Mated to Derek Hale

By sky8091

7.7K 118 9

I'm Scott's McCall's twin sister, Skyler McCall I live in beacon hills, with my brother, Scott, my best frien... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

chapter 1

957 14 0
By sky8091

(picture of Skyler)
My name is Skyler McCall, I'm Scott McCall's twin sister, now you maybe wondering why I am talking about this and how I became the way I am, let me explain. I sat in my room sighing looking at my summer homework, it's annoying, Scott walked in my room.

"Sis, you okay??" Scott asked and I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked slowly as I saw Scott with a baseball bat "why do you have mom's bat?" I asked and Scott looked at me.

"I heard a noise outside" he said and I stood up and followed him outside, then Stiles comes out of nowhere hanging upside down, Scott yells and holds up the bat and Stiles yells.

"Why do you have a bat?!" Stiles yells and I rolled my eyes at Scott and Stiles.

"I thought you were a attacker!" Scott said and lowers the bat. Stiles exhaled and looks at me.

"You're brother is protective" Stiles says and I nodded and Scott glared at me.

"He's right" I said and Scott rolled his eyes and looks at Stiles.

"Why are you here in the middle of the night Stiles?" Scott asked as I yawn.

"Because my dad found the other half of body we found last night" Stiles said and I looked at him.

"Seriously?" Scott asked and stiles jumped down on the porch and stiles nodded.

"Why would we want to go find the other half?" I asked and Stiles looks at me and frowns.

"Because it's only one half of the body" Stiles says and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow then I looked at Scott.

"What do you think Scott?" I asked and Scott looked at Stiles and nodded.

"Fine let's go" he said and we all went to Stiles jeep, I got in the back and Scott gets up front. Stiles drove to the woods and stopped near the woods and I started panicking.

"Hey Scott?" I asked and he looked at me "do you have your inhaler?" I asked he nods and hands it to me, I took a deep breath through the inhaler then hands it back to Scott "Thanks" I said and we got out of Stiles Jeep.

"Sky you okay?" Stiles asked and I nodded and all three of us started walking around the woods.

"Stiles I don't think there is a body in the woods" Scott said and I nodded at Stiles.

"Yeah I don't think so either" I started to say then we came up to a burned house.

"Shit" Stiles says as we heard sirens "hide!" Stiles says then me and Scott ran into the woods I hid behind a tree but Scott was no where in sight.

"Stiles" his dad said and I covered my mouth "what are you doing here?" His father said.

"Uh no reason" Stiles says and starts walking away and his dad watched him. I ran away and tripped on a tree branch and I heard a growl. I looked around and tried getting up but fell down again.

"Skyler!?" I heard Scott yells and I exhaled, but I just stayed there.

"Scott!!" I heard Stiles yells "Skyler?!" He kept yelling out our names.

"Stiles?!" Scott yells then it went quite, I think they found each other, I know for a fact my brother and my best friend won't leave me in the woods but I don't know if they would find me. My eyes started to get heavy and I closed my eyes and I let out a soft whimper.

"Scott, Stiles" I whispered and I tried getting up and I yelled in pain and I heard people shouting, I saw flashlights in the woods.

"Guys over here! I found her!" Stiles's dad said and I heard footsteps running towards me. "What are you doing in the woods Skyler?" Stiles's dad asked me and I exhaled.

"I was looking for something" I said and Stiles's dad raised an eyebrow "I don't remember what I was looking for" I mumbled and Stiles's dad picked me up.

"I think her legs broken" Stiles's dad said and Scott looked at me then my leg.

"Mom's going to be angry" Scott mumbled and I slightly nodded. "It will be okay I'll take the blame" he said and Stiles's dad put me in the ambulance.

"Scott you better call your mom, let her know that Skyler will be needing medical attention" Stiles's dad said and Scott nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Mom, I know" Scott said and listened "wait mom" he said and stopped. "Mom can I please just say something?" Scott said then the door to ambulance shut and I couldn't hear what Scott said to Mom, then the ambulance door opened and Scott got in. "Mom's pissed" Scott said and I exhaled.

"Of course she is" I whispered and he nods "did she get mad at me or you?" I asked and Scott looked at me.

"Me, I took the blame remember?" He said and I frowned.

"I couldn't hear anything, they shut the door to keep me warm" I replied and Scott laughed.

"It's fine, but the bad news is that we both are going to get into trouble, Mom is pissed that you were in the woods, and she was pissed that I allowed you to leave" Scott said and I shrugged.

"I'm sure it won't be a bad punishment, I mean, she can't take everything away" I said and we stopped moving, and the paramedics opened the door and rolled me out. Mom was standing at the door with her arms folded and she was pissed.

"You two are in so much trouble! Why were you in the woods anyways?!" Mom yelled at me as they rolled past her.

"I don't remember" I mumbled and Scott looked over at me then at mom.

"We will be talking about this after Skyler is feeling better" mom said and walked away from us as the paramedics rolled me into a room and onto a different bed, Stiles came running in out of breath.

"I'm here! What happened?" He asked and Scott looked at me.

"I went to hide, then I ran and tripped over a tree branch, then you two freaking left me!" I said and Scott frowned.

"Technically we didn't leave you, I found Stiles and when you weren't answering me when I yelled, Stiles and I went to talk to his dad that you went missing" Scott said and I looked at my hands. "Though we had to lie to get him to help" Scott mumbled then mom walked in and sighed.

"Stiles out" she said and Stiles walked out of the room, mom looked at both me and Scott then at my leg. "They won't be able to see what happened to your leg Skyler, so I'm going to wrap it up with cloth for now" mom said and I nodded.

"Mom.." Scott started to say but mom gave him a glare then started wrapping my leg, I winced everytime she lifted up my leg.

"Don't start Scott, right now we are going to talk about your punishment" mom said as she steps back from my leg. "You two are grounded for 3 weeks" mom said, me and Scott looked at each other then at Mom. "And no computers" mom said and Scott looked at mom.

"We need our computers for school" Scott said and I nodded.

"Okay then... Then no Stiles" mom said.

"What no Stiles?" Stiles said and mom doesn't look at him.

"No Stiles!" She yelled and I exhaled and looked at Scott who shrugged.

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