for the one i love ; fred wea...

By xcoldestqueenx

371K 12.5K 19.5K

Carina Malfoy. Draco Malfoy's older sister. The secret Blood Traitor of the family, best friends with George... More

synopsis + meet the characters
chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 04
chapter 05
chapter 06
chapter 07
chapter 08
chapter 09
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61

chapter 18

8.1K 320 702
By xcoldestqueenx

sexual themes, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are involved in this chapter; content marked +13.

carina's outfit above (minus the high heels). fred's at the end of the chapter.


"We have to do something," says Adrian as they enter the Common Room. He pulls Cassius and Carina into a corner, not wanting others to hear. "There's no way you're going back to the Manor, not for two straight months without anyone to help you," they'd just witnessed Lucius threatening her and Draco. Even if they couldn't hear what was going on, they already had an idea.

Carina sighs, running a hand through her hair and shaking her head, "A, stop," she murmurs, "I literally can't do anything about it. I'm not of age. Not until November -" Cassius cuts her off mid sentence.

"But I will be, in July," he interjects, "What if I moved out? You could come with me, at least for the time being, until you're of age... then we'll see what we can do," suggest the older boy, biting his bottom lip.

"Cass," Carina breathes out, "You'd do that for me?" The hazel eyed boy nods, mumbling a small 'of course'. "I love you, both of you, but you know I can't do that... You know my father. If he finds out I've ran off with any of you, I could be in even more danger than I am now. Not to mention, you would also be in for a treat," she says, pursing her lips when their faces fall. "I know you're trying to help, and believe me, I want nothing more than to live with you - either of you... but I can't put you in that position."

Adrian groans, rubbing his forehead. "I can't believe you have to go back there," he appears to be more in distress than Cassius or Carina, must be because it's the first summer in which he's knowingly letting her go back to hell. The black haired girl looks at him with a sorrowful expression. "Promise you'll at least write, twice a month?" He asks quietly.

Chuckling sadly, Cassius shakes his head, "Mate, we'll be lucky if we get one letter per month," he pats his best mate's back. Adrian exhales deeply, shaking his head in disappointment. Carina bites her lip, hating the feeling of making her friends anything but happy. "Aren't you going to France anyway?"

"Yeah," mumbles Adrian, "My sister was supposed to come to Hogwarts but she ended up getting sent to Beauxbatons instead, so my parents bought a cottage in Paris - I'll just be there for the first month of the holidays," he explains briefly. "I told them I didn't want to go but of course they didn't listen... I feel like there's another reason as to why we're going there..."

"It'll be fine," she reassures them once they fall back into silence. Adrian and Cassius share a look but say nothing, "Hey! None of that, okay?" She throws her arms over their shoulders, resting her head on Adrian's. "It'll go by faster than you think, and we'll be back before you know it. Plus, we still have to take our O.W.Ls," they whine in response, "But not before we party tonight," she grins, pulling away. "Now you two need to rest because I am not coming back here until the A.M!"

That night, the party is set to start later, since Gryffindor wants to celebrate their win amongst themselves first. Carina isn't mad about it, she gets more time to get ready - which she'll need, specially this time. At ten, she gets out of bed and begins the process. She chooses a flat line top in emerald satin that she has been saving for ages now. It's Slytherin green, which she considers fitting to the occasion.

Humming, Carina finds a pair of black jeans that she knows will fit her perfectly, and to tie it all together, she settles for a black and silver belt along with a pair of combat boots. She gets in the shower and then gets dressed in a mere ten minutes. Her make up takes longer, but she's done in about half an hour. By the time she's ready, her dorm mates have already left for the party. Carina puts on her jewellery and some perfume before leaving herself.

"Merlin," Cassius whistles lowly when Carina enters the Common Room. "Someone's looking to impress tonight," he notes.

The girl rolls her eyes, shaking her head, "Barely. I always look this good," she says smoothly, when really, she is trying just a little harder.

Adrian smirks, nodding at her confidence, "Now that, is the truth." Carina looks around and realises there are many people that have started the party right there, including Miles. "Most of the team isn't coming," Adrian fills in. "They don't wanna go to the Gryff's tonight."

"Well, that's just more Firewhiskey for us," Carina shrugs it off, earning a nod from her boys. "Let's go." The Trio and some others walk together to the Gryffindor Common Room, same way they always do. George's map would come in handy, but he had to give it to Harry, and Harry had to get it taken away from him, the girl rolls her eyes at the thought.

[songs mentioned: feel so close by calvin harris, bubblegum bitch by marina, bad romance by lady gaga (play this one twice). listen while reading for extra spice, might need to skip before it finishes - it's worth it.]

I feel so close to you right now, it's a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal

When they arrive, Katie opens the door, ushering them in. Instantly, Carina spots Fred standing next to George. He's wearing a fucking leather jacket, murder me now. He turns when he realises people've walked in, lips parting in surprise when at the sight of Carina. She looks fantastic, "Very Slytherin," is the first thing he says to her, nodding his head.

George snorts, pursing his lips and hiding his face behind Angelina's head, who he has his arm around, "Thank you?" Carina retorts questioningly, raising an eyebrow. Lee makes his way to Adrian, ignoring the flustered look on Fred's face.

"I meant it as a compliment," says the oldest twin, narrowing his eyes. Carina chuckles, a smile on her face. "I've been drinking -" he tries to excuse himself, but she cuts him off.

"You look very Slytherin as well," she says jokingly, since it's supposed to be a compliment. Cassius can't help but laugh loudly as he searches for a sealed Firewhiskey bottle. He finds it with a loud cheer and opens it, chugging on the liquid. "But don't finish it!" Carina complains loudly, pulling it from his hand.

"You don't finish it!" Cass pulls on it once Carina has drank enough, making her giggle. Fred keeps his eyes fixed on the floor, but they still widen at the sound. She giggles. I will make her repeat that sound until I die, I swear to Merlin - "Oh, and I wanted to say, you lads played really well," he tells the twins, nodding in recognition. "You too, Johnson, but I just really enjoyed both of their penalties... fascinating." Angelina smiles, thanking him silently.

The twins chuckle, smirking in his direction. "We enjoyed them too," they say in sync, sipping on their own drinks. "I also enjoyed Lee celebrating Adrian scoring," George mutters under his breath, making his best friend turn red. Angie hits George's chest gently, not wanting him to embarrass his friend any further.

Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all

Carina takes the bottle from Cass and takes a couple of sips as she makes eye contact with Fred. She licks her lips enticingly and then pulls back from the bottle, teasing him. It works, of course. She sees the boy clearing his throat, moving his gaze away from hers. "Cass?" The girl passes the bottle to him, "I wanna dance," she informs him.

During parties, or at least early on, Cassius likes to stick to Carina in case she might need him. He's always been protective of her, like an older brother, but ever since he found out about Lucius, he became even more overbearing. Not that it's a bad thing, that 6'1 boy will scare away any other person that Carina may not want near her. So, he nods, handing the bottle to Adrian and taking the Slytherin Princess to the dance floor.

So pull me closer and kiss me hard
I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart

"Shouldn't you be the one dancing with her?" George asks Fred quietly, nodding in Carina's direction. The girl is already dancing with Cassius, arms around his neck, moving her hips to the music. Almost everyone is dancing too, partnered up or in small groups, jumping around, celebrating Gryffindor's win.

Shrugging, Fred drinks some more, still eying her, "I will in a bit," he says truthfully, "I don't mind Warrington," he admits, looking over at his brother. "They're best friends - they've been close for years, if she wanted him, she would've had him by now," Fred is the jealous type, and he knows what George is insinuating. He may be on the jealous side, but he's not crazy, "Same goes to your friendship with her," he notes.  His twin hums in agreement, finishing his drink.

Carina sings the lyrics as she dances. Fred can't help but grin when he realises she's not standing too close to Cassius. It's almost as if she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable. After all, he invited her to this party. With that, he sets his empty drink down on the table and makes his way to the floor with Angelina, George, Lee and Adrian.

I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips
Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss

They join Cass and Carina, opening up the circle, "I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch!" Angie and Carina shout, both of them with their arms up, now dancing together. George and Fred watch as they move in sync, Angie's hands on Carina's hips. Carina throws her head back, hair flowing as she sways her hips into Angie's, who mimics her movements.

Oh oh oh oh oooh, oh oh oh
Caught in a bad romance

Fred bites his lip, staring at the older girl, who turns around and lets Angelina rest her hands on her waist. He knows he's not the only person looking, after all, Carina Malfoy is not someone you can just ignore. Cassius finds a dance partner soon enough, and Fred turns around when he feels someone pulling on his hand only to be met with Alison. "Let's dance!" She says loudly, over the music.

The boy chuckles, shaking his head, letting her down softly, "I'm okay here, thank you though," he says, turning around quickly as to not embarrass her with her friends. Alison appears shocked for a second but then her gaze follows Fred's and she finds he's staring at Carina. Rolling her eyes, the blonde Gryffindor walks away, cursing under her breath.

Startling Fred, Carina moves away from Angie and begins dancing with him. The boy takes a deep breath as she wraps her arms around his neck. He can smell her light perfume, and he knows it's going to stick to his clothes - not that he minds. His hands make their way to her hips, following her movements, swiftly. He makes it a point not to touch her skin, since he doesn't want to overstep any boundary. The green eyed girl smiles up at him, eyelashes fluttering as the red lights of the Common Room light them up.

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you

"Oi!" They both turn around to McLaggen, who has a smirk on his face, "If you're gonna go for a Gryffindor, at least go for a handsome one," he tells Carina, taking her hand from Fred's neck. The girl's face contorts into a look of disgust as she pulls her hand away from him. Fred raises his eyebrows at the boy, one hand dropping from Carina's hip. She knows what's going to happen. "What? You think I'm scared of you?"

"Weasley, don't -" Carina begins to speak, going for his hand, but then Cormac commits the biggest mistake of his life by slapping her bum, going as far as grabbing it for a second after she screams in surprise.

Fred reacts instantly, throwing a punch at his jaw, making the boy stumble back. Not expecting it, Cormac holds his chin, staring at Fred, anger bubbling in his stomach. "Stop!" Carina yells. But he jumps on the red haired boy, and a fight breaks out. "Salazar! Cormac, get off!" Fred manages to push him off his chest, flipping him around.

Now that he's on top, he lands a few more punches on Cormac's face, who tries to block them with his arms, but fails. As Fred raises his fist again for a cleaner hit, he gets pulled off by George, Lee and Adrian while Cassius holds Cormac back. "Don't ever touch her again without her consent, you fucking prick! You hurt her and I'll kill you!" Fred screams, fighting against his brother, his best mate and the Slytherin Chaser. "Let go of me!" He grunts, struggling against their grip.

"Oh, she wanted it, she's been begging for it for ages!" Cormac spits his blood on the floor. Cassius falters, looking at Adrian who is snarling too, almost letting go of Fred so that he can hit Cormac again, but Carina beats him to it, striking the blond across the face with a loud slap. McLaggen chuckles darkly, head now turned to the side. He turns to look at her, pretending he's not hurt. "Is that all -" Carina doesn't let him finish, she knees him in the groin, making the boy fall to the ground in pain.

I want your love and all your lover's revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

"You disgust me, McLaggen. Keep your hands to yourself, or you might just lose one," she turns away from him and looks at Fred. "You're bleeding," the black haired girl whispers, noticing his bloodied nose, hand aching from the hit. Fred swallows with difficulty, chest heaving. "Come on," Adrian and George let go off Fred when Carina takes his hand and walks away from the commotion. The ginger blinks, trying to stay focused as the red lights flicker and the music continues blasting.

They walk hand in hand towards the boy's bathrooms. Fred bites his lip as he looks down at their intertwined fingers, a small smile setting on his lips. The bathrooms are clean, to Carina's surprise. Either way, she casts a cleaning spell for good measure, locking the door behind them. "It's not that bad," Fred says as he looks at himself in the mirror. His nose is bleeding and his eyebrow's cut up.

Carina shakes her head, taking out a toilet paper roll from a stall. "It's not great, I think it might be broken. You just have too much adrenaline running through you right now," explains the girl, pressing her wand against the bridge of Fred's nose. "Now, this could hurt quite a bit -"

"Come on, Malfoy, I've broken my nose plenty of times -"

"- Episkey -" she murmurs, knowing he wouldn't expect it.

"- FUCK!" Curses Fred, wincing at the spell. Carina chuckles, shaking her head and putting her wand in her back pocket. "Barely felt it," Fred jokes, making her laugh a little louder. Carina wets a bunch of toilet paper before dabbing at his nose gently, wiping the blood away. Sighing, she takes her wand out again and transfigurates some toilet paper into cotton and the water coming from the tab into alcohol. "What's that for?"

"Your eyebrow," she hums, putting the cotton under the alcohol. Fred groans in annoyance, knowing it's going to sting. "C'mon, I just fixed your nose, this won't hurt half as much," Carina insists. Then she turns around and touches it to his brow softly. He hisses at the sensation, "Sorry," she murmurs. As she cleans him up, they stay in silence, hearing the music still, "J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche," she sings quietly, almost in a whisper. Fred is looking down at her in awe, not knowing she could speak French too. "J'veux ton amour, I don't wanna be friends..."

Carina's actions falter when she realises how close they are. She has one hand on his shoulder for support, the other leaning into his cheek as she wipes at his forehead. She can feel his breath on her, minty with a dash of Firewhiskey. She can smell the manly cologne on his neck. Slowly, Carina looks up at him, breath hitching when their eyes meet. Fred's eyes wander down to her lips before flicking back up. His gaze is so intense Carina feels like she's going to melt under it.

Fred watches as Carina's tongue sticks out slightly, tracing her lips before she bites down on them, almost invitingly. "Malfoy," he breathes out, shaking his head in disbelief. "What are you doing to me?"

The girl blinks, pulling her hand back from his face, blushing slightly, "Sorry, I didn't -" When she goes to move away, Fred pulls on her hand, wrapping his other arm around her waist and switching places, now pushing her against the wall. Carina looks up at him, eyes doe like, heartbeat rising, "Weasley, what -"

"Just stop talking for one bloody second," he mutters lowly, leaning down into her. Carina's world stops turning, she's pressed up against the wall as his tall and broad frame moves impossibly closer to her. He's eyeing her like a hunter would his prey, and she doesn't mind it one bit. "Fuck it," she hears him murmur. Seconds feel like years, and then, he's suddenly closing the gap between them, pressing his lips to hers. Carina's eyes flutter shut after a second, and she drops the cotton ball to the floor in surprise, hand on his shoulder as he kisses her.

It's slow, but not soft. Instead, Fred feels the pent up desire he's had for her, pouring out of him in waves. Except, it's a fucking tsunami. He pulls roughly on her waist, holding her firmly against his body, deepening the kiss by lightly licking her bottom lip. Fred is kissing her like she wants to be kissed, like no boy or girl has ever kissed her. It's passionate, hot and immersive. Surprisingly, he's not trying to win a battle against her but the exact opposite.

The heat rises to her cheeks as his tongue touches hers and she wraps both arms around Fred's neck. Their noses bump softly as Carina's hand tangles against the back of Fred's hair, earning an almost inaudible moan from the boy. The way his lips feel against hers, its better than she'd ever imagined. Almost as if it was meant to happen this way, in this moment and just like this. The cold wall against her back doesn't bother her in the slightest, not when Fred Weasley is right there. Kissing her.

She lets out a surprised gasp when his hands move to under her thighs, lifting her up with ease. Carina can't help but admire his strength as she instinctively wraps her legs around his hips, kissing him back just as fervently. Fred pulls back, now trailing kisses down her jaw and exposed neck, pulling on her hair with one hand to get better access. He bites down on the naked skin, grinning to himself when he hears her breath quicken. He looks up at her, taking in her expression of pure bliss before going back in for another kiss.

They move together almost magically, working off of each other's energy. Carina's skin feels like silk under his fingers, he notes, biting down on her bottom lip. Her mouth is sweeter than any other he's had the pleasure of tasting. Somehow, it reminds him of a sunny day, laying on the grass, staring at a clear blue sky and - just her. Everything about her is driving him to the brink of madness, and he wants more. Panting, Fred pulls away, resting his forehead against hers. A breathy laugh leaves Carina's lips.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Fred asks, trying to steady his breathing, finally setting her down on the floor with a quick but gentle movement. The girl looks up at him, pushing his hair back before humming.

Carina's eyes twinkle with mischief, "You told me not to," she reminds him, a tiny smirk on her lips.

The ginger boy scoffs, feigning offence, "You're insufferable," he mutters, fixing his jacket and shaking his head, ignoring the warmth in his stomach.

"Just following orders," retorts Carina with a small shrug.

The green eyed girl begins to walk away but Fred stops her by taking her hand, pulling lightly. "You never follow orders," he points out, walking closer to her.

Unexpectedly, he lifts her up again, now sitting her down on top of one of the sinks. Carina's arms drape on his shoulders, hands meeting behind his neck, playing with his longer hair strands. "I do, sometimes," she murmurs, still smirking playfully, "More so when they're convenient for me and annoying for you," Fred chuckles, shaking his head at her.

"As I said," he mumbles, stepping closer to her, hands on her waist. "You're insufferable, Malfoy," Fred moves one hand, now caressing her soft, pink cheek. Carina hums, hands travelling down his strong chest, licking her bottom lip as she traces his abs through his shirt, twisting her hands against it and pulling him in for another kiss. However, there's a loud knock on the door that make them both turn around. "For fuck's sake," Fred curses under his breath, "Yeah?" He calls over the music.

"Just wanted to see if you were okay, mate!" Comes George's voice from the other side of the bathroom. "Are you coming or... wait... what exactly are you doing in there?"

Fred and Carina look at each other, sharing a silent look of agreement before they both speak, "Nothing," they chorus, smiling playfully.

Laughter can be heard from the outside, "Nothing, they say," George titters, trying to open the door again. He's clearly out there with someone else, but the couple doesn't really care at this point, "Nothing, yeah sure, and I'm Professor Trelawney," more giggles come from outside and Carina rolls her eyes.

"Well then, please enlighten me, Professor. What do you predict will happen to George and Cassius when I open the door and find them standing there laughing like a couple of idiots?" She asks sarcastically, loud enough for them both to hear. Fred snorts when he hears one of them shove the other against the door before they're both running, footsteps stumbling away from the door. "Now, where were we?" Carina turns to Fred, grinning at the younger boy.

He hums, placing his hands on either side of the sink, pretending to think about it, "I don't recall," his lips curl downwards as he continues to think about it, shaking his head. "Nope, can't remember," Carina narrows her eyes, beginning to lower herself from the sink but Fred stops her, "Hang on - I wasn't done thinking!" He exclaims, securing his grip around her waist, biting on his bottom lip.

Carina chuckles, looking down at her feet before looking up into his eyes, "You're insufferable, Weasley," she murmurs, bringing her hand to the back of his head.

"Just when it's convenient for me," he mutters, repeating her words, pulling her body into his, "And annoying for you."

AN: it happppeeenndddd! everybody stay calm. STAY FUCKING CALM. okay, yes there will be spice, like real spice, but ya'll have to hang on A SECOND! remember there's a lot that goes into this story!! which i hope u don't mind btw haha sorry if u do :/. what did u think of the kiss?!?!

i love ya'll so much. like for real. so much. u have no idea. please VOTEE!! and comment. you guys are around 600 readers per chapter, and only 50 of u vote :( if u wanna go back and vote on each, that would be the best thing ever.

next update: sunday!!!

follow me on tiktok: xcoldestqueenx , insta: siupunzumaran

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