His Rejected 'Queen'.

By Marie_Curia

271K 7.9K 1.5K

Iris Black is a strong, smart, logical, sweet 21 years old girl with new life and name. Her real name is Dian... More

Author's Note!
Queen Made From Courage.
Still Exists...
"Welcome" To The Palace...
In Confusion...
All About 'Her'...
Dreams VS Reality...
In Tension For Her...
Desperation For 'Two'...
A Queen Never Bows...
Too "Close"...
She Is Diana...
In 'Pain'...
Truths & Regrettings...
Anything For Her...
"Already 'Inside' You..."
"You Are Mine...", Part I.
"You Are Mine...", Part II.
Triggering The Beast...
"One Last Chance..."
Contract, Jealously, Challenge.
'Her Royal Highness'.
"I Belong To You!"
Trust, Closeness, Nightmares.
"You Are My Queen!"
Insecurities, Passion, Rogues.
Worries, Feelings And Roses.
Earned It!
"Good Team!"
The Woman That Stole His Heart!
"With Me!"
"Important To Me!"
Reveals And Memories!
Tree Of Life!
Allies And Enemies!
There Is Love!
Enemies And Guardians.
Royal Birthday...
Queen's Battle!
The True King!
"With You!"
"I Love You!"
Family Conflicts...
Real Family's Love!
"Till Death!"
Strong Man!
"He Is My Home!"
"We Are One!"
Love And Sudden Problems.
Overshadowed Happiness...
To Northern Alaska!
Tensions And Instincts.
Reveals, Realizations And Shocks.
Her Truth.
One Breath Away.
Author's Note: Sharing Few Things.
Howls And Gunshot.
It's Now Or... Never!
Facing Death.
What Everyone Deserves...
Moving On With... Reveals.
The Two Extremes.
No More Secrets!

Back To 'Life'!

1.3K 49 4
By Marie_Curia

When you leave the past behind and things change inside you, life moves on and things change around you!

~about one and half day later, early night, palace, hospital~

Diana's pov

The door opens slightly and I smile immediately when Daniel's shyly smiling face appears.

Aiden rolls his eyes and chuckles from Daniel's funny entrance and Violet places her right hand on her lips to hold back her laughter.

This man of mine always finds a way of capturing everyone's interest and the way he is smiling makes him too cute and my heart melts.

"How are the three nurses? Any news as long as I was gone?" he asks in a low tone and gets in as silently as he can.

"You mean this half an hour, really?" Violet asks teasingly and Aiden raises his eyebrows in irony.

Come on, they are partly right for doing this, because this is the... Wait, I have lost counting. I don't know which time this is that Daniel comes here and makes the exact same questions.

Don't get me wrong, I love how caring he is and the fact that he can't stay away from us for more than about half an hour, but it's funny that he knows the reaction his questions will get and he still insists on them.

At this point I guess that there are many things I have to share with you, things you missed and die to know about, so I won't keep you waiting.

Um... Let's see... Where should I start from? Any ideas?

Oh, yeah! At first I will give you the best news ever about my mom and Nikki!

I am more than excited, grateful and relieved to say that both of them are out of danger. I bet you already knew that about Nikki and the baby, but you missed many things about my mom, who proved what a fighter she is and now her condition is stable and left danger.

It seemed that Aiden's blood did help her and her body accepted it in some small doses. The truth is that we weren't so optimistic at the beginning, because her heart was barely beating after the loss of blood from the pain Mason's death caused her, but we were wrong. Albert and the rest of the doctors did an amazing job, took care of the slightest detail and my mom (and Aiden) did the rest. Some hours later and late at afternoon and my mom was much better, completely capable of standing the long drive and flight to come back home (I mean the palace).

Aiden, Violet and I haven't left from her room from the moment we arrived today too early in the morning and Robert with the rest of the doctors check on her almost all the time. Daniel comes and leaves nonstop, because he has many other things to take care of, but let's be honest... My man feels horribly when he leaves and returns almost immediately (that's why I said all these above, it's funny). To be honest and I would like this to stay between us, so don't tell Daniel about it, I doubt Daniel can get concentrated enough and work.

He hates leaving from my side and no matter how many times I tried to convince him to go and take some rest, he denied. As you understand I have lost my hopes, Daniel won't sleep or take a break until my mom wakes up and the same thing goes for me, Aiden and Vi, who stands next to us like true daughter for Mila.

As for Nikki now, Robert assured us that she and the baby are absolutely fine, but Nikki needs to be careful for few weeks and rest for the most of the day, since the jolts she went through from the long fights against Mason and Lucas could cause her a problem later. This is mostly something Robert wants, because Nikki's body must be 'shocked' and her muscles need to relax again, she went through much stress and she needs peace.

She hasn't woken up yet, she is sleeping nonstop, but she isn't at hospital like my mom, she is in her room with Landon, who hasn't left her side for any reason and he won't. This man's eyes are shining from relief, but he is still nervous and worried about many reasons, but let's leave this part on him, okay?

And let's continue (and probably finish) with some general things about everything and everyone. I said before that we arrived to the palace today too early in the morning after a long drive and a much longer flight. Fortunately the weather was very good and we were much more relaxed due to the turn things took. I mean my mom stable, Nikki alright, Lucas and Mason dead and everybody else perfectly fine and together. When we came, we found the rest of the family waiting for us at the palace's entrance and when I say the rest I mean it.

Everyone was there, everyone!

Victoria, Violet, Jeremy with Ellie, Elias with Alice, Rosa with Milton and Iris, Peyton and Andrea and now wait for the best part. With them was Susan, Thomas' mate, and... Emily, Parker's mate, with her brother, Preston.

Yeap, I am serious, guys! I think he is too close to become an equal member of the family and during our big reunion Landon and he talked for a while and they were quite friendly with each other.

Also, two more members were added in our family, since Albert and Stacy followed us here and the best part is that Stacy found her mate and I would love to know your guesses before I tell you.

What do you say, who is her mate?

Mm... Only one of our men is single...


By the way, you had to see Albert's expression when he realized who Preston was. He had a mini heart attack, but he got over it and I must admit that Stacy and Preston were absolutely charmed from each other, a great couple got born.

Anyway, after a while we all took different directions. Daniel, Aiden, Violet, Landon, Nikki, Robert and I came to the hospital, as we had to run some tests on Nikki and my mom, and when we were done, Landon took Nikki to their room and the rest of us stayed here with my mom.

All the others got scattered. I guess that my dad with Jonathan and Victoria wanted to stay just the three of them, but the rest of the guys got gathered all together and Hunter, Thomas, Parker and Albert with Stacy told them everything they missed.

Right now I have no idea where they all are, but everyone come here to visit us and ask about my mom. All except... Gideon!

Seriously, this man is a conundrum for me now. His too silent and distant behavior from the moment he came back with Jonathan and the fighters with Mason's body is terrifying me. I am worried sick about him, he behaves like his ghost and not my sweet, caring and supportive father. I can't deny that he hugged me, kissed me and was very gentle with me as long as we were coming back, but I haven't seen him since we arrived and I know that he has gotten informed about the whole truth for my mom, because I was present.

He is a fair man, now he knows that my mom isn't the monster-mother we thought she was for years, so why isn't he coming?

Perhaps he needs times to accept it, since it was a big surprise for him. Maybe he feels guilt for hating her for many years and wanting her dead, but... I can't explain why I have a weird feeling about it, this is really bad.

"She isn't as pale as I could remember, that's great." Daniel commends as he stops next to me and places his left hand on my right shoulder.

"Yes. She has gotten much better from the moment she started breathing on her own without help." Violet states and Aiden caresses my mom's left hand, which he has in both of his.

I feel hurt from how guilty Aiden feels towards our mom. It's the first time I see him so broken and vulnerable and the worst thing is that maybe it's somehow right that he feels this way, because what he confessed to me was awful. I had no idea what things he had been telling our mom when he returned from the college. He had repeated countless times that he wanted to kill her and she was... I can't stand it.

I honestly don't know what to say about her anymore.

The Goddess was right, since she knew the truth. My mum was one of my guardians, but she was Den's as well. She did everything at first place, because his life was in danger.

"She'll wake up soon, if she is so well already." Daniel says thoughtfully and bends over me to place a long kiss on my cheek.

I smile to him brightly and pray he is right. Waiting is killing me, I just want her to wake up and see us around her. I need to tell her that we know what was truly happening and we love and want her next to us from now on, because we have too many years to make up for. We need some peace and love after all that pain...

"I hope she does, although I don't know how I'll find the courage to face her..." Aiden mutters nervously and Violet leans closer to him and caresses his hair.

"Don't worry about it, she loves you, remember? She would never accuse you about it, you had no idea, baby." She says with adoration and he exhales heavily in despair.

"Vi is right, don't worry about it. The only thing you should worry about is your mess. Look at you!" Daniel speaks up, quite concerned and serious, and gives Den and then me a sad look.

Alright, I know what follows, the usual typical scolding. I and Aiden have more than two days and nights to sleep and we are exhausted, not that Daniel is better, but he tries to 'avoid' it by focusing on us. He hasn't stopped begging me to go to sleep, but I never listen to him. I want to be here when my mom wakes up, I can't think about me.

"Daniel couldn't present it better, you guys. I am sorry to say this, but you need to sleep for a while. Mila won't like to see you like this when she wakes up." Violet states strictly and I stiffen, bringing my left hand on Daniel's, which is still resting on my right shoulder.

I hate the turn our discussion took. Daniel is so persistent and I don't like that fact that he is concerned about me, he is tired as well, he has been running up and down and the last thing he can bear is watching me like this.

"I don't want to go away... That's all." I whisper to him apologetically and he smiles warmly, nodding in understanding.

"And what if we go to rest in the room next to hers less than ten meters from here? Would you call it still 'away', my beautiful, stubborn Queen?" he asks me with a wicked smirk on his face and his bright green eyes shining from pride for his idea and I open my mouth widely.

I can't believe him!

"Oh, the King got you very badly, sister. He always has a plan and I must say that this is a great one! You can't deny it now." Aiden says playfully and Violet shakes her head positively ready to chuckle.

What can I say? It looks like Daniel did get me in this way. Him thinking of me so much makes my heart melt, I feel the most special woman on earth due to him. He thought about taking me in the room next my mother's, because he was certain I wouldn't agree otherwise.

"In this case I would gladly accept to follow you, Your Royal Highness..." I begin and stand up slowly to hug him from his waist.

"What about these two?" I tell him with my eyebrows raised as he gets ready to kiss me, making my heartbeat race, and Destiny purrs happily in my mind.

Daniel presses his lips together and narrows his eyes, trying to not laugh, and gives them a short, enigmatic gaze. Both of the two crazy 'kids' behind me giggle, but I can't see what they do, and Daniel pecks his nose with mine and hugs me back.

"Violet will go in the opposite room so that she can be close and Aiden will try to lay on the couch. I doubt I can change his mind, but if he can't sleep here, I'll come in a while to stay with Mila and then I will definitely send him with Vi." He explains and I feel my cheeks blushing instantly from...

Well, don't laugh at me for what I'll say. From lust!

I totally mean it, he is simply, perfectly amazing and it turns me on when he thinks like this.

"Fair well! It's a deal!" Aiden states in approval and I break my hug with Daniel after I give him a devilish yet thankful smile.

I walk to my mom, who is lying in the middle of the double bed, and bend over to land a kiss on her forehead. I sigh relieved when my warm lips touch her also warm skin and I take a moment to admire her. She looks like an angel, so peaceful, sweet and humble.

"I'll see you in a while, mom." I whisper softly and stand up again after I caress her right cheek.

Then, I turn around, take Daniel's extended hand and we start walking to the door, greeting Aiden and Vi that smile to us quite wickedly. I get it, they smelled something and this just sucks. If they talk to the others about me being aroused, I am done, just done!

"Make sure mom won't wake up from your noisy actions..." Aiden hisses when Daniel opens the door and we walk out and I groan angrily, but don't reply back.


"Shut up, jealous man!" Daniel whispers to him before he closes the door behind us, leaving my brother officially speechless, and I laugh as lowly as I can.

I walk to the room next to my mother's, which is less than ten meters away and Daniel follows me. I feel his eyes burning me and bite my lower lip, aware of the effect my arousal has on him, and when I reach the door, I open it, get in and Daniel walks inside, closes and locks to be sure nobody breaks in and finds us... Inappropriately.

I stop a meter before the double comfortable bed in the middle of the room, when my eyes land on the two pairs of comfy, sport clothes and I instantly understand whose job this is. That's why he left and came back so quickly.

"You took care of everything." I murmur touched from his sweet move and he stops behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in the crock of my neck.

My skin shivers from his hot breath against my sensitive flesh and I close my eyes, enjoying the privacy we have for the first time after the last difficult days. I feel his heart beating strongly in his chest and place both of my hands on his. Now, this feels like I'm in heaven!

"I wanted to help you relax and forget about everything for a while." He burbles and kisses his mark to make me moan from pleasure.

"And you have made it already. Thank you, baby. Having you by my side like this means the world to me." I say and open my eyes, turning around, still in his arms.

Our eyes get locked on each other's and I wrap my hands around his neck. Our breaths get mixed, our foreheads touch and our heartbeats become one. It feels like a century since the last time we were like this. I missed him, all this agony has left me dry from everything and only Daniel can help me get back to normal, because he is my life.

"I missed you so much and I love you. I can't believe that everything is finally over and we are free to continue our life." I say next, an inch before our lips meet and he smiles with a charm I can't stay unaffected from.

I wonder how much more handsome he can become in my eyes. Every day he leaves me more breathless and stunned and maybe this has to do with his behavior, his full of love for me heart, his mesmerizing soul.

"I love you more than anything, I miss you all the time and I would like to ask you something..." he says shyly in the end and I narrow my eyes confused.

His expression is a quite interesting one, full of mystery, excitement and worry.

"Yes?" I mutter impatient and my heartbeat races more.

Daniel's cheeks turn red in a brief moment and he presses his lips together before he takes a deep breath and clears his throat. The spark in his eyes overwhelms me and Destiny perks her ears. Daniel finally opens his lips and I groan in agony.

"You said that we are free to continue our life, so what about making the final, official and greatest step?" he asks innocently and I blink my eyes speechless, ready to have a heart attack.

Am I losing my mind? Did he really say what I think he did?

I am dying right now!

"Are you asking me to marry you, Daniel?" I exclaim shocked, one step away from starting screaming, crying and cheering, and he nods, but there is something more he meant.

His mysterious expression isn't gone yet.

"Yes, even though I will make it officially when your mom wakes up. You know, with ring and everything else... And there is one more thing... Your coronation, my love!" he replies and I don't understand how, but tears blur my vision, I start trembling and a sob escapes me.

I feel more blissful than ever for a moment, I want to scream from happiness, I feel like I'm flying and his so bright smile assures me that I heared correctly, he did said all these. He wants us to get married and announce me officially as his Queen, just to follow the typical process, because I'm the Queen from the moment I'm his true mate and he marked me.

"What do you say? Do you accept? Do you want us to take it further?" he asks impatiently and I nod while the tears from my eyes start rolling down my cheeks.

"Of course I do! I want it like nothing else, I want us!" I exclaim emotionally, too lost to breathe and before I know it, our lips crash and we start kissing passionately.

Destiny howls victoriously in my mind and my heart explodes. My feet stop touching the marbled floor, as Daniel lifts me up and I keep on crying without breaking our kiss, because these tears are those I will never get bored of.

I wish all our tears from now on will be like these, since they are tears from happiness and we definitely deserve it!

~in the meanwhile~

Jonathan's pov

I sit next to her and she moves closer to me.

Then, she gives me a sympathetic smile, taps my knee gently and I wrap one arm around her without taking my eyes from hers.

I have no idea what I would do without her. Victoria is my secret angel, the only one I trust blindly from the first moment we met, my only love, my heart's Queen, my savior.

It's incredible how much a simple touch and smile of hers can ease any pain, worry, fear and hesitation. She is my rock and I thank the Goddess every day for making her my mate.

"How is he? Did he tell you anything?" she questions me and I shake my head in disapproval quite disappointed.

It's easy for you to understand for whom she is asking me about, Gideon Black, the most confusing man ever. I don't mean it in the bad way, I promise. It is just that he is completely lost and 'drunk' from the moment he realized that he and Mila are mates and he became worse when Daniel told us the entire, devastating truth behind Mila's behavior towards Aiden and Diana.

Back then I thought that the reveal would make him soften, it would change everything, but too soon and most specifically when we arrived home, I realized that I was wrong, because Gideon has become more distant and frozen. He barely talks to me, he doesn't eat or drink, he doesn't get out of his room and the only two people he wanted to be with were Victoria and me.

He is locked in his room from that moment and he denies doing anything, but the worst thing is that his eyes are constantly wild and stormy. A war is taking place inside him and no matter how many efforts Victoria and I put to make him open up and share with us his thoughts and feelings, we fail successfully and we don't want to pressure him a lot, so we make our best to not cross the unstable lines.

I was with him until now. Victoria left us about two hours ago to go and stay for a while with Diana and the kids at the hospital. She had to support them and try discreetly to understand if they suspect anything about Gideon and Mila.

"The same, honey. He doesn't talk, he just stands behind a window and stares outside. I don't know what to do with him." I respond troubled and she rests her head on my shoulder, never breaking our eye contact.

"We should give him time, my love. The hits were too many for him." she says softly and I shake my head in frustration.

"I don't know, Victoria... He reminds me nothing of my best friend. You had to see him when we were alone with Mason's dead body. I thought he had lost it, he wanted to attack it. Maybe we should talk to Diana and Daniel about it, they have to be informed." I say worried and she groans negatively, surprising me completely.

I wasn't expecting from her to have a different opinion. She is the one, who always says that discussing solves every problem, what changed now?

"They must stay out of it, Jonathan. We can't add another problem on them now that they have finally relaxed. We'll think about something and we can ask from Robert to help up too. If Diana finds it out, she'll explode on Gideon, we'll make it worse. Think about it... He knew she was his mate and didn't say it, he could help her, but he didn't. Not even learning the truth motivated him to announce it. We'll crash Diana's heart." She explains and I close my eyes, feeling stupid and helpless.

I'm a great idiot.

"And Daniel won't hide it from Diana, if we tell him. Not to add Aiden's reaction. You are right." I murmur and she places her left hand on my chest, right above my aching heart.

I can't feel him so heartbroken when there is no reason for him to feel this way. He deserves to be happy and now that we know that Mila was never the one we thought she was, there is absolutely no obstacle for them.

"I feel sorry for her. All the pain she went through on her own, all those dangers and horrible incidents... She is a very strong woman." I speak up after some seconds in heavy silence.

"She is a mother, Jonathan. Every mother is strong when it comes to her kids, because they are her strength. I was wrong about her, I was almost sure that she was a terrible mother, but now I regret it. Imagine how much she was suffering. She had to hurt her kids in order to keep them safe, it's ironic." He says nervously and I start tapping my right foot on the floor in frustration.

I couldn't have said it better than she did. Mason, that son of a bitch ruined his 'kids and mate's' lives. The sick bastard almost broke them apart forever and he'll always hunt them with memories, guilt and regrets, but he'll also hunt me with his last words. The words I fight to forget, but I can't, the words I deny sharing with anymore, not even Victoria, because I don't want to upset her. This is my problem, not hers.

What did the devil himself mean? What on bloody hell?

"Relax now, honey. Try to stop thinking about anything for a while. The last days were very hard and exhausting for all of us, you need to rest this night." Victoria states calmly, dragging me away from my mind-blowing thoughts, and I groan quickly positively.

"Yes, sweetheart. Let's go to bed, tomorrow is a new day with hope and light." I whisper and turn to kiss her forehead, struggling to hide how scared I am.

An inner voice inside me laughs with my hopeful words and I tighten my hold around Victoria that purrs relaxed and smiles to be cheerfully.

"Exactly, it's a new day, our new life's great beginning."

~early next morning~

Landon's pov

I move closer to her and lift my head a little bit up to place it as gently as I can on her stomach. I close my eyes from the overwhelming sensation and my wolf purrs like a small puppy.

I take a deep, long breath and fill my lungs with her sweet scent, I listen to her heart beating steadily and I get filled with unbelievable warmth and peace. The soft fabric from the clean, white blouse I put on her can't be compared with her silky, bare skin, but it doesn't matter me.

She is safe and sound, both of them are and that's all I care about.

"Good morning, little man! This is your stupid daddy speaking." I whisper, smiling like a small, idiot boy and bring my left hand on Nikki's lower stomach to caress it.

I can't stop doing this from the moment I brought Nikki in our room, bathed her, dressed her and put her to bed last morning. I either lie next to her and observe her sleeping, or have my head rested on her stomach and talk to him, to my son.

Don't laugh, it will be a boy and the reason is one and very simple. My queen (Nikki, sorry Diana) deserves two men running behind her, two men dying for her and that's why there is no doubt that we will have a small boy, clever like her and restless-reckless like me.

It'll be dreamy!

"I know I will end up tiring, son, but I really need to tell you again how much I love you and your gorgeous mommy. I am sincerely sorry for what you two went through because of me. I didn't mean it when I said that I didn't want you, really. I was just too scared, I believed for a moment that I would lose your mommy's love and I felt desperate." I continue and my eyes start burning from the hot tears' appearance.

The more I think what I told her that night while I was drunk, the more terribly I feel. I can't even imagine how much I hurt her with my words, but I just admitted the truth. I want a family with Nikki, I want kids, I wanted it from the first moment my eyes met hers.

I was the biggest jerk for what I said and did to her, I know, and I won't try to excuse myself and take the blame off of my shoulders, but I couldn't control my despair. I felt useless, not enough for her and it was the first time, I didn't know how to deal my failure and I didn't talk about it with anyone, I asked no help from the guys, because I thought I would seem even weaker and pathetic.

The only one I talked to was Dominic, but when he tried to tell me my mistakes, I got too angry, I was really drunk already, so I couldn't listen to him.

It was the next morning, when the three sweet jerks yet brothers of mine woke me up in the worst and most painful way that I came on my senses with everything they told me. Their words brought the real Landon back and when I realized how much I had hurt Nikki with my words, the puzzle's pieces stuck together.

"I am fully aware of what I caused to you and mommy, but you need to know that I am in much more pain, because everything is my own fault. I am the reason you two left and faced that two crazy psychos without me, I will never, ever forgive myself for this, young man." I continue with few tears falling and place a soft kiss on her stomach above the blouse.

"I could have lost you and then I would die. There is no life without you two, because you are my whole world. I wouldn't stand your loss."I conclude and exhale with my guilt drowning me.

"It's good that we are alright then..." she whispers with hoarse voice and I jump up like I get electrocuted to see her dark blue like oceans eyes open finding immediately mine.

I gasp, unable of believing that she is finally awake, and smile excited. I almost fall on her the next millisecond, hug and start kissing her on her lips, cheeks, eyes, nose and jaw, everywhere I can and she groans, but doesn't push me away.

"I am the happiest man there is, thank you for waking up. I've missed you, Nikki!" I say loudly breathless and pull a little bit backwards after I have kissed her for some more times.

Her almost blank, but a little bit worried expression makes my heart tighten and I stiffen awkwardly, sensing her nervousness, and then she catches me off guard by trying to sit up panicked.

"Hey, let me help you, baby! Take it easily, it's okay." I say in hurry and help her sit up slowly.

She avoids looking at me and lowers her head. Then, she places both of her hands on her stomach and I sit better, right next to her with my body facing hers. I stop my gaze on her stomach and manage to take a deep breath after too many efforts. I can't see her like this, she is about to get scared for the baby.

"He is perfectly healthy, Robert run all the necessary tests yesterday morning, there is absolutely no danger." I say with a weak, full of melancholy for her very first reaction smile and she lifts her head up timidly and tries to smile, but fails.

She wants to cry, I know she does and I sense the pain she feels, the pain I caused with my recklessness.

"He... You think that it will be a boy just because you want it?!" she asks me with trembling voice and takes a loud, deep breath, looking everywhere around our room expect me.

Fuck, she decided to get straight in the attack mood and I deserve it, but this isn't how Nikki is. She didn't even ask me to explain why I call our baby this way, but I'm sure she doesn't need explanations right now.

"I..." I begin to say, bleeding inside for her harsh, full of bitterness words, but stop quickly.

I can't talk. Her frozen like ice behavior is the only thing I can't deal with and it's the first time he does this, I am not used to it.

"Are we back? Is this our..."

"Bedroom." I cut her off breathless, fighting to find my courage back, and she looks at me quite confused, but still harshly, not gently.

"It has been almost two days. We came back home yesterday morning. I asked from Victoria to change the room completely, it was too dark for a pregnant woman and a baby. I mean that's what I thought." I explain shortly with my cheeks blushing and Nikki just nods slightly.

This is true, I mean our room's new decorations with warm colors and a more calming atmosphere. Before I meet Nikki it was dark blue with black and grey, but back then I was single, I preferred it that way. Now I'm going to become a father, this room is Nikki's as well and we need a change, a sweet atmosphere.

"Everyone is fine. Even Mila is out of danger, as for Mason and Lucas, they are..."

"Dead." She finishes my phrase firmly when I tell her about the two assholes.

"I'm sorry... Please forgive me!" I beg her, catching her unprepared from my sudden change of the subject.

I don't want to lose more time. It is just a matter of seconds before she opens this discussion, but this is my duty, not hers. I have to start it now, because I started everything at first place.

Her not so affected expression makes the blood in my veins cold and my wolf moves stressed, pushing me to continue, but when I open my mouth, thinking of the right words to say, Nikki raises her right hand, 'commanding' me to stop.

"I... You made me lose my faith on us. Your insecurities and their confession filled me with insecurities as well. I don't feel enough anymore." She says with a hard look and her eyes darker while her heartbeat echoes in my ears.

"But you are more than enough, you were from the very beginning. I didn't mean anything, I know I was wrong and excessive. This is never going to happen again, I felt too little to be with you, because you are just perfect!" I say with cracking voice and cap her face in my trembling hands while my tears start running like rivers and Nikki's get quickly watery.

"You broke my heart, I loved you with all of it, I gave it to you unconditionally, Landon and you..."

"Don't you love me anymore?" I question her too close to pass out from horror about her answer and she brings her hands above mine and starts crying, almost sobbing.

"My love for you will never die, you are the only one for me, but love is not enough sometimes. I can't go through the same pain, if you ever again have a small, normal 'failure'. I have to protect myself, I'm already broken." She replies and I open my eyes desperate with a bad feeling building up.

"It won't happen again, it was the first and last time, let me prove you how much I have regretted it. I love you and you love me, we want the same things, we are expecting our baby. What does this mean?" I ask doddering and she lowers her head, breaking our eye contact and giving me the worst fright of my life.

I don't understand, really...

"I'm going back to England, Landon. I took my decision. It'll be for the best."

Her announcement strikes me like lightening, my heart stops, my wolf freezes and the pain that overflows my body can't be compared with anything else. Realizing what I have done and that I will lose her and our baby make me feel like I'm trapped in hell and I greet my teeth to hold back a sob.

She can't go. No, not before I show her how much I love her and ask from her...

I can't explain how or why, but a warm flame gets born from the endless fear in my heart and gives me strength and hope again. I deny losing them without a battle, we can't do this and I have no problem to fight for Nikki for the rest of my life until the day I die.

"In this case..." I begin and pause to take a deep breath and make her look at me again.

The uncertainty I see in her eyes assures me that she doesn't truly want to leave me. It's just a decision she took while she was in great pain and this gives me more optimism.

Now I know what I have to do and I will gladly do it, immediately.

"I'll announce to Daniel my relinquishment the sooner and help Jeremy get used to his new duties as the first Beta." I state and Nikki gasps, not believing her ears.

"You mean that you'll quit? Have you lost your mind?" she asks me still confused and I nod in confirmation.

"You are my life and my place is next to you and our baby. If you want to leave, you can, but I will always be one step behind you, because I will never, ever leave you. Things are simple." I say confidently and turn on my right to open the first drawer from the bedside table and take the small box in my hands.

Exactly, things are simple! I'm not leaving Nikki, never. I don't care about power, titles, money, duties and fame. All I care about is our unique and important family.

Following her is a victory for me, I lose nothing.

I take the box off the drawer and bring it in front of Nikki, who observes me like a statue. I lock my eyes on hers and smile from pride. I was waiting for this moment, even though the way we came to this point isn't pleasing, easy or dreamy.

I open the box and clear my throat while my skin starts shivering and Nikki brings both of her hands on her lips and the words leave from me unconsciously.

"I wanted to ask you from the day we met and I regret that I delayed it that much, but it's better late than never. I have done a terrible mistake and I understand how I've made you feel, but there is no way I live without you. So..." I begin and bring the box with the dark blue sapphire closer to her.

"Will you make me the great honor of becoming my wife and punishing me for every stupidity, mistake and childish thing I did, do and will do for the rest of our life?"

~about half an hour later~

Daniel's pov

"Can you believe it? Nobody leaves, we stay, all of us, all together!" Andrea says cheerfully with a big, excited smile on her face and Hunter hugs her.

Peyton claps her hands next to them, celebrating on her own way for the most incredible news, while Parker with Emily and Thomas with Susan tease each other on the big couch opposite of theirs. In the meanwhile Ellie and Jeremy murmur something and laugh with Stacy and Preston, but we are not done here. You see, Elias and Alice with Albert keep on talking about the fight Nikki and Mila had with Mason and Lucas, but the impressive (yet relieving thing for me) is that Alice's eyes shine from pride for Nikki and she feels nothing for Lucas. I am aware that she was never close to him, in fact he was torturing her, something he was doing with everyone around him, but now I see how much stronger she is.

Meeting Elias and being with all of us makes her braver, more mature. Lucas was never her father, because he never loved her and Alice can see it now, she accepts it and she doesn't feel sorry anymore.

"And tonight Lora will be here, right, fighter Hunter?" Jeremy asks playfully and we all focus on Hunt, who turns red like a tomato and smiles brightly.

About this... You understood correctly. Lora will be here tonight and we can't wait to meet her. Hunter behaves like a lost puppy, drunk from love, and I am happy about him, since Lora had to come here with him long time ago.

"I still find it crazy, guys! We are so lucky... Look at us!" Emily says touched and Parker gives her a short kiss, making Ellie giggle with him.

This girl never stops 'commending' in her unique way any romantic thing she sees and it's obvious that she won't stop for the rest of her life. She likes playing with us and making us feel awkwardly, but it's fine, that's why we love her so much.

"Emily is right, we are extremely lucky. Not even in my craziest dreams I would imagine all these. I found my mate, a new home, amazing friends, a united family..." it's Susan's turn to say and I stiffen honored when all the pairs of eyes land on me, but I make eye contact with Alice, who is calmer than ever, like she is in heaven.

"And all these thanks to Daniel and Diana. You, guys... You are something else, seriously. What you did for us can't be explained with words, you hugged us all." She states and everyone nods with Preston being the very first.

I guess that I overcame myself as for him, but I'm glad I did it. He shot me, instead of Aiden, but it was worthy, because he and Stacy met and decided to stay here with us and Albert said that he won't leave too. There is always place for one great doctor here and I'm sure that Robert (I don't have to mention Nikki) will be enthusiastic about it.

"This is why we won't fail you." He says determined and I open my mouth to reply to him, but then...


I smell... THEM!

"This means that you will become the best and toughest interrogator ever, you fucking devil! I'll make sure about it! You are born to scatter chaos, the prisoners will be terrified of you and this is cool!" he screams the next second, before any of us reacts, the living room's door opens and they make their appearance.

I jump up instantly and many cries of surprise fill the room with life and bliss. Ellie storms to them and most specifically to her, and too soon everyone is standing and many walk to them, who are smiling hugged.

I become so overwhelmed as I obverse them again together after this nightmare that my eyes begin to smart. I want to cry for them and the happiness I see. They glow and it was about time for them to have their official happy ending.

Nikki and Landon (oh, and the baby, my first godchild)!

"Look who decided to wake up!" Parker yells as Ellie reaches the guys and falls over Nikki, cheering and crying at the same time.

"If you do this again, I'll... I lost half of my life for the two of you!" she shouts relieved and Nikki hugs her back laughing.

Not even three seconds later and we are all gathered around them. Alice, Peyton and Andrea join Nikki and Ellie's hug and then Jeremy taps Landon's back, who can't hide how touched he is. I think he was crying before, I know it when he does, but now watching him smiling like this with no shadow I think that they...

"SHIT! WHAT. IS. THIS?" Albert shouts shocked, pointing Nikki's right hand and I smirk immediately when I see it by myself.

The ring, he proposed to her and she accepted!

"WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Landon shouts in the most innocent yet childish way and the cheering begins again after a short moment of deep silence.

"We can get married together! It will be awesome, Nikki!" Ellie exclaims ecstatic and Jeremy shakes his head in encouragement.

Mm... Two Betas getting married at the same time? It rocks, Ellie's idea is cool as long as these two don't kill each other and I'm talking about the two boys, my insane brothers!

"Are you for real? Seriously?" Peyton asks, unable of believing it, and Nikki nods quickly.

"He told me that I will be free to punish him for anything I want to... It was extremely tempting and I couldn't say no..." she states, giving Landon a devilish look, making all of us laugh.

I found my partner in crime. Landon, you are done, my dear friend.

"And I guess that in this way he will punish you for running away like a thief!" Hunter murmurs with his eyebrows narrowed like he is scolding her and she smiles nervously in absolute acceptance.

I mean... She could come and tell me, I would kill him for her, but then she wouldn't save Mila. It was her fate to find her and it happened for a reason, so we have to respect it.

"I'm really sorry, guys. I know you freaked out and I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me. Landon told me everything with details. I owe you and love you like crazy. I'm blessed for having you, and..." she says and pauses, stopping her gaze on me.

Devon closes his eye to me, already aware of Nikki's intentions and I open my arms for her. It's my turn for a hug after all, as most of the others hugged her (even the boys while we are speaking).

You can't imagine what it means to me to see her back home where she always belonged to, on her feet, healthy, strong and happy. Of course I know that I have to make a serious and private discussion with her about the things I found out, because I want to be completely honest with her, but this can wait. My opinion for Nikki will never change just because of a well hidden past secret.

"Daniel, thank you for trusting me! You gave me courage." She whispers as she gets buried in my embrace and I kiss her cheek.

"You don't have to thank me. You have my faith and trust from the beginning. I knew you would make it and I want to congratulate you for everything. I am here for you." I mutter softly to her and she pulls back touched.

"And Diana? Mila? Is she still sleeping?" she asks me worried and I shake my head positively, but this time I'm optimistic and not concerned.

Mila will live, we won't lose her and the only thing we have to do is be patient for a while.

"Diana is with Aiden and Vi. I came a while ago to check on the guys and I'll go back again, but Diana and the others don't want to live Mila, you know. They want to be there when she opens her eyes again. You mustn't worry about her though, we expect her to wake up from moment to moment thanks to Albert. He did a fantastic job with her and Aiden helped with his blood. He knows now..." I explain and the others pass by us and start walking back to the couches.

Only Landon stops next to Nikki and we give each other a mini hug. We stare into each other's eyes and read everything we would like to say with words.

He had to fight a lot for Nikki before she says yes to him and his proposal while I... Well, I...

Let's just say that he (and Jeremy) aren't the only, who will get married with their mates. Diana and I haven't talked about details yet, because our first priority is Mila, but once we get sure that she is alright, we will for sure.

The only thing we agreed about is that we won't say to anyone about it and about our plans for her coronation, at least for now. We want to announce the news together and in front of all of our family.

"She is a great woman, Daniel. I bet that Aiden and Diana got crashed, huh? The truth was unbearable for me, so I can imagine how they felt." She says nervously and Landon sighs heavily and bites his lower lip.

"Yeah... It was a strong slap, no, sorry! It was a punch, especially for Aiden." He murmurs and I run my left hand through my hair, recalling again that difficult moments when uncle Robert calls me through our private link.

"Uncle?" I call out, holding my breath in agony and Devon moves impatiently, growling anxiously.

"Daniel, you have to come to the hospital right now!" he says in hurry with a dose of dread and my knees get weak unconsciously.

It's about Mila!

Please tell me that nothing bad happened again. Her condition was too stable and he assured me that we would have no complications.

"Why, uncle? Is Diana alright? Did anything happen to Mila?"

"She is waking up!"


Hello, my friends, and welcome to the chapter 62!

This chapter symbolizes a brand new beginning or even the continuation of life after the storm. We saw many point of views, but we are going to see more in the next chapters. 

The book is too close to its end, but I can't say for sure the exact number of the rest chapters, so please forgive me about it. All I want to promise you is that I will do my best to give you stronger chapters. The book, our heroes and you deserve it. You loved it and I want to give to all of us a great finale!

I hope you liked this chapter, so please, let me know your opinion and thoughts.

How do feel about this chapter? What do you think about Diana and the information she gave us about everything and everyone? How do you feel about Daniel and his sweet informal proposal to her, did you scream like I did? And what about Jonathan talking with Victoria about Gideon? Will they change his mind about Mila? Also, how do you feel about Jonathan thoughts as for Mason's last words? is he right for being anxious? And what about our crazy-father, Landon, did you laugh at him? What do you think about his discussion with Nikki and the way he proposed?And now, how do you feel about the last quite long scene with Daniel and the guys? Are you excited for everyone? Will we have more than one wedding in a day? How is Mila going to react when she wakes up? What is going to happen next?

As always at this point I would like to thank you very much for your love, support, commends and impatience in order to read the chapters! Also the book has reached about 162.500 views and I don't know what to say, I am at least grateful. I am trying my best so continue showing me how much you want more and:

1) Vote,

2) Commend and tell me your opinions and thoughts, or

3) Share the story.

This is it for this time, see you again in the next chapter. Be safe and happy until next time!

I love you all,


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