Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

56.3K 1K 425

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

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My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
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Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
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The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Life Lessons

1.3K 30 7
By AnimeMavy

Aero, Sam, and Tucker were already at school. Danny was flying above a crowded school bus.

"One good thing about ghost powers: No fighting the school bus crowds."

Little did he know that Skulker is watching him through high tech binoculars.

"There he is, the prey that got away. I hope you've enjoyed your freedom, child, because Skulker has returned to finish the hunt."

A large double-barreled blaster cannon, glowing blue as it starts up, pops out of Skulker's right shoulder. It has Danny in its sights, but before it even fires, a blast from somewhere else knocks Danny out of its field of view. Danny crashes into a water tank atop a building. Skulker blinks.

"What? A weapon was fired? By someone other than me?"

A flying red-and-grey streak forces Skulker to duck. The streak heads for the water tower. Danny, soaked, comes out of it, looks up, and sees Valerie on her hoverboard.

"Thought I'd forgot about you, ghost?"

Valerie shoots at Danny, but misses and hits the supports of what's left of the water tank. Danny flies above her.

"Nope. But I bet you forgot about that."

The two begin fighting, Skulker is watching them; while invisible. They zoom past him as they blast back at each other.

"They both seem formidable. Maybe I should hunt the girl."

Danny pushes Valerie back with a beam, past Skulker.

"Of course, I have sworn a blood oath to have that ghost boy's pelt on my wall....I should force a contest between the hunter girl and the ghost boy. And to the winner, the honor of me using their skull as a tetherball!"

Valerie's battlesuit has taken some hits, and her hoverboard is smoking now. Danny looks very angry and is about to release a powerful blast-but then they hear the bell of the school, ringing. They look down to see that they are over the high school now.

"Later for you, punk!"

"I'll be waiting, creep!" Danny rebuttals.

Skulker watches as Valerie flies off to land behind the bleachers on the athletic field, where she changes back into her school clothes. Danny, invisible, phases into a boy's room to change back.

Aero was sitting in class when a flour sack is placed in front of you. She looks up at Tetslaff.

"Ms. Elkins, since we have an odd number of students, and those two decided to show up late. I hope you'll be fine with being partners with Fenton and Gray." Ms. Tetslaff explains.

Aero blinks.


Tetslaff smirks.

"I'm sure you'll whip them into shape!"

Then the two hear arguing outside the door. Tetslaff walks over to the door and opens it to see Danny & Valerie, yelling at each other.

"Fenton. Gray!"

She pushes two inside in front of Aero's desk.

"Congratulations! You two stragglers are paired up with Aero, for a special Health Sciences project."

Tetslaff picks up the flour baby from the table and hands it to the two.

"I now pronounce you man, wife, wife, and child."

Danny glares at Valerie.

"I am so not kissing the bride!"

"What makes you think you can!?" Valerie retorts.

Aero sighs.

Soon in the hallway, every one from class is holding their babies. Danny is walking with Sam and Tucker, who have their baby. Aero was with Valerie.

"So let me get this straight. We gotta take care of a flour sack and pretend it's our baby?" Danny asks.

"It's supposed to teach us something about shared responsibility."

Then the trio see Dash and Kwan; throwing their sack across the hallway like it's a football.

"Well some of us anyway."

"The only thing it's teaching me is how pointless this assignment is." Sam groans.

"Not to mention dangerous."

Danny looks over as Aero is showing Valerie how to rock the flour sack.

"Now I've got to spend a week playing house with an ecto-hating ghostophobe. And Aero got dragged down with me."

"Tetslaff chose her to be the third because she has the best grades so she said she'll most likely keep you guys in line." Tucker explains.

Danny sighs.

"Don't worry, Danny. Valerie doesn't know your guys secret, and as far as you go, you don't know hers."

Sam turns and walks away, leaving Tucker & Danny glancing at each other. They soon catch up with Sam.

"Besides, she can't be gunning for you if she's taking care of your little flour sack of love!"

Tucker hugs the baby and starts singing.

"Danny, Val and baby sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-HEY!"

Valerie snatches off Tucker's beret and stuffs it in his mouth. Tucker looks as Valerie & Aero stand there, glaring at him.

"You dropped your hat."

Aero smirks.

"You deserved that."

Tucker spits out his beret and puts it back on.

"Come on, Sam! Our child doesn't need to see this kind of negativity."

Tucker turns and walks away.


She turns to Tucker and follows him.

"Tucker! It's a flour sack!"

Valerie and Aero walk up to Danny. Valerie hands the sack to Aero so she can talk to Danny.

"I'll make things quick! I don't like you, and you don't like me!"

"Fine! I'm glad we worked that out!" Danny exclaims.

Aero sighs and rubs her nose.

"So, Aero and I decided on our responsibilities."

Valerie brings out a pie chart labeled Baby Care. A tiny sliver is labeled Me and the rest of the pie says Danny and Aero.

"And by 'our' you mean mostly me and Aero?"

"Look. Unlike you, I'm busy. So busy my grades are in the toilet and I really need to pass this class."

The baby starts crying, Aero starts to rock it.

"What is that?!"

Aero points to a gauge on the flour sack. The needle in the gauge jumps from calm to CRANKY.

"It's why I taught you the rocking."

Danny looks at Aero.

"You really gonna let her do nothing?"

"She sounds actually pretty busy and I just want my A." Aero replies.

Valerie smiles.

"You see? And it's that kind of parental responsibility that's gonna get me a good grade. Bye!"

Valerie walks away, leaving the two. Aero calms down the sack and sighs.

"But hey, it'll be like we're doing it together."

She smiles. Danny blinks and smiles back, but then the sack cries again.

"And moment ruined."

Later, the groups is sitting at Nasty burger. Danny was rocking the sack, while Aero was munching on some fries.

"I've been a parent all of one day, and I'm probably already down to a C-." He complains.

Aero grabs another fry.

"Danny, you're fine. Like hell I'm getting a C-."

"Life could be worse. You could be that guy." Sam points out.

They look over to the Nasty burger mascot being taken over by kids.

"Oh! Nasty Ned! Let's get a family photo with him!" Tucker exclaims and drags them all over there with him.

"You're taking this way too seriously!"

Sam & Tucker stand by Ned and Aero takes the photo.

"You want me to take one of you? Family photos boost your grade."

"That would require having the whole family. But Mommy is too busy to pull her weight and keep this kid quiet!"

Aero blinks.

"Well, Jeez sorry. I was eating."

"No, not you! Ugh, you know who I mean!" Danny rebuttals.

Sam and Tucker protect their sack.

"Danny! You're scaring the baby!"

Tucker smirks at Sam, she backs away a bit.

"Which that is not; that's a flour sack."


"Alright, Tucker."

Aero and Danny stand by Ned. Tucker takes a photo and smirks.

"Hey, your guy's first family photo!"

The two blink and blush.

"Knock it off, Tucker!"

Danny and Aero's sack farts on Danny.

"Oh come on!!"

Aero laughs.

"Just be thankful it's only flour."

The sack farts again.

"Then why does it smell like beans?"

"Here. Give it to me."

Aero takes the sack from Danny. It stops crying.

"You got to be kidding."

Aero grabs out a small flat disk and tosses it. It unfolds into a changing table.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Dad's a rich engineer, what do you think? Told him I was doing this and gave me the old baby stuff he and my mom used."

Aero quickly changes the sack and holds it up. She sees behind Danny as he eats, to see the box ghost; being a hung from a fishing pole.


Danny's ghost sense then goes off so he turns around as people scream.

"You got the kid?" He asks.

Aero holds the sack.

"I got the kid."

Danny smiles and runs off. Soon the trio see Valerie & Danny battling above the Nasty Burger.

"Don't you have anything better to do?!"

"This is what I do!"

Valerie fires and hits Danny back, causing Danny to fly past Skulker; who initiated the fight.

"At last! People hitting people. Is there anything more beautiful?" He asks as he holds up the Box ghost, who is still tied to a fishing pole.

Valerie fires a group of five rockets which all land at the Nasty Burger. One of them hits the sign behind Aero and it starts to fall. Aero looks around for people and sees that she can't go intangible.


Danny flies over and turns her intangible. The sign crashes and debris goes everywhere. The dust clears, showing Aero and the sack completely fine.

"You okay?"

"Yep. Just couldn't do you know what because of people."

"I've gotta stop this fight before anyone gets hurt."

Danny turns invisible, goes behind some SUVs, and comes out as human. Valerie looks down with her binoculars at the scene. She notices no ghost and flies away.

"That was close."

"Yeah. I'm gonna take the sack home. Wanna come over?"

"No, Right now I just want to find Valerie and give her our kid. And a piece of my mind!"

Danny takes the sack.

"Wait, Danny. It's fine! We can take care of it!"

Danny turns to leave, but runs right into Nasty Nat.

"Please move!"

He shoves Nat aside, who looks at him; frustrated.


Aero chases after him.

After lying to Aero that he was taking care of the kid, Danny brings the sack to Valerie's front door. He knocks.

"Valerie? It's Danny. And Junior."

Valerie opens the door.

"You're taking the kid. Now."

He drops the sack in Valerie's arms.

"But. My job."

"I know all about your stupid job." Danny replies.


Valerie kicks a forgotten gun near the door out of sight.

"Who told you about that?"

"It doesn't matter. Free ride's over. Aero and I are not doing all your work. Now get your lazy butt in gear and start pulling your own weight."

Danny walks away, Valerie chases him out to the hallway.

"Danny, wait, please! If I flunk Tetslaff's class my dad will kill me!"

The sack farts in Valerie's face.

"Great! Then you might think about changing that diaper."

Danny walks away.

Skulker is watching this happen, from outside.

"Clearly the sack is very valuable to both of them. Which gives me an idea..."

Skulker becomes invisible, flies over to Valerie's apartment, and steals the sack out of Valerie's hands. Valerie immediately arms herself. Skulker then appears before Danny in the corridor outside Valerie's place with the sack.


Danny goes ghost and flies towards Skulker.

"What are you doing?"

"Framing you."

Skulker yells at the sack, which makes it start crying.

"Skulker! No!"

Skulker throws the sack to Danny, then turns invisible and phases through the ceiling. And, of course, just after Skulker disappears, Valerie comes out of her door in her battlesuit. Valerie sees Danny holding her stolen sack.

"Hand over the sack, ghost, and nobody gets hurt!"

"Wait! It's not what you think!" Danny exclaims.

Danny starts flying away as Valerie shoots at him.

"You don't understand. This is all a trick. By a ghost named Skulker." Danny calls out behind him.

Valerie stops firing, but keeps her gun at the ready. The two come to a random stopping place, a small open grass area.

"See? I'm putting the sack down, right here."

Danny places down the sack and backs up a bit.

"You don't want to hurt me, and you don't want to hurt this, right?"

He points to the sack. Valerie retracts her guns.

"Why do you even care?"

Skulker gets angry from afar.

"No hitting? Why is there no hitting? I'm changing the rules of this hunt."

He presses a button on his wrist and a bunch of electric guns pop out of the ground around Danny & Valerie.

"I knew it! It's a trap!"

"No, it's not me!" Danny exclaims.

The guns zap them and they both fall to the ground, passed out.

Aero had just finished her chores and homework. She stretches in her desk chair and looks at her phone.

"No texts from Danny...hm."

Cut to Danny waking up next to Valerie, who is still suited up, after being knocked out. He and Valerie discover they are handcuffed together, and the handcuffs are glowing with some kind of blue energy.

"Greetings, prey. Having failed to determine which one of you is the superior challenge, I've decided to hunt you both at the same time."

Skulker is looming and gloating in his huge armored, gadget battlesuit in front of Danny and a screaming Valerie.

"AAAH!!! UHHH!!! HELP!!!"

She begins rapidly moving around, flinging Danny around by his handcuff.

"What is this place?! Who's he?! What's going on here?!"

Danny stands up after being whipped around and rubs his shoulder.

"Okay, in order: This is the Ghost Zone; that's Skulker, the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter; and other than you dislocating my shoulder, we're about to be hunted like animals."

Skulker produces a ridiculous array of weapons from his suit.

"I'm offering you a sporting head start, prey. I suggest you take it."

"NOOOOOOOO!!" Valerie screams.

Danny starts dragging Valerie away.

"Less freaking! More running!"

After dodging a flying net and spinning bolas, Danny tries to fire back with his free hand. It glows, but doesn't do anything else.

"Oh, man! These handcuffs must cancel out my all my ghost powers!"

They run into one of Valerie's weapons. Valerie stops and reaches down.

"My rocket grenade launcher!"

"No! Don't! It might be"

As she grabs the launcher, it's connected to a rope. That rope being pulled, causes a compartment, hidden in a tree behind them, to open and a lot of darts shoot out. The pair drops to the ground. The darts all seem to miss.

"Booby trapped. See, that's why I took the time to explain to explain the whole Ghost Zone's greatest hunter thing."

Valerie squints at Danny, unamused. They hear Skulker roaring. Valerie quickly gets up, but Danny doesn't.

"Get up! He's coming!"

Danny looks to see a dart in his butt.

"I... can't... move."

Skulker walks over.

"Spectral paralysis dart. The effects are only temporary. But this will not be."

He pulls out a large two-handed gun. Valerie drags Danny along as she runs away. His face begins to hit several rocks.

"Well, on the bright side, she's finally starting to pull her own weight."

Screaming Valerie runs through some jungle foliage as she continues to pull Danny along. Skulker comes out of the same foliage, after them. Danny begins to gain control of his body, his free hand closes slowly with a creaking noise as he grunts with effort.

Valerie drags Danny up to the edge of the island. She stops, Danny stands up, and they both peer down over the edge to the abyss of the ghost zone.

Skulker stops somewhere behind them, holding his gun at the ready.

"No way out, whelps!"

"There is one way out!" Valerie shouts.

"What?! No! Listen to me!"

Valerie dives off the edge of the island, dragging Danny with her. Skulker reaches the edge seconds
later. After falling quite a bit, Valerie is able to deploy her hoverboard from her boots. Danny falls down on the board as Valerie stops its fall. Valerie starts flying away.

"He might have got my weapons, but he didn't get everything!"

Skulker deploys his wings and jets off to track them down.

"Could you slow down for a moment? This is the Ghost Zone, and I am a ghost. I can help us both."

"Why should I trust you?!"

Danny points to the glowing handcuff connecting him to Valerie.

"Fine. I'm open to suggestions."

"Head for a door. Any door! Sometimes they're portals between the Ghost Zone and Earth." Danny suggests.

They fly to a door and Valerie opens it. They see a railroad track leading straight to the door. An old western-style steam train is rushing towards them. It opens a mouth revealing fire behind huge jagged teeth.

"Not that door!!"

Both of them slam the door closed.

"Then maybe you should be a little more specific, huh?!"

They fly to the nest door, enter, and close it behind. Skulker stops in front of the door a few seconds after.

"I can smell how near they are. Sweat. Fear. And...*sniffs* beans. One of them must have had a burrito."

Aero didn't trust that Danny was watching the kid so Aero decided to check Danny's home. He wasn't there, no sack. She went to Valerie's. No Valerie, no sack. That's when she got nervous.

"This might have something to do with puppet box ghost earlier. It wouldn't hurt to check the ghost zone."

Aero flies home and lands in front of her portal. She walks over and grabs a device off her dad's station.

"Alright real world tracker. You won't work for my mom. Let's see if you work for Danny."

Aero taps the device a bunch and then points it to the portal. It dings.

"Two real world items detected."

"What? Two?"

Meanwhile; Valerie and Danny fly through a void with no purple doors, but many floating islands. Valerie lands her board on one and retracts it into her boots. Danny flexes a little.

"I can move again. Thanks for the save back there."

"Yeah? Well thank you for nothin'!"

She points at Danny accusingly.

"It's your fault I'm stuck in this freaky ghost world!"

Danny picks up a rock.


He begins beating on the handcuffs cable against a bigger rock.

"Because clearly the maniac who cuffed and dragged us in here didn't have anything to do with it." He remarks.

"Man, I'm just gettin' paired up with all kinds of jerks in my life!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing you'd know about, ghost! Some dweeb's been givin' me all kinds of static at school! Because of this project we're both supposed to be doin'. Even though my other partner was cool!" Valerie explains.

"Uh, maybe you weren't pulling your weight?"

Valerie picks up another rock to hit the cable with.

"Or maybe they have no idea what my life is like! A job! A second job!"

"Two jobs?" Danny questions.

"I gotta catch ghosts like you and raise money for college! I coulda been paired up with just a girl named Aero, but no. I also got stuck with insensitive-"

She strikes the cable much harder.


She gives it another hard strike.

"Danny Fenton!"

She breaks the rock with the last strike. Soon each cuff join together to project a hologram, and an all-too familiar voice is heard again, It was Skulker.

"Greetings, panicking youngsters. As much as I would enjoy following the smell of beans through the infinite realms of the ghost zone, I believe I have something you want right here."

He holds up the sack baby.

"We have to go back!"

Valerie looks at Danny.

"Even though I have absolutely no idea why that sack is so important."

"Also, you may wanna hurry; ghost boy. Because if you don't fight, I'm going for the ghost girl."

Danny blinks.


Skulker laughs evilly.

Soon; Valerie lands down on Skulker's island and folds up her board back into her boots. Skulker is watching them from afar.

"That's it, come to my trap."

The sack baby starts crying. Skulker drops it, then picks it up again.

"What is this thing?! Why will it not cease it's infernal racket?!"

He squeezes the sack as if he were strangling it. Danny and Valerie run over. Skulker throws the bag down and is about to blast it, but Danny and Valerie jump in front of him, grab it, and start running away. Skulker, of course, starts shooting at them. Valerie activates her hoverboard again, and they dodge Skulker's fire.

"Go high!"

They dodge a few more.

"Go low!"

They charge Skulker and use his handcuffs as a tripwire, knocking his feet from under him.

"Hey, I think we finally got this teamwork thing down!"

Skulker recovers and grabs them off the board by the handcuffs.

"Just in time to get our butts fried!"

"Now, before I destroy you both, I must know what is so valuable about this package."

"It's not the package that's valuable, it's how you take care of it that counts!" Valerie shouts.

"And dude! You are a horrible mother!"

Two blink as Aero flies over and socks Skulker right in the face. He releases Valerie and Danny, who drop to the ground. The flour baby flies into the air, It then plops into Aero's arms safety.

"So, taking care of a baby, huh?"

Danny sighs and smiles. Valerie looks confused. Skulker starts to get up. Another one of Valerie's guns is lying beside Danny, tied to the usual glowing cable, just like the one on the first booby-trapped weapon.

"Wait, what are you doing!"

"Giving Skulker a taste of his own booby trap! DUCK!"

Aero quickly does and Skulker stands up, disoriented. The trap fires pointy red cones which the three avoided by hugging the ground. Skulker doesn't avoid his own trap, and soon looks like a pin cushion.

"I can't see... I can't move..."

He topples to the ground with a CLANK!

The three walk over.

"Please, don't get up on our account."

Danny takes the key from Skulker and unlocks the handcuffs. Then the three walk away, leaving Skulker alone.

"Okay, now my nose itches. A little help now. Please."

Aero comes back with the sack and makes it fart in Skulker's face.

The three soon emerge from the jungle foliage somewhere near the edge of Skulker's island into a clear area. Aero hands Valerie the sack baby, which isn't wrecked.

"Thank you, whoever you are."

Aero shrugs. Valerie looks to Danny.

"I guess I was kinda harsh on you before. I never thought a ghost could be anything but trouble."

"That's because you never bothered to get to know one. Truce?"

Danny holds out his hand. Valerie stares at it.

"For now."

She shakes it and lets go.

"Get me out of this ghost world, and we'll see how long it lasts."

"Zone. It's more of a zone."

"But, if you insist-"

Danny goes invisible.

"We're going to have to do it my way, though!"

Danny overshadows Valerie. He looks at Aero.

"Hey, meet me at your house. I'll explain everything there."

"You better. I told you to leave it with me!"

Danny rubs the back of Valerie's neck and the two quickly fly out of the ghost zone and Danny heads to Valerie's with her body.

The next day; Tetslaff is addressing the class. She was pretty peeved, especially since half the classes sacks were destroyed.

"Manson, for exemplary parenting skills, if questionable taste in makeup, I'm awarding you an A."

Sam smiles while holding her kid. Teslaff looks to Aero, Danny, and Valerie.

"Same to you, three. Nice job, you three get As."

The three smile at each other. Ms. Tetslaff thrusts her head just a few inches in front of Tucker's face.

"As for you, Mr. Day Care...!"

Later; Tucker is handing out refunds to each couple in front of Nasty Burger. After the last couple gets their money back, Tucker takes down his banner. As he rolls it up, Sam walks over to him; with her flour sack baby in a snuggle sack. Aero is standing next to her.

"Cheer up, Tuck. You can still visit Lilith on weekends."

"Sam, it's just a flour sack."

He throws the banner over his shoulder.

"Hey! Watch where you're throwin' that! Show a little respect."

The banner is draped over Nasty Ned.

"Wait, Danny?"

Sam goes to Danny, followed by Tucker and Aero. All three are confused.

"Yeah. The other day I was such a jerk to, to, uh, the person wearing this thing I figured I would give that person the day off."

"Aw, you're not half bad, Danny. Maybe someday Valerie will figure out the other half isn't either." Sam remarks.

"I didn't say it was Valerie."

"You didn't say it wasn't. Relax. I'm sure she's finally enjoying herself."

Aero looks at him and laughs.

"You did a sweet thing, Danny. But man do you look silly."

"Haha, keep laughing. In the end, you were fake married to me."

"Eh, not because I wanted to, Nasty Ned."

"But you didn't say you hated it!"

Aero rolls her eyes and Sam & Tucker laugh.

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