My Little Prince (Reader x Ki...

By KilluasPerfect

113K 2.2K 5.2K

You've been watching anime for a while now. Killua Zoldyck in Hunter x Hunter has always been your favorite c... More

All x About x You
Seeing x Him
Running x Away?
A x New x Friend
All x About x Gippy
Running x From x Cops
We x Found x Him
The x Hunter x Exam
On x The x Blimp
The x Trick x Tower
Fighting x With x Prisioners
Stuck x In x A x Room
Leaving x Trick x Tower
Bonding x With x Killua
Kiss x With x Killua
Searching x For x Killua
The x Testing x Gates
Rescuing x Him
Arrival x At x Heavens x Arena
Getting x Your x Rooms
Trouble x With x Killua
Gon's x Fight
Who x Is x Kastro?
Hisoka x Versus x Kastro
Zushi's x Kidnapping
Killua's x Hoodie
The x Water x Test
Going x To x Whale x Island
Meeting x Aunt x Mito
Stealing x And x Stars
Dressing x Like x Hisoka
Yorknew x City
Gippy's Escape
Making x Money
Phantom x Troupe
Dress x Shopping
Hotter x Than x Fire
I x Caught x The x Bomber
Chimera x Ants
Palm x And x Biscuit
Gon's x Date
Octopus x Or x Squid
Fathers Day Special!
Gon x Versus x Y/N
The x End
PART TWO + HxH memes

Gift x From x Ging

1.2K 27 32
By KilluasPerfect

Aunt Mito walked up to all of you guys and said it was late and time to go inside. You all stood up and walked you guys back to the house. When you got inside, Mito pointed upstairs and said, "Go upstairs and make a few beds for your friends."

You all ran upstairs and went into Gon's room and Gon said he was gonna put away the dishes and ran back down. You grabbed a sheet and pillow to make a bed on the floor, but then Killua walked up to you with a warm smile and said, "Don't worry, I can make your bed for you."

He grabbed the sheet and pillow out of your hands and you grinned at him. You watched him make your bed and admired all of his features. After he made your beds and had Gippy make her own, you guys just sat and waited for Gon. Eventually, Killua got so tired that he fell asleep. You and Gippy decided to do the same and fell soundly asleep.

The next day Gon woke you all up holding a box in his hand. Gippy pretended to not know what it was and said, "What the fuck is that?" Killua frowned and looked at Gippy and said, "Do you always have to curse?" Gippy looked at Killua and said, "Well it's more fun to add a curse word to your sentence." Gon broke up their arguing and said, "It's a box my dad gave me." Gippy and Killua averted their attention back to Gon.

Killua grabbed it and said, "This is the box huh?" Gippy mumbled under her breath, "No shit." Killua stared at it in confusion and said, "How do you open this thing?" Gon frowned and said, "I tried a whole bunch of things but it didn't even budge."

Killua smiled and said, "Mind if I use a little bit of force." Gon said without hesitation, "Go ahead." Killua tried to open it and started straining so much to the point you could see his muscles and his veins. You stared at his arms and thought, "Wow..."

As soon as Killua stopped straining, his arms went back to being skinny and not veiny. Killua frowned and said, "No use. This thing's not normal. I could twist open a regular steel box no problem. Gippy, shoot it with your gun." Gippy smiled and jumped up and pulled her gun out of her dress pocket and said, "Gladly!"

Before she pulled the trigger you stopped her and said, "Wait!" You took the box out of Killua's hands and said, "The box is steel. The bullet would reflect and most likely hit one of us. Don't do it." You examined the box and said, "I think I know how to do it." You watched this scene nearly one million times at home, so you knew exactly what to do.

You closed your eyes and held the box in your two hands and used Nen. Bright beams of light shined out of the box and you dropped it. The box fell into a million pieces and inside there was another box.

Gon picked up the smaller box that was inside the steel box and said, "It looks like there's a card slot right here for my Hunter's License. Gon inserted his Hunter's License inside and the box opened.

You all looked inside and saw a ring, a memory card, and a cassette tape. You knew exactly what all of them were for. Gon stood up and said, "We can start by listening to the cassette tape." He grabbed a radio from inside his closet. Gon put the cassette tape in the radio and pressed play.

You heard Ging's voice on tape and it said, "Hey Gon. So you became a hunter too, huh? I have a question for you. Do you want to see me? If you do, keep listening." There was a long pause. The radio continued, "Well, I don't want to see you. I don't know how I could ever face you. I'm not a decent guy. I don't have any way of knowing how much time will pass before you listen to this tape. I figure it'll be at least ten years. But it doesn't matter. There's one thing that'll never change. I'll always be the guy I am. As you sit there listening to this tape, I'm sure that I'll be off, horsing around somewhere. If you still want to see me, find me. Catch me if you can. You're a Hunter now, aren't you?"

Gon smiled. Killua looked at Gon and said, "If you thought your dad would be easy to track, then you better think again." The tape continued, " There's one more thing I forgot to mention. It's about your mother. If you want to know more, keep listening." Gon stopped the tape. Gippy looked at Gon and said, "Wait, why'd you do that? What about your mom?" Gon smiled and looked at Gippy and said, "I do have a mom. Aunt Mito."

Gippy rested her chin on her hand and said, "That's sweet and all but... nevermind. You're right." Gon stood up and said, "Are you guys hungry? I could get us something to eat." In unison you all said, "Sure."

The tape started to rewind. Killua yelled, "Gon! The tape started moving all by itself!" Gon ran back over to the tape and said, "Wait what?" Killua said, "It's Nen, and it's rewinding the tape!" Gon sweated and said, "He's close! He's gotta be!"

Killua looked at Gon and said, "No, your dad imbued it with aura 10 years ago so it would rewind the minute that it stopped." Gon looked at the radio and said, "But why?" You looked up at Gon and said, "Maybe to destroy all evidence?"

The tape then started to record by itself. Killua said, "He's erasing his voice!" Gon yelled and said, "What?" He tried stopping it and the stop button wouldn't budge. Gon even unplugged it and it was still recording.

Killua growled and said, "I'm breaking it, sorry!" Killua threw it up in the air and punched it and it was still recording. Killua ran over to it and started stomping on it and punching it.

Killua fell back, but just in time you were able to run behind him and catch him. It finally finished recording, and Ging's voice was gone. Killua looked at the box and said, "At least we have two more clues." Killua picked up the memory card and said, "This is only designed to work for the JS. A gaming console called the Joystation from three generations back. Is there a toy store here?" Gon held the memory card and said, "I'm pretty sure there is." Killua smiled and said, "Got it." He stood up and put on his shoes. You stood up and said, "I'm coming with you." Killua nodded and you put on your shoes.

You guys headed out and walked to the toy store. On the way you said to Killua, "Hey Killua, you know how we're both transmuters, right?" Killua nodded. You said, "What are you choosing for your ability?" Killua thought about it for a while and said, "I'm immune to a lot of things, so I guess I would have to choose electricity. Besides, that graffiti piece that you drew a few months ago would match that."

You smiled and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Killua looked at you and said, "What about you?" You stared at the ground and said, "Well, I'm not really immune to anything. Maybe something cool like acid, or spiders web, or maybe even tentacles, extensible hands would be cool as well. Kinda like what Sadaso had."

Killua laughed and said, "Kurapika would freak out if he heard your spiders web idea." You giggled and said, "Yeah, that one probably wouldn't be the best idea. Speaking of Kurapika, do you think he's okay?" Killua put his hands behind his head and said, "He's probably off somewhere trying to find the Phantom Troupe or something." You shrugged your shoulders and said, "Not like there's much he can do." Killua laughed and said, "Not like he can go back to his family."

You pushed his shoulder and said, "Kills! That's mean!" Killua looked at you and made a cat face. You smiled and saw the toy shop a few feet away from you.

You and Killua both said in unison, "Race ya to it!" You guys both bolted and dashed off and ran towards the toy store like a couple of kids. Killua beat you to it by a few seconds and you said, "You spent your whole life training and running. You're probably used to this."

Killua made a cat face and stuck his tongue out at you. You guys walked inside and saw a bunch of toys and candy. You gasped and said, "Woah."

Killua walked to the gaming section and picked out a small console and said, "Alright, let's go."

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