«We'll Call It Wangxian»

By Nico-00

93.9K 7.1K 1.6K

Fake tears were shed, a fake funeral was orchestrated. Fake investigations were organised, a fake name was gi... More

"she won't do anything"
"messed up big time or not that bad?"
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
"I love you~"
"To the world wei wuxian, is dead"
"Does lan gege like me?"
"He is all I have"
"Marry me"
"Mo xuanyu or wei wuxian?"
"overdramatic much"
"I'm sorry"
"Let's Play a game"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"I'm about to cut a bitch."
"I do."
"Don't you sign some papers and fuc-!"
"It's Better to hide him away than watching him die"
"what the fuck!"
"Come on, smile for mama."
"He's coming after you"
"I would rise back from the dead to have one last dance with you."
"It's not like you tried to kill me or anything."
"But, master!"
"Why is master so grumpy?"
"she's coming for me."
"A place far away from here. Just you and I."
"you think you can escape?"
"You don't believe me? "
"You have a driver's license don't you? I don't wanna die.... yet"
"I used red when I was nine. It was the best feeling ever."
"It's not a coping mechanism. He is just sick to his mind."
"she was there the entire time."
"Burn in hell."
"death doesn't decide your fate, I do."
"In the end, is it always fine?"

"Stop kidding"

2.2K 207 42
By Nico-00

"Did you send me this text?", Lan wangji asked Jin zixuan once again, this time looking at the man with a warning gaze. Jin zixuan shook his head like child and showed him two fingers raising it above his head, reassuring him that it wasn't him.

"Why would I send you this?", Jin zixuan asked in a mocking tone. He grabbed his phone and showed him a history of all outgoing messages.

"Get this number tracked as soon as possible.", Jin zixuan said after he stopped laughing like a Gremlin. With all due seriousness, Jin zixuan wasn't wrong. If somebody knew that Wei Wuxian was alive, then that might get them into a lot of troubles.

"I tried. Not possible", Lan wangji deadpanned as if he hadn't thought of that before. When he tried to track the number and find out who had played this sick joke on him, he had realised that it wasn't possible. The number changed its location frequently making it impossible for Lan Wangji to find out anything. To top that off, this person sent him these alarming messages from different numbers.

"Don't you think that it's about time, people get to know him as Mo xuanyu?" Jin zixuan asked believing that it was high time, lan wangji cant possibly hide wei wuxian his whole life. Lan wangji was good at hiding, one can call him perfectionist if they saw how good he was when it came to keeping his life private to the whole world.

But, in the end, one small mistake he makes will end up with wei wuxian's identity coming out causing a havoc all over the world.

And, that is exactly why the Jin, wanted Lan wangji to hide no more.

"No", Lan Zhan replied back with no emotion in his tone. He was adamant on not letting wei ying's name get out in the world, be it as Mo xuanyu or any wei wuxian.

Lan wangji was willing to spend the rest of his life as an unmarried man in front of the world just to protect Wei Wuxian from his haunting past.

"You will regret it one day.", Jin zixuan said knowing very well that his best friend was making a horrible mistake with his judgement. The other man simply looked at him and nodded showing him the door which led the way out.

"Fine.", He groaned setting the papers in front of Lan wangji which he had to sign.

"Don't expect me to help, when you are in trouble.", He annouced leaving the room like a free bird, with a fake grin on his face.


Lan xichen and Jiang cheng had left with lan qiren over an hour ago, after receiving a call about a forgotten meeting.

"Where's my inhaler", Wei Ying whispered looking under the rug. Shutting his eyes tightly wei ying slammed his body against the sole couch near the rug when he felt the lightheadedness completely fog his mind.

"It's gone.", Wei Ying almost cried out when he felt his chest tighten. Wiping the scarlet streaks of blood coming from his nose wei ying looked at the staircase. He remembered about the several inhalers that Lan Zhan had kept for him incase of an emergency.

Letting out an alarming number of coughs wei ying slowly walked upstairs, clutching his hands onto his chest wei ying tried to control his ragged breathing and opened the door which led to the first room which happened to be the nearest.

'Where is it!?', Wei Ying cried out feeling his whole body seize itself.

Lan wangji had atleast twenty of his inhalers all over the house, how come wei ying couldn't find any one of them at the moment!?

' I have kept one right under the drawer, incase you can't find any.' Lan Zhan said bending down on the carpeted floor to show him a sole inhaler kept at the bottom part of the drawer. Unlike the blind spot inside the room, this place was completely under surveillance. Knowing exactly how panicked wei ying is when he gets breathless, Lan wangji made sure to keep more then he had told wei ying.

Feeling the air get knocked out of his lungs once again, wei ying crawled towards the drawer to fish it out.

"F-fuck", Wei Ying winced panicking when he found nothing but papers inside. Taking a deep breath, wei ying's shaky hands caught a hold of a medium sized box. Silently thanking God that he had finally found his inhaler, wei ying took a sharp breath and ripped the box into shreds to grab the small object.

Putting the inhaler on his mouth wei ying pressed the canister twice definitely not caring about the instructions given to him by the doctor when he was prescribed this.

It worked! Wei Ying surprisingly felt better after sucking in a harsh breath. The feeling of being able to breathe again once again made him feel surpringly better.

"Thank god", Wei Ying whispered shutting his eyes wiping the few streaks of tears in the corner of his eyes. He went completely limp against the drawer and curled up into a ball not caring about the mess he made.

A few moments later,

"What do you mean check the camera footage?", Lan Zhan questioned with his sleek black phone pressed against his ear. His brother has called him not more then five minutes, which greatly concerned the younger man even his older brother sounded rather paranoid about something.

"Just check it Wangji. I'm sure that something's wrong", He replied back sounding even more scared.

"I thought I was maybe wrong the last time. But, I'm sure that somebody is inside the penthouse with Wei Ying.", Lan xichen and Lan wangji knew that having wei ying chipped was already wrong. But, this was all for his own good. Over the years, a number of things had grown completely mysterious.

Whilst, Lan wangji was too busy handling his own work, he never had the time to notice how his fiance was doing. Whilst, Jiāng Chéng and Lan Xichen were stuck up with their own work.

They knew that with wei ying's hidden identity, trouble would always come after him. But, never had they thought that not being able to have an eye on wei ying could actually end up with him almost dying.

"It isn't like the last time brother, Wei Ying knows better then to bring his friends.", Even though he knew that his brother most probably had a reason to be scared. Lan Zhan knew that it most probably was because of his inability to protect wei ying at all times. Afterall, he had seen wei ying grow up in front of his eyes.

"You don't get it. Wei Ying does not know that there is somebody with him." , Lan wangji's heart sank and complete panic took over his mind. Why the hell was his brother telling this to him now, if he had known it for a few days already.

"What do you mean?", He asked dropping his papers on the desk and turning immediately to look at his laptop.

"This whole time I thought that it was uncle or Madame yu who stayed with him. It seems that wei ying was alone the whole time. Somebody has enough clearance to go inside the house Wangji.", Lan xichen whisper yelled as he continued to maintain his calm demeanor in front of the several client's he sat in front of. Ofcourse,he couldn't trigger them now can he?

"Stop kidding", Lan Zhan replies back with slightly gritted teeth he clutched onto the papers in his hands and shoved them inside the shredder rather forcefully.

"This isn't a joke brother. Wei Ying might be sick, he isn't careless enough to leave the door open and sleep.", Lan wangji was tempted to believe his brother, but, how could he believe his brother when he saw no proof of what he said. Mayhaps he was too stressed out.

"What makes you think I'm kidding?" , The older man retorted back gathering attention towards him. With just a slight cough he excused himself and walked outside.

"The cameras failed.", Lan Zhan whispered in slight horror when he noticed each and every single cameras in the house fail one by one, some of them so blurry that one cannot possibly see anything.

"All the cameras failed.", He accepted dropping the phone on the fine carpeted floor.

"WangJi this is exactly what happened the last time! You cannot possibly ignore this. Hey! Are you hearing any of this!?"

A few hours later,

Wei Ying woke up to the alluring the scent of Lan zhan's sandalwood cologne along with something delicious. Was Lan Zhan cooking him something? He very well was cooking him something!

Opening his eyes his silvery orbs roamed around the lounge in confusion. The lights were dim as usual, but, there was one thing which he didn't understand. How did he end up sleeping on the couch when he slept at the guest room?

' must have passed out here' , wei ying thought getting off the couch with a lazy groan.

Lan Zhan stood near the Kitchen counter clad in just a pair of track pants and a dior grey t-shirt. His hair which was usually pushed down to hide his forehead ribbon was tied back in a small man bun. When he isn't around anybody Lan wangji chose not to wear his forehead and let his hair loose unlike the usual days.

"How was your sleep?", Lan Zhan asked from the kitchen when he heard sounds of footsteps ascending towards the kitchen counter. A pair of skinny arms wrapped around lan zhan's chest and clung onto him tightly.

"I painted for a while, completed it. Then your uncle and brother came along with Jiang cheng.", Wei Ying described his day in a rather hoarse voice which obvious since the younger was sleepy.

"They went back and I slept. So pretty much like everyday.", Wei Ying lied about the part where he had an asthma attack. If Lan Zhan knew, he would definitely grow tense and wei ying definitely didn't know that.

"Mn", Lan Zhan hummed pressing a kiss on wei ying's gloved right hand and his left hand which sported the prettiest wedding ring lan wangji had thought, best suited him.

"Whatcha cooking?", Wei Ying asked taking a peek of the spaghetti cooking.

"spaghetti and cheese stuffed chicken.", Wei Ying squealed and grabbed the hot chicken from the bowl. Not being able to catch up with wei ying Lan Zhan sighed watching his fiance eat the piece of meat like a hungry rabbit.

"I found the inhaler", Lan Zhan said as usual and exposed wei ying's lies. The second he had come back home he had gone to the first to check something's and the most alarming thing he had found was the guest room completely disheveled, and an inhaler lying down.

"I-i didn't mean to lie. I just didn't want you to be concerned, you already have a lot going. You can't possibly hide me and take care of me at the same time", wei ying whispered wrapping his hands tightly around his built chest.

"I chose to hide you away.", Lan Zhan whispered setting Wei Ying on the counter with ease. Indeed it was him who had taken the initiative of hiding wei ying away after taking a huge amount of risks.

"There is nothing about you which I don't take pride in. You are and always will be my first priority.", Lan Zhan said nuzzling his head closer to wei ying's neck. Wei Ying simply giggled and wrapped his legs around lan zhan's body.

"I love you so much", wei ying confessed like a teenager who had just confessed to his crush for the first time.

"I love you more.", Lan Zhan pressed a chaste kiss on wei ying's neck and confessed very much like the first time he was confessing to someone.

"Does that mean I get alcohol Today?", Lan Zhan simply said no and went back to cooking.

"Wei Ying" Lan Zhan called him in a gentle tone and cuddled closer to him after pulling the fluffed up blanket over them. The younger hummed and continued to watch the telivision with keen interest.

Before, Lan Zhan could speak wei ying beat him to it, "Why have you packed so much clothes? I saw the suitcases in the bedroom.", Resting his head on Lan zhan's chest wei ying drew patterns on his chest.

"We are going to live with uncle for a few days.", Lan Zhan spoke, not telling wei ying half of the reasons why they were going to live there.

"Why?", Wei Ying asked getting all cosy next to Lan zhan's warm chest.

"I'm getting the house renovated. I saw some cracks yesterday.", Lan Zhan said perfectly mastering the art of lie for his fiance even if he knew that it wasn't righteous.

"Uh huh", wei ying hummed wrapping his hands around lan Zhan as he continued watching the telivision.

"The hospitals near by uncle's house, so he can accompany you whenever Dr wen needs you there.", Wei Ying simply nodded and closed his eyes to warm body he was cuddling with and the Heartbeats which sounded like his favourite melody to him.

"I wont be around for a few days, so you won't be lonely.", Lan Zhan said running his hands through Wei ying's silvery locks. The younger hummed and continued believing whatever his fiance was saying.

"Uncle is all ready to have you there.", Lan Zhan continued speaking mind clearly being too distracted to notice that wei ying had already fallen asleep.

"He even got you some of your favourite paints.", The more Lan wangji talked the more disturbed he got, the eerie silence accompanying the sound of the telivision no longer made him feel safe. It had almost felt as if someone was there with them, watching each and every single steps he took. It felt as if this person knew wei ying and him well enough to know what be was going to do next.

It felt as it wasn't just one person creeping closer to their life.

With a slight gasp leaving his mouth, Lan wangji knew what he had to do next without wasting anymore time.

Lan wangji had to leave as soon as possible.


"Would wei ying like it if I pick him up?", Jiāng fengmian got on his knees and pried his hands out of his pockets to pick the four year old up.

Wei Ying at this point was selectively mute. He hadn't talked to anyone in weeks nor did he eat properly. The only thing he did was stick to a certain five year old who had no problem holding him closer to him.

Wei Ying hissed at his uncle and Jiang cheng who stood next to his father and curled around Lan Zhan who seemed quiet and smug for some reason.

The toddlers eyes twinkled every now and then when his favourite gege fed him bread like he was a pigeon.

"Why is it that we can't touch him and wangji gets to feed him!", Lan xichen exclaimed angrily. The nine year old was both happy and sad at the same time.

Nineteen year later,

"Eat you little shit. You better eat this time. I swear to god if you don't eat I will drag your ass back home.", Jiāng Chéng threatened serving a bowl full of grilled meat in front of wei wuxian, who already seemed very sick of all the food he was given.

Wei Ying hissed at his brother and lan xichen who seemed amused for some reason, mayhaps he was feeling. A certain Deja Vu at this point as he watched wei ying curl up next to his brother

"Eat.", Lan Zhan said picking a piece of meat with his chopsticks he brought it closer to wei ying's mouth and waited for a few seconds before wei ying daintily took a bite.

Lan xichen looked at his brother and sighed when he looked at the familiar emotionless look. But, yet it looked so smug.

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