The Downtown Reapers

By Keryzule

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When worlds collide there is always war because everybody fears that which they don't understand. When two li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

86 1 0
By Keryzule

Beth and Jenny were headed to Jasons office since he called for them by name. Beth had a calm face while Jenny had a large grin due to her excitement for the show happening the next day. Behind Beths calm face was worry along with over a hundred thoughts going through her head a second, things were going too well, too smoothly that even the shoot out at Juniors club seemed like a slight inconvenience. When they got to Jasons office Beth decided she was going to bring up her concerns with him.

Jason: Girls, I have a job for you two. I need you to watch over someone tomorrow night.

Jenny: What?! I cant thats-

Jason: Youll be protecting Ashton Blaine at the show. His manager gave this backstage pass to you.

Beth: Ok. So why us? Normally they want Atlas robots or ninjas or something. Not plain humans.

Jason: He said something about us being the best option. Had a hard time hearing over the green you about to bring in. Besides, I think shades over here is more than happy to do the job.

Beth turned to see Jenny smiling at the backstage pass, even slightly drooling. She turned back to Jason with a looking signaling the is private information she wants to share.

Jason: Hey Jen, you go and find something to wear for Ashton since I need to talk to B about some stuff real quick. You cool with that?

Jenny: What to wear?.. Shit youre right! What will he think if I went there lookin like a hobo? I gotta wash up too, damnit!

She rushed out of the room without saying goodbye to her friend.

Jason: Excitable as ever, to be young again. Now Beth, whats on your mind?

Beth: Ill probably sound paranoid but things have been going too smoothly, things like what we have normally dont last this long and I think something might be coming or might happen.

Jason: I see. Thats crazy and youre just paranoid. Is what Id say if I didnt learn from my own failures. You know, I had a similar moment with another kid a few years back. Stubborn, reckless, kid had the stickiet fingers.. had me checking for my wallet every five minutes. But he always trusted his gut, I should have trusted it too.

Beth: What happened?

Jason: Dont know. All I do know is that he was right. We were rising in the ranks with smooth sailing.. then the other gangs stopped fighting and jumped our asses, felt like we were that skinny high school kid being sat on by the fat bully. Then you two came along. So Im trusting you two, whatevers coming our way lets be ready this time. Ill handle things from here. Oh and be careful out there, wouldnt wanna hit your new fans while driving now do you?

Beth: Fans? Fuck you mean old man?

Jason: Youll see. Just watch out for people acting excited to see you while wearing our colors. Smile and wave a lil bit. Go meet Yin, kids got something for you for your job.

Beth: Does it have something to do with why I didnt get a pass?

Jason: I know you arent the biggest fan of his music, now shoo. I got plans to figure out.

Shaking her head Beth got up and headed outside to walk around the hideout, looking around at the improvements around the place. The first obvious change was the amount of green around the area which everyone believes Celias presence caused and lead to nobody questioning how she managed to get the weed to grow so fast, grow so much and be so potent. The next was the walls and smell of the area as it used to have a smell that was a mixture of smoke, oil, fish and shit but now smells like clean air while the walls used to have rust and broken parts but thanks to the money they were pulling in they could finally fix the place up. The new buildings were a welcomed sight like the greenhouse thats ever expanding to house pot plants and as of recently shrooms and other hallucinogenic plants, the blacksmith that provides use with our weaponry, a hut surrounded by tents homing the now humble ex-leader of the white fang and the people that follow him, or as other call them, the best drug makers around. Things are going well and getting better thanks to Celias edibles we started selling.

Jimmy: Ay B! Wazzuuuup!

Beth: Hey Jim, whos that?

Beth was talking about the faunus girl with a fox tail that was clinging onto him.

Jimmy: Oh this is Clarisa, met her while getting fucked up.

Clarisa: Up wasnt the only fucked he was.

Jimmy: Shhh dont let granma hear you, shell go nuts.

Beth: Thats cute. Shit! Im supposed to meet Yin, later pothead, potheads girlfriend.

Beth ran off as the new couple waved her off eventually making her way to the blacksmith thankful to hear the loud clang of metal as she entered but less thankful of of the smiths attitude.

Yin: Youre late. Be on time next time.

Beth: You sound like not only my parents bu the teachers from unitian speaking of. What do you think Ozpin wanted with you?

Yin: Powerful weapons. Like I said we. Met before. Dick hole tried to win me over with joining what was beacon before the collision of our respective universes.

Beth: Dick hole?

Yin: Ass hole is used to often. Plus hes a dick. Anyway I planned on saying no but didnt have to, I could tell what he was planning. He wanted me under surveillance and to make weapon after weapon with no pay and probably no breaks since I brought up breaks and he acted like I said nothing.

Beth: Damn, he really is a dick hole.

Yin: Anyway come here.

As Beth moved to the counter Yin turned around and picked up a high caliber sniper rifle, semi automatic for faster fire rate which he put on the counter.

Yin: A sniper rifle of my own design, if it ends up getting found by unitian or someone close to them like the Heroes then they wont be able to trace it back to you or even me since this is one of a kind.

Beth: Ok.. whats it for exactly?

Yin: Jason didnt tell you?

Beth: Nope.

Yin: So he left the explanation to me basically.. damn him. Whatever. Basically Ashtons manager is worried about other gangs trying to kidnap him for ransom, Jen will keep him safe while being closer to him and her obvious urge to protect him will make her a force to be feared while you stay on a nearby building with the sniper rifle and take out anyone that tries to touch him. These bullets are special thanks to a source of mine managing to get me an ancient mine that has metal that completely ignores aura, quirk effects, etc. In short-

Beth: Aim for the head?

Yin: Bingo. Now

Yin turned away again to grab a box and some other things before putting them on the table.

Yin: A strap to carry the rifle, the bullets, a stand to keep the rifle level, silencer, custom made of coarse, extra scope and finally special bullets for any of those tougher enemies. These are explosive bullets, incendiary bullets and electric bullets incase you wanna just add insult to injury or fry some kind of system.. What are you still doing here?

Beth: Huh?

Yin: Go practice. Dumbass.

Completely ignoring her presence now Yin went back to his metal work leaving Beth to stand there for a minute before taking the gun and box of extra stuff to go practice her shots leading her to realize shes not as good a shot compared to when she uses her pistols. After a few minutes of practice she was interrupted by Jenny looking a bit red all over who slowed down her walking as she saw Beths makeshift shooting range which consisted of a few empty cans and bottles with bullet holes behind the objects and none of them were hit.

Jenny: Holy shit woman, howd you miss so much?

Beth: Holy shit woman, can you get any redder?

Jenny: Fuck you bitch. I was really excited and ended up scrubbing myself raw. I should be fine by tomorrow.

Beth: You better hope so or theyll get some other chick to get nice and close to Ashton.

Jenny: Aye that aint funny B What are you doing anyway? Whered you get the rifle?

Beth: Yin. Long story short youre looking after Ashton closely while I watch over him from a distance. Good for you cause itll be just you and him alone and good for me cause I can listen to music I actually like.

Jenny: Dont be a hater B.. Need any help with the aiming?

Beth: Depends, know how to perfectly aim a sniper rifle?

Jenny: Thats a no bro.

Beth: Guess Ill get back to it. Oh before you go check these bullets out. Yin said they totally ignore auras and quirks and shit.

Jenny: No jokes? That shits fucking useful. Damn, I just remembered.

Jenny suddenly reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone before messing around on it for a minute then showing Beth the screen showing pictures of humans and some alphas wearing reaper colors, all with a caption somewhere saying #Reaped. After seeing the pictures Beth put the rifle down and looked Jenny in the eye.

Beth: What did you do?

Jenny: I didn do nothin! I was walking to get a beer and saw a bunch of people wearing our colors and taking pictures and when I asked whats going on they went nuts and started asking for autographs and pictures and shit. A couple guys tried getting handsy.

Beth: Damn perverts.

Jenny: A couple girls straight up grabbed my ass.

Beth: I repeat, damn perverts. Wait I think Jason mentioned us having fans.

Jenny: Fans? but were gangsters.

Beth: Weird right? Guess he was serious though since well, yeah. So, you plan on confessing to your angel?

Jenny: Right thats why Im here.

Beth: Wait what?

Jenny: Yeah, I want your advice on flirting.

Beth: I dont flirt.

Jenny: Not on purpose. Youre one of those people that flirt by accident and stay completely unaware that you got someone to fall for you. Why do you think so many restaurants love having you over?

Beth: Wha-.. Why didnt you say anything?!

Jenny: It was funny. Duh. Now come on, gimme something to use.

Beth: I dont fucking know. Look were gangsters, we get shot at on a daily basis, we aint got time for love anyway.

Jenny: Not with that attitude.

Beth: Fuck it! Go ask Granma Celia for love advice or Jimmy since he got a girl.

Jenny: Damn hoe, chill. You good?

Beth: Not really, shits been getting tougher than regular grunt work. We were just pimping hoes, shooting rival gangs and deal drugs. Now we gotta bodyguard an A-list celeb, this aint a hideout anymore its a base of operations and Its stressing me the fuck out.

Jenny: Now that you mentioned it this shit has been getting serious. But think about this, thanks to us the gangs headed to the top and even further. Hey how about this, we take the night off since we been working so hard lately? Get some food and drinks and watch tv?

Beth: ..Fuck it, why not? Better than ripping my hair out cause I cant aim a gun.

Jenny: Well there we go. Lets go its getting dark.

Beth: Yeah, yeah lemme grab my shit.

With their too long conversation over with Beth grabbed her things and they headed to their room while grabbing things for the night on their way to the room and changing into their sleep clothes. Sitting down to watch random garbage shows and movies they started having a good time even when the news interrupted them.

News: This is Jane light with tonights broadcast. Willow Schnee has been put under house arrest after reports of child abuse from an unknown source made its way to the alpha leaders ears. She claims these serious allegations are false and she best hope they find it to be the case, on a more public note, is your child admiring gangbangers? A recent trend online shows hashtag Reaped is trending in relation to the now notorious gang The Reapers previously known as The Runners.

That last bit of news got the two girls excited while nudging each other.

Jane: This is a trend where young and impressionable minds put on the colors of the gang and take pictures in support of the gang, occasionally a gang member would pose for a picture and things get worse from there. There have been other hashtags and colors in association to other gangs like the shanks where young people wear their colors and caption hashtag Shanked and due to the actual gangs being enemies this has caused many fights between fans where many have been seriously injured. We tried interviewing actual members but it seems they are completely unaware of what is going on. For our final story the Curious has returned after a hiatus of the master thiefs burglaries. Except she never left, she just became sneakier and stole more personal items like the late Summer Roses weapon, the Blade of Raven Branwen who had it returned with a note she wishes not to discuss, a statue from the Hanzo house and.. an unnamed item from Almight who was distraught from the items disappearance according to some. And lastly a message from the new police chief, Miss Crest.

The screen suddenly went fuzzy for a few seconds before a light skinned woman with a scowl appeared standing behind a podium.

Miss Crest: As of this moment my officers will be going through training again since their doughnut breaks have gotten most of them out of shape, re-education to get them in the proper mood when dealing with work and finally, since we arent owned by the alphas we will be taking in anyone caught breaking the law, even you heroes. We will also be watching out for gang activity to make the streets everywhere safer. That is all.

Ignoring all the reporters begging to get their questions answered she walked off screen which again turned fuzzy and Jane was shown once more looking shocked.

Jane: I well you heard it here folks, looks like Miss Crest plans to clean up the town, maybe even the world. This concludes tonight broadcast. Goodnight everyone and be safe out there.

Once the news concluded the girls started talking about ways they could use this against the alphas before finally falling asleep after some snacking and movie watching to get ready for the next day which came faster than expected. While Jenny ran around grabbing clothes and any weapons she can hide she took another quick wash and even put on some makeup while Beth groggily stumbled to get a mug of coffee and gather her senses, after half an hour of trying to get into focus she managed to wash up, change and get a quick meal in before grabbing her equipment and head outside with Jenny. Unfortunately they had to split up with Jenny heading through the tunnel to a limo to pick up her target, Ashton while Beth got into a helicopter that is being borrowed to them by Ashtons manager to keep a better eye on him since Jason mentioned the possible violence to come. Jenny was having an inner panic attack due to her being sat right next to her long time crush who luckily did not recognize her while on the other hand Beth was relaxing in the helicopter talking to the pilot who was calm and shared her dislike for Ashtons music with no hostility to the young man.

Pilot: Dont get me wrong hes a good kid but my daughter just wont stop playing his songs. It gets tiring after a while ya know?

Beth: Tell me about it, Jen just wont quit playing it. Hey you ok with me bringing a gun up?

Pilot: You wouldnt be the first. So..

Beth: . What?

Pilot: Downtown Reapers, whats that like?

Beth: Looking to join?

Pilot: Kind of. Looking to. Trade, I guess you could say. See me and my ex are separated but the courts decided to shaft me so I get custody but I aint getting no child support. Dont get me wrong I love my lil pumpkin to pieces but moneys a lil tight and the bitch has more money than she knows what to do with it. She visits restaurants in the alpha district for fuck sake.

Beth: I think I see where this is going. You want me to make her pay child support right?

Pilot: That bitch? Nah, I want you to bust her up and take her shit cards included and kill the judge that decided to fuck my life up. I got a guy thats waitin to take his place. In exchange Ill give yall a ride in the chopper whenever yall need. Hows that sound?

Beth: What if you cant make it?

Pilot: I got guys that owe me favors that can pilot too. Well were here so take your time to think about it, no rush. Im gonna order some pizza.

Beth: Alright, Ill be right here.

Beth sat at the edge of the apartment building roof watching the club as the longest line shes ever seen appeared and then crowded around the limo Ashton was obviously in ten minutes later. Beth cringed seeing the crowd act like rabid animals trying to break into the car just to touch the boys hair but smiled when Ashton got out and Jenny had to break a few faces when some people got too close for comfort. They managed to get inside rather safely and from the light screaming Beth could hear she could tell the concert started and decided to do a quick look around for any gang members, arrogant alphas, anything that would cause issues but luckily nothing like that was seen yet. An hour passed until Beth needed a break and was suddenly met with a slice of pizza from the pilot which she gladly took before sitting next to the man.

Beth: Hey I dont mean to be nosey or some shit but. What happened between you and the witch?

Pilot: You wanna know why Im divorced?

With a mouth full of pizza Beth only nodded as the man sighed before telling the story of his passed.

Pilot: Well.. things started out great. Hugs and kisses, stupid sappy love shit, sex was fine. I felt like I was on top of the world cause I thought I had what a lot of guys want, that perfect painted family life Until my neighbor took me to the side and showed me shes been fucking around with alphas. Shit fucked me up, lady showed my daughter before me which explains why she started hating the old bitch.

Beth: Holy shit man, thats..

Pilot: Its fine kid. Anyway with that being said you would think I took her to court and told them what happened right? No, she took me to court accusing me of domestic violence! I didnt touch her but what saved me was my sweet lil angel looking her in the eyes after being brought as a witness and said that not only is it a lie but that Mommy like to sniff a weird white powder with a friend she wrestles with the look on everyone's face. But even that wasnt enough to get em some damn alimony.

Beth: By the sounds of things she didnt have much but you mention her being rich.

Pilot: She wasnt when she met me, I got a few jobs and helped her get a good degree. Shoulda knew shed change..

Beth: Sorry man What you say her name was again?

Pilot: Anna. Anna Hears. Damnit Ah shit.

Beth: What?

Pilot: Like I said, shit. Ill be right back.

He got up and went through a door into the building in search for obviously a toilet. Shaking her head at his leave she went back to looking over the scene and again everything seemed fine even when she heard footsteps head to her but stop away from her.

Beth: Look youre a good guy and all but dont be creepy, ok?

???: Me? Creepy? Never.

Hearing the much higher voice that she knew was not her pilot friend she spun around and aimed her rifle at. Nothing. Was she going crazy? Maybe she was staring at the same building too long? The cold? Not killing anyone in a long time? Or was she just going insane?

???: Up here darling.

Looking up she saw a darker version of her but not a mystical type of copy, merely a reflection in what looks like some sort of futuristic bike helmet with cat ears. Grabbing her pistols she rolled away from the person and aimed again at nothing. Beth now on guard began looking around aiming her pistols every which way until they landed on the figure sitting in the passenger section of the helicopter. She took in the feminine appearance of the guest and felt a familiarity with her. As if realizing Beth was a little too focused on her thoughts to shoot at her the figure waved catching Beths attention.

???: You good there hun? Need some.. pizza?

Hearing the name of the food she and her friend at earlier she focused back on aiming her weapon at the figure until she realized who the woman is.

Beth: The curious.

Curious: Yes, yes. Tis I, the curious. And you are Beth, a very.. strong young woman.

Beth: Yeah. What do you want?

Curious: Why its in the name. Im just. Curious.

Beth: Yeah? Me too, curious as to why I shouldnt put a bullet in your skull right now.

Curious: Go ahead and try You know.. If you can actually hit me with that clunky thing.

Beth: You were watching me practice, werent you?

Curious: Well that. And because your fingers not on the trigger.

The two began circling each other, the feline out of entertainment and the thug out of distrust.

Curious: I know why youre here.. and youre right.

Beth: What?

Curious: Oh come now sweetie, you must have noticed that guy with scars right? Scars from as far back as that time you had a brawl in Juniors club?

Beth: How do you.. what do you want? Ashton?

Curious: No no I dont deal in transporting people, too much of a hassle, especially when they move so much slower than I walk. Honestly. You leave me curious. Especially after seeing the way you acted at that little shop against a group of unitian students.

Beth: How long have you been watching me?

Curious: Started around that time. I saw your. Show by accident and have been more and more curious. From what I learned you were a unitian student and got kicked out over lies, you got into gang culture and joined the under dogs along with your sister in all but blood, after that youve had a big hand in building up the gang to the point of fame. Well, infamy anyway. How can I not be curious with someone like you?

Beth: Fucking creep. Well what do you want?

Curious: To watch this play out fairly. Ive seen a weapon like that before and I have to tell you youre holding it in so many shades of wrong. Firstly the kick from it will be strong as Im sure your bruised shoulder let you know.

Beth: .. Are you seriously teaching me how to shoot while Im aiming my gun at you?

Curious: In short yes. After all, youre going to need to be a good shot soon.

Beth: What? Why?

Curious: Old scar face from earlier, hes not your friend. Neither are his friends. Go see for yourself.

Beth couldnt be sure but it felt like curious was smirking in certainty so decided to check through the scope of the sniper rifle looking for the scarred man. After eight minutes she managed to spot him in the crowd and he seemed calm, too calm almost like he wasnt there for the concert but like hes waiting for something or more accurately someone as she noticed black cars with brown colours in spots drive up as a bunch of people who were wearing black and brown got out with weapons causing chaos.

Beth: Shit!

She aimed the rifle at them only to find her aim to be unsteady until the cross-airs stayed on target all of a sudden. Looking passed the sight she saw the cause, the curious was pushing the barrel down so the bipod was on the edge of the roof keeping it still.

Curious: Theres a bipod for a reason. To not use it is pointless. Hold the stock to your shoulder, lean in as you fire and breath slow... and calm your heart. Take a deep breath and.

Following the curious instructions she aimed at a Rottweiler members head and fired, missing the target but hitting her friend in the heart but still a lot closer than what she managed before. Getting excited at this Beth turned to the curious only to find shes not there and in her place is a cat doll with a cheeky smile.

Beth: We might be having a new recruit soon.. but for now, back to work.

She took aim once more and began emptying her clip into the enemy gang and when she finished the pilot came back from where ever he was.

Pilot: The fuck did I miss?! Cant take a shit in peace for two minutes.

Beth: Rottweilers! Get the engine running we might need to get some air.

Pilot: Aye, aye captain.

The pilot got into his seat and started flipping switches causing the engine to slowly start while Beth was taking heads, torsos and whatever else her bullets would hit. After a few minutes though she had to get her eye away from the sight when she got a call from Jen saying she and Ashton were heading out of the club to drive away from the rival gang and need cover. After getting the information she saw Jenny and Ashton quickly trying to sneak to a red and black car parked a few feet away from the club which they got into making Beth turn to the pilot as she ran into the seating area of the helicopter.

Beth: The red and black car, stay on its tail.

Pilot: They hells going on?

Beth: Our merchandise is in that care, I need to protect it and you need to keep me close to do that.

Pilot: Roger, Roger.

The helicopter began moving upwards and soon tilted in the direction of Jenny and Ashton as they gave chase to the car managing to easily catch up with them as well as the Rottweilers chasing them. Due to all the moving Jenny couldnt focus on one of them so all of them were out of the window leading her to take her back up plan. A rocket launcher courtesy of Junior himself. Beth propped the large damage dealer on her shoulder and took aim in the enemies general direction before firing at them one after another all while Pilot was weaving between buildings and such.

Pilot: Wait a fuckin minute.. is that?. It is!

Beth: What are you going on about?

Pilot: The lawyer asshole! In that tiny ass black car. Do you have enough rockets for to take him out?

Beth: Theres two more cars and I only have two rockets left.

Pilot: Fuck! Damnit we have a job to do anyway, no worries kid..

Beth loaded her next rocket but hesitated, thinking about how bad the pilots situation really could be remembering the recent stories about guys going to jail cause an ex demanded more than he could make in a year. She focused on the car, aimed and fired the rocket causing an explosion that knocked back and even hurt random people near the car but what caused people to scream the most was the flaming corpse of a lawyer that flew in the air and crumbled like crushed paper when it hit a wall with a wet crunch before landing on the pavement with a sickening plop.

Pilot: . FUCK YEAH! Nice shooting kid!

Beth: Lets not celebrate just yet old man.

Taking aim at the two cars she saw they were closing in on Jen and Ashton as they were nearing a bridge so with no time to really plan she shot between the cars and hit her mark causing the rival gang members to separate and crash into the bridge walls leaving one survivor who limped out and started shooting at the car that was too far to aim properly at. The man who was shooting ran out of bullets and threw his gun in a rage before being tackled by an armored police officer to the ground who beat the man till he passed out all while Beth and the pilot watched it happen as well as the officer drag the man away. Beth turned to the pilot who shrugged and continued flying after Jenny and Ashton who managed to get back to the hideout before the car fell apart much like the first time they came back in a car. The pilot landed next to them and turned the helicopter off before Beth and the pilot got off.

Jenny: My nigga, nice shooting up there.

Beth: Thank you, thank you please no need to give a standing ovation.. seriously though if all that didnt get you a kiss from Ashton then that wasnt all that worth it.

Jenny: Fuck.. about that. Get your ass out here!

The passenger car door opened and out came Ashton except it wasnt, this was a look alike and he seemed scared.

Beth: .. Explain, now.

Jenny: Apparently our friend here is a decoy. While he lead the Rottweilers around like bait the real Ashton got away with bodyguards that were in the crowd..

Beth: Damn. You must feel so stupid right now.

Jenny: Fuck you bitch! This shit aint funny!

Beth: Hahaha

Pilot: Huh. In the end theyre still just teenagers. Dangerous teenagers but teenagers.

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