Key To My Heart || Slugterra

By justaradomgurl

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"Goodbye Ales, wait for me. I promise, we will meet again." ... She thought her life could not get any worse... More

Author's Note
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 1
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 2
01| Key To My Heart
02| The Discovery of Slugterra
03| The Shane Gang
04| A Special Friend
05| Rescue Mission
06| Truth or Dare
08| Slugs
09| First Ever Mission
10| The Infurnus
11| Conflict
12| The Encounter
13| Beast Forge
14| Mecha Race
15| Red Hook
16| Elessia
17| The World Above Our Heads
18| Revenge
19| Confession
20| Rooftop
21| Intense Slug Hunting
22| Slug Run
23| Victory
24| Illusions
25| Mecha Update
26| Undertow Cavern
27| The End
28| First Kiss
29| Birth
30| Missing Slugs
31| Underground Hideouts
32| Blakk Citadel
33| Doctor Blakk
34| Twist
35| Hospitalised
36| The Key
37| Remembrance
38| Connection
39| Love Story
40| Mission Impossible
41| Indeed
42| Threat
43| Hope
44| First Day
45| Junjie
46| New Finding
47| The Past
48| Shadow Clan
49| Discovery
50| Battlefield
51| United
52| Come Back To Me
53| Aftermath
54| Reunion
55| Dinner
56| Woods
57| Outing
58| Insecurity
59| Secret Garden
60| Key To My Heart

07| Girl Talk

810 20 24
By justaradomgurl

Alessia's pov
After Eli and I took turns to wash up, I put on my new bunny hooded pyjamas that I got from the mall and we got in bed. Even after bonding with him for the entire day, I still didn't have the courage to face him when we're on the same bed. It was just too weird and embarrassing.

"Ales," Eli called for me from behind and I blinked.

"Yeah?" I answered without turning around.

"Why won't you face me?" he asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why should I?"

"To make things less awkward between us?"

I gulped. He was so direct but he was right. I was making things awkward between us. I took in a deep breath before turning around.

His stunning blue eyes never failed to escalate my heartbeat. We still kept our distance though, at least he respects that. Satisfied, he smiled delicately at me.

"You're such a cutie," he mumbled tenderly, and rested his eyelids.

"You're tired. Get some rest," I said. I tried to sound unaffected by his words, but inside his words were like magic and I was screaming like a fangirl.

"No, I'm serious," he whispered. Once again, I couldn't help but to allow blush rose to my cheeks. "Well, you don't look bad yourself," I whispered back. His eyes flung opened and he smirked. "You sure?" he asked as he wiggled his brow, "you sure I just 'don't look bad'?"

"Well, okay, you're exceptionally hot and handsome," I exaggerated, but secretly meant it. He let out a soft chuckle before silence once again crept in.

He's so peaceful and attractive with his eyes closed.

I smiled as I continue to adore his captivating, calm expression, feeling tiredness gradually compressing my own eyelids.

"You remind me of someone," Eli suddenly spoke without looking at me, and my eyelids rose slightly. "Your mother?" I questioned without thinking. At this point, my mind was ready to blackout at any second.

He giggled carelessly.

"A special friend," he whispered, imitating me. I felt a hand gently caressed mine, before my sleepiness completely took over my brain.

Poking carefully at Alessia's palm, Eli smiled before slowly lifted his blanket and got out of bed. Tiptoeing across the room, he headed towards his table. His heart thumping, and his eyes never left the girl sleeping soundlessly in his bed. He sat down on his chair and gave Alessia one last glance. After confirming she had slept, he reached out a hand towards the piles of papers on his desk.

Hidden behind the stacks of blueprints and notes was a medium-sized wooden box. A grin crept on his face without himself noticing as his heart fluttered. He pushed away the stacks of papers aside before he carefully pulled the box towards himself. The lid ascended soundlessly, revealing a bunch of letters alongside some extra papers inside.

Despite his tiredness, he grabbed a piece of baby blue paper, and started writing.

Alessia's pov
The following days were hectic for us. Mia and I were under 'intense training', as Eli put it. Being officially part of the Shane Gang, we had to be at the same level as the others.

Trixie was in charged in educating us on slug energy, the history of Blakk Industries, and the geography of Slugterra, while Kord taught us the basics of the blasters and different technical aspects of the mecha beasts.

And Pronto... he was supposed to be our 'fitness tutor', and all he did was forced us to do push-ups while he sat on our backs while munching on his chips.

Eli, being the best slinger in the group, became our slinging coach, and he can't stop bragging about how fortunate we were to have the best slinger in the 99 caverns to be our personal trainer.

Despite the hardship, we still enjoyed ourselves, and our relationship with the Shane Gang grew deeper day by day. Things were turning out amazing: we were becoming more knowledgeable regarding the foreign world we were in and our slinging skills were improving drastically, all thanks to Eli.

But I noticed there was something troubling Mia. She would often stare blankly at random things, and she just wasn't being herself around me anymore. I wasn't sure, I could be overreacting. She's probably just tired.

A month passed by just like that. After an entire evening of physical training with Pronto, I took a warm, requisite shower. The droplets of water always help to refresh my mind and body. After a good thirty minutes in the shower, I stepped out of it and dried myself with a towel.

My eyes landed on my reflection in the mirror. There has been a drastic change in my body. My abdomen, legs, arms, back, butt... basically my entire body was more muscular and toned. I guess Pronto's 'marvellous tactic' did worked after all.

After putting on a casual outfit, I headed to the living room and got myself comfy on the couch. On my way, I greeted Trixie and Kord who were gaming, and Pronto, who was busy preparing his signature egg fried rice for dinner. I was reading a book, minding my own business, when Eli suddenly sat down beside me with a loud thud.

"Hey," he whispered, putting an arm around the couch behind me. He was wearing his casual white shirt and basic shorts. A dampened towel hung around his neck, his hair still wet from his shower.

"How was Pronto's training?" he asked casually. I let out a soft giggle.

"Terrible," I whispered softly, avoiding to be heard by the molenoid chef in the kitchen, "but I have to say, his trainings do show great results."

Eli let out a soft chuckle before he sat even closer to me. Our sides slightly touched. I bit my bottom lips at that contact, trying my best to concentrate on the book in my hands.

"What are you reading?" he asked, his eyes trying to scan the pages.

"D-Dark Water," I stumbled over my own words from my fluttering heart, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Dark Water?" he questioned, retreating his arm that was around me and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Why?"

"Because I'm interested?"

"You can't be serious!" Eli said with a soft glare, and shot me a worried look. I looked at him weird, before realising the misunderstanding.

"No Eli, it's not what you think! I'm not interested in ghouling slugs! I'm just curious about the existence of dark water," I said. His expression softened upon hearing my explanation.

"Existence?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, "I believe everything exist for a reason, and Dark Water should not be an exception. Just like mosquitoes; we all hate them, but without their existence, those animals that prey on mosquitoes will go extinct, and the prey of the extinct species will be overgrown or overpopulated, which may lead to fatal environmental problems and many many more and..." I briefly explained to him and I noticed I was rambling.

"The point is, I know how much you hate how Dr Blakk and Tad uses Dark Water to ghoul slugs. I hate it too, but it is just the mistreatment of Dark Water that makes it look bad," I said, looking back at my book. "I wonder what good can Dark Water bring to us."

"Wow. I never looked at it from this perspective," Eli replied in awe. I chuckled.

"Welcome to the club."

Out of nowhere, a cyan and yellow slug hopped onto Eli's lap, chirping cutely, trying to get his attention. I put my book down as Eli noticed it. He let out a soft chuckle before petting it affectionately.

"He's the most needy one among my slugs," he said. "Slugs can be needy?" I laughed, before holding up a hand for it. The slug jumped onto my palm and I studied it.

"You're an Armashelt, aren't ya? Trixie told me a lot about your species and how well-trained and unstoppable you are!" I praised and it squeaked triumphantly. I couldn't help but to smile at its cuteness.

"He's the third slug I own," Eli said proudly, his eyes fixed on the slug, "Name's Banger."

"Name's what?" I questioned with wide eyes. I looked down at the slug and it smirked at me. I giggled before I smirked back.

"What's with the smirks?" Eli asked, clearly confused.

"Nothing!" I laughed, and fist-bumped Banger. "I like that name."

At the corner of my eye, I saw Mia walked out from Trixie room, but as soon as she saw me, she furrowed her brows and stormed back into it, closing the door behind her.

I was utterly shocked. Mia never treated me that way.

Did I do something wrong?

"Ales? Is everything okay?" Eli asked. He must have noticed my change in expression. I looked at him and gave him an assuring smile.

"Everything's fine," I said, handing Banger back to him. "Sorry, but I have to go talk to Mia."

"No worries. I'll see you later," he smiled, and I returned it. I placed my book on the coffee table before making my way up to her room.

With Hero perching on my shoulder, I raised my fist towards the door, but hesitated to knock. My mind wanted to figure out what happened between the both of us but my guts told me I wouldn't want to have a conversation with her at that moment.

But regardless, Mia opened the door as if she knew I was coming. She had an unreadable look on, but it somehow released a sense of melancholy.

Without saying a word, she walked back into her room and sat on her bed, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. I walked into the room and closed the door behind me.

I looked around the room. Trixie's room was almost identical to Eli's, except that there were two single beds instead of one king bed, and some additional fairy lights and scattered clothings on the beds.

There was a dead silence for a few minutes, and those few minutes were seriously unbearable.

I took in a deep breath before taking a seat next to Mia on her bed.

"What's wrong, Mia? Did I do something wrong?" I questioned her while Hero just watched. Her gaze didn't move an inch. She was still staring straight, deep in her thoughts.

Eventually, she let out a soft sigh, before she hugged me without warning. I was a little taken back, but I returned it anyway.

"I'm sorry Ales, I shouldn't have blamed it on you," she finally spoke.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as we both pulled back. Her facial expression still unreadable. "Mia please, you're scaring me. Tell me what's wrong, please?" I pleaded her with her hands in mine.

"I need to ask you a question," she said with seriousness, "and you have to answer me truthfully."

"Of course I will," I replied. She stared deep into my eyes, and what she asked next really got me all weirded out.

"Do you like Eli?"

"W-What? Why would you-"

"Answer me!"

I was a little taken back by the fierceness in her voice, but I still answered her unconventional question.

"Of course not! I don't like him!" I said.

"Alessia, think about it, then answer me."

I let out a sigh. What is she up to?

"I told you I don't-"

A sudden realisation hit me as the meaning of the question finally made sense to me. The way my eyes look at him, the way my heart got all pumped up whenever he is around, those lovely stingy feelings I got when we touch...

Do I not like him?

No! NO! I can't possibly like him!

I furrowed my brows and mentally scolded myself.

"I knew it! You do like him!" Mia exclaimed.

"No Mia, it's not like that! It's..." I paused, "a lot more complicated," I tried to explain.

"Liar. You definitely fell for him," Mia said and crossed her arms. Just as I was about to disagree, a voice sounded from the door.

"Fell for who?"

Mia and I startled as Trixie popped her head out from the door. "Seriously? A girl talk without me?"

"Trix! What are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly.

"Just getting some batteries for my controller," she replied, and held out her game controller.

"You know what? Just come in, and close the door behind you!" Mia huffed and Trixie gladly welcomed herself in. She flopped herself beside me and looked at Mia curiously.

"So, tell me, who's in love with that Shane boy?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow at us.

"Who said anything about Eli now?" Mia questioned Trixie.

"Oh come on! Who else can you possibly be falling for? Pronto?" Trixie asked, and I let out a small chuckle. Trixie relaxed her shoulders and looked genuinely interested. "Just tell me already!"

"Ales? As you were saying? Complicated?" Mia asked. They both drew their attention to me.

I sighed, am I supposed to tell them about Blue?

"The thing is, I don't like him. I can't like him," I said, not sure if that made sense.

"What do you mean by you can't like him?"

Well, clearly it did not.

"Mia this is a lot more complicated than you think-"

"How complicated can it be? You either like him, or you don't?" Mia exclaimed and crossed her arms.

"She does have a point," Trixie pointed out, nodding in agreement.

"I..." I took in a deep breath, "I've been keeping a secret from you, Mia."

After a deep breath, I ended up sharing my biggest secret with Mia and Trixie. It was painful, being reminded of all the pain and regret, but I managed to pull it off without shedding a single tear.

"That was not what I was expecting to hear," Mia said with her eyes widened, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault," I assured her, "but both of you have to promise me-"

"What's said here, stays here," Trixie assured, resting a hand on my shoulder, "and I'm truly sorry for what happened. You don't deserve to go through that at all."

"It's nothing. I should thank you for withstanding my rant. It's great to get things off my chest, you know," I said, and they smiled in return.

"Eli reminds me of Blue, that's why I think I have feelings for him. I'm guessing he's just a representative of him, nothing more," I continued.

That must be the case.


"Anyway that's not why we are here," I said and looked over at Mia. "So tell me, why are you ignoring me for the past few days and how does me liking Eli Shane got anything to do with all this?" I questioned, almost demanding an answer.

"I... I may or may not have a crush on Eli," she split out and my jaws dropped.

Of course she likes Eli how did I not figured that out any sooner?

"So you're telling me you have been ignoring me because you're... jealous?" I questioned in disbelief. She bit her lips and nodded softly. "Sorry."

"I'm not surprised," Trixie commented. "I mean, I'm not blind. He is flopping handsome. I had a crush on him three years ago. It was love at first sight, but after living with him and Kord and Pronto, and literally hanging out all day and night, I figured I love him as a brother, not in a romantic way. He was still a kid back then and I think that made a huge difference."

Mia just nodded in return, blushing like crazy.

"Also, a tip from someone who had lived with him for years, it will be a hard journey to become a thing with that jerk," Trixie added, and smirked with her arms crossed. "Being the new Shane, with the looks and all, you think you're the first one to ever have a crush on him? Many girls in the past have confessed to him their feelings. Trust me, girls around the caverns crawl to him like freaking zombies. Even at the mall, when both of you went to change in the washroom, two girls went up to him with love letters-."

"Got it. Competition. Thanks Trix, for the heads up," Mia said and let out a sigh.

"No Mia, that's not the only problem," Trixie continued, "the problem is not your competitors, it's Eli himself! Yes he may be kind and generous and hot and all, but when it comes to girls, he's ruthless. You should have seen how he rejected those girls. He was so emotionless and cruel. He didn't even spare a second to look at them!"

"What?" Mia questioned with an horrid expression.

"Why? Got his heart broken from a past relationship?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Trixie.

"Not that I know of," Trixie shrugged. "He never dated anyone in Slugterra, but he might when he was living in the Burn-" Trixie said but towards the end of her sentence she silenced herself, putting a hand over her mouth. Mia and I looked at her curiously, expecting her to explain herself, but she didn't.

"A-Anyway, I'm not saying don't go for him, Mia. I'm just saying that it's gonna be tough, as hilarious as it sounds. Just want to let you know what you're signing up for. With that said, go for it if you like him. Maybe you're the one for him, who knows?" Trixie smirked and Mia blushed like never before and nodded.


Do you ship Eli with Alessia or Mia? *smirk* *smirk*

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned for the next!!

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