The Tales of a Fox (Black But...

By ChibiNuocMia

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"Come, child. Take my hand. You have a new life ahead of you, should you choose to take it." Your childhood h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
[PLEASE READ] Important Note: Grell's Pronouns
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

3.2K 85 27
By ChibiNuocMia

After your conversation with Queen Victoria, she had let you grab your belongings, which weren't much. Everything you owned had been stolen from various nobles, so you only brought along a bag's worth of money and weapons, and a rapier sword that swung at your hip.

You'd hesitated to show the old woman the true extent of your abilities, but after some deliberation, had admitted to the basic things you were able to do. She would've found out eventually anyways. To your surprise, the queen had little reaction, merely telling you that it seemed you were blessed with the gifts required for the position of Royal Vixen, as if fate had determined it.

"Your Majesty? Will I be staying at the Fox estate? Or will I be staying at the palace?" you wondered. With the previous Marchioness and her relations dead, you doubted any of the servants had stayed. There was no doubt that the manor would be in a terrible condition. You didn't like the thought of being alone in such a huge place right off the bat either. It would feel too wrong.

"Whichever it is you prefer, my dear girl," the old woman smiled. "It would perhaps be easier to remain in the palace for now."

You nodded. "That would be my preference as well..."

The carriage slowed to a stop in front of a tailor shop. Hopkins' Tailor Shop?

"Your Majesty?" you looked at her questioningly.

"New clothes, child. It would be best to get those first." Right. You nodded.

The carriage door opened to reveal John, who held out his hand to you. "My lady," he murmured. It feels so weird to be called that now that it's actually true... You placed your hand in his and stepped down from the carriage before striding over to the shop's doors. The queen's aide followed close behind. The action prompted you to give him a strange glance.

"You won't be staying with Her Majesty, Sir John?"

"Her Majesty has requested I stay with you for the duration of your fitting."

"... I see."

The doors opened to reveal a quaint shop with a display of outfits, each a design you'd never seen before. They were all rather interesting, in all honesty. Very unlike the suffocating outfits you'd seen many noble women wearing.

"Hello~! Welcome to—" a glasses wearing woman peaked out from the storage room, before cutting herself off with a gasp. "Who is this cute little lady?!" she zoomed over and grinned widely, leaning in close.

You blinked, bewildered as she got even closer, inspecting you from head to toe, muttering to herself as her eyes shone with excitement. John cleared his throat from behind you.

"This is Lady (Y/n), the soon to be appointed Marchioness Fox," he introduced. "My lady, this is Madam Nina Hopkins."

"Just call me Miss Nina~!" she smiled. "I would love to hear my name from such an adorable little girl~"

"R-Right," you stuttered, still adjusting to the woman's... eccentrics. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Nina."

She squealed, hugging you tight. "Oh, my imagination is overflowing~ Your figure is quite nice, such a nice model to work with~"

"M-Miss Nina?" you resisted the urge to squeak when she started... groping you, for the lack of better words.

"Just taking measurements, dear~" she backed off, eyes gleaming. "Slim waist, long legs, a lovely face, a delicate silhouette... Oh yes, yes, I've got it!!!" she cried, pulling out a stack of papers and a pen.

She quickly scribbled down what you assumed were outfit designs, rambling to herself.

"Now, what exactly are we looking for, dear (Y/n)?" she asked, peering at you through her glasses.

"A daily wardrobe," you replied. "All of the basics, including nightwear, evening gowns, and such. I'll need ball gowns too. This is also a more personal request, but could you also include pants and skirts I could easily move in? I'd rather the clothes aren't too heavy or long..."

You swore her eyes were shining. "Of course!" Her smile could've split her face with how maniacally wide it was. "Finally, someone who understands my fashion ideals! I've had to cater to such stuffy nobles who bust a spleen at the mere idea of showcasing their ankles, but now, after so long, a miracle has arrived to repay my efforts~" I feel like I've unleashed something regrettable...

And so you were subject to her long rants about how outdated the current fashion was as she began to tailor your new set of outfits, befitting of your new title.


An exhausted sigh left your lips as you finally exited the shop. Nina was excitable and easily approachable (by your standards at least) but was rather tiring to keep up with. She hadn't disappointed at all, though. You smiled at the briefcase in your hands. Her talent truly was something.

You climbed into the carriage once again, sheepishly smiling at the queen. "I'm sorry for taking so long, Your Majesty."

She simply chuckled. "Miss Hopkins does have a habit of being quite energetic." That's a very big understatement, you thought wryly.

"The ceremony will be tomorrow evening," Queen Victoria said. "I would like you to meet some people before then."

Tilting your head curiously, you asked, "Who?"

"The Phantomhives, my dear. They and the Midfords are quite good at upholding secrecy, so your abilities will remain disclosed. I would also like to introduce you to two of my future secretarial officers. Both are still young, so you should get along with them just fine. They will be working with you in the coming years"

So in summary, she wants me to meet the Guard Dog, his sister and her husband, and the pair in-training rumored to be talented swordsmen despite their age, Charles Grey and Charles Phipps. And she wants me to reveal my abilities to them.

"...Won't they find me strange? Or a threat?" you muttered, wringing your fingers as you thought back to your orphanage days. Everyone there had looked at you with wary eyes.

"On the contrary, child. I think they'll find you quite interesting."

You frowned, still a little skeptical, but gave no further protest. "If you say so, Your Majesty."


That night, you stared up at the ceiling, lying in the bed of your new quarters. It's so strange, you mused, to not have holes in the roof and cracks along the walls.

It was still a wonder that the Queen had chosen you of any other female being that could've taken the position of Royal Vixen. Sure, you had skills, but that didn't mean it was necessary to grow such a fond attachment. She could've hired you as an assassin or something instead of giving you a noble title, couldn't she?

You sagged into the duvet, breathing beginning to slow as you relaxed. The bed was comfortable, yet not. The sheets were soft against your skin and the pillows felt like clouds, but still, it all felt too alien. Like you didn't belong.

You dryly chuckled. Well, I'll get used to it eventually. It's what I've always done.


The next morning, you were woken by a palace maid. You were fed in the bed, treated to a warm bath, and changed into one of your new outfits. ...I take it back. How am I going to get used to this? You mentally groaned. All those years alone made you appreciate privacy, and now, it just felt flat out invaded.

You stared at yourself in the vanity mirror, eyes drifting towards the maid as she brushed your hair.

"... what's your name?" you wondered.

"Hilda, my lady."

"Hilda... I would like you to be the only maid taking care of my personal needs," you stated. "The rest that are planning to rotate in can go back to their regular duties. I'd rather have just one." I don't want too many people looking into my life. I'm sure that I'll be able to get used to one alone, though. Hilda seems nice enough.

"Then, I will be sure to inform the other maids, my lady."

"Thank you, Hilda," you smiled at her. She looked at you in surprise, but gave the slightest smile back as she tied the ribbons of your hair.

"Of course, my lady."


You lounged around the room, sorting through the load of papers John had dropped off earlier. They were all documents about the businesses and properties of both the Fox and Corbyn families. And apparently it had been nearly a decade since anyone had bothered to go through any of them, which meant your workload was disgustingly large.

With a sigh, you signed yet another document and added it to the never-changing piles of papers. Now let's see, some of those businesses might have a chance of revival... What to do? You paused at the list of businesses in the hospitality industry. The Foxes owned a chain of bakeries and cafes, huh? That sounds like an interesting idea.

You stood up with a long stretch and walked into the halls, moving towards the kitchens. I can start a new chain of cafes that sells baked goods and simple meals or snacks with tea. To attract people, I can include a nice dine-in service and delivery service. It can be attached to a small shop of different products they can purchase, some cheaper than others for the commoners.

There was really only one problem... I have to come up with good recipes, which means I need to learn how to work in the kitchen to actually create them. Well, that, and getting others to take the business seriously when it's run by a child.

Strolling into the kitchens, you were surprised to find the area mostly empty. Mostly. Because there at the counters was a kid who was at most, five years older than you. You noted his messy silver hair and the mole on his chin, and recognition finally hit you.

"You must be Charles Phipps," you said. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"..." he stayed quiet as he observed you, and you cringed at the awkward silence. "...You're the new Marchioness that Her Majesty brought in," he stated more than asked.

You nodded, fidgeting under his stare.


Your eye twitched minutely. "Well, I am only nine. I didn't exactly have the best meal plans up until now either," you muttered. Any louder and you were sure your voice would've dripped with irritation and obvious sarcasm.

It was subtle, but you swore that the teen's lip twitched upward in amusement. You resisted the urge to pout. That was when you noticed all of the ingredients scattered in front of him.

"Are you baking something?" you asked curiously, coming closer to look. He gave you a silent nod. "What is it?"

"Pudding." Just then he pulled his creations out of the oven. The smell made you drool a tiny bit before you collected yourself. A noble lady had to have decorum, unfortunately. That meant no pigging out. Truly a tragedy.

However, it seemed you hadn't hidden your reaction fast enough. Phipps was staring at you, and you could feel the amusement in his aura fluctuating. Great, he probably thinks I'm a glutton.

"Did you want some?" he offered like the gentleman he was. Your eyes immediately lit up. Phipps didn't show it, but he couldn't help but think you were a pretty adorable kid.

"Can I really?!" you exclaimed excitedly. He nodded. You wasted no time in grabbing a spoon and digging in. You were practically sparkling as you savored the taste. "This is so good~" you beamed at him.

The teenager visibly softened as he gave you the tiniest of smiles and a single head pat. You didn't know it, but this was the moment that birthed the protectiveness he had for you in the years to come.

The two of you were interrupted by the doors being opened, and another teen striding in. "Hey, Phipps, is that pudding done?"

You quickly scanned his features and identified him. Ah, he's the other Charles. Charles Grey.

"Oh? Who's this?" he grinned, observing you closely.

"(Y/n) Corbyn Fox, the new Royal Vixen and Marchioness Fox," you introduced yourself. "You must be Charles Grey?"

"That's me," he smirked. "Did you need something, little lady?"

"... Not from you," you shrugged, turning back to the pudding and taking another bite. Grey frowned as he went ignored, and at the fact that you were eating some of his pudding.

"That was supposed to be mine, you know."

"There's a lot," you stated flippantly, eating without a care. "I'm making sure that you don't outgrow your clothes too fast."

Grey pouted when Phipps coughed into his fist to hide a laugh.

"Then what about you?!" he cried indignantly.

"... Good point. I just don't care," you waved him off. Phipps handed the older teen his share of the pudding, which he scarfed down in seconds. You stared in disappointment. He didn't even savor the taste...

Once Grey had gone through his entire share of the pudding, which was at least 95% of the whole batch, he stared at his empty plate dramatically. What really got to you was the fact that it actually made you feel guilty. How he pulled that off, you didn't know.

You mentally rolled your eyes with a heavy sigh. "Phipps, could you give me some tips for baking? I think I get the basics after watching someone bake before, but I'm not too sure about actually doing it."

The more mature Charles tilted his head in thought before nodding. "Sure."

"Thank you~ Then, Grey, I'll make up for the portion of pudding that I oh so wrongfully stole by making you my own batch, okay? Stop trying to hurt my moral conscience over a dessert."

"...It better be enough to cover a whole table at least," he said, eyeing you distrustfully. You gave him a flat stare before sighing yet again, rubbing your sudden headache away.

"Fine, fine."

The teen immediately brightened back up, patting your head. "We'll get along just fine then, little lady."

And that, was how you ended up becoming something like a personal chef to the future earl.


You were now walking back to your room, new ideas for your business swarming your brain. On the way there, you ran into John, who'd apparently been looking for you.

"My lady, Her Majesty requests your presence."

"Is it the Phantomhives and Midfords?"

"Yes, my lady. They have arrived at the palace. It is almost evening, and the meeting is to end with enough time for you to prepare for the introductory ceremony and ball."

You pursed your lips, starting to feel nervous. The queen may have told you not to worry about their reactions, but it couldn't be helped. Your abilities and the fear they garnered were what led to the life you lived.

"Please tell her that I will be there shortly."

John nodded before walking off.

You hurried back to your room to put down your things and refresh yourself, pacing a bit. Okay, I've got this. Just pretend it's another mission... But I want things with them to be genuine... UGHHHH. With a quick shake of your head, you set off towards throne room, hoping that your nerves would finally settle once you got there.


Your nerves did not settle. At all. The moment you entered the throne room, everyone's eyes were on you. Granted, it was only the Phantomhive and Midford families, and Phipps and Grey to the side, but it was more than enough.

You took a deep breath, straightening your spine as you walked towards them, before dropping into a curtsy. "Your Majesty," you greeted, forcing your voice not to tremble. "Marquess and Marchioness Midford. Earl and Countess Phantomhive. It's a pleasure to officially meet you."

Your introduction was smooth and clear thankfully, and Francis Midford gave you a sharp look of approval. Your shoulders untensed just a bit at that. If the strictest one there had gotten a good impression, then you would be just fine.

As you lifted your head, you caught the eyes of the children in the family, all three of them peaking out from behind their parents. You sent them a small, friendly smile. They startled, cheeks turning a cute pink as they smiled back shyly, even the Midford heir who you knew to be around your age. How adorable, you melted inside.

"It's a pleasure to meet the new Marchioness Fox," Vincent smiled, Rachel nodding from beside him.

"Although, for you to be so young..." the countess murmured, looking worried. "The duties as the Royal Vixen and as the Marchioness will be rather burdensome."

You sent her a reassuring smile. "I understood the weight of my decision the moment I accepted the position, Countess. There is no need to worry; I will be able to handle the responsibilities of my position."

"Might I ask though, Marchioness Fox, what made you choose to accept the offer?" Francis questioned, eyes stern. "As Lady Phantomhive has stated, for a girl so young, the repercussions are highly consequential."

"... The world is not kind to everyone," you stated somberly, smile fading a bit as you stared straight into her eyes. "I do what I can to survive."

"Then, should it come down to it, would you put your life above Her Majesty's? For the sake of survival?"

"Of course not. She gave me this new life. It is only right that I lay it down for her," you frowned. "I may fight to survive, but I also protect those that need and deserve it."

Francis finally nodded with a small smile. "Then you will fulfill your role well."

"Thank you, Lady Midford," you beamed. The stern woman gave a slight chuckle, smirking lightly.

"I look forward to seeing your work, Marchioness."

"Now then, what was it that Her Majesty wanted us to keep secret?" Alexis asked kindly, his emotions perfectly matching his friendly demeanor. Yet, you couldn't help but tense again.

"I'm sure you're aware by now that I was a nameless orphan," you muttered, eyes on the floor. "The orphanage that had housed me for six years was too afraid to keep me. The matron threw me out, claiming I was unnatural."

Shaking a bit, you raised your hand in demonstration, before snapping your fingers. Immediately, the curtains and drapes decorating the room lifted and curled, folding in on themselves. With another snap of your fingers, indicating that once again, the phenomena was your doing, the chandeliers began to spin, the candles extinguishing in patterns before relighting themselves.

The silence that answered made you even more nervous. "As you can see, the things I can do are... strange. I can control things with my mind alone. It wouldn't surprise me if you found it just as horrifying as the matr—"

You were cut off by Rachel, who had gotten to her knees and wrapped her arms around you. "You poor thing," she whispered.

"Lady Phantomhive...?" you trailed questioningly, confused by the embrace. "Why are you kneeling?"

"You shouldn't have had to gone through that, you poor child," she looked at you with teary eyes. Your chest felt full with an emotion you'd never felt before. Was she concerned about you? Was it because she was a mother?

"Please stand up, Lady Phantomhive," you urged. "There's really no need to lower yourself for such a thing."

"Rachel. Call me Rachel, or Auntie Rachel," she murmured, holding your hands gently. Auntie...?

"C-Can I really call you Auntie?" you asked hesitantly, all noble pretenses gone now. That's the first time someone's asked me to refer to them as family.

"Of course," she smiled. Vincent walked up from behind her.

"Feel free to call me Uncle Vincent as well," he grinned. "Those abilities of yours make you rather interesting, but I see no problems with them," he ruffled your hair. You barely restrained an indignant squawk as he messed with the strands.

Alexis chuckled form the sidelines. "I must agree with Vincent. Feel free to call us informally as well. We wouldn't mind if you stop by the Midford manor anytime either, (Y/n)."

You stared at him in surprise, the shock multiplying from Francis's agreeing nod. "It would be nice for Elizabeth to have a role model like you," she said. "I'd also like to train you with my children."

"Heh. I think your abilities will be pretty fun to work with, little lady," Grey chirped from behind you, Phipps giving you a reassuring smile from beside him.

"Everyone here is really fine with it...?" It was almost unbelievable, really.

"I think it's really amazing!" Edward blurted out, immediately flushing when everyone's eyes turned to him. Alexis chuckled, patting his son's shoulder as you giggled into your hand at his reassuring claim.

"Thank you, Edward," you smiled softly. The boy's face turned very red.

"I-It's no problem!" he squeaked.

"Now then, dear," Queen Victoria spoke up. "You should probably begin preparations for the ceremony."

"Ah, right, right," you muttered. "I'll be seeing you later," you bid your farewells and left for your room, a true and content smile decorating your face as you thought about your new family.

The future's not looking too bad. I think I might actually get used to this.



"Frannie~! I didn't realize you could warm up to anyone that quickly~!" Vincent grinned once you were out of sight. Francis scowled in irritation, wondering how the hell she was related to that... person.

"Hmph. She simply has a good head on her shoulders. Better than you ever did," she muttered. "I wouldn't mind if she married into the family. She'd do Edward and Elizabeth a lot of good."

Poor Edward flushed beet red at the suggestion, causing all of the adults to chuckle in amusement. The teens to the side watched, vaguely entertained by the boy's puppy love.

"Looks like he isn't opposed to the idea," Alexis laughed.

"Father!" Edward cried in embarrassment.

"She was really pretty," Ciel said, tugging at his father's pants.

"And cute!" Elizabeth chimed. "Brother, if you marry her she'll be my big sister, right?" she asked excitedly.

Poor Edward was reduced to a stuttering mess, nothing but gibberish pouring out his mouth. Just imagining you as his future wife was almost enough to make him faint. From that day on, no one hesitated to tease him over his crush on the young girl, not even Francis, and Edward himself was subject to years of painful pining. (Fast forward to nearly a decade later: Francis is just waiting for him to man up and ask for (Y/n)'s hand in marriage already, and Alexis and Elizabeth are their biggest shippers.)


A/N: Edward is so underrated, like how can you not like him? He's one of the purest (if not the most pure) guy in the entire Kuroshitsuji universe. 10/10 would date him irl... if he existed and actually knew I existed, that is.

As you could probably guess, the future love interests do include Charles Grey, Charles Phipps, and Edward Midford. The older two would obviously have to wait until like, the actual timeline of the manga before they would really even consider liking the reader romantically. I don't know if I can actually write up John as a romantic relation though... A platonic relationship, however, I can probably do.

Feedback is very much welcome and appreciated~ Feel free to comment whatever.

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