Rehearsals With You ✓

By stirthestars

154K 6.1K 4.9K

April Stewart and Grey Collins have been at each other's throat since eighth grade. Putting them within reach... More

Chapter One: You *bleep*!
Chapter Two: Jinxed it
Chapter Three: Everywhere!
Chapter Four: Dad Jokes
Chapter Five: Hearts, Flowers and Butterflies
Chapter Six: Ouch. Watch it.
Chapter Seven: Named April
Chapter Eight: Haircut
Chapter Nine: Antsy Pantsy
Chapter Ten: Can he walk?
Chapter Eleven: Uncomfortable
Chapter Twelve: Chrisanta and Armand
Chapter Thirteen: Mondays
Chapter Fourteen: Dark. Cold. Alone.
Chapter Fifteen: 'Tis just a hobby.
Chapter Sixteen: God-gift?
Chapter Seventeen: Totes not worth it.
Chapter Eighteen: Coals or Clouds
Chapter Nineteen: France
Chapter Twenty: Your Grace
Chapter Twenty-One: Friends For
Chapter Twenty-Two: Wildfire
Chapter Twenty-Four: We Weren't
Chapter Twenty-Five: Bookworm
Chapter Twenty-Six: Invited
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Random
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Your Story
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Predictable and Unforseen
Chapter Thirty: Weren't Meant To
Chapter Thirty-One: May I?
Chapter Thirty-Two: Little Shorter
Chapter Thirty-Three: I'll try.
Chapter Thirty-Four: A Poet
Chapter Thirty-Five: His Story
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Plan
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Play

Chapter Twenty-Three: Little Miss Important

3.4K 150 115
By stirthestars

I stole Parker's pancakes and he gave me a nasty look. I stuck out my tongue at him which turned him to a sour mood. "You're a bi–" He dared not continue that when Mom turned away from cooking and Dad looked up from reading the newspaper. "You are a . . . " He ran his head for a friendly b-word. "B- b- bee . . ."  Our parents and I waited for what he could come up with. I grinned when looked like he wasn't about to anytime soon so I helped him.

"A b-undle of sunshine that lights up this lonely, miserable world?" I smiled and blinked innocently.

"Yeah. That." He sarcastically said. 

"Now kids, it's too early in the morning." Mom chided and served pancakes. She put two on Parker's plate and only one on mine.

Parker scoffed. "Nothing's too early to diss that face." He, my oh-so-sweet brother commented the same time I asked, "Why do I only get one?"

"Stop being a pig."

I gasped. "You little–" 

"Hey! You two, cut it out!" Mom scolded.

"She started it!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Nyenyenyenyenyenye," was my lame comeback while making faces at him. It's a classic among siblings, that one.

"Lalalalalalalala," he retorted after he covered his ears with his hands, both of us continuing our little war of who gets to keep it longer.

"Kids are blessings, they say. Kids will make you happy, they say," Mom sighed and Dad shook his head at us before returning to his newspaper. "I listened, didn't I? Look where it got me." Mom dramatically looked to the ceiling with a look of distress as if asking the Lord, why? 

"Okay, Mom, we still hear you." 

"Well, I thought you wouldn't with all the arguing you're doing first hour from dawn." I rolled my eyes. Guess we know where I got being dramatic now, do we?

The next few minutes rolled in relatively peaceful, if you call side-remarks at insulting your sibling peaceful. The four of us sat on the table, Parker and I on one side, Mom and Dad on the other. Quickly after eating, I heard a car honk outside.

I slid inside the car. "Alright. I'm ready to face school."

"Really?" Triss asked curiously.

I shook my head. "Nope, I was lying. I want to get this day over with." So far, nothing was leaking on the internet about me but that doesn't mean people are not talking about it. 

Cue sigh here.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who ever wondered about this: Can you poke someone's eyes and get away with it?

Naturally, no, so I can't do that. Hey, hey, now, now, don't tempt me 'cause I just might. It's gotten tiring. Stares here, stares there, glances here, glances there. Come on people, it's not that hard to process! Honestly. Grey, to my utmost shockery (that's not a word? well, I made it one, use it), has been rather  . . . indifferent. I sit here at Social Studies and the miracle I've been wishing for finally came to be! He wasn't kicking my chair nor throwing papers nor whispering annoying little things!

But why didn't I like it? Oh, I know, it's because my so-called enemy feels like he can't mess with me anymore. If something was to make me feel better about this is if Grey and I could go back to bickering, arguing and insulting each other. He's awfully silent.

Though I can't change that part of my childhood, I've long decided that I won't be held back by it. It may haunt me from time to time, but it won't make me breakable. If it did break me one day, I will pick up the pieces and stand back on. Everyone's walking on eggshells around me. I hate it. This is still me, you people. I'm the same person they know before they found out about that.

I listened to the lecture drawl on and on and on while I also played over the conversation I had with my parents yesterday. They wanted to make sure I was okay and I, hopefully, managed to believe them that I am. I was a bit shaken up at being locked but I was doing fine, mostly. They also threatened to tell about Mr. Martin about it and have a talk with the someone who locked me up (Parker didn't tell them who so I wasn't about to) but I disagreed strongly. They were hesitant about letting it go but I got them to, though not so quiet.

Ryan, thank the heavens, was treating me like normal. So was Triss who by the way, tiredly played nice to people. Students had the decency not to ask me but they were thick-faced enough to go to my best friend. Triss, being the nice person, didn't tell them anything but was very polite at shooing them away. She reckons it was her fault it has gotten to this so she wasn't gonna be mean about it.

I silently walked towards the auditorium after classes. The buzz has gotten down a bit but I was feeling more nervous about something else. Students surrounded me so I hastened my pace but I also kinda dreaded reaching my destination. Triss and I skipped rehearsals yesterday. I don't how that would go without me, the main lead, so you understand my jitters.

I hope Ms. Wilde doesn't kill me.

The moment I stepped into the auditorium, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I held my breath, frozen on spot. But just as fast as it happened, they resumed their work. 

I gave a sigh of relief. Some were drilling lines, others were just chatting and the rest had their own business. When Triss saw me from stage, she hastily ended the conversation with a boy, and trod towards me. I met her just on the foot of the stairs. "Everyone's not-"

"I know. I kinda talked to them before you came." She explained.

"Thanks." I smiled. "And Ms. Wilde?" I asked nervously.

Triss grimaced. "Don't worry, I already had an earful from her. You won't be receiving a tirade from her anytime soon."

I nodded before Ms. Wilde called for our attention. "Okay, okay! Now that Little Miss Important's actually here, rehearsals are on the go again!" Ms. Wilde yelled from on top of the stage, glancing at me for a second to make sure I knew she was referring to me. I gave a sheepish smile. "We'll start from where we left of the other day."

I looked around for Grey and saw him sitting at the front row, watching me. When I caught his eyes, he quickly looked away. Was he feeling guilty? Did he feel bad about it? I want him to but at the same I don't want him to treat me differently. His face was sullen and unreadable. I don't know what he felt. Did he have enough of a heart to regret what he did?

I walked up on stage and Grey followed behind. I breathe in and switched myself into focusing on rehearsing. I wore my character, picking right were we left of. "This is your fault," I fretted. 

"I know. I'm sorry," he answered and I felt my heart skip a beat. There was so much weight in what he said and I didn't need to act surprise by it.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"The fault is mine and I wholeheartedly understand if you blame me for it. My arrogance and lack of vigilance brought this shameful and most upsetting incident. I am at your mercy, my lady. I beg for your forgiveness."

My voice was caught in my throat. It was part of the act but it was so much more. I stared at Grey, wondering if he meant those words more than it should.

"I- Your Grace," I neared him and looked at him in the eyes. Stormy and captivating. I'm a sailor, lost at the ocean of his eyes. 

Gre lifted his hands and reached for my cheeks. Chrisanta, as if realizing just who she was talking to, nervously walked backwards, cleared her throat and started blabbing. Grey put his hands down. 

"Your Grace, I- I accept your apology," I started like a woman who couldn't believe a duke was asking for her forgiveness. But she should not be taken by it, her friend needs her most right now so she has to grow some backbone. "But," I resumed, just when Grey started to look thankful. His faced quickly molded into a look of apprehensiveness. "Only if you agree to let me in on the plan."

He looked at me confusedly and stepped forward. I stepped back. "What plan?" He inquired.

"Why, the plan to save my friend, of course. Surely you have one," I answered before adding, "Your Grace."

He looked surprised by my request. "My lady, I'm not so sure it's a good idea at all."

I lifted my head. "And why is that?"

"There are things out in the world that a lady such as yourself are better not knowing." He answered truthfully

Chrisanta was offended and I sniffed at his reasoning. "A lady like myself?" I questioned. "I am not some feeble-minded, ignorant lady. I can handle whatever it is," I answered stubbornly and I felt like there were more said to my words than it would've last rehearsals. "You don't have to treat me like I'm gonna break." I insisted and rehearsals went out with me feeling as if certain lines held more meaning beyond what is written on the play. 

Ms. Wilde called for a break and one of the guys passed around some sandwich and juice. I took a juice but the sandwich hasn't reached me yet. I stood quietly at the corner and watched everyone else. Imagine my surprise when I saw Grey walking towards me. I looked around to make sure I was the person he's about to approach and not anyone else.

I stood straighter when he stopped right in front of me. "Hey?" I asked unsurely. He doesn't seem like he was planning something and actually looked shameful at my presence. But this is Grey we were talking about so I never know. I narrowed my eyes at him and he grimaced.

I'm having a sense of deja vu . . .

Grey cleared his throat and offered me a sandwich. He held two in his hands, one for him and probably one for me but I didn't take it. When it was clear I wasn't about to, he put his arms down back on his sides.

"April," he coughed and I just stood there, wondering what he was gonna say. "I . . . I, I want to apologize?" he started. "I mean, I want to apologize," he repeated more surely and I looked at him shockingly. "I'm sorry about what I –I didn't know – I – I swear if I had – I am really sorry," he blabbered and seem to realize he wasn't forming straight sentences. He coughed again before saying, "I'm sorry and I want to say I'm not hoping you'll forgive right now but one day?" He searched my face for a reaction.

He . . . w-what?

That was kinda jaw-dropping. He waited for me to answer but when I just stared at him like a person with no ability to talk, he walked away right after offering an apologetic smile.

"Wait!" I stopped him and he turned around with a hopeful look. I winced.


"C-can you leave the sandwich?"


Author's Note:

Wooop! Didn't know I could write five chapters in a week. Anyway, I have tests and school work this week so I don't know when I'm gonna update but stay tuned . . .?

Anyhow, who doesn't like food? Who would pass up that sandwich? Pfft.

I hope this chapter was fairly decent. I know the story's not the best out there but if you lasted until here then maybe I'm doing something right.

Please vote, comment and share. Help the book reach more readers. Thank you so so much for reading. ❤️

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