveals half my body," I say with a tone.

He shook his head, looking at me in the reflection of the mirror I was now facing, "No I just think white's your color." He stood up and walked over, standing right behind me. His head looked over my shoulder, staring into my eyes, and his fingers delicately traced down my arm. He said softly, "It complements your skin wonderfully."

His touch created a trail of shivers to crawl up my spine and I felt my back straighten up. I discretely gulped, watching his ring decorated fingers explore my delicate skin, making their way to my hands where they caressed them gently.

I needed to get out of this situation quickly before I made a fool of myself and say something I'll regret. I cleared my throat, "Um, how does brunch sound? The food court has a lot of options." I suggest.

He smiles and backs away, nodding, "Anything for my sugar baby."

My suggestive smile faltered as I returned to the dressing curtain to change, "I thought I said what we are doing has nothing to do with the whole sugar daddy thing." I scold him, creating a laugh to be heard from behind the curtain.

I finish changing into my normal clothes and return from my privacy to meet Colby outside the dressing room. His sunglasses were back on and he smiled when he saw me, "Okay, I'll pay and then we can go get you the food you oh so very much crave."

I roll my eyes, "I'm going to get the most expensive thing, just to spite you."

He chuckled, "I'm counting on it."

We actually just got Subway because I was craving an Italian BMT, plain and dry. Best order ever in my opinion. Colby disagreed and got a meatball sub, pretty basic if you ask me.

The three bodyguards returned to the car to drop off our bags so now it was just me and Colby. And boy was he feeling talkative today.

"Tell me your dreams and hopes for the world." He asks me, taking a sip from his drink. What a great question.. note the sarcasm.

I blink, "My dreams and hopes? Why would you want to know that?"

He shrugged, "Would you rather me ask your favorite color? Wait, scratch that, it's gold."

I take a sip from my drink and set it back down, "I mean.. I don't know. Define dream."

He nods to himself, thinking, "Well.. what did you want to be when you grew up?" He asked.

I snorted, "Oh I won't be telling you that." I laughed it off.

He smiled curiously, "Why?"

"You're gonna make fun of me what do you mean!"

He leaned back into his chair and shook his head, "I would never." He said in defense, "C'mon tell me."

I looked at him for a second before sighing and looking up as I talked, "Well.. I guess I always wanted to be a librarian." I tell him truthfully, "As dumb as it sounds."

He shook his head, "That's not dumb. Did you want to take over Mr.Barry's library?" He asked and I shook my head.

"God no, I wanted to leave Indiana as soon as I could. I wanted to live in Virginia and work in the gorgeous George Peabody Library, away from all my troubles and surrounded by the knowledge and beautify of old books." I sigh in delight at the thought of it. Oh, what I would give to even see it. "I've seen pictures, and it's absolutely beautiful. 6 stories, beautiful black and white tile, amazing structure and design. It's everything I want in an environment."

"And what you want is.." he trailed off.

"Security. A safe place." I finish his thought. He smiles cheekily. "What?" I laugh.

He laughs too, "Nothing. Just never met anyone who's gotten so flustered by a library." He said, but not in a teasing manner. More of in admiration.

I nod, "Yeah, well, I'm a nerd."

"You're not, you're just passionate." He corrects me, and I smile.

I put my elbows on the table and rest my chin in the palm of my hands, looking straight ahead, "What about you? Passionate about anything?"

He didn't have a chance to reply before a small flicker of red and black flew on my nose, and I froze in fear. My eyes crossed to stare at one of my greatest fears, sitting right on the bridge of my nose. I stared at it, completely paralyzed.

"Colby." I mutter, not wanting to move an inch, "Colby get it off. Now. Please. Get it the fuck off my nose so I can scream and not cause it to attack me."

I didn't look away from it, scared it'll attack me, but I did hear Colby laugh at my reaction towards the ladybug.

"So you really are scared of ladybugs?"

As if that's even a question!

"I will not hesitate to make you look like a panda and give you another black eye if you do not get this spawn of satan off my fucking nose." I hiss harshly, ready to burn this place down if this thing doesn't die.

I see in my Peripheral vision Colby's hand inch towards my nose and carefully scoop the devil itself onto the tip of his finger, removing it from my face. I felt immediate relief and stand up, backing away from the table, "Now kill it."
I demand.

He looked up at me in disbelief, "Why would I kill a ladybug? It's harmless." He tells me as if that suddenly would cure my phobia of it.

"Wow, thank's for the insight." I retort, "Fucking smash it, or I will."

He stares at me before looking down at the bug and blowing it away, being very gentle with something so horrific. I anxiously watched as it flew away to claim its next victim and glared at Colby, reclaiming my seat. "You should have killed it," I growl at him.

He laughed at me, fucking laughed.

"I wasn't going to kill the most harmless animal out there." He says, and I scoff.

"I don't see that miniature beast as harmless. If you cared about me, you would have killed it." I crossed my arms in irritation.

"If I killed it, I would be doing more harm than good." He tells me.

"Well, I disagree." I huff.

He smiled and shook his head, dismissing the topic. "Okay well, I think we should be heading back. I have things to do before the party in a few days." He said, standing up and gathering his trash. I didn't the same.

"Party? What party?" I ask, this being the first time hearing of it.

"Well we have a Fourth of July party every year so I need to plan out catering." He sighed in annoyance, "Usually Sam would do it but he insisted it was my turn. Dick." He huffed, "Oh, and it's a pool party so bathing suits are required."

We toss our trash in the trash can next to us, "Are you sure we should be having a party after we almost just died at one?" I ask. I wasn't going to lie, I was slightly nervous about this party. I mean.. the last one didn't go so well.

He nodded, "If we hide, we show we are weak. We need to show them that we aren't scared of them."

"But.. I am scared of them," I say.

He looked at me, "Don't be. Not with me. I won't let anything happen to you." Our eyes met through his sunglasses and I felt a warm reassurance in his gaze, "I can promise you that."



I have the next few chapters planned out.. Hee Hee get ready😚

You didn't hear this from me but things get spicy😳 then badass.. Then spicy again.. Ah

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