Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

199K 6.8K 5.5K

NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 44

933 36 44
By Glitter_Crazy

A/N. Let's all pretend that whatever music I make Eimi sing/make is all hers, okay? I give full credit to all the amazing artists who rightfully own these songs but I want Eimi to use them because it can help to explain her character a bit more and her insight on things that happen to her. Hope you enjoy the songs I choose for Eimi to sing! And sorry for the long-ass wait for this chapter, I kinda fell into a deep hole of the scenarios book I have started, so go please check it out if you want fun little chapters and maybe characters pasts!

Eimi's POV

It was the night before we were to leave for the summer training camp and I was sitting in Kami's room. Auntie said that I should clean up the house a bit for when Gramma and Kami were to get back as to surprise them. The last room to clean up was Kami's, which led to why I was sitting in his room.

"I finished a little earlier than I expected." I mumbled as I looked around at Kami's room. I dusted the keyboard piano as well as the guitars, other than that there wasn't much to do in here. Luckily I brought my notebook with me in case I had some time to work on my music.

I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the last page I was working on. I read the words I had written down earlier in the week and I was pretty happy with them, all I needed to do was work on the music part. Like I said earlier, this song that I've written so far seems like it would match well with piano, so that's what I'm going to do.

I looked down at the keyboard in front of me and turned it on. I let my hands trail over the keys and I shut my eyes. I let the flow of the moment take over me and found my fingers pressing keys in a nice mellow manner. I played the beginning a bit before I started singing the words I wrote down.

"There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go, and no place to call home..."

After I sang all the words and wrote down the keys that I used, I decided I would actually use the artist account that Kami and I made for me when I was younger. Music was one of the only things that kept me going throughout my childhood and through middle school. We made the account so that I could listen to all sorts of music via the app, but we never actually made anything. Well, that was until I started getting interested in the art of making music when I was in the 5th grade.

Kami taught me how to play guitar as well as the piano, which led to us making all sorts of goofy songs together. Though we never did record them and put them out to the world. I opened my phone and quickly checked to see if I still had the app. I smiled when I found it and quickly opened the app to see all the music I listened to and still do. (A/N. Let's pretend you don't have to pay like 2000 dollars to put music onto Spotify and whatever other music platforms people use, and no. We ain't using fucking Soundcloud, that shit dumb.)

Kami's room was well insulated by all the foam boards he had on his walls so it was a pretty good recording studio. We had a pretty good mic and everything in here. Like boom arms, headphones, a desktop computer with editing software and so much more. I hooked up the keyboard to the computer and pressed record on it before I carefully played the chords. After that was done, I replayed it over on the computer to make sure it sounded good before I began to record the lyrics.

I made sure everything around me was set up and that the microphone was on and connected to the headphones. I pressed record and quickly put the headphones on. I then clicked play on the piano recording and waited for my place to come in. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

I took the headphones off and sighed before sitting down at the computer. I listened to the recording and tweaked what needed to be tweaked, like slowing down the piano or re-singing some parts that sounded bad before I saved and downloaded the song. I titled it 'Lost Boy' and downloaded it to Spotify and other music apps.

I don't want anybody connecting me to my music so I made my Artist name something super unrelated to my quirk so I wouldn't be found out, unlike my hero name. I went by the name Stardust. My quirk didn't have anything to do with stars or dust so it was perfect! It also sounds cool as fuck soooo.

The cover for the song was simple but connected to the song nicely. It was a picture of the moon with a small outline of Tinkerbell in it. (Not the real cover just what it would be for Eimi's sake) Ever since I got to UA and met Shoto and reconnected with Katsuki, I felt like my life has earned actual meaning to it. I've gained a new perspective on things and have actually met my father. Who is not who I expected but makes a lot of sense as to why. He's not the best person in the world, but there is potential there.

He's kinda like the Captin Hook in the song while Shoto is like Peter Pan. Someone who has lifted me up and out into the real world and someone that cares. I know my family cares for me like my Gramma and cousin, but I grew up with them so it's different. It also feels nice to have friends again. I missed that feeling, and it's even better that my first and only friend is my friend again!

Though I think I might be thinking of him as more of a friend now... but I'm not going to focus on it too much right now! Now it's time for training. 

I looked at the time and gasped.

"8:45! I missed dinner and I still need to pack!" I yelled while running out of the room. I made sure to turn all the lights off in the house before I ran out the door and locked it. I didn't bother even running out the gate since I jumped the gate that separated the front yards. I opened the door and ran straight into someone and we both fell down.

I lifted my head off their chest and saw it was Katsuki. He stared blankly at me before he sat up and pushed me off of him. He looked away while putting his hand to his mouth which caused me to tilt my head.

"The hag wanted me to get you since it was late. Dinner's on the table, I'm going to bed." He mumbled before quickly getting up and running away. I sat there in shock at what just happened. He seemed different. I thought but quickly shook it off as I headed to the dining room.

"Sorry, I lost track of time." I apologized as I sat in my seat. Auntie and Uncle smiled at me.

"That's quite alright. We waited to eat with you but Katsuki has his 'strict sleep schedule' so he ate when it was done." Uncle sighed.

"Damn brat. It's good he's so strict with his life but at the same time he leaves all other forms of connection behind." 

I laughed at Auntie's words before digging into the food.

"It's really good! Thank you, Auntie!" I exclaimed before piling some more food onto my fork. After dinner, I was sent up to my room to pack and then go to bed for the busy day ahead of me.

~The Next Day~

"Seats are in alphabetical order so remember who you're sitting beside!" Tenya yelled over us as we made our way onto the bus. I didn't have to worry about who I was sitting beside since it was just going to be Shoto anyways. When we walked down the bus aisle and found our seats I quickly pulled on Shoto's arm. He looked back at me while I spoke.

"Could I have the window seat, pleaseeee!" I begged and he smiled slightly before patting my head.

"Of course." He said in a sweet voice and I smiled before quickly giving him a hug then sitting down in my nice window seat. The rest of the class got settled in their seats and Dadzawa gave the good to go so we started on our way.

~Time skip to get to the good shit~

I melted into the hot spring and sighed. Today was way more hectic than I thought it was going to be. First off, we were flung off a cliff and into a forest which we then had to make through all the way to the camp. And second, the forest was filled with earth monsters! It was absolute hell but we made it through, though barely. Luckily dinner was made for us, though it was actually supposed to be our lunch. We then were told to all come to this hot spring to relax before the actual training began.

"Ahhhh! This feels so good." Ura said while sitting in the water with a towel on. I looked down at my body to see a lack of a towel. Eh, we're all girls anyways so it's fine. Mina then barged out of the building stark naked and almost dived into the water if it weren't for Tsu stopping her. Just as she was about to hit the water, Tsu's tongue wrapped around her waist and held her above the hot spring.

"You can't dive into a hot spring, Mina." Kyoka said while walking up behind Momo who was beside Tsu.

"Please don't do that again, I wouldn't want to see you get hurt." Momo said softly before Tsu put her down in the water. Mina sighed before melting into the water.

"I just wanted to have some fun..." She mumbled into the water which caused bubbles to arise in her face. I patted the spot beside me and Mina looked over. She quickly took up on my offer and swam over to my side.

"Wasn't the food super good!" She asked me and I nodded before someone interrupted us. We turned our heads to see nothing. Which I then realized we were supposed to be looking at Toru.

"Ah! Sorry, Toru!" I blurted out while bowing my head.

"No, it's completely fine! I was just wanting to join the conversation is all."

I could tell that she was smiling and started to talk about our day. Mina moved to a spot on the rocks and Tsu came and sat beside me.

"You know, Eimi. I've been wondering. How come All Might always calls you and Midoriya out to talk?"

"Ah, oh, about that--" I was cut off by some yelling coming from the boy's side of the wall.

"Get down from there! This is unacceptable for hero's in training." Tenya's voice rang out from the other side of the wall. I looked at Ura before gently swimming over to the edge of the pool that was the closest to the wall. I wanted to hear what was going on better.

Right as we heard a bunch of the guys start to yell at what we assumed was Mineta, the little boy from earlier popped up from the top of the wall and whacked Mineta away.

"Thanks, Kota-babe!" Mina called out from her spot on the rock which caused the poor boy to look over at us. He flushed a bright red as Mina had no shame or modesty before he swayed back and disappeared over the edge.

"Kota!" I yelped before I found myself making an ice ramp out of the water.

Quick Katsuki's POV

The brat from earlier fell off the top of the wall after looking the other way. I could have caught him but that damned nerd jumped out and quickly caught him before he hit the ground. He seemed to be out cold, and I couldn't blame him, he got surprised and I bet he's not used to falling off of tall heights like we are.

Just as I was about to look away and actually sit down in the water, someone's head popped over the side.

"Please tell me someone caught him!" Eimi's voice worriedly called out as her hair waved around and hit her lightly in the face.

"Midoriya caught him." The half and half bastard said super calmly while looking up at her. I saw her face visibly relax and she held her forehead slightly.

"Uhhh, are you sure you should be looking over here?" Shitty Hair asked and I suddenly realized what he meant. I felt my face heat up as I quickly sat down in the water. Dunce Face looked over at me shocked before he looked up at the top of the wall.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" She screeched as she held her hands over her eyes.

"Nice ass, Eimi! I'm really liking this view!" We all heard Raccoon Eyes and Eimi squeaked from her spot at the wall.

"I'm sorry!" She yelled as her head ducked behind the wall, quickly followed by a loud splash of water and some screeched from the other girls. I looked away from the wall, trying to get the image of her out of my head when I made eye contact with her brother.

He was staring right at me with a blank stare. He blinked a couple of times before going to open his mouth when I heard some of the girls yell from their side.

"You saw his WHAT?!"

"FUCK!" I yelled before slightly activating my quirk and exploding some of the water in front of me.

Back to Eimi's POV

After Mina commented on my ass I slid back down the slide of ice and directly into the water. I splashed a few girls in the process but before I could really come out of the water Mina jumped on my back.

"What did you see??" She asked eagerly and I felt a blush coming onto my face. What did I see? I was so focused on Kota I wasn't really paying attention.

"Uhh, their springs looked like ours but opposite?" I said as I tried to remember what I saw.

"That's not what I meant! Did you see any goods?" She asked loudly in my ear as I looked up in thought. Just what does she mean by goods?

"I don't think she understands what you mean, Mina." Ura commented as I looked at her. Her cheeks looked a little bit more pink than usual. Maybe it's just the heat from the springs?

"Wow! How innocent!" Mina squealed and I looked to Tsu and Ura for guidance.

"She means 'did you see any dicks'. Ribbit." Tsu said straight out and my eyes widened. I knew Tsu always spoke her mind and was very clear when she wanted to get her point across, but this!

"Eep!" I squeaked and ducked my head under the water. Mina was still on my back and quickly moved her hands. She literally grabbed my boobs which caused me to take a gasp only to get a full face of water. I came up for air and started frantically coughing.

"Mina!" I quickly yelled at her after I got my breath back. "Why?"

"We're all girls here, so it's not like we all haven't held our own boobs before." She shrugged and I quickly hugged my arms around my chest to prevent her from grabbing them again.

"Anyway! Back to what I was asking, did you see any goods?" She grabbed my shoulders and I looked into her eyes which seemed to stare through to my soul.

I looked up in thought before I recalled something.

"Oh, I guess I saw Suki. He hasn't changed much from when we were kids."

"Is he small?" Mina started and I quickly cut her off by covering her mouth with my hands.

"N-no! I mean that he hasn't changed because he still walks around a bath naked with no modesty!" I quickly said and she looked at me with a devilish smile. Her eyes scared me so I slowly retracted my hands but she grabbed them before holding them tight.

"So you did see him! Is he average or bigger?"

"I donno, I haven't seen any others b-but... pretty large?"

"Wait... you saw his WHAT?" Momo and Kyoka yelled as they weren't paying attention to the conversation earlier.

"W-wait! Don't jump to conclusions, we used to take baths together as kids so of course, I saw him then but just now when I went to check Kota he was just standing there out in the open so of course, I saw him but that--" I started to ramble when I heard the boy in question yell and explode something.


"I'M SO SORRY!" I screeched and jumped out of the water and into the change rooms.

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