for the one i love ; fred wea...

By xcoldestqueenx

367K 12.4K 19.5K

Carina Malfoy. Draco Malfoy's older sister. The secret Blood Traitor of the family, best friends with George... More

synopsis + meet the characters
chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 04
chapter 05
chapter 06
chapter 07
chapter 08
chapter 09
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61

chapter 12

8.3K 274 618
By xcoldestqueenx

i know the car's supposed to be at the forbidden forest but guess what! idc :D so enjoy:


"Has anyone seen Scabbers?" Asks Ron loudly for the thousandth time, making them all groan.

"Shut up about your bloody rat! No one's seen the rat, Ron. And no one cares, not even me," Percy snaps, narrowing his eyes. "It's dead. Crookshanks ate it, give it a rest," Ron scowls, crossing his arms across his chest. The green eyed girl snorts, hiding her face behind George's shoulder as he chuckles. She likes Percy, honestly. He's just a bit much sometimes.

"I don't wanna go home for Christmas without him!" Exclaims the younger Gryffindor, stomping his foot with frustration. "He's been in the family for twelve years!" He points out, Harry rolls his eyes dramatically.

Carina's taken aback by his statement, twelve years? She's holding her bag in her hand, ready to go spend a week and a few days at The Burrow. Draco left that same morning with the idea that she'd be staying over at Hogwarts for the holidays, which is why they had to get back early. At first, Carina wasn't going to tell Cass and Adrian about going with the Weasleys, but she couldn't lie to them anymore. Not when she knew Cass would be worried out of his mind about her going home to her father.

"Listen," the girl cleared her throat, standing at the foot of her bed, where the boys were lying down. "I'm not going to be staying here for the holidays... and I'm not going back to the Manor," she said softly, waiting for their reaction.

"What?" They both sat up, surprised looks on their faces. "Why, Nina? Where are you going?" Pouted Adrian, holding her pillow between his arms.

Nervously, she looked down, "Well, I'll be spending them with George Weasley and his family... at The Burrow," Carina admitted, running a hand through her hair. Both boys held unreadable expressions, "We've been friends for a while now... And we've gotten very close and, uh, yeah," she explained briefly, biting her lip. "We're just friends though. Nothing more."

"Oh, okay," Cass shrugged it off quickly, a smile settling on his lips when he saw Nina's confusion. "We like George," Adrian nodded in agreement, "I mean, he brings drinks to our parties, he invites us to theirs, he doesn't hate us... really, his only downside is the fact that he's related to Fred," he joked lightly, making Carina chuckle. "Plus, he was loads of fun at your birthday celebration!"

"Yeah, the other one though... he has a problem with all of us - and I mean, I get it," Adrian raised his hands understandingly, "There's some of us that are utter shite, but to that I say: McLaggen," they all bursted out laughing after that, shaking their heads as Carina pulled the bag she'd be taking out of her trunk. "Just... we're still your boys right?" Adrian asked, now looking a little fidgety.

Carina's gaze softened, nodding, smiling when she saw them both relax, "You're my boys."

One of the things that she wants most in the world is to be able to tell Draco the truth about her friendship with George, but she knows that would put him in danger. If Lucius were to ever use Veritaserum on him (or if he already was), then... she couldn't risk it. All of Draco's friends had gone home. It's a perfect plan: sneaking out of Hogwarts with the Weasleys and Harry while Adrian and Cass covered for her.

Evidently, she had to tell Remus the truth after he'd insisted she shouldn't go back to the Manor. He was much less apprehensive when he learned where she would be staying. Apparently, he knew Molly and Arthur Weasley from school and they'd been quite good friends. He even sent his regards.

"Twelve years?" She breathes out, frowning. "That's not normal, is it?" George shakes his head in response.

"It's not," speaks Ginny for the first time, looking annoyed by her brother. "It's been alive since before I was even born!" Carina smiles at her, already liking her attitude. Her heart sinks a little as she remembers the history between Lucius and the young girl. Harry looks at the redhead through his glasses, stifling a laugh.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was," sighs Fred, trying to be slightly comforting. "And he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to snuff it quickly," he adds pointedly. "One swallow - he probably didn't feel a thing." Of course, he can't be nice to his younger brother for long.

George purses his lips to stop himself from laughing as Ron hangs his head with sadness, "He bit Goyle for us once!" He looks up at his best friend, "Remember, Harry?" The boy hums in acknowledgement, not even looking up from the book he was holding.

"Definitely, his finest hour," says Fred decisively, "Let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory..." he puts his hands in front of him, bowing his head, "A minute of silence, to Ron's dead rat," Carina laughs loudly, but George nudges her gently so that she'll play along. Nodding solemnly, she closes her eyes and bows her head, as do the rest of them, including Harry.

"Shove off, Fred," grumbles Ron, picking up his bag from the floor. "Let's just go. Hermione's promised to put Scabbers back in his cage if she sees him..." He mumbles. They ignore him though, still remaining in silence, unmoving. "C'mon!" Whines the youngest Weasley boy, "Mum's made food!"

"Shut up about the bloody food!"

Laughter leaves Carina's lips as George steps on the accelerator of the Flying Car, "It's amazing!" She squeals, sticking her head out of the window, closing her eyes with pure glee. She's sitting on the passenger seat, the rest of the Weasleys and Harry, sitting in the back. Honest to Merlin, she can't remember the last time she ever felt this free... Maybe, never.

Fred took the spot directly behind Carina, and he can't help but watch in awe as she holds on to the car door, continuing to laugh, that harmonious laugh as the wind hits her black hair away from her face. Carina rests her arms against the window ledge, laying her head down on them. Without meaning to, Fred catches the smell coming from her hair: mixed berries and pomegranate. Delightful.

Suddenly, she turns around, and he swears he can feel his heart physically skip a beat. Thankfully, her eyes are still closed so she can't see him staring directly at her, like a kicked puppy. Now, he gets to see her face. She's beautiful, my Merlin... I'm screwed. He looks entranced by her rosy cheeks and pink, full lips. Blinking, he tries to bring himself to look away from her almost angelic face. But he can't.

As if that wasn't enough, her eyes flutter open slowly. Time ceases to exist. He gazes into her eyes. Evergreen, like a forest in spring, with a splash of yellow in the middle. This is the first time he's ever seen them from so close, and Fred can only wish he were closer. He can almost imagine the feeling of her skin against his fingertips, which tingle at the idea of reaching over and touching her. Just one caress.

Carina's breath hitches in her throat as she catches him, lips parted in surprise by the expression on his face. In any other instance, she would've made fun of him, but now? She can't even remember how to speak. Salazar, he's incredibly handsome. Carina knows Fred and George are identical twins with technically no differences but she's never seen George in this light. She doesn't want to. This moment is made to last forever, she's certain of that much. They can't tear their gazes away from each other, not even when they feel the car beginning to lower onto the ground.

"We're here," George says cheerfully. Carina lifts her head from her arms, but continues glancing straight into Fred's soul. "Nina?"

And, alas, it ends. The girl turns away, almost panting at the intensity of what had just occurred. She'd never felt this way after locking eyes with a boy. After doing anything with a boy, for that matter. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, it's beautiful!" She's vaguely aware of her voice as she looks ahead at the Weasley's home, her heart beating loudly against her ears. "It's just like in the photos," she adds, clearing her throat, running a hand through her messy hair.

Fred looks down at his feet as he hears Carina speak, "You've got chickens!" She sounds like a child in a sugar rush, it's almost as if she's never seen chickens before. "Father keeps peacocks out front but trust me, they're not nice," she continues talking but his attention shifts to Ginny, who elbows him softly.

"You okay?" His younger sister wonders quietly, not wanting to disturb Carina's conversation.

Wordlessly, Fred nods, smiling at her reassuringly. There's no one he loves more in the world than Ginny. Perhaps George, but other than that, there's no one else. Yes, he is a family man, that's for sure, but he still has a soft spot for those two siblings. It's only natural, and also, the way his mother raised them. To care for their youngest sister. "Alright, everybody out!" George opens his door and slams it shut, smiling when Carina gets out the car by jumping out of the window. "Totally unnecessary."

"And totally fun," the girl retorts, sticking her tongue out.

"Childish," mutters Fred under his breath, when truly, he loves the fact that she does what she wants.

"Look who's talking," Carina snorts, getting her bag from the floor. "The biggest man-child in the whole world! Dare I say, universe!"

"Oh, please, that's me!" George exclaims, clearly trying his best to make the situation easier for everyone. He's doing what he promised to do: avoiding fights, keeping everything light and less awkward.

Percy rolls his eyes as he shuts the car door after Harry, Ron and Ginny have already gotten out. "Both of you are ridiculous," he says with disdain, walking up to the front door. Before he can even knock, Molly's opening it with a big smile. "Mother!" Percy hugs her, rubbing her back to show his affection. Carina knows he adores Molly, they all do.

"My dear Percy!" Molly pulls away, caressing her son's cheeks, "It's so good to see you, darling.  Go on, there's food on the table," Percy enters the house as Molly walks out, greeting Ginny next. "Ginevra, you've gotten so tall, oh dear," she kisses the top of the girl's head as she grimaces at her full name. "Ronald, Harry!" The brown haired boy waves at Molly, allowing the woman to embrace him in a hug. "How've you been?"

"Fine, thanks," this is the first time Carina has heard Harry's voice since they left Hogwarts. "Thank you for letting me join you for the holidays," he says politely.

"Always, dear, always," Molly responds, "Ron, I've made your favourite! And yours too, Harry," Ron pumps his fist in celebration before rushing inside with Harry hot on his heels.

"Hi, mum," George grins at his mother, kissing her cheek.

"Hello, momma," Fred kisses her other cheek with a soft smile.

Molly pats their backs, "It's good to see you both, darlings..." her eyes finally land on Carina, who's standing alone with her bag over her shoulder. "Carina Malfoy," the woman breathes out. "Come here, darling," she stretches her arms, inviting Carina into them.

Slowly, the girl approaches, wrapping her arms around Molly. It's obvious she's not used to touch, she almost flinches away when the ginger pulls her in further. She only hugs Draco, Cass, Adrian and George when she absolutely has to. "You look just like your father," Molly whispers. It breaks Carina in half. So, she pushes through with a fake smile. "I mean," Molly pulls away, shaking her head. "Not like your father, what am I saying?" She scoffs, smacking her forehead. "Sorry, darling, I meant to say, you're beautiful," she corrects herself, aware of her mistake. "You're nothing like your father-"

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Carina cuts her off with a reassuring smile. "It's alright," she says softly, not wanting the woman to be embarrassed. "I've never been told that before," she swallows with difficulty, smile faltering.

"Yes, well," Molly clears her throat, "I'm not as young as I once was and in desperate need of glasses... I haven't taken a good look at your father in years, of course I'm wrong," Fred frowns at his mother's attempts to go back on her words. What's so wrong with Carina looking like her father? Not that she does... "Come, let's go inside. You must be starving," she holds Carina's elbow, pulling her towards the door. "Fred, be a gentleman and take her bag, will you?"

"She has two hands, she can carry her own - " he stops speaking when Molly shoots him a glare. Without saying anything, he takes the bag from her shoulder, and she smirks victoriously. "Might just leave it out here, drop it accidentally," he whispers, only for her to hear.

"Then you'll have to come and get it after your mother realises the evil spawn she has for a son," Carina whispers back, a half smile on her face, "Be careful with it, please," she says louder, now wanting Molly to hear. "I have your family's presents in there, wouldn't want them to be damaged by your roughness," Fred almost stumbles by her choice of words.

"Fred, please be gentle! And, darling, there was no need for gifts!" Exclaims Molly as they walk inside. She pulls a chair for Carina, letting her sit in front of an empty plate, next to huge amounts of food. "Also, please, call me Molly. I can't stand people calling me Mrs. Weasley," she says warmly. "I adore my last name, you must know, but it makes me feel old."

Carina smiles, picking up a fork, staring at Fred as he walks in and puts her bag on top of the couch in a dainty manner, mocking the girl. "Of course, then, Molly," the older twin clenches his jaw. She knows how much he hates the idea of his family liking her. "Professor Lupin asked me to send his regards to you and Mr. Weasley," Molly blinks at her statement, a sad smile forming on her face. Harry looks surprised. He had no idea Lupin and Carina were close.

"Oh, Remus, isn't he lovely?" Asks Molly. Carina nods quickly, "Please, let him know he's welcome to come by anytime."

The days go by slowly for Fred. He dreads waking up in the mornings and seeing Carina's face, hearing Carina's laugh, smelling Carina's hair. Wherever he looks, there she is. Carina, Carina, Carina. He can't keep calling her that in his mind, or he might slip. Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy. It's hard enough to ignore her at school. Ignoring her at his own home? It has proven to be an impossible task.

Bill and Charlie make an appearance on the day before Christmas and Carina could not have been more excited. They may be older than her by a few years, but that doesn't mean they can't be friends, right? She's delighted to hear Charlie's stories about dragons and Bill's adventures breaking curses. "I've heard so much about you-"

"Don't," George stops her before she can say another word. Carina laughs as Bill and Charlie look at their brother questioningly. "Just don't."

"Well then, I'll just say you're both nicer than I would've expected," Carina says with a sly smile as George curses under his breath. "You know, I appreciate the fact that my hair's not green right now," she's referring to that story George told her about the time they dyed his and Fred's hair when they were little. "While also asking you very nicely to, please, allow me to wake up in my bed and not in the middle of the muddy lake."

Both brothers bust out laughing, shaking their heads, "Ah, hell," Fred groans, knowing that would give them some ideas. "Don't even think about it!" He warns them, pointing his finger. "Malfoy," he narrows his eyes at her.

Instead of saying anything, she simply smiles at him with innocence.

"I have so many questions for you," Carina tells Arthur during dinner, resting her chin on top of her hand. "I read about this somewhere... what does a disco ball do?"

For fucks sake, even dad likes her. Fred couldn't stand how fast Arthur was willing to forgive and forget everything the Malfoys had done to him. After everything Lucius had put him through at work, after all he'd ever said about his family... How could he be so welcoming of the enemy? Fred is a true Gryffindor, he's loyal to his family above all else, so it's not surprising that he doesn't like Carina for being a Slytherin and a Malfoy. "It has no function, really," chuckles Harry, making Carina and Arthur turn to him.

"What?" They chorus, mouths wide with shock.

"Yeah, it's not - well... it reflects light," Harry explains with a shrug, "But it's pretty much useless after that, it's just supposed to be fun!"

"How's that fun?" Arthur wonders, and everyone, but Carina, groans at his relentless questions.

"Hey, c'mon! It's a valid question!" She claims, squinting at the group. "Tell us, Harry," and the boy does, grinning as Arthur and Carina react to his explanation. Harry has to admit, he didn't expect Carina to be like this. Maybe he judged her too harshly for being Draco's sister. After all, he's harder to deal with and much more stuck up... After the way she treated him and Ron when they were disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, he knew there was something different about her. He just didn't know what.

After about ten minutes of chatting about mindless Muggles inventions, Molly speaks up, "So, tell us, Carina. Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend, maybe?"

The girl takes Molly's suspicions as a compliment, chuckling quietly. She knows for a fact Molly is not homophobic, not with Charlie being asexual and George and Ginny being openly bisexual, "No, Molly. I don't," she confirms. Somehow, that makes Fred feel lighter. "Nothing at the moment. They're all scared of me," she jokes.

"I can see why," Molly says, drinking her pumpkin juice. "Beautiful, smart and talented as you are, must make them all nervous!"

"You're too kind," Carina has been trained for this kind of social situations, perks of growing up as a Pureblood daughter of a former Death Eater. When the conversation is turning to be all about her, she knows she has to change the subject. "I believe your sons and your daughter are quite good looking, smart and talented as well... have you heard?" Molly looks at her with a small smile, wanting her to go on.

The girl goes on about how Molly's eldest are very successful in their line of work, before moving on to Percy, who's Head Boy and getting ready to achieve top marks. Then the twins, who are both on a very talented wizards and on a unique path in which they excel. Then, she moves on to Ron, who is one of the bravest - she's sure he would make a great Prefect. Finally, she finishes with Ginny, who will, no doubt, be a fantastic Quidditch player.

Fred stares at his plate as she talks. The way she speaks, so elegant and poise, there's no doubt, she's a Malfoy, she's perfect. Still, he's never felt support like this come from anyone who isn't George. It's fascinating. He chews silently as his gaze drifts to the Slytherin, who grins and nods as Bill speaks. Fascinating.

It's the night after Christmas, and Carina can't help the wide smile that's on her face as she flies around with the Weasleys and Harry, the honorary Weasley. Everyone's enjoying the cold, winter day. Except Percy, who's sitting inside, reading up on Charms, for his N.E.W.Ts. Everybody's wearing the jumpers Molly knit for them for Christmas, honouring her presents in the best way possible.

"Ginny," Carina calls, flying over to the younger girl. "Hi," she says quietly.

"Hey," Ginny replies, holding on to her broom tightly. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," nods Carina, biting her lip. "Listen, I - uh, I just wanted to apologise... for what happened to you last year. For what my father did," she explains, palms sweating. "I promise I didn't know. Draco and I had no idea that he would do that. I would've stopped him, I would've told George or -"

"I know," interrupts the younger girl, smiling at Carina understandingly. "I know you wouldn't have let that happen... I don't blame you, or your brother," she assures. "We're okay, we're in good terms, there's nothing you have to worry about," Ginny's smile could light up the whole world, Carina is sure.

The green eyed girl nods, "Okay," she murmurs, "Thank you." In that moment, Harry flies over them, making the girls turn around. "Was the Snitch next to us?" Ginny groans, throwing her head back.

"How come the blindest person in the group is the best at catching the smallest, fastest flying object!" She yells, getting a 'HEY!' from Harry. "See you later, Nina," Ginny says to her new friend before flying off after Harry, "Leave it, Potter! It's mine!"

With a quiet laugh, Carina looks for George's face, only to be met with Fred's. Her breath gets caught in her throat as he swings at a Bludger, passing it to his brother. Even if he's wearing a jumper, the way he flies around so effortlessly, while carrying that heavy bat and hitting a ball made of actual iron... He's the hottest thing she's ever seen, that's for sure. "Nina!" She hears Ginny scream. "Help!"

"Sorry, on my way!"

Arthur owns a Muggle television, in which they spend their last night at The Burrow, watching movies. "Scoot," Carina kicks George's leg softly, and he moves over, letting her plop down next to him with a grin on her lips. "Made some popcorn," she hands it to him, leaning into his shoulder as he thanks her quietly. "What're we watching?" Fred turns around to look at her, feeling his chest tighten as he sees her head against George's shoulder.

"It's called '21 Jump Street'. 'S one of my favourite movies," says George, mouth full of popcorn.

"What a ridiculous name," Carina says, stuffing her mouth as well.

Fred can't help but laugh, "How lady like of you," he says, raising his eyebrows, "Very unexpected for a Malfoy," he notes, mimicking his brother's actions.

Carina shrugs, swallowing down the popcorn with ease. "Well, I am not my father. I guess it's time you realised that, isn't it?" Fred doesn't say anything, turning his attention back to the tv as the movie begins.

Perhaps it is.

AN: longer than i expected and honestly could've been even more detailed but i didn't wanna bore you guys. i'm so happy with this chapter, i feel like i did a good job with fred and carina, would you agree?

anyway, covid wise: doing better! i have headaches and crazy coughs BUT it's nice to rest and be home. i'll be fine, thank you all for your sweet messages here or in my profile. i appreciate it truly. i love you.

follow me on insta: siupunzumaran , follow me on tiktok: xcoldestqueenx <3

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