Hear Me Roar: Lions Pride One...

By Coolest-Cassette

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Some one shots based on my book "Lions Pride". Dedicated to my friend-and the only reason I've felt motivated... More

Welcome To My New Book
Panic Attacks on Halloween
I Didn't Wanna Know
Regina VS Raph
Spring Fling
Family Time
Hotel Room
Mission Cheer Up Clara, is a Go!
I'm @CoolMom
You're So Rude To Me
I'm In The Jingle Mood
Yard Sale
I Want This
Naming Party
Genius at Work
Baby Shower (Part 1)
Baby Shower (Part 2)
The Best Parts of The Hectic Season
Late Night Snack Run
Career Day (Part 1)
Career Day (Part 3)
Maisie Rose Heron-George
The Friendship Book
Wedding Bash
I Like You, But You Like Who?
Let's Look For Eggs
Pointless Banter
Movie Night (Part 1)
Movie Night (Part 2)
Movie Night (Part 3)
Gold Star: I Hardly Knew Thee
Why You Acting So Weird
As All That I Am
Pranked Ya!

Career Day (Part 2)

32 2 9
By Coolest-Cassette

( Clara leads Cady and Regina into the Choir room and has them sit by Karen and Gretchen )

Naomi: Clarabelle, dear friend. Today has been....horrific...

Clara: I see you ended up bringing both your Moms. I thought it was just your Mama who was coming?

Naomi: Originally yes. I had asked my Mama to accompany me....against my better judgment but...I mustn't fail a class. However, this morning when I awoke and discovered my Mother had taken the day from work to come along as well.

Clara: Oh? Is that good or bad...?

Naomi: Undecided. Luckily my Mother prevented my Mama from making the incredibly horrible decision of eating several cinnamon buns from the school cafeteria this morning.

Clara: *cringes* I don't think it's a good idea to eat anything that lunch lady makes. Remember the burnt biscuits?

Naomi: Precisely. Apparently it has always been just as bad....even in our parents days of old.

Clara: *chuckles* Well, things have gone....okay...? I mean, my Moms now know about Eddie and mines deal. And before you say it, I know you don't agree with what I'm doing but you also can't deny the fact you're a lot smarter than me.

Naomi: You can be just as intelligent with your work, Clarabelle. All it takes is a little extra time studying.

Clara: Omi....studying is all you do! It's literally your favorite pass time! I think it'd take me a little more than "a little extra time" to be as smart as you!

Naomi: *playfully rolls eyes* Excuses, excuses. *perks up* Did you happen to see Cherry today?

Clara: I did! *hands her one of the snack boxes of Reesie's puffs she bought from Cherry* Hope you like peanut butter.

Naomi: One of my favorites! *takes the box*

Clara: *looks over to her Moms to see how they're doing* Yo, Momma, you gonna open your folder? You have to look over the material so we don't have to wait around once we get started.

Cady: Clarabelle, I'm not necessarily—

Clara: Yes you are. You don't have a choice! *points to the sheet music* All we have to do is sight read lines 1,2,3, and 4. Then we'll start the vocal warmups. *hands her a pencil* Here, I'll help you get started. *looks to Regina too* Mom, you paying attention?

Regina: Huh? *looks up from her phone*

Clara: Great lesson Mom. Put your phone away. This is school! Get caught with your phone and it goes *pauses for affect* in the phone sack!

Student nearby: *gasps* Did you just say the.....phone sack?!

Clara: *nods* Indeed I did.

Regina: .....What the hell is a phone sack?

Clara: The phone sack is where bad students phones go! If it ends up in there....it goes to the principal...who then makes a phone call home to your parents. They have to come to the school and get the phone....and you don't get it back unless it's from your parents!

Student nearby: DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!

Regina: Clarabelle...I don't believe that applies to me....

Clara: It applies to everyone! No one escapes the phone sack!

Regina: *looks to Cady with wide eyes*

Cady: *shrugs* Follow the rules, Gina. Besides, it probably wouldn't look very good if you were sitting on your phone during a class....considering you're a parent...

Regina: *whines slightly* School sucks. Why did we agree to come back here?

Clara: Remember that next time I want to stay home and you try to sell the excuse that "schools important".

Cady: *shoots Regina a glare* Thanks Regina. Next time, you get to be the one to pull her out of bed when she's being difficult! *turns to Clara* And just because there are aspects of school that are...annoying....doesn't mean it makes school any less important.

Clara: Up for debate. If schools as important as you say, then you better get your work done. The scale is up there on that poster *points to the front of the room at a poster that has Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do* The first note is Do.

Regina: Which one?

Clara: ...What do you mean?

Regina: Which Do? There's two?

Clara: Low Do. So the first one. Right there. So the next note after that would be Re.

Regina: ....Got it.

Cady: *whispers* Do you?

Regina: Yeah....?

Teacher: Alright! Welcome class! If you'd—

Shepherd: Sorry we're late! *runs in with Damian behind him* I'm ready to...SING! *starts singing a scale*

Cady: *eyes widen* Oh wow....

Clara: Ah, that's normal. Shep usually breaks out in song at least ten times per day. *starts clapping* Nice one, Shep!

Shepherd: *bows* Why thank you, dear Clara! I'm glad someone gets my talent!

Clara: Always do, Shep. Always do.

Shepherd: *goes over to the tenor section with Damian in tow*

Choir Teacher: *blinks, before chuckling* Well alright then! Anyway, once you have finished your sight reading, please place them on this desk by the piano with your name at the top.

Clara: *stands up with Naomi, Shepherd, and the rest of the kids in the class to place their papers on the desk*

Regina: Oh shit...Cads, did you finish this yet?

Cady: Um....no? Yes? I'm not sure.

Regina: What do you mean you're not sure?!

Cady: I mean I'm not completely sure I did everything I was supposed to! Hey! Don't copy my paper!

Regina: Come on, Cady! Help me out here!

Cady: You could just ask for help instead of copying me!

Regina: Are you kidding me? It's not like it matters! We're not getting graded on this! Just give me the answers!

Clara: *chuckles* Wow, Mom. You're really good at breaking the rules, huh?

Regina: *huffs* I'm not breaking the rules!

Cady: Only because I'm not letting you!

Regina: I never took a music class! You can't just give me an assignment and then leave me with no instruction!

Clara: Alright, alright. Just set the paper aside for now. We're about to start class anyway.

Regina: So it doesn't even matter at the end anyway?!

Clara: What—did you expect to get grades or something? Nah, I'm just letting you two re-experience the amazing experience that is HIGH SCHOOL! It's only fair I force you to feel exactly the reasons I don't wanna come here in the first place.

Regina: *huffs again* All that for nothing.

Clara: If you want to do the work and hand it in I can have the teacher grade it and I'll bring it home to you. *smirks*

Regina: That won't be necessary. Thanks. *crosses arms* Now, what's next in this class...

Clara: Vocal warmups. Don't worry. All you have to do here is sing.

Choir Teacher: Okay! Today's going to be a little different than a normal class because we have some wonderful parents joining us! Due to this, I thought instead of our normal warmups...we'd do something more interactive for everyone here.

Shepherd: *raises his hand* Can we play a game of "shout it out"?! Because I am so here for that!

Clara: I second that! Here— *raises both hands* —I'll even raise both hands to show how for this I am!

Cady: *whispers* What is...."shout it out"? That doesn't sound like a game one would play in school...

Choir Teacher: Do not worry, Mrs Heron-George! I'll explain the rules!

Cady: *jumps slightly at being called out* O-Oh alright...

Choir Teacher: To put it simply, we choose a karaoke version of usually a show tune and allow the kids to act as well as sing to it to create a little show for the rest of us! It gets them up and moving, let's them be creative musically, and have some fun!

Shepherd: Let's do this! Clara, I wanna do "What I've Been Looking For" from High School Musical! Will you be my Sharpay?

Clara: You know it! Come on "twin brother"! *runs off with him*

Regina: Hey wait! What do we do? Just sit and watch?

Choir Teacher: Don't worry, parents. I think you'll enjoy seeing this!

Naomi: Yes! Even I enjoy this quite thoroughly! I do hope Shepherd does his dance moves...they are fantastically hilarious!

Shepherd: Why thank you, Omi dear! I do pride myself on my amazing dancing skills! *dabs*

Naomi: *deadpans* You just ruined it.

Shepherd: I was kidding! Give my dancing skills more credit than that!

*the music to "What I've Been Looking For" from High School Musical starts to play*

Regina: *murmurs to Cady* What...is happening...?

Cady: ....I don't know...but I'm excited to find out.

Shepherd: *throws on a random Fedora from a costume box used for plays* It's hard to believe that I couldn't see!

Shepherd/ Clara: You were always there beside me!

Clara: Thought I was alone, with no one to hold!

Shepherd/ Clara: But you were always there beside me!

Regina: *blinks*

Cady: *whispers* Oh wow...

Karen: *clapping along with the music*

*the song ends*

Shepherd: Nailed it! *high fives Clara* We were the bomb dot com!

Clara: Of course we were! We always are!

Choir Teacher: *claps* Why that was indeed amazing! Very good, you two! I'll put in a 100 percent in the grade book for your participation today!

Clara: A fun class and a passing grade? We're getting spoiled today! *chuckles and sits back down for the rest of the "performances"*


Clara: Welp, that was an amazingly fun class, wouldn't you two say?

Cady: *chuckles* I would! It was very entertaining to see all you kids sing! Though...I think your Mom is still upset....

Clara: *giggles* Upset by what? The fact she got "homework" or the fact her phone is in the phone sack?

Regina: *huffs* This is ridiculous! I'm not even a student! *carrying a folder with her homework in it* Just because I checked my email one time I got my phone taken away like a child and then was given homework because I was on my phone!

Clara: That's what happens when you don't behave, Mom.

Regina: Clarabelle, regardless of this current circumstance...I am still your mother. Watch the sass.

Clara: *giggles* Aw, are you feeling like your adult privileges are being challenged? Is that why you want to punish me to assert your power to make yourself feel in control again?

Regina: *crosses arms* Just let me have this one!

Clara: Fine. I guess I'll stop picking on you. I mean, you already have to endure the embarrassment Momma set you up for later.

Regina: What exactly do you mean? *looks to Cady questioningly*

Cady: Well, Regina....you weren't setting a very good example for the students by being on your phone during a class. By you doing that...you probably made the teacher's job harder, because now he'll have students fighting him on staying off their phones because they saw you...an adult breaking the rules! Besides, not only did you embarrass yourself....you embarrassed me and Clara too! I mean, I'm your wife....your reputation affects me and your daughter! So...that's why I think you should get your phone back the same way the kids do.

Regina: WHAT?! Cady, what the—?!

Cady: —That's why I've given that teacher your mother's phone number. If you want your phone back....the school will have to call your Mom to come pick it up and then she can give it back to you!

Regina: *stunned* I-I....how could you do this to me?!

Clara: What do you mean?! How could you do this to me?! You're lucky that teacher likes me and knows I'm a good kid! Mom, I love you so much but it's hard sometimes to live in the shadow of the reputation you left behind! Do you know how many teachers I've had to "prove myself" to?

Regina: Clara...I'm...sorry. *unable to find the right words*

Clara: It's fine, Mom. Really. There's nothing you can do about that now. And...it doesn't make me love you any less. I just want you to be aware that Momma is right! How you act today does affect me. I've worked hard to be my own person through the reputation of "The Queen Bee". So now that I have...please just follow the rules....save me the work.

Regina: *sighs, then looks down at the folder* Does this mean I have to do this homework?

Clara: Don't worry! You can do it tonight and I'll bring it in to have it graded. Once it's graded I'll bring it back to you so you can see your score!

Cady: And no cheating! *looks to Regina* Considering you seemed to cheat your way through school...I think you should do this homework by yourself!

Regina: *groans* It just keeps getting worse and worse!


*Sitting in the middle of Clara's AP U.S History Class*

Regina: *dozing off*

Cady: *elbows her side*

Regina: *jumps awake* *whispers* Ow! What the hell?!

Cady: Remember the whole "following the rules" deal you made Clara? Well, I'm pretty sure falling asleep in the middle of a class is definitely not following the rules!

Regina: Well, I'm sorry! I can't help it! This is just—so unbearably boring! How does she like this?!

Clara: *sitting at the edge of her seat glued to her teacher's lesson*

Cady: She's good at it, Gina. Besides, what someone finds boring, could be someone else's passion. Like you and your fashion magazines.

Regina: *looks at her* What...? Who finds my fashion magazines boring...?

Cady: *stops herself* No one, hon. *takes her hand to hold* Just—pay attention.


Clara: *tucks her history stuff away* Man, I love this class.

Regina: Yeah! Definitely! I can totally see why! Lots of fun...

Cady: *whispers* To much.

Regina: Oh.

Clara: *chuckles* I know it's not for everyone. Don't feel like you have to pretend to be interested. *zips up her backpack*

Cady: *nudges Regina, looking at her seriously before motioning towards Clara*

Regina: *sighs* No, I really am interested! It's just that....I don't know as much as you do! Maybe if I knew more—like the more basic stuff—I'd be more interested in learning the more in-depth stuff.

Clara: Well, I could always teach you! *perks up* We could do like...little lessons at nights or weekends! I could show you my favorite history books and tell you my favorite facts!

Regina: *trying not to seem strained* O-Oh! Y-Yeah! Sounds...fun! Can't wait....

Clara: Yay! I can't wait either! Well, let's head out to Momma's favorite class. Calculus. *walks out passed them*

Regina: *glares at Cady whose giggling* You are sitting in on those classes with me. Don't for even a second think you're not.

Cady: You should be smiling right now! Look how happy you made her!

Regina: That is the only good thing that's going to come of this!

Cady: So you learning something new wouldn't classify as a "good thing"?

Regina: Does that ever classify as a good thing?! *huffs* Now come on. *sarcastically* Wouldn't want to be late for your favorite class.

Cady: *playfully rolls her eyes*


Regina: *looking down at the paper in front of her* What the hell is that.....?!

Clara: Tell me about it. I still stand by the rule that letters should not be in math.

Regina: Like...look at this one! It doesn't even have any numbers at all?! How do I add A with C?!

Cady: *giggles as she's mindlessly scribbling down the correct answers* You two are ridiculous.

Clara: We're ridiculous?! Have you seen how ridiculous this is?! *holds up paper*

Ms Norbury: Is there a problem, Clarabelle?

Clara: *jumps* Nah...not at the moment. Might be some problems later but....not right now, thanks though.

Kenny: Yo, Mrs Norbury?! Gotta question for ya!

Ms Norbury: *sighs* Yes, Kenneth?

Kenny: Yeah hi, how do you do this? Like...I'm seriously at a loss and my smart dad isn't here with me.

Shane: *looks to his son* What the—?

Kenny: Sorry, but Dad is a lot better at math than you.

Clara: That's it. I need answers. *looks to Cady sweetly* Oh Momma~! Your first born, adorable, kind, amazing, loving daughter needs help~!

Cady: No Clarabelle. I'm not going to just give you the answers. If you asked me for my help than I would! But I'm not just going to let you copy down my paper! I'm not your Mom!

Regina: Ouch! Harsh! ....But fair. Sorry, Bella. But if I had the answers, I totally would give them to you.

Clara: Good to know. *sighs* Fine! Then I'm going to my real friend! The friend who will help me regardless on if it goes against her morals! *whispers across the room* Naomi! Hey!

Naomi: *having no problem answering the questions, is currently helping her moms out* Clarabelle, normally I would be more than happy to assist you....but unfortunately I am tied down with my Mothers here. They need me.

Clara: Correction. I need you! *sits back in her chair grumpy* School sucks.

Cady: *sets her pencil down to show she's done*

Clara: Oh, way to rub it in!

Cady: *chuckles* All you have to do is ask for help, Clarabelle. I'd be more than happy to help you.

Clara: *whines* Mom!

Regina: Don't look at me! I literally got my phone taken away....I don't have enough adult pride left to stand up to your Momma even if I tried!

Clara: *growls* Fine! Momma....can you like...help me or whatever...?

Cady: That doesn't sound very sincere....

Clara: *whines* Momma...can you please oh golly gosh darn it help me? I am terribly embarrassed that I have not one single clue on how to do this. It would be my honor to ask for your help. If you could spare a moment of course.

Cady: Hmm....I mean, I feel the wave of sarcasm as if it were a tsunami....but I suppose I can help you. *chuckles and leans over to see what Clara has so far* Oh...wow...

Clara: Don't judge me! *crosses arms*

Cady: Of course I'm not judging you, baby. I'm just....confused on how you got 115 out of 5 + 5....

Clara: I just took the two lines you use to make an addition sign and put them in front of the 5 to make 115.

Cady: Oh honey....no. Just—no.

Regina: Did you not learn how to add...?

Clara: Mom! *shoots her a glare* What was George Washington's middle name?

Regina: Uhhh....William.....? *hoping she's right because she wants to prove a point*

Clara: Trick question! George Washington didn't have a middle name!

Regina: *mumbles* Damn it.


Ithilien: *cuddled under his blanket trying to keep warm* R-Raph? *looks over*

Raph: *sipping away on a glass of juice*

Ithilien: Come on, bro?! More juice?! How is it that you seem to be getting an infinite supply of the stuff and I can't even get one glass?!

Raph: *gives him a look*

Ithilien: *sighs* Why do I have to ask her?! You know what's going to happen if I do! Nana will come in and she won't leave! How could she just knows to bring you juice but won't even bring me one single glass?! I call favoritism!

Raph: *rolls his eyes* *rings a bell*

Ithilien: Where did you get that—?

Mrs George: *hurries in* Yes Raph? What would you like, sweetie?!

Raph: *points to Ithilien* ....juice....

Mrs George: Oh..Theo? Why didn't you tell me you wanted juice?

Ithilien: I...don't know. Just—can you get me some?

Mrs George: Of course! I'll be back shortly. I just have to run to the store and grab some more. Raph got the last glass.

Ithilien: *scoffs* More like he got the last glasses! Gee, Raph...wouldn't you say the ten glasses you've had was enough?!

Raph: *shrugs*

Ithilien: Don't you dare shrug at me!

Mrs George: Boys! Boys! There's no need for that! I'll make a quick trip to the grocery store. Can you two handle being alone until then?

Ithilien: *rolls eyes* Yeah, I think we as 16 year olds can probably handle that, yes.

Mrs George: Well...as long as you're sure! *leaves*

Ithilien: *looks over to Raph* She's not coming back for a while now...is she?

Raph: *shakes his head no*

Ithilien: I got to snippy...didn't I?

Raph: *nods*

Ithilien: I'm not getting my juice...am I?

Raph: *shakes head no again*

Ithilien: Great. Love that. *sits back in bed grumpy*

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