for the one i love ; fred wea...

By xcoldestqueenx

367K 12.4K 19.5K

Carina Malfoy. Draco Malfoy's older sister. The secret Blood Traitor of the family, best friends with George... More

synopsis + meet the characters
chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 04
chapter 05
chapter 06
chapter 07
chapter 08
chapter 09
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61

chapter 10

8.7K 265 490
By xcoldestqueenx

+13, mentions of sex/sex acts while drunk, everything consensual


Carina holds her head between her hands, groaning as Adrian and Cassius laugh louder. "Shut the fuck up," she mutters, closing her eyes to avoid their gazes. She'd been reading and doing homework in the Common Room when they both barged in to question her about the previous night.

It's around seven at night, and her boys are just now waking up. "You hooked up with Miles Bletchley," sniggers Adrian before huffing when Carina smacks his face with a couch pillow. "Ouch! That hurt!" Cries the long haired boy, rubbing his now red forehead. "'S not my fault you did that," he claims defensively.

"Well, you don't have to keep banging on about it, do you?" Carina retorts, rubbing her temples.

"Banging on," Cassius giggles, screeching when Carina throws another pillow, this time in his direction. "Hey! For someone who just got laid, you're pretty angry right now," he notes sarcastically, making Carina shush him quickly.

"For the thousandth time, Cassius: we did not have sex," says Carina slowly and quietly, even if there's no one else around. Her virginity is not something she treasures, but it's definitely something she wouldn't want to lose while drunk.

"If that didn't happen, then what did?" Questions Adrian.

And so, Carina begins to tell them everything that occurred that morning.

Her eyes opened with difficulty as light peered through the open windows, a groan leaving her lips. "What the fuck," Carina breathed out, staring at a ceiling that she was certain, wasn't hers. She turned around to find Miles laying next to her, shirtless. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she cursed, lifting the covers only to realise she was not wearing any panties. "What did I do," she whispered to herself, eyes wide when she sat up and saw her clothes scattered on the floor.

Slowly, she got out of the bed and found her underwear. Putting it on was the first thing she did before putting on her shirt. The last thing she needed was for him to see her scars, "Leaving so soon?" A scream left her lips at the sound of Miles' morning voice. "Sorry, love, didn't mean to scare you," he chuckled, resting his weight on his elbows, rubbing the sleep off of his eyes. "Good morning," Miles nodded at her while she continued getting dressed, shaking her head.

"Good morning, you say?" She shrieked, throwing his shirt at him as he laughed lightly. "Good morning," she mimicked with a scoff. "What the hell happened?" Carina questioned, buttoning up her trousers and looking for her socks. Thankfully, Bletchley's roommates slept somewhere else that night. Nobody ever woke up in their own bed after a Slytherin party.

"You don't remember?" Asked Miles, raising an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't be asking you if I did," Carina reasoned, narrowing her eyes. That wasn't the time to be sarcastic, she knew that much. "What happened?" She asked once again, trying to think back on what had occurred the night before.

"We didn't have sex, if that's what you're worried about," as soon as those words left his mouth, she sighed in relief. She knew he probably wasn't lying since there was no ache in her body from said act. "I just went down on you and then we fell asleep," Miles said nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She had done that a few times before, once with a girl she was seeing, so it wasn't new. "I'm wearing pants, see?" He removed the blanket that was covering half of his fit body, revealing the black boxer briefs he had on the night before. "You didn't seem to be out of it yesterday, you were quite adamant, actually. I wouldn't have kept going if I knew you'd forget."

Carina rubbed her forehead, shaking her head. "Wait, I can fix that," the girl put her wand against her temple and muttered a memory enhancing incantation. "Yeah, okay," she mumbled after a couple of minutes, finally remembering everything. "Thanks," she said suddenly. Now that she had those memories back, she could see that she quite liked it. It was a good night... he was soft and it was nice. He put her pleasure before his and she enjoyed herself.

Miles raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you thanking me for giving you an orgasm?" He wondered, an amusing smile on his lips.

The green eyed girl couldn't help but blush, "I guess I am?" She responded, putting her socks on. "Also thanks for stopping after I fell asleep -"

"C'mon, Carina, don't thank me for that," Miles stopped her, shaking his head. "That's fucking common decency, I would never be that lad," he even appeared to be offended by the implication, but said nothing else. Instead, he got out of bed and walked over to his closet, putting on a clean shirt. "So, listen," he cleared his throat, "I wasn't lying last night, when I told you I like you..." Carina cursed under her breath, "That's okay, I know you don't like me," he chuckled humourlessly.

"...Yeah, I don't..." Carina offered him a pitiful smile, she didn't want to give him any false hope, that would be mean.

"But you had fun last night, didn't you?" Miles turned to her, arms crossed across his chest, a proud smirk on his lips. She nodded with a shrug, trying to remain cool. "I was thinking, maybe we could do it again? You know, have fun together, no strings?" He suggested.

"Miles... I don't think that's a good idea -" She started saying, but he cut her off.

"The only one who stands getting hurt in this endeavour is me," he told her, ruffling his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. "And I don't think I will, so it's not that bad. As soon as one of us wants out then it's over! You can keep dating, I can keep dating, it's fine!"

It was not fine, it was actually pretty bad. "Listen, you're not as bad as I thought you were. Okay? You're... a decent lad! You're good looking, probably good in bed and you're nice enough when you wanna be... I wouldn't wanna ruin that," Carina sighed, shaking her head. "How do you think your next girlfriend's gonna feel when she finds out about our arrangement?"

"Nina, everyone has a past," Miles laughed softly, showing of his smile. "Do you wanna be a part of mine?"

Cassius and Adrian stare in disbelief as she finishes telling them the whole story, biting down on her lower lip. "And what did you say?" Cass asks after she's done speaking.

The black haired girl looks at him and snorts, "Who do you think I am, you wanker? Of course I said no!" She exclaims, letting her back hit the couch with a loud scoff.

"So, that's the last time you and Bletchley are going to hook up then?" Adrian raises an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.

"I - I didn't say that either," she gives in, an innocent smile on her face as they burst into laughter. "C'mon, you can't really trust me when I'm tipsy! Also, you can't blame me! I act on impulse, it could be him just as much as it could be -" Fred Weasley. "- Anybody." She coughs slightly, almost surprised by her own mind.

It's in that moment that images of Fred making out with Alison enter her brain. Cassius and Adrian watch quietly as her nose twitches in disgust. Fred's hands under Alison's shirt, Fred's nails scratching at her back, Fred's urgent lips on the blue eyed girl's. A loud noise brings her back to the present, and she looks down at her hand to see that she'd snapped her quill in half against the parchment, ink splattering. "Alright, there?" Asks Cassius softly, moving from his spot next to Adrian.

"Yeah, sorry, I got distracted," Carina clears her throat trying to dissipate the tension. "So where did you two sleep?"

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor Common Room, Fred, George and Lee are sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, talking amongst each other as people come and go. Most of the older students spent the day sleeping, and now are returning from the Great Hall after a much needed dinner. "Are you going to see Alison again?" Wonders George, staring at his twin.

"Who?" The blue eyed Gryffindor had slipped his mind for a second, "Oh! Denshaw, yeah, she asked me to Hogsmeade next week and I told her I'd see her there, so... yeah," they all know she won't last long. They never do. "She's fun." His best friend and his brother laugh at the adjective he's chosen for the girl.

"You know who's fun? Carina," Lee says suddenly, making Fred turn to look at him. He knows what he's doing.

"How d'you mean?" George beats Fred to it, thankfully. He wouldn't want to look too interested.

"Didn't you see her? Dancing with Warrington and Pucey last night?" Asks Lee, whistling lowly, "Also, can I just say: those two boys... Godric," he wipes his forehead and fans at his face, pretending it's hot. "And then she went off and snogged Bletchley!" Fred glares at the fire as Lee continues, "Ugh, that girl is my absolute Queen!"

George laughs, shaking his head at his best friend, "She made out with Bletchley? I thought he hated her," he had been too caught up in his moment with Angelina Johnson to even realise Carina was getting down and dirty herself.

"There's a thin line between love and hate," Lee points out, a small smirk on his lips as he eyes Fred, who's holding his knees comfortably, jaw tight, deep in thought. "You know, you've always been the better looking twin, Georgie," Fred doesn't even react, too consumed by the thought of Carina and Miles. Just the idea of Miles touching her makes his fists clench.

"Thanks, mate," George catches on quickly, "I agree, I also think I'm way smarter," he piles on, tittering with Lee when Fred doesn't say anything. "Don't you think so, Freddie?"

At the mention of his name, Fred turns to look at his brother, "Sure," he mutters, standing up, ignoring the surprised expressions on Lee and George. "I'm going to bed," mumbles the older twin.

"It's eight o'clock, mate," Lee lets him know, but Fred shrugs and waves, saying his goodnights before leaving the Common Room and going up to their shared dorm to sulk on his own. "Call me crazy, but I think he's sad," Fred's not sad often. Most of the time he's either happy or angry, there's no in between.

In reality, Fred is more than sad. He's frustrated. He's fighting against himself, against everything he's ever known. I can't be feeling things for Carina Malfoy, I just can't. He's trying to stand up against his emotions, making fruitless attempts at silencing them with logic, but it doesn't seem to be working. It makes no sense. Fred has seen Carina date before. She's not secretive about her sexuality or her relationships, but this time it hits him differently. Why?

The ginger watches his brother leave, exhaling with a nod, "Yeah," he agrees, glancing at Lee. "I think he's in denial," George has always been more emotionally aware than Fred, that's a fact. He understands where Fred's coming from though, after all, he's always been closest to his dad, which meant he knew Arthur's hardships first hand. It couldn't have been easy to see his father suffer in the hands of Lucius Malfoy and other former Slytherin workers at the Ministry. "He'll come around."

At least George hopes he will.


"Draco! Is he okay?" Asks Carina as soon as she walks into the Hospital Wing, "What happened?" Draco's lying on one of the beds, his arm held by a brace against his chest. "Oh, Merlin! What did you do, Dragon?" Her voice is soft as she brushes his hair back gently, looking at him with sadness in her eyes. Cassius and Adrian walk in a few moments later, eyes widening as they look over to the youngest Slytherin.

Madam Pomfrey nods at Draco for him to tell the story, but he shakes his head nervously, feeling ashamed. "Well, Mr. Malfoy here decided he'd ride a Hippogriff without proper technique," the old woman explains. Carina stares with her mouth agape as the Healer speaks before turning to Draco, who avoids her gaze with embarrassment. "The creature didn't react well, of course. It attacked, so he got hurt."

"It's not my fault!" Draco finally breaks his silence, looking up at Carina almost pleadingly. "That Hagrid should've stopped it! He shouldn't have been giving us classes with those dangerous creatures!" He points out, huffing at the thought.

"You should've followed his instructions," retorts Madam Pomfrey. Carina eyes her for a second. No matter how much she agrees with Pomfrey in this moment, she can see how embarrassed Draco feels already. She's not the type to go against her own brother. Not in public.

Instead, she stares into the Healers' eyes, "Could you let me talk to him alone for a bit, please?" The nurse sighs, nodding, taking the dirty, bloodied sheets and leaving the four students on their own. "Dray... Why didn't you do the proper technique?" Carina murmurs, pursing her lips when he shrugs, looking away. "Boys, give us a minute?" She asks, turning to her friends, who leave right after.

Gently, she sits down on the edge of the bed, trying to find Draco's eyes, "Hey, come on, look at me," after a few seconds, Draco finally looks up at her. "Why didn't you do the proper technique?" She repeats the question, fixing his hair with tenderness.

"I just - " It's been a while since she's seen Draco this embarrassed. "I just wanted to try... Potter was able to do it, I thought I would be able to do it too," he mumbled, a pink blush setting on his cheeks.

"Oh, Dray," breathes out his older sister, shaking her head. "Did Harry do what Hagrid instructed?" Draco nods reluctantly, "Well, perhaps if you'd've done the same... then, maybe you would've been able to do it too, don't you think?" Slowly, Draco nods again, feeling stupid. "It's okay, Dragon, we all make mistakes. Next time, you should listen to the Professor to avoid getting hurt," Carina tells him, a small smile etching on her lips when he nods in agreement.

"Alright," Draco mumbles, exhaling harshly. "Father's going to be very angry," he adds in a quieter tone. "Madam Pomfrey already wrote to him... I'm scared of what he'll do," Carina bites her lower lip, thinking about the possibilities.

The truth is, Lucius loves Draco with all of his dark heart. Even if he is tough on the boy, he'd never side with anyone other than him. Not Narcissa, much less Carina, even less so Dumbledore. "I don't think he'll be angry at you. I wouldn't put it past him but I am certain he'll try and get Hagrid fired," after years of dealing with him, she'd unwillingly learned about his mind and how it worked. "He'll probably be worried and act on that... I was worried," she admits, chuckling nervously.

"I'm sorry, Nina," Draco murmurs, taking her hand in his. "I didn't mean to get hurt, I wasn't thinking," he admits softly, his sister nods, mouthing 'it's okay.' "I also almost got in trouble for something else," Carina looks at him expectantly with a raised eyebrow, "I kind of punched Cormac McLaggen..."

"WHAT?" She lets out a shocked gasp, covering her mouth. "Why?"

"He was saying things about you!" Draco exclaims defensively. "About wanting to sleep with you and - just being gross," she bites the inside of her cheek, I'm gonna have to have a talk with him myself, "I couldn't let him speak about you in that way so I just, you know, broke his nose," he shrugs, pretending it's nothing serious. "Professor Lupin was there and he said it was okay! He didn't even give me detention, I just wanted to let you know, let you hear it from me first."

"Lupin said it was okay?" Carina repeats in disbelief, frowning as Draco nods vigorously.

"You can ask him!" That's how she knows he's telling the truth. She might still ask though, just out of curiosity.

"Alright," she gets up from the bed, fixing her robes. "Wanna go get some dinner with me and my boys?"

The four of them leave the Hospital Wing and go to the Great Hall. Draco's immediately greeted by Pansy, Blaise and Theo, who all bombard him with questions, wondering if he's okay. "That was horrible!" Cries Pansy, shaking her head once they're all seated. "The way that beast clawed at your arm! I thought you were going to lose it!"

Blaise scoffs, earning a hit from the short haired girl, "You're joking, right?"

"No!" Pansy shakes her head, "Do you even know how strong Hippogriffs are? He could've seriously gotten hurt!" She exclaims, making some students turn to look at them with curiosity.

From across the room, Carina notices Harry, Hermione and Ron looking over, angry looks on their faces. Harry glares at the back of Draco's head before his eyes land on Carina, who's sitting in front of his brother, facing directly at the young Gryffindor. Harry's expression softens visibly, his mouth opens, as if he wants to say something, before closing back up. The green eyed girl tilts her head at his actions, pursing her lips. Are those Greg's glasses?

Hermione taps Harry's shoulder and the boy turns around, effectively letting go of Carina's gaze. "What are you doing?" Carina reads Hermione's lips, squinting as she tries to make out what she's saying.

"Dunno," Harry mumbles back, staring down at his plate.

Carina continues watching them, her attention then shifting towards George, who's staring at her intensely, trying to get her to notice him. When she finally does, he smiles widely, "Astronomy Tower?" He mouths. The girl can't help but smile back and nod discretely.

Just then, Alison walks up to Fred, who's sitting next to George, and drapes her arm around his neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Fred gives her a tight smile, removing her arm softly, clearly trying to be nice about it. Carina narrows her eyes as Alison giggles and kisses him again, a smirk etching on her face when he pulls away a second later.

It's a fact Fred is not doing this because he doesn't like Alison, but more so because he doesn't want to scare the other girls off. Fred Weasley off the market? All hell would break loose, that's for sure. Carina doesn't know how to feel about it, even less when he turns to look at her and winks, a cheeky grin on his face. He's caught her staring, she'll never live this down.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Draco's voice makes her snap out of it. "Nina?"

"Yes," she says simply, digging into her food. Carina doesn't normally feel hunger. She used to, in the beginning, but after having countless meals taken away from her by Lucius, it just stopped. It burns for a few seconds and then it goes away. It's hard for her to keep track, Draco knows this. Cassius and Adrian noticed it over the years, so they keep candy on them in case she ever mentions food.

After dinner, they're walking towards the dungeons when they hear commotion coming from upstairs. "Excuse me, I'm Head Boy," they can hear Percy's loud voice. Everyone follows it, not caring about the fact that it's coming from the Gryffindor Tower. "Get back, all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been fully searched," he says, standing in front of the portrait.

"The Fat Lady, she's gone!" Ginny says loudly. Carina turns to Adrian and Cassius, who's eyebrows furrow at the statement.

"Gone?" Draco hums. "Well she couldn't have gotten far-"

"That's not funny, Draco," mutters Carina, shaking her head.

The platinum haired boy mumbles an apology as Dumbledore begins walking up the moving stairs. "Everyone back to your Common Rooms!" Percy cries desperately, trying to make a good impression with the Head Master.

"Mr. Filch," speaks Dumbledore, touching the painting with care. It's been slashed by an animal, one can tell pretty easily. "Round up the ghosts. We have to search every painting in the Castle and find the Fat Lady-"

"There's no need for ghosts, Professor," Filch points towards another painting with his bony finger, and they all turn to it. The Fat Lady is hiding behind a black pig, shaking like a leaf. "The Lady is there..."

As if those four words were magic, everyone starts running in that direction, wanting to know what happened to the guardian of the Gryffindor Common Room. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Percy screams.

"Yeah, you better listen, he's Head Boy!" Carina shouts sarcastically, earning a few laughs. George and Lee smile proudly at her quick wit and Fred can't help the small grin that appears on his lips.

The paintings are all going crazy as the students and Dumbledore finally reach their goal, all of them staring with wide eyes and perked ears. "My dear Lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore wonders.

A sharp sob leaves the Fat Lady's mouth as she holds on to the pig. "Eyes like the devil, he's got! And a soul as dark as his name... it's him, Headmaster, the one they all talk about! He's here! Somewhere in the Castle!" She warns them, crying with fear. "Sirius Black!"

AN: SIRIUS IS HERE AND I'M LOVING IT. i seriously wish i could write as fast as i think, u know what i mean? this book would already be finished, ughhh!!! i'm so excited though, i really am.

how're you liking it? sorry if you don't like the fact that she's so free with her sexuality or sex, but i just think there's so many fics in which the character is clueless and innocent, there needed to be a change.

that being said: always be safe and consensual. always. drunk consent is not consent, here it's different cause there's magic and she can find out the truth about what happened - she's 100% okay with it.

if you don't like it, that's okay, just don't feel the need to comment something if it's not constructive criticism because i do take it to heart. and it does hurt. i love you all.

anyway, pls vote, comment and follow me! tiktok: xcoldestqueenx , insta: siupunzumaran

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