Soy El Mismo {Prince Royce Fa...

Bởi starstrukksoul

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*Sequel to Incondicional Xem Thêm

Soy El Mismo {Prince Royce Fan Fiction}
Chapter 2- The Girl Who Worries
Chapter 3- I'm Not Ready
Chapter 4- Nothing Could Come Between You and Me
Chapter 5- Not Her Too
Chapter 6- Complications
Chapter 7- Jumping to Conclusions
Chapter 8- Public Affair
Chapter 9- Guilt
Chapter 10- El Se Me Va
Chapter 11- Family Matters
Chapter 12- Hoy Se Bebe, Mañana Se Sufre
Chapter 13- Vine a Decirte Adios
Chapter 14- Those Summer Nights Seem Long Ago
Chapter 15- Better Off
Chapter 16- Secret Santa
Chapter 17- Christmas Eve
Chapter 18- Ava 2.0
Chapter 19- See You Tonight
Chapter 20- The Date
Chapter 21- Tears and Accusations
Chapter 22- Pride
Chapter 24- Starting Anew
Chapter 25- I Miss You
Chapter 26- Meet and Greet
Chapter 27- Royal Screw-Up
Chapter 28- 'I Love You' Part 2...
Chapter 29- The Accident
Chapter 30- Just the Boys
Chapter 31- The Truth
Chapter 32- Soy El Corbade
Chapter 33- Where Things Stand
Chapter 34- Taking Action
Chapter 35- I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Vanilla
Chapter 37- Truce
Chapter 38- La Boda
Chapter 39- Fear and Failure
Chapter 40- Make Up Your Minds

Chapter 23- Moving On?

828 31 46
Bởi starstrukksoul

Things were moving all too fast for me. Not just the fact I had to find a way to try and get over Ava, but also because this year was going to be a busy one for me. I was in Miami, preparing for the taping of the second season of La Voz Kids, which I hoped to win again. There was also the constant practice that came with my tour, which was due to start this summer. And by the beginning of April, which was less than a month away, I had to be prepared for my shows in Mexico.  I had to do it all on my own and after it was all over, I couldn't go home to Ava and the baby like I wanted to. Nope, I was probably going to cone right back to Miami and live out my days miserably.

Was I feeling a little bit too sorry for myself? Yeah, well, maybe I was but I couldn't help it. They say there's these type of stages in a breakup, like a chain of emotions that were supposed to happen after.  They were denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, preferably in that particular order. But that wasn't me. I would experience all the "symptoms", aside from acceptance because I wasn't anywhere near that, at random times and random points in the day all at once. I was always led back to that one question. Why was I even "greiving" a breakup in the first place if I was the one who initiated it? Grieving or not, I couldn't let Ava know it was bothering me anymore.

Jerry was accompanying me during my stay here in Florida, one: because he had nothing better to do and two: because I really wasn't up for being alone. It probably sounds stupid, but I needed someone to vent to. I just really needed to take my mind off things, that was all.

I was sitting on the balcony to my hotel room and over looking the beach. Miami was a really nice place. I had considered moving here once or twice but I didn't want to drag Ava away from everything she knew. Of course now, I didn't have to worry about that anymore. I had to plan my near future as a Latin Pop bachelor against the world.

Well, maybe that was a bit over dramatic but I had been full of drama and pride and a whole entire mess of emotions in the past few months. I wasn't much of a beach guy, but the smell of the ocean air helped to calm me a little bit.

"Wassup with you, man?" asked Jerry.

I looked over at him. "Are you serious?"

"Hell yeah I am." He said. "Because I know you're not gonna hit me with that 'I miss Ava' shit. You don't miss her. Something else must be bothering you because the Geoff I know wouldn't be sitting here not doing shit about a girl that he loves."

"Jerry, can you not?"

"Am I doing something wrong?" he asked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"You're honestly the last guy I want to talk about girl problems with. Are you even still with that Melissa girl anymore?" , I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Her name was Erica, actually. But no, I'm a single man.", he said proudly. "Besides, these are Ava problems, not girl problems. Ava isn't just any girl to you."

"I just really really don't want to talk about her right now." On the outside, I was still trying to play hard to get but on the inside I just wanted her to love me again. Of course, I was too proud to let that show.

Jerry raised an eyebrow. "Alright, man. I dunno why you brought me down here if you're gonna whine the whole time.", he said with a laugh, making his way towards the door.

"Jerry. Yo, wait. I didn't mean it like that. I just don't wanna talk about any of that right now. Besides, where are you going?"

"Out.", he said. "Its my first time in Miami, the weather is nice and the girls are hot. I'm gonna make the most of it."

"Well, wait up. I'll join you."

He gave me a confused look. "You sure that's a good idea, Geoff?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Everything is fine. Why not live it up a bit?"

Everything is fine, I repeated in my head, trying to make myself believe it.  I was gonna be fine, or at least I hoped I would.

* * *

"So, Geoff, what was up with that song?"

"What song?", I had zoned out. I could barely hear Jerry over the wind anyway. I decided to let him take the Ferrari for a spin, hoping it would distract him from asking me about Ava again.

"The one you were writing last night. Had me feeling some type of way."

"Nothing. It was nothing. Just some stupid melody stuck in my head, I don't know. It wasn't anything serious."

"I don't know.", said Jerry as he turned a corner. "Sounded pretty serious to me."

He was right. It was crazy how he had been right a lot lately. That's when you know I fucked up, when Jerry is right more than once. But that song was serious. I had started writing it right after I left that night, when I was still a little drunk, but never ended up scrapping it. It had been finished for a while, but I always found myself coming back to it. The words I had written still resonated in my head.

Tell her that I'm a wreck and its getting hard to breathe...

I was a walking train wreck. No girl had ever made me feel the way Ava did, and without her I was just lost. There was no other way to explain it. She was stubborn, yet sensitive. Fun loving, yet grounded. She was my rock and now I had nothing to keep me from spiraling out of control. Maybe that was an exaggeration but either way, I knew I was whipped. I was just to stupid to figure out how to properly fix all my problems. That's why my pride finally got in the way and decided I should let things try and fix themselves.

But that wasn't working out very welll for me, to be honest.

Jerry must be picked up on my energy,because he didn't say anything the rest of the car ride. We pulled into a little shopping center, packed with pekple. You could see by how the horizon looked that we weren't too far from the beach.

"So, what are you planning on doing here?", I asked Jerry curiously as we got out the car.

"What else? The girls. It was either this or a strip club, and you're not the strip club type of guy. Besides, I wouldn't find anyone decent around there anyway." Jerry was really my boy. I appreciated him looking out for me but his idea of recovering from a breakup was completely different from mine. I didn't protest though. I had to act like everything was fine.

We chilled for a bit, and I tried my best to distance myself from Jerry as he utilized what he called his "chick magnet tactics" but overall I wasn't completely miserable. I mean, Jerry was a pretty fun loving guy. It was hard to be completely depressed around him.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god.", squealed a voice behind us.

I turned to see a girl running towards us excitedly.

"Oh my God, you're Prince Royce. Wow. Oh my God, I love your music."

I smiled. So she was a fan. She looked familiar, but I didn't recognize her from one of the fans from Twitter. She had long dirty blond hair with highlights and grey-blue eyes. She was tanned from many days spent over by the beach and she was a native of Miami, that much I could tell. Overall, she was pretty cute, I had to admit. Jerry must've thought he same thing, judging NY the look you gave me. I raised an eyebrow, wondering if I should

"Can I get a picture?", asks the girl excitedly, pulling out her phone.

"Yeah, sure.", I told her with a smile.

"Here can you take it for us?", she hands Jerry her phone before getting into position with me. "Thank you so much.", she said after the photo was taken.

"Anything for a fan.", I say. "Hey, have I met you before though? Like a meet and greet or something?"

She shook her head. "No. This is my first time meeting you. But I'm a really big fan. My name's Lisandra. Lisandra De La Cruz."

That's when it clicked. "Oh, I know who you are. Weren't you a finalist on Nuestra Belleza Latina? Like 2010?"

"2012." She corrected. (A/N yeah, i know she was on in 2010 but that would make her almost thirty so no lol.) "But I was. I repped Cuba."

I didn't remember that season very much, but I understood why she made the cut. She really was pretty. Jerry nudged me a little. He looked from me to Lisandra again with a look I recognized. It was the "you better ask for her number before I do." type of look.

"It was really nice meeting you.", she said with a smile. "But I'm sure you don't want me putting a cramp on your vacation or whatever."

"Wait, Lisa...can I call you Lisa?"

"That's fine.', she said with a laugh.

"You're welcome to come hang with us for a little. I mean, I have nothing better to do."

"Ay dios mio, really? Can my friend Veronica join us?", she gestured towards a girl who was waiting in the background.

"Sure she can.", Jerry answered for me. He didn't seem to have a problem with that.

After all, what was a better remedy for my mood than roaming the beautiful beaches of Miami with a beautiful girl?

- o - o -

ooh, how y'all feelin?

yeah, this was better in my head lol. anyways, please vote and comment ❤

love y'all ❤❤

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