The love we share

By mikayla2710

41.8K 2K 951

The love we share, Soojin the amazing singer and main dancer of cubes famous girl group (G)- idle has to fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 8

1.2K 68 14
By mikayla2710

Soojins pov

"Annyeonghaseyo I am Jennie from black pink"

Her piercing eyes are looking directly at me as she talks, the crowd of people screaming faded into the background, I glare back at her not wanting to lose our silent battle.

My hands are shaking and I'm starting to panic, I haven't seen her for 6months now. Her being here is bringing back all the feelings I wanted to forget.

"Soojin let's go" Minnie whispers into my ear. I'm forced out of my daze, she leads me to our table for the signing. It's a long table seated for six people, our name tags all displayed.

I look for my name and I find it but to my annoyance jennies is next to my own. I look up and her eyes are already on me.

"Minnie, swap with me," I say.

She looks at me confused.

"Soojin, I can't our names are already set if I move them people are going to think something" ugh, I can't stand this. I pull out my chair aggressively.

Minnies on my right while jennies to my left. I can feel her eyes on me but I don't budge instead focusing on the fans.

"Soojin, I'm I'm your biggest fan could I take a photo please" a boy who couldn't be older than 16 ask me nervously making me melt at his cuteness.

"Of course" I lean over the table and place my arm over his shoulder smiling. His mum takes the photo.

"T-thank you so much, you're even prettier in person" he looks down shyly. So cute I think to myself.

I kiss his cheek knowing it would make his day. His eyes bulge open and hands move to touch his cheek in disbelief.

"Omg, I'm never washing my face again" he squeals while his mum drags him away. I just laugh and make my way back to my seat.

"I see you have a fan club" it's been so long since I've heard her voice in person. The same voice that would soothe me now gives me nightmares. How dare she talk to me so casually after what she did.

I choose to ignore her not even acknowledging her presence.

I hear her sigh but she doesn't try to say anything else.

A few more fans come up to us all nearly having panic attacks at the sight of all there favourite idols.

I feel something caressing my knee lightly. I look at the culprit, her eyes are looking forward talking to a fan. I try to move her hand on me but she doesn't budge, I know she's trying to get my attention.

"Get your hand off me," I say trying to hold in my anger.

She moves so were now facing each other.

"Can we talk? Please" her face is neutral but her voice is pleading.

"Now you want to talk, I scoff, you had 6months. You're unbelievable I hope I never see your face again." Every word is laced with venom, her hand on me is gone and her face is back to stoic, it always amazed/scared me how fast she could hide her feelings.

"We will talk Soojin" her dominate side showing , I once loved her like this but now I'm just disgusted she thinks she still has control over me.

"No, we won't"

The signing was over, me and Jennie didn't talk, but I knew she was watching me the entire time.

"Soojin let's go say hi to the girls Lisa wants to walk with us," minnies bubbly voice says.

"No, I'm not going anywhere near them"

"What, why?" Minnie's confused.

"I just don't want to" I snap back.

" Soojin is something going on? You didn't want to sit next to Jennie and now you don't want to walk with them?" I can tell she's concerned but I can't tell her the truth no one knows except soyeon.

"I'm sorry for snapping, I just really can't deal with people right now"

"Aw Soojin, you don't need to be scared they're nice! Jennie might look scary but she's a big Teddy bear. She's something alright.

"Weren't you and Jennie friends?" She asks curiously. My body stiffens at her words. They'd seen me a few times with Jennie, late nights when she'd drop me off to my dorm.

"Not anymore" I dont elaborate, she gets the hint I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt I have to show you where you and the other girls will be walking, we have a secure area so we can make sure no fans bombard you."

Great, now I have to walk by her.

*ring *ring *ring

I look at my phone and it's soyeon. I quickly answer it.


"Why the fuck did no one tell me she was going to be here" I angrily whisper.

"Soojin, we didn't know on the sheet it only had Lisa's name and manager Oppa thought it would be fine to send you."

"I'm freaking out soyeon, I can't be here they're making us stick together for the whole day. She's trying to talk to me as well I can't stand it."

"Look I'm going to call Oppa and see if we can get you out earlier, but there's a slim chance we can do that. Fuck I'm sorry Soojin I know you must be going through a lot right now, just try your best to stay away from her" talking to soyeon calms me down.

"Okay just see what you can do, if not I'll be fine I'll try my best to ignore her. I just want to get out of here so I never have to see her again."

Minnies making her way over to me with two bottles in her hand.

"Okay I've gotta go, but please call Oppa for me and see what he can do."

"Alright Goodluck try to have fun, I'll do my best." 

"Ready to go?" I nod my head and we walk over to where the other girls are waiting.


"It's good to see you again" I jump startled by Lisa's sudden appearance.

"Yeah, it's been a while" she laces our arms together surprising me even more.

"I'm sorry about what Jennie did" she whispers so only I can here, my heart starts beating by her words. Does she know?

I stay quiet, not wanting to talk about it in public.

I look over Lisa's shoulder and Jennies looking at our entwined arms.

"Your group is amazing by the way" Lisa smiles kindly as she says this, me and Lisa were the closest out of jennies friends and I hate to admit I've missed her, we weren't besties or anything but she was always a sweetheart.

"Thank you, same with you it's incredible how much of an impact you guys have made globally" she looks away shyly, I forgot just how adorable she is.

"Lisa, walk with me," Jennie says sternly. Lisa just rolls her eyes.

"I better go before she starts attacking me for touching you" she leaves but her words stick with me.

Minnies talking to Lisa both mindlessly laughing, they go way back and I'm glad Minnie can talk to someone from her country.

"Hey," momo says smiling brightly.

"Hey," I say quietly suddenly feeling shy.

"I just wanted to say I'm a fan, I watched queendom and saw your dance you were amazing" my cheeks are bright red, god I'm so embarrassed especially because that dance was sexy.

"Ugh, I'm so embarrassed to talk about it but Thank you I'm also a fan of you I wanted to introduce myself but I was shy," she laughs.

"We should hang out again? I know Shuhua's close to Tyuzu we could all go out!

"Yeah definitely" maybe coming today wasn't such a bad idea.

Momo's eyes move to my left.

"Hey Soojin, hi Momo" Jennie greets us.

"H-hello Jennie" momo looks nervous probably surprised Jennies talking to us.

Play nice Soojin.

"Hey" I reply nicely.

"Just wanted to say Soojin congratulations, your group is quite popular now. I still remember when you were a trainee you've grown up so much." she says cutely, I bite the side of my cheek annoyed by her so close to me, her presence still effects me even after so long .

"You two know each other?" Momo asks curiously.

"Not re-" before I can reply Jennie beats me to it.

"Yes we go way back, isn't that right Soojin" her eyes are on me, she knows I can't make a scene in front of Momo.

"Yeah but we lost contact," I say evenly.

" Wow, I didn't know that! We should all get together sometime can you imagine how crazy the fans would get"

"I was just about to say that!" Jennie replys to Momo acting innocent as if this wasn't her plan. I don't understand her at all, why is she doing this? She's the one that left, why now.

"Soojin how does that sound" they're both looking at me waiting for my answer.

"We'll see, my groups busy promoting our new song"

"Why don't you give us your number and we can text and make a date when where all free" Jennie knows what she's doing.

I grudgingly smile at her and pull out my phone.

"Yay! I can't wait, hey I better get back to tyuzu but I'll catch you girls later" she waves heading to her bandmates side. Now it's just me and Jennie.

"What the hell was that," I say bitterly.

"You changed your number and I knew you wouldn't give it to me if I asked"

"Jennie what are you doing? Did you forget you're the one that left, I laugh sarcastically am I just a joke to you? You. left .me. No text or call the girl who I thought loved me left me like it was nothing. So don't just come here talking to me as if we're close." I'm on the brink of tears, she always manages to fuck up my life.

"Soojin, that's why I'm here once I found out you were coming I had to see you. I know I fucked up and what I did to you was horrible, but please give me a chance to explain myself." What could she explain, even if she had a reason why didn't she tell me before this? But maybe talking to her will give me the closure I need.

"Fine, after this event we can talk"

"Thank you Soojin" I don't reply and move ahead leaving her behind.

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