Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

56.2K 1K 425

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Mystery Meat
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Memory Blank

1.3K 24 16
By AnimeMavy

"Guys, come on! We're gonna be late for school! Guys? Guys!"

Sam stands, frustrated, behind Danny and Tucker as they stand happily at something.

"Isn't it everything I told you it would be and more?"

"You did not lie, dude. You did not lie."

The two were staring at a huge yellow monster truck. The three had passed by an auto-mall before heading to school. Aero flies by and notices the three. She lands down next to Sam and changes.

"Hey, I was wondering where you guys were. Why are we walking this way?"

"The Gi-normo Six-Thousand." Danny and Tucker say together.

Aero blinks. Sam walks over to the truck and pulls herself up to read a card in the truck's window.

"Seats made of owl leather? Interior wood paneling made from the Amazon rainforest?"

Each thing Sam lists off, makes her angrier.

"12 gallons to the mile?! This car is an environmental nightmare! I know what you should do!"

Sam turns to Danny. He scowls at her.


"You could totally haunt this place! Scare people away from here and make them buy something else!" Sam exclaims.




Tucker and Danny step in front of Aero.

"Cut it out, Sam. It's a cool truck! Besides, this would not be the first time one of your bad ideas got Danny into trouble."

"What are you guys talking about?" Aero asks.

Tucker looks back at her. He begins to explain how Danny became ghost in the first place.



Sam holds up an camera and takes a photo of Danny by an non-working Fenton Portal. Danny is hunched by it and holding up a white suit. Danny closes his eyes after the photo is taken, being clearly dazed by the flash. He opens his eyes halfway.


Danny puts down the suit a bit.

"I showed you the Portal, can we get out of here now?"

Danny looks away warily as Sam walks up with her camera, and Tucker is right by her side.

"My parents could be back here any minute. Besides, they say it doesn't work anyway."

Sam walks to the center of the empty portal with her camera in hand.

"Come on, Danny. A Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious? You gotta check it out."

Danny walks over to Sam with his suit in his hands. The suit has a picture of his dad's face on the chest.

"You know what? You're right. Who knows what kind of awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?"

Danny slips on the white suit over his clothes, pulling it up so the black boots are nice and tight. He gets it fully on and zips it up, the jack face still on it. Sam walks over.

"Hang on..."

She rips of the image of Jack off.

"You can't go walking around with that on your chest."

Sam and Tucker watch Danny as he turns to the portal. He steps in slowly and looks around. And without thinking about it, he touches his hand to a console with a green button and a red button. The green button reads ON and the red one reads OFF. Danny's palm presses the green one, and it beeps.

Danny screams in terrible pain as he is zapped with enormous amounts of energy. The energy is so overwhelming, and soon turn Danny into a ghost.

Flashback end.

Sam has her hands on her hips, while Danny's arms are crossed and Tucker's hands are on his hips too. Aero is rubbing her neck.

"I know the story already, Tucker. But why is it bad that Sam was there?"

Sam raises her arms in frustration.

"Yeah, If it wasn't for me, he'd be flying around with his dad's face on his chest."

Sam smirks and gestures to the trucks.

"Know how you can say thank you? By crushing a few trucks!"

"Sam, I'm the good guy! So unless these super-awesome trucks are being used for evil, I can't do anything."

Tucker is marveling at the truck.

"Except wonder if it's got a GPS satellite guidance system."

Danny walks next to Tucker.

"And rims."

"Big, spinning rims." They both say.

Sam turns away and groans.

"Oh, I give up. Come on, Aero. Let's go to school."

Sam grabs Aero's wrist and they walk off. She looks back, angrily.

"I just wish somebody would destroy these stupid trucks!"

Sam and Aero walk past a sewer grate. Desiree floats up so her eyes look out of it.

"Well, it's about time you made a wish."

She floats up from the grate. Aero's ghost sense goes off. She turns and looks around.

"And so you have wished it, so shall it be!"

Desiree lifts her hands and they glow pink with magic. She puts them together into a pink beam of magical energy.

She blasts a giant cow statue that's on top of a diner. One of the legs shakes and unhooks itself from the plate that keeps it down. The cow's eyes flash red and it turns its head, growling.

Danny and Tucker are still admiring the truck.

"I wonder what this button does."

Danny presses one of the five buttons on the car door. Suddenly him and Tucker are flung back screaming as the truck is stepped on by a giant cow hoof, crushing it.

Danny and Tucker land on the ground on their backs. They look up at the huge angry cow as it moos. They stand up and lean against another truck, frightened. Danny points up at the cow in defense.

"Get away, fiend! Whatever you do, leave this truck alone!"

The cow moos as it turns to the side of him, lifting up its leg to reveal its udder. Danny looks in shock. A wave of milk is squirted out at them and they are soon dripping wet with milk.

"Aw, man! I just became lactose intolerant!"

Another wave of milk dumps on them.

Later; the four were finally on their way to school. Right now, they were walking down the sidewalk. Danny and Tucker are still covered in milk.

"Good job beating the big cow, Danny."

Danny looks at Sam, with annoyance.

"Yeah, well, it hasn't stopped Sam from busting my chops about cruelty to un-living plastic animals."

"I had to choose between fake cows and evil trucks. The cow won."

Sam stops suddenly.

"Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!"

She runs over to a movie ad for Trinity of Doom on the side of a bus stop.

"Trinity of Doom is out this Friday! Femalien, Terminatra, and Nightmerica! All my favorite female movie monsters, in one film!"

Sam clasps her hands together in glee.

Tucker and Danny walk up, covered in milk, with Aero as well.

"So it's a chick flick?"

Aero looks at the two covered in milk, with disgust.

"Oh my gosh, Danny. I'm just gonna do it for you!"

The two blink as Aero turns intangible and grabs their shoulders. The milk oozes off them and into puddles on the sidewalk. Danny smiles and Tucker looks down with satisfaction.


Aero sighs and smiles. The three turn their attention back to Sam.

"Not just a chick flick, the chick flick. The three biggest female box office monsters battling it out in a big-budget special-effects bonanza!"

Sam raises her arms in excitement and then turns to Danny.

"And since you promised we'd all go on Friday, I bought us tickets."

Aero claps.

"Sounds like fun!"

Sam smiles at her. They all turn suddenly from hearing a familiar voice.


They see Paulina crossing the street with a stack of papers in her arms. Aero and Sam look at her, both are a bit apprehensive.

"You never told me whether or not you were coming to my Quinceañera on Friday."

Danny looks in confusion as Paulina holds out an invitation in front of him. He takes it and looks at it.

"That's because when you invited me, I thought you were joking."

Tucker smiles.

"And that you forgot to invite me."

Sam and Aero look at Paulina, irked.

"And remembered not to invite me"

"And me" Aero adds on.


Paulina giggles.

"No, silly. You're all invited!"

She hands invitations to the three. Tucker is happy, but Sam is just ticked. Aero sighs.



Paulina looks at Danny to see his reaction.


"Really. I knew Danny wouldn't come if I didn't invite you three."

Paulina gestures to Aero, Sam, and Tucker.

"But I especially want Danny to be there."

Paulina looks at Danny, dreamily. Aero crunches the invitation in her fist.


"Of course. My papa is throwing the party at the country club, and it's happening on the same night as a meteor shower."

She walks over to Danny and whispers the truth.

"And I really want that ghost boy to be there. And since the ghost boy seems to show up wherever you do, I figured I had no choice but to invite you and your loser friends!

"Hey! We're right here, you know." Tucker exclaims.

"Yeah, I know."

Paulina walks off. Aero squints at her.

"I don't hate her that much. It's just how prissy she acts." Aero whispers.

Danny smiles and calls after her.

"The ghost boy? Oh, he'll be there, Paulina! I promise!"

Sam marches up to the movie theater poster and stands in front of it with her invitation rolled up in her hand.

"Uh, guys? Movie? Friday? Non-refundable tickets?!"

"Oh, come on, Sam, we never get invited to these parties!"

Danny looks to Tucker.

"And I don't get to go if he doesn't go!"

Sam blinks, unamused. Tucker and Danny beg in unison.

"Pretty please with those dark licorice sprinkles *they lift their hands* with the black frosting you like *make desperate pinching gestures* with those little gummy bats on top?"

Sam groans and rolls her eyes.

"All right, all right!"

The two turn to Aero. Tucker smirks at her.

"Don't you dare...."

Tucker pulls Danny closer to her. Danny blinks as him and Aero are face to face. She blushes.

"Tucker, what-"

He cuts Danny off.


Aero looks at Tucker, angrily, and groans.


Danny and Tucker high-five and jump in the air, saying "Woo-hoo!" in unison. Then they land on their feet and walk away. Danny comes back and leans over to Sam & Aero.

"You're coming to the party too, right?"

"Yes, we'll be there."

Danny looks at them, extremely pleased. He turns and runs off. Sam looks at Aero with a smile as she realizes something.

"I'll be there, unless something should happen to Paulina, and then the party got cancelled."

Aero nudges her with a small smile. The two then walk off as well.

"What? It's not like I'd wish that."

A swirl of pink mist spirals in when the two far enough away; materializing into Desiree.

"Well, she did say wish."

Now, everyone was in Mr. Lancer's class. He was lecturing about the meteor shower.

"Thousands of meteors will be visible in the skies of Amity Park this Friday."

Lancer is holding a rock to a globe on his desk. The blackboard behind him, reads 'Meteor Shower Friday!'

"People tend to wish upon these 'falling stars' without realizing, that at the speeds they're falling,they could drill through your tiny skulls like they were wet toilet paper!" Lancer exclaims.

Lancer realizes what he said and blinks a couple times. Everyone in class blink as well.

Sam sighs and continues to doodle at her desk. Paulina begins speaking.

"Papa says the stars are falling on my birthday just for me."

She leans on her hands that she clasps together dreamily, then she raises them in glee.

"And I'm going to wish to meet the ghost boy, and if one of the meteors flies towards me, the ghost boy could save me!"

Aero groans and looks out the window. Dash suddenly comes to attention after being out of commission throughout the lecture.

"Huh? Uh yeah, you know what I'd wish for extra arms to catch more footballs!"

Dash crouches and turns to Danny, pointing.

"And to wail on you, Fen-ton."

Dash stands up straight, smiling simply, while Danny looks up at him.

"But that doesn't technically count as a wish because, I can do that anytime. Watch!"

Dash punches Danny in the arm. Danny winces back in pain and yells "OW!". He looks at Dash angrily as he rubs his hurt arm.

Suddenly, the room goes dark. Danny & Aero's ghost sense goes off as well.

The ceiling begins to rumble as one of the monsters from the poster, Femalien, busts down through it; feet-first and roaring. The class runs away and shrieks in horror after she lands.

"Paulina!" She hisses; menacingly.

Paulina blinks as Dash and Sam stand next to her, all in shock. Tucker is on the other side of Paulina, also in shock.


Dash looks down to Paulina, who is looking at him.

"-did it just say your name?"

Paulina holds out her fists to her sides gleefully while everyone looks to her, confused.


Lancer gets up to defend his students; holding up a fire extinguisher in both hands.

"War of the Worlds creature! Get away from my youthful charges!"

Femalien looks back unfazed as Lancer jumps up and clonks the fire extinguisher to her back, doing nothing to her. Lancer lands back down and looks at the fire extinguisher with uncertainty. She turns to him, lifting her claws out and roaring. She leans down to Lancer, bearing her sharp teeth.

"Well, I tried."

Lancer drops the extinguisher.


He turns and pulls down the fire alarm on the wall; causing the alarm bell to ring. Dash and Paulina run past him screaming, Lancer soon follows after them. Then Femalien marches after them.

Danny is hiding against a wall by the staircase. Everyone is running past him and he waits until no ones there to go ghost.

He changes quickly and soon finds Paulina running down the hallway. Femalien bursts through the lockers, bending her knees and putting a hand on the ground in a stance as she roars. She then proceeds to chase after Paulina.

Danny flies after them and sees Aero tackle Femalien, intangibly, into the ground. Paulina turns and sees Danny floating there.

"Ghost boy! I have an invite for you!" She smiles.

Danny sighs.

Femalien invisibly falls through the ceiling and lands on her arm & stomach. She whips her tail and growls as she turns on the side to look up, menacingly. She sees Aero floating above her.

Femalien grabs her with her tail and whips her into the wall. Aero grunts as she lands on her stomach. She looks up as Femalien stands. She thrusts her arm forward, shooting darts from her wrist-shooter, each taking off with a puff of red smoke.

Aero goes intangible and they all phase through her. She goes back tangible and hits Femalien with a big blast. She falls back to the ground and Aero floats over.

"All right, gruesome. What do you want? Who sent you?"

"Saaaaam..." She hisses

Aero blinks in surprise as she fades away into nothing. Desiree flies up behind her, clearly pleased and glowing with a heavy pink aura of magical energy. She turns invisible and phases upward through the ceiling. Danny soon flies in.

"Aero, I took Paulina somewhere safe. Are you-"

He sees Aero floating there. He smiles.

"Good, you're alright."

Aero smiles.

"Yeah, but we got a problem."

Danny raises an eyebrow.

Danny & Aero meet up with Tucker & Sam on a wooden park table. Tucker is eating from a bag of chips.

"It said Sam?"

"Actually, it was more like,-"

Aero lifts her hands; wiggling her fingers and talking in a spooky manner for effect.

"-Saaaaam...but you get the point."

"You guys can't really blame me for this; *narrows her eyes* can you?"

"Well, it's got something to do with you." Danny rebuttals.

Aero quickly sits in between Danny and Sam.

"But don't worry. I took Femalien down, it's fine now."

"And I saved Paulina, so you don't have to apologize."

Aero and Sam squint angrily at him.

"Good. 'Cause I'm not gonna." Sam snaps.

Danny grabs something in his backpack.

"You're just gonna have to wear this Specter Deflector and stay out of the way."

He holds out the Specter Deflector in his hand and puts down his backpack. He then leans over Aero and puts the thing around Sam's waist. Sam looks down at the belt and then looks back up, offended.


"Sam, something weird is going on and you're clearly the cause of it.'

Aero flicks Danny's ear.


"You could at least be nicer about it, Danny."

Aero turns to Sam.

"Look. It's better if you just lay low, so we can figure out what's going on."

"Yeah, Sam. You should just lay low." Tucker adds on.

Tucker lifts his arms and lowers them down, mocking Sam. Aero sighs. Aero and Danny's ghost sense goes off again as screaming cuts through their conversation.

"Paulina? Again?"

Danny turns to Sam.

"This is going to have to wait."

Danny stands up from his seat at the ready. Sam looks up to him.

"I'm going ghost!"

After changing, Danny looks down at Sam and Aero.

"Sam, stay here. Aero, I got it this time."

Sam holds up her hands, innocently.

"Oh, I will. I promise."

Danny turns away and takes flight. Sam angrily picks up her backpack and jumps up from her seat, shouting after him.

"The same way you kept your promise about going to the movies Friday!"

"Wait, Sam!"

Sam stomps off and Aero sighs. Tucker looks at Aero as he munches on chips.

"You aren't gonna go after her?"

Aero looks at Tucker and grabs a chip.

"What? Danny said he has it."

Tucker smirks.

Terminatra was running down the walls of buildings after Paulina, who is riding away on a scooter. She is holding a pink dress, wrapped im a plastic bag on a hanger, in one hand.

Terminatra points a finger on her prosthetic arm and her red eye glows to target. Her finger fires a pink laser. The laser beam doesn't hit Paulina, but melts a smoldering hole in the plastic bag, but doesn't harm the dress.

"Hey, I just got this back from the cleaners!"

Paulina turns and drives off, her engine revving. Terminatra runs after her, soon jumping off the building and onto the street. She crouches down and slams her regular fist into the street, cracking it and sending up lots of rubble.

She then soon creates a jetpack on her back. She crouches down and blasts off into the air. Paulina skids to a stop in a park to look back at Terminatra.

"This is the like, the worst birthday week ever!"

Paulina turns to the side as Danny intangibly floats up from the ground in front of her, smiling, with his arms crossed.

"Well, let's see if we can't change that a little."

"And now it's not!" She exclaims, happily.

Danny lets out a green ectoplasmic energy blast at Terminatra. She stretches out and a hole forms in her abdominal area and Danny's blast passes through it. When it passes, Terminatra morphs into a net with her head on top.

"Wait, you never told me if you're coming to my party! If you do, I can un-invite Danny Fenton and his loser friends!"

Danny looks at her, confused.


Danny then grunts in pain as he is grabbed by the Terminatra net. The two slam into a fountain. Terminatra looks at Danny, entangled in her. Danny screams as Terminatra then shocks him.

She then untangles Danny and holds him up by the shirt. She slams into the fountain. He becomes soaked and transforms back. Terminatra turns back and holds her cybernetic hand in front of her. Danny's eyes open wide with fear. Her hand glows white with energy, but before she can do anything, Sam stops her.

"Leave him alone!

Sam drives over on her scooter. She taps the button on the front of her belt and it charges up, causing her and her scooter to glow with green deflecting energy. Sam slams her scooter right into the fountain and Terminatra falls forward.

She turns to Danny, soaking wet, with her red eye glowing as she talks in a half-robotlike voice.


Terminatra glows with a red aura as her full robotic skeleton is revealed under her human exterior. Then she fades away, leaving nothing, but red smoke coming from the water.

Sam smiles as Danny stands up.

"Man, you're right! That Specter Deflector works like a charm."

Danny smiles as he walks over to Sam.

"Nice save! Although, to be fair, I probably wouldn't've needed it if it weren't for you in the first place."

Sam reaches out to help Danny out. He takes Sam's hand with both of his and starts to climb out with one foot. Sam's belt activates and shocks Danny, making him scream out in pain as he glows green. He lets go and falls back into the water, his hair all disheveled and shocked. Sam puts her hands on her hips; defiantly.

"Uh, excuse me? I save your butt and you're giving me grief?"

"Welcome to my world, remember?"

He smiles and recalls things as he stands up.

"We should make the menu recyclo-vegetarian!, We should let the gorilla out!, We should sell all of your dad's stuff at a garage sale!"

Danny crosses his arms, making his point.

"Anything else you want to blame me for? World hunger? The ice age? Puberty?!"

"Sam, both monsters knew your name. Either there's another Sam involved in ghost fighting or it's you." Danny explains.

"How about a 'thank you', huh? You think Paulina would've saved your butt back there?"

Danny stands up and puts his hands on his hips.

"She would if she wanted me to come to her party!"

Sam sighs, sick of everything at this point, then she turns and walks off.

"Danny, I swear."

Danny watches Sam walk away to her scooter, putting one foot on it and her hands on the handlebars as she revs it up.

"There are days I wish I had never even met you!"

Sam speeds off. Danny looks down, guilty.

"Way to go, Fenton. You just ticked off one of the only three real friends you have."

Danny slumps back. He reaches for something behind him and looks at a dripping wet piece of paper, it was the invite.

"Sam! Wait!"

He gets out of the fountain to chase after her, but, suddenly, his ghost sense goes off. He turns and hears the sound of bubbles. The bubbles turned into pink swirls and then into Desiree.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Finally!" She yells.

"Desiree? You look different."

Danny transforms.

"More powerful? Why, yes! The more wishes I grant, the more powerful I get! Oh, and only days away from the meteor shower where everybody will be making wishes!"

Desiree grabs Danny with her ghost tail and flings him away. He hits a bench and falls to the ground; in pain.

"What do you want?!"

"You, out of the way, by Friday night. But it's not about what I want. It's about what your little friend wants. And she just wished she never met you!" Desiree exclaims, happily.

"Oh. Oh no...."

"And so she has wished it, and so it shall BE!" Desiree yells and shoots at Danny.

Danny screams as he is engulfed by pink energy.

The next day; at school, the bell rings.

Kwan and Dash are stuffing nerds into a locker. Kwan walks by Danny and Tucker to grab more. Danny is hunched over and holding his backpack strap while Tucker leans against the lockers, holding his PDA.

"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?"

Tucker looks to his PDA.

"I don't know. According to my PDA, we're free every night through college."

Sam walks over to the two and smiles


"Do I know you?" Danny questions.

Sam looks confused with Danny's response. Sam squints, expecting Danny's response to be sarcastic.

"Oh, very cute. I said I'd wished we never met, and now you're pretending we didn't meet. *scoffs* You're hilarious."

Danny and Tucker continue to look at her in confusion.

"No, seriously, do I know you?"

Tucker smiles with the opportunity.

"And more importantly, would you like to know me?"

Tucker leans towards her and sprays his mouth with breath spray. Tucker puts his hands on his hips and stands up, confidently.

"Hi. I'm Tucker. Tucker Foley. That's TF. As in Too Fine."

Tucker points up his fingers and then points them at Sam. She cowers back.

"Oh, gross! Are you hitting on me? Where's Aero?!"

Danny blinks and sighs dreamily.

"You mean her?"

They look and see Aero with a hoodie on, the hood over her head. She walks over to her locker and starts to take things out.

"She's super shy, but so pretty... My parents know her dad."

Sam blinks at the three.

Cut to Dash stuffing Mikey into a locker with three others. Mikey screams.

"I wish somebody would show you what this feels like!"

Hot pink smoke wafts out of an air vent and materializes into Desiree, with a heavy pink aura.

"So you have wished it... So...-"

She grows bored and rushes through it.

"-you know the rest."

Desiree thrusts out her hand and zaps out a beam of pink, ghostly magic. Mikey gets hit and starts to grow into a green-skinned beast.

Dash and Kwan scream in fright. Aero sees this and runs off. Desiree leans back, pulsing with pink energy. She grows larger, then leans forward as her pink aura disappears. She flies over to Danny and Tucker.

Danny leans back, afraid. Tucker just screams and runs off.


Danny covers himself and screams in panic.


Desiree turns away, pleased, and flies off.

"No memory, no powers. Perfect."

Sam steps next to Danny.

"That's Desiree! The Wishing Ghost!"

She turns to Danny and raises her hands in urgency, but Danny only stops cowering, in confusion.

"Danny, you've gotta do something."

Sam grabs Danny by the shoulders and forces him to turn to her.

"Why aren't you going ghost?"

Danny pushes her away.

"Look, kid. I don't know who you are or what you're talking about. All I know is, I am outta here!"

Danny runs away. Sam watches Mikey stuff Dash into a locker with Kwan.

"We're sorry! We're sorry!"

Dash is about to cry. Suddenly, Mikey shrinks back to his normal self. He quickly jumps up to slam the locker on Dash and Kwan in defense.

"I rock!"

Mikey runs past Sam, who is leaning against the lockers. She quickly walks over to Danny's locker and opens it.

"Oh no."

She sees a picture in the back of his locker. It has Tucker and Danny, but there is a giant gap between them and they are looking in different directions. Sam takes it. Also any pictures Danny had with all of them, including Aero, wasn't there.

"Last night I wished Danny had never met me."

Sam grabs out her diary and looks at the same photo to see the difference.

"And Desiree must've made it so we never met!....Which means he never got his powers!"

She clasps her head.

"And that the two never got the confidence to talk to Aero!"

Sam begins running down the hallway

"Danny! You've got to listen to me!"

Cut to Sam following Danny home. Danny is just minding his own business, while Sam is following him with her hands in the air.

"Why won't you believe to me?"

Danny is trying to get away from her, but she catches up beside him.

"Believe what? That I had super powers?"

He turns to Sam and points to her.

"You and I are best friends even though I never met you? And you're the only one that knows it?


Danny turns without stopping to walk up his front door stairs, and Sam stops there.

"Isn't that crystal clear?!"

Danny slams the door shut in front of her.

Sam turns around and starts to panic.

"I've gotta do something to get him to listen to me. But how do I get through the thick head of a fourteen-year-old boy?"

Sam's eyes pop open as she realizes what she has to do. She reaches into her backpack and pulls out her diary. She slips out a photo of Aero.

"Sorry, Aero."

Later at the pharmacy; Danny and Tucker are sitting at a table and both are enjoying pink ice cream cones with chocolate sprinkles. Sam walks over.

"Hi. Mind if I join you?"

Danny looks at her, apprehensively. Sam holds up the photo.

"I'll give you this if you let me talk to you."

She turns the photo around and it shows Aero sitting in one of Sam's movie chairs; smiling at the camera. Danny gasps and rudely shoves Tucker out of his seat so he drops his ice cream and screams at the sudden push. Danny pats the seat next to him. Sam sits and hands Danny the photo.

Danny, dreamily, gazes at the photo. Sam grabs her backpack and pulls out the two photos.

"So, this is a photo I have of the three of us."

Danny looks down at them, confused and no longer distracted by the photo.

"From eighth grade. This is the same one you have in your locker. Notice anything?" Sam questions.

"Yeah. You broke into my locker and doctored an old photo of me. You must really like me or you're nuts. You're not nuts, are you?"

Sam groans, stands up, and grabs Danny by the shoulder, pulling him into her seat and forcing him to look into her diary.


Danny begins the examine the diary photos. There's a picture of Sam and Danny laughing together, a picture of Sam, Tucker and Danny in a line, a close shot of Sam and Danny laughing. Then he sees one of them all in front of the Fenton Portal.

"Wait a minute. That's my parent's lab!"

Danny lifts up Sam's diary, turning a page.

He sees a photo of him in ghost form and next to it is a photo of both him & Aero in ghost form; laughing. Danny turns the page and there's the picture of him & Tucker on the floor of the zoo, sleeping and in each other's arms. Danny turns the page to see the photo Sam took during the flashback, the one of Danny holding his jumpsuit in front of the deactivated Fenton Portal.

Danny turns to Sam.

"Who are you?"

Danny puts down the book as Sam leans closer, taking his shoulder in her hands.

"I'm Sam Manson."

Danny turns to look down as Sam points to the photos.

"A few months ago, I convinced you to go into this."

She points to a photo where a ghost Danny is floating in front of a working portal.

"You went in there, there was an accident, and you got-"

"-Super powers?" Danny questions.

Sam turns to face Danny.

"Actually, ghost powers. But we had a fight, and I wished we'd never met and that ghost in the school made it happen!"

Sam holds up the Specter Deflector in her two hands.

"I was wearing this, which is why I think the ghost didn't affect me...but you don't have your powers anymore! And not only that; Aero doesn't remember anything either. She's our best friend too!"

Danny gasps.

"You mean I'm good friends with the girl I have a crush on?! No way!"

Sam squints at him. She turns around suddenly and Danny looks in shock as well as the place goes dark, and an echo goes through it.


Green metal claws dig into the wall and saw a circle in the wall. It falls forward to reveal Nightmerica. Star and Paulina scream in fright, soon running away.

"Danny, you gotta-"

Sam turns to see Danny; freaking out. She sighs knowing she can't get him or Aero to do anything at this moment.

"Actually, I gotta!"

Sam puts on the Specter Deflector. Sam steps over to Tucker and steals his red beret. Sam takes a knife and cuts some holes in it. She slips it on, covering her whole head. Sam reaches inside her backpack and pulls out the nine-tails.

Sam whips the device forward and grabs Nightmerica, who grunts as the tails all wrap around her tightly.

Sam pulls the ninetails back to herself, dragging the towering Nightmerica to her. She leans back and grunts with effort as she does.

"That might just be the coolest girl on the planet."

"Or she's nuts. Really, really nuts." Tucker remarks.

Nightmerica breaks free roaring with her claws tearing the ropes. Sam reaches behind her, into her backpack, and pulls out a Fenton Thermos. It shoots out a beam of light and Sam captures Nightmerica inside.

Sam puts her hand on Tucker's hat to pull it off as Danny and Tucker walk over to her.

"That happen a lot?"

"More than you remember."

"Okay, you got my attention."


She grabs Danny by the wrist.

"Come on.:

Sam turns and runs off, dragging Danny with her. Tucker runs after them.

"First, we need to get someone on our side."

Cut to the three in front of Aero's house.

"This is a bad idea."

"It'll be fine. Come on!"

Sam pulls them up onto the steps and knocks on the door.


The door opens, revealing Aero. She had on lounge wear and apron. She blinks.

"I-uh....can I help you?"

Danny's face goes red and he stutters. Sam groans.

"I know you're ghost."

Danny and Tucker gasp. Aero's eyes widen.


"Don't freak out! I can explain!"

Aero squints her eyes at the three and sighs.

"Fine, but it better be good."

She gestures from them to come inside. Aero sits them on the couch and Sam explains everything to her. Including showing her the photos. They all look at her.


She shyly looks up at them.

"Okay, I believe you."

Sam raises her arms in success.

"Mostly because I find it difficult to make friends."

Sam pats her shoulder.

"It's alright, you realize that it isn't as hard as you think it is."

Aero smirks.

"Okay, so why tell me now?

"We need all the help we can get."

Danny and Tucker look at her. Aero shyly blushes.


"Go invisible!"

Aero blinks.


Aero breathes out and goes invisible. Danny and Tucker gasp.

"So cool!"

Sam chuckles.

The night; the four were in the Fenton lab. Tucker was watching out for Danny's parents.

"All clear, Danny."

Danny stands in front of the portal with his hands on his hips. Sam walks over and hands Danny his suit. Aero was putting the information into console next to the portal, holding up the photograph.

"Cool. How's it going over there?

Sam and Danny look to Aero.

"Pretty good. I'm guessing if we set everything to the way it was when it happened, it'll happen again."

Sam turns to Danny.

"Are you sure about this?"

"No. But you saw those things, those monsters, ghosts! Those ghosts were attacking our school. Besides, I always wanted to go in here. Who knows what kind of awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that portal?"

Danny looks at Aero.

"Also, I don't want her to do it alone."

Aero blinks and blushes. Danny blushes as well. Sam sighs and presses a square, blue button on a console. It lights up and beeps.

Danny puts on the suit and zips it up.

"Well, here goes everything."

"Wait a minute."

Sam peels it off the Jack sticker on Danny's suit and sticks her black emblem on.

"Uh, what is that?"

"Just trust me, okay?" Sam assures.

Danny turns to the portal and steps in. He reaches the red & green buttons like before and presses the green one. It beeps.

Danny screams in terrible pain as he is zapped with enormous amounts of energy again. The energy is so overwhelming and then he walks out as Danny Phantom again.

Danny gasps and looks down at himself. Then he puts his hand together in front of him to observe them. The gloves flicker for a full, long second to show Danny's skeleton beneath it, then fade back. Danny pants heavily and falls to his knees. Sam runs up and turns to him, concerned.

"Danny, are you--?"

Sam puts her hands under his armpits and lifts him up. Danny unconsciously turns intangible and Sam's hands go through him

"You're a ghost! Again!"

Danny looks at himself and smiles.

"You're right! I am a ghost! Cool!"

Danny turns to Aero.

"Is this cool?"

"Depending on your sense of cool, sure."

Aero lifts up her hand and shows him ecto-energy.

Then everyone's eyes widen in shock at a voice calling out to them.

"What's going on down there?!"

"Oh man, your dad! You've got to change back to normal!"

"Change back? How?!"

"I don't know, you just think about it or something!" Sam exclaims.

Aero sighs and changes. She flies over and grabs everyone.


She pulls them to a corner and turns invisible; making everyone turn as well


"Shh!" Sam shushes.

Jack peeks into the lab and comes in. Everyone watches as he looks around for anyone. He then looks at the portal. Everyone winces in fear. He squints and then shrugs.

"Eh, must've heard something else."

He walks back upstairs and Aero releases everyone. They all sigh.

"Now that was close."

The next day; in class. Danny leans over to talk to Sam, putting a hand on her chair and holding up his other palm.

"So, now what?"

Danny's hand flickers intangible.

"I don't know. I'm sorta making this up as we go along."

Danny's hand sinks through the chair and falls to the ground. Danny lands on the side of his head, grunting in pain in his upside-down position. The whole class, including Sam and Aero, look down at him with his legs hanging in the air. Everyone, except Sam and Aero, burst out laughing.

Mr. Lancer walks up to him.

"Mr. Fenton, I know astronomy can be dull but I'd appreciate it if you'd not take a nap in my class!" He yells.

Lancer turns to gesture to the whole class; pointing up a finger.

"And remember the meteor shower tonight."

Danny stands up and rubs his head Lancer turns and puts out a palm, smiling.

"Don't forget to watch. And wear a helmet. It's a once in a lifetime experience."

Lancer walks to his desk. Everyone jumps from their seats and takes off from the class in clouds of dust, leaving the group and Lancer in the class. Tucker and Aero walk over to the two.

Star, Paulina, and Dash walk past them, holding their books. The four turns their heads as they pass.

"What are you gonna wish for?"

"I don't know. But I'm sure with everybody wishing at the same time, somebody will give me an idea."

Sam turns back to her friends, with worry.

"Oh no. That's what Desiree wants! To grant all those wishes at the same time!"

Sam looks as an intangible Danny with green eyes, slowly sinking through the floor, looking annoyed.

"This is bad."

Sam looks concerned as Danny calls out to her, his head sinking through the floor.

"And this is worse."

He has sunk through the floor completely.

"Hey, why is there all this meat down here?"

Aero sighs and flies after him.

Later that day; the four are watching Paulina's party at the country club; from a forest nearby.


Sam was looking at it with binoculars. She soon removes them.

"She almost seems human. I'm going to have to forget that."

A shooting star streams over them. Sam and Tucker look up.

"A falling star! All right, Danny. Do your thing. And remember, nobody make a wish!"

Sam looks at Danny and Aero. Aero is teaching Danny at the moment.

"Okay. I'm... going to become ghostly!"

Sam and Aero blink at him.

"It's going ghost." Sam remarks.

"Or just nothing at all." Aero adds on.

Danny holds up his hand, expressing disagreement.


Danny strain and soon, by surprise, he transforms. He then opens his eyes and looks down in shock. He screams as he sees his ghostly tail. Aero tries to calm him.

"Where'd my legs go?!"

"Don't worry, they'll come back."

He stretches out his legs and they appear again. Danny slumps his shoulders and breathes a sigh of relief. Then his arms float up to his sides becoming two ghostly tails with white ends. He leans back in the air, screaming in distress at this. Aero slaps her forehead.

Soon everyone at the country club begins to wish on the falling stars. Including Tucker.

"I wish I had one of those sweet monster trucks."

Tucker opens his eyes as Sam scolds him.

"Do you pay attention? To anything? At all? Ever?!"

Behind Tucker, Desiree floats out of the ground and outstretches a glowing pink hand. One of the yellow Gi-normo 6000 trucks appears out of nothing next to them. They all look at it.

Tucker runs up, putting his hands on his hips; unsuspectingly.

"This doesn't seem very monstrous."

Suddenly, the hood of the truck roars, opening its mouth of jagged teeth. Tucker screams as it begins to chase after him. Aero transforms and chases after Tucker.

Danny, and Sam look at Desiree, floating over the edge of a tiny cliff.

"Keep wishing, fools! Keep wishing!" Desiree shouts as she grows bigger.

"What do I do? What do I do?!" Danny exclaims.

"You fight her! And then, you use this!"

She holds up the Fenton Thermos and tosses it to Danny. He catches it and examines it.

"For what, soup?"

Desiree leans back, laughing evilly.

Danny runs up to her and jumps into the air off the edge of the cliff; spreading his arms to take flight. But he only stops in the middle of the air. He flails his arms and legs, scrambling to stay airborne until he falls to the ground. The thermos lands on his head with a clang and then bounces off and lands next to him.

"Danny! Concentrate!" Sam exclaims.

Suddenly, two bushes next to Sam grow taller and sprout faces with red eyes, scaring the snot out of her. They wrap their shrub arms around her arms to keep her bound. Sam struggles to break free.

"Who the heck wished for evil plants?!"

Danny gets up and looks up at Desiree. Danny lifts his arms in a fighting stance and looks more determined. Aero was busy saving Tucker and keeping back other people's wishes.

Danny takes flight, but stops in mid-air as the meteor shower continues, losing his balance for a second but manages to stand back up, his hands on his hips. He smiles, pleased at success, but then tips over upside-down.

"You? You're back? But how?!" Desiree yells angrily.

"Danny! Use your ghost ray! You can fire a ghost ray out of your hand, like Aero showed you!" Sam shouts.

Danny looks around.

"Ghost ray, ghost ray."

He holds out a palm to shoot out a ghost ray, but looks as his butt starts to glow green.

"Well, that can't be right. But it'll have to do!"

Danny turns around and shoots a ghost ray out of his butt.

Desiree screams as she is knocked away by the blast.

Danny looks at his smoking butt and turns back around.


He tries to screw off the lid of the thermos.

"-while she's both grossed out and off-guard, I'll...-"

He uncaps it, and tries to dump something out of it, but then turns back, shrugging with the thermos and cap in his hands.

"-I don't know how to use this!"

Desiree floats up and swats him away with the back of her hand. Danny grunts in pain. He flies back and lands on the ground. He gets up on one foot, his hand on his knee, but Desiree's giant hand just squashes him. She turns and starts to create more wishes.

She releases Danny and looks at him.

"You don't remember anything, do you?"

"I don't need to remember everything to know I have to stop you!"

Danny suddenly changes back without warning. He looks down at himself and then looks back at Desiree.

"Although, remembering would be nice.

Desiree floats up and turns her hand into a sledgehammer.

Sam watches; guiltily.

"Oh, this is all my fault. I wish I had never fought with Danny!"

Sam then realizes the way to fix everything.

"And she's granting every single wish she hears."

Sam looks up to Desiree and shouts to her.

"I wish Danny and I never had that fight! And I wish Danny, Aero, Tucker and I remembered everything and his costume stays the way it is because I really, really like it!"

Desiree leans back, holding up both her hands that glow pink with ghostly magic.

So you have wished it...And so it shall BE!"

Danny is engulfed by the pink magic, flexing his arms and stretching out his chest as it affects him. He soon stops glowing and smirks. He transforms and holds up the Fenton Thermos. It charges with blue energy and starts to engulf Desiree.

"No! No! Noooooo!"

Her shouting echoes as she is pulled into the thermos. She is completely pulled in and he caps it.

"I gotta stop granting every wish I hear."

Every one of her wishes begins to disappear, even Tucker's monster truck. Aero flies over to him as the truck poofs away in a cloud of smoke.


Aero rolls her eyes and picks him up. Sam walks over to Danny as he looks down at himself, confused. He drops the thermos to pull at his suit where the emblem is.

"Did you do something to my costume?"

Sam acts innocent.

"No. It's... always been like that."

Aero flies over and drops Tucker behind Danny.

"Oh, man, that was close."

Danny bends down to pick up the thermos. Tucker looks scared at Danny's butt, which is pointed in his direction.

"Watch where you're pointing that thing!"

Sam looks at Aero.


"What's up, veggie lover?"

Sam smiles and pulls her down for a hug.

"So glad you're back!"

The two laugh.

Now the four were watching the party from the forest.

"Um, weren't we invited to that party?"

"Yeah. And now that everything's back to normal, she's sort of expecting a visit from the ghost boy." Sam replies.

She turns to Danny.

"You should probably keep your promise."

"Yeah, I probably should."

Cut to the movie theater; the four were watching the film together.

"I never realized how different my life would have been if I hadn't met you. I gotta say, it's sorta cool to know."

"Still. Sorry about that stupid fight. Can we forget it ever happened?" Sam questions.

"So you have wished it, so shall it be."

Danny pulls out the photo of Aero from earlier.

"Also, I'm keeping this."

"Thought you would."

"Whatcha got there?" Aero whispers.

Danny blushes.


"Come on, I wanna see!"

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