Innocent (Louis Tomlinson)

By stylessins

2.3K 85 13

They judge her by the way she acts, the way she looks, and the way she dresses. She's all alone, and she's ok... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 14

48 1 0
By stylessins


"She's a loser, Louis." The words echoed in my head.

"She's a whore and a slut."

"You can talk through this with that freak you have hidden in this bloody apartment!" I heard Jessica scream at Louis.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought to myself, "Why do I fuck everything up? They're in a fight because of me. I am the cause of this."

"I'm leaving!" She shouted, slamming the door.

Then there was silence.

What is wrong with me?

Why do I always ruin everything?

Why does everyone hate me?

These questions kept nagging at my mind as I sat in Louis' dim bedroom.

I sat there in silence, choking back any tears that dared to fall from my eyes.

Not knowing what else to do, I sped to the window, which was near Louis' wardrobe.
I yanked back the gray curtains and looked outside.
It was snowing.

It was the first snow in Manchester so far this winter.

I found the latch to unlock the window and I slowly turned it, hearing a small click noise.
I pushed the window up, but it wouldn't budge.
I pushed harder and it started to move just a little bit.
I pushed it again and it slammed upwards making a huge noise. I heard footsteps start to approach the bedroom, and I knew I needed to hurry.
"Where the fuck is my pen?!" I panicked.
I frantically searched for my pen, the one that I always carry around with me. I finally found it on the floor by Louis' bed and then I hurriedly jumped out the window. As soon as I did that, I heard Louis open his bedroom door. I clung to the wall of his house, praying that I wouldn't be seen.
I heard Louis sigh, and then footsteps came closer to the window.
"Dammit Kathryn." He muttered, "It just has to be snowing. My best friend and my girlfriend are both out in the cold. Way to go Louis. Way to screw things up."

"Oh right so he's the one who screwed things up. Yeah ok. Right. " I thought.

Wait a second...
Did he just call me his best friend?

I wanted to rewind time just to clarify that I heard him right.
After a week or so, we're already best friends?
I jumped a little, hearing the window slam shut beside me. I eased off the wall of Louis' flat and I walked to the curb of his driveway. I sat down and rested my head on my hands.
I just wanted to sit and think this whole thing through.

1. I fuck things up
2. Jessica hates me
3. I am Louis' best friend

The first two didn't surprise me.
But me being Louis' best friend?
Now that was a surprise.
"Like I have the bloody right to be his best friend. I mean look at the situation we're in now. I caused him and his girlfriend to get in a fight." I thought.

"I just need to get the hell out of his life. So I don't cause any bigger problems... yeah that's what I need to do." I told myself, "Just stop talking to him, delete his number, and go."
I got out my phone to delete his number right then and there.
But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I mean, he was the only friend I had.
I heaved a heavy sigh, closing my eyes as I rubbed my forehead.
"Why is life so difficult?" I asked myself, as I set my phone on my lap.

Snow was beginning to surround me. I knew that I should get going but I didn't feel like getting up.
I didn't feel like doing anything.
I sat there and admired the snow that silently fell on the street in front of me.
I embraced the silence that hung around me like a thick fog.
"I never get to experience this." I thought,
"I'm always so busy with everything that I never get to sit down and relax. I never get to forget the drama and sadness that fills my life..."
But in that moment, I did forget. It was as if I had nothing to worry about. I could just pretend that everything was ok. I felt like it was, only then.
The sad truth was that nothing was ok.
The sad truth was that my life was broken, and I didn't know how to fix it.
This Louis thing was just another problem to add to my list.

But I felt nothing. I felt like everything was numb, and I wanted it to stay like that so I could feel no pain.
My hands were red because they were so cold. But I didn't care.
"I hope I fucking die out here." I thought to myself.
My clothes were soaked because of the snow, but it made no difference to me. No one would care if I was dead anyways.

My mind began to feel very hazy as the snow fell down harder and harder. The streets were empty, and everything was now white.
I smiled looking up into the sky.
"Bring me your worst." I whispered.

I began to feel hot instead of cold, and numb. I felt so hot that I wanted to take off my sweater. I considered doing that, but then I heard a door open.
"Kathryn is that you?"
I didn't turn towards the voice, I just stayed where I was, completely still.
"Kathryn why the fuck are you out here?! It's freezing!" Louis yelled, his voice now very close to me.
"Who cares?" I tried to say.
But I couldn't. I was so cold that I couldn't even talk. I still faced away from him, and he still stood behind me.
I began to feel very weak, and my eyes struggled to keep themselves open. Louis appeared in front of me, squatted down so he could see my face.
"Shit... oh my god.." He whispered, worry taking over his features.
I felt myself being lifted from the ground.

Next thing you know I was sat down on the couch, a blanket wrapped around me.

There was a cup of tea next to me, and the television was on.
The strangest thing was that I was not in my own clothing. I was in a baggy black T shirt.
"Are you warm yet?" Louis voice startled me from behind.
"Yeah... thanks." I answered.
He sat down next to me, and glanced at the Telly, then back at me.
"Hey Louis... What am I wearing?" I asked him.
"Oh... uh don't worry I didn't see anything. It was kinda difficult to cover you and undress you at the same time but I did it." He answered, "I had to take off your clothes 'cause they were soaked. You could've got hypothermia. It was scary... your lips were purple."
I didn't say anything, and I took a sip of my tea.
"Why were you out there Kathryn?" Louis questioned.
"I don't know." I replied.
"Well you shouldn't do that again. You scared me. You were moving, at first, but then after I had you in this blanket on the couch you stopped moving and I was freaking out. I thought you had died or something." He told me.
"I'm sorry..." I apologized.
"It's ok. You're ok now so it's fine." He assured me.
"Why does Jessica hate me?" I asked Louis.
"Oh... uh you heard all that?" He questioned.
"Yeah..." I replied.
"She doesn't hate you... she just doesn't trust you." Louis explained, "It's ok because she doesn't trust me either."
"Why doesn't she trust me? What did I do wrong?" I questioned.
"Nothing... I just don't think she likes the thought of me having a friend that's a girl." Louis answered, "And maybe it's the fact that we hang out all the time... I don't know."
"Should we stop hanging out then?" I asked him.
"No." He said without hesitation.
"I mean... Jessica just needs to calm her tits." He began, "This isn't our fault... it's hers."
"Okay..." I started. I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 7 now. "Shit... I should get home." I mumbled.
"No, you should stay here. I mean, it's already pretty late." Louis told me, "I want to make sure you stay warm."
"I'm fine Louis." I assured him.
"You weren't a couple minutes ago though." He started, "I will make you endless amounts of tea if you stay..."
"You just don't want to stay here alone huh." I laughed.
"Please stay Kathryn." He pleaded.
"Fine." I gave in, "But now the sorority is gonna think I slept with you." I rolled my eyes, just at the thought of the sorority.
"It doesn't matter what they think. I know that is a lie, so it's fine." Louis assured me.
"I hate them." I told him.
"I hate them as well." Louis agreed.
"Why do they make up rumors about you?" Louis questioned.
I just laughed.

If only he knew.

"I don't know." I lied.
"They're just assholes." Louis began, "They just enjoy making your life miserable."
"I know." I sighed.
"But hey you have me right? Don't I make your life less miserable?" Louis questioned.
"Yeah." I admitted.
"That's what I'm aiming for." He told me.
I sipped the last bit of my tea from the green mug it was in.
"I'll get you some more." Louis said as he got up from the couch.
"Thanks." I said handing him my mug. He rolled his eyes playfully as he walked to the kitchen.
I turned around and watched him go to the tea kettle and pour in some water.
"Louis, am I actually your best friend?" I asked him as he began to make my tea.
"Am I really your best friend?" I repeated.
"Well... yeah I would consider us like best friends by now I guess... why?" He questioned, "Were you eavesdropping earlier...?"
"Well I was outside your window and it was wide open, so yeah I heard you..." I told him.
"Well okay." He laughed, bringing me my tea. He sat down on the couch opposite of me, and he watched me as I brought the mug up to my lips.
"Good?" He asked.
"Yeah." I replied, "Thank you."
"No problem." He said.
"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked Louis.
"We have a guest bedroom, you can sleep there." He answered, "Or you can sleep in here it doesn't really matter."
I nodded and pulled out my phone, going on tumblr.
"What are you doing?" Louis asked me. I didn't say anything as he peeked at my screen.
"I'm on tumblr." I told him.
"Is that the weird art website?" Louis questioned.
"Yeah. Sure." I responded.
I liked a few things, and re-blogged a few posts and stopped, getting uncomfortable with Louis staring at the screen with me. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath down my neck. And also, knowing that there's weird shit on tumblr, I wouldn't want Louis to see that.
"What time is it?" Louis asked me.
"20 past 9." I replied casually.
"Let's watch a film!" Louis exclaimed excitedly.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Why not." He simply stated.
He went to the drawer in front of the television and rummaged through some films before deciding on the one he wanted to watch.
"This one's one of my favorites." Louis told me, "You'll like it."
I didn't say anything and we began to watch the movie.

We both ended up falling asleep in the middle of it.
I woke up first to see Louis sitting by my feet with his head tilted, resting on the couch. I yawned and got up, going to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror to see that my makeup was horribly smeared, I realized that I had forgotten to take my makeup off. And also, the snow had messed it up beforehand. "And Louis didn't say anything..." I mumbled. I used a tissue and water to wipe everything off.
After I was done in the bathroom, I got out and found Louis eating cereal at the dining table.
"Morning." He said in a groggy voice.
"Good morning Louis." I responded.
He passed me an empty bowl and the Krave cereal box. I poured myself some and Louis poured the milk in the bowl for me.
"How did you sleep?" Louis asked me.
"Fine." I replied, "You?"
"Not so good. I fell asleep in a quite uncomfortable position." He told me, "Now my neck is sore."
"Yeah I saw that." I stated.
He didn't say anything as he had a spoonful of his cereal.
"I think I'm gonna head home soon." I told him.
"Yeah... Jessica is gonna come back soon... she won't be happy if she finds out that you stayed the night..." Louis started.
Then reality hit me.
"Shit... I shouldn't have stayed here... she's gonna hate me even more now..." I murmured.
"No it's ok... she doesn't have to know. She's gonna be angry with both of us, so it's best if I just don't bring it up with her." Louis explained.
"So you're gonna lie to her?" I questioned.
"Yeah... I guess. It's fine don't worry. It's not like I had sex with you or anything." He assured me.
"Yeah... ok." I gave in, "Will you just take me home?"
"Right now?" He asked.
"Sure." Louis said getting up. He put his bowl in the sink, and grabbed mine and did the same.
We walked out to his car silently and got in. The entire drive to my house was silent as we drove through the thick white perfect snow, making new fresh tire marks. I guess no one went out because the snow was so bad.
Once we arrived at my house, I opened the door and got out of the car.
"Thanks for helping me out, Louis." I told him.
"It's fine." He assured me, "It's not like I was gonna let you freeze out there." He let out a small laugh. I smiled too, and closed the car door. I waved at him, as he sat there in his car, waiting for me to go inside.
When I got inside, I went straight up to my room, hoping that none of the girls were there to see me in Louis' shirt with no pants. Luckily, all of them were probably asleep. So I made it upstairs without any drama, or accusations. That was going to happen later.

{Hiiiiiii I'm literally writing this at a ski resort. It's ok tho cuz it's not even snowing. sorry if the end of this chapter is bad... cuz some of it was written in the cabin and some was in the ski resort and the car. My family is really annoying and they want me to do family stuff with them so I'd have to stop and start writing this. It's stupid. But yeah. So comment/vote if you enjoyed
Ily if u read this bye}
{also sorry if there's mistakes I wanted to get this up as soon as possible so I'll try to edit later}

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