Woe to Felicity- Resident Evil

By ArchangelLady

43.3K 2.2K 296

You were orphaned as an infant, but quickly adopted into a wealthy family shortly after the history of your p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34


1.4K 58 22
By ArchangelLady

It wasn't much of a difficult decision to leave the task force and immerse yourself back into the civilian life, it was well understood with everyone else. You kept in good touch with each of them as you left Raccoon City almost a month and a half after the mansion incident.

With the money your adopted father left you, you put one of the checks away towards savings and used the other check to get yourself a proper home, leaving Raccoon City behind. Of course, that meant you were moving away from Chris.

On the contrary, when you broke the news to Chris that you wanted to move away over a lunch date, he was surprisingly supportive of the idea. He was curious on where you got the money, you just told him it was from your savings and nothing more.
He was all for the idea of you having a rewind on a fresh start somewhere new, and even helped you look at different resources to find a proper place in a different state, far from Raccoon City.

Of course, that meant you no longer lived in the studio apartment complex Chris would go to to pick you up for your dates. But he didn't pay attention to the due date. Instead, he made sure that every date he had with you would be the most memorable ones you'd ever have.

Lunch dates, dinner dates, going to the movies, walks in the park. It was something the both of you looked forward to every week. Chris was a true romantic, making sure you were spoiled with as much love and affection he could give you, and you were more than glad to return it to him. You'd always tell him he was a handsome gentleman, as well as a goofy, child at heart man.

He'd feign shock when you'd tell him that, saying to you that he wasn't that old to be considered a child a heart. It only made you laugh even harder when he'd pretend to pout about it before giving in to his own amusement.

When 'doomsday' finally arrived, you sold the furniture you didn't need and packed your more important belongings in boxes in your car. You figured you'd just buy a brand new couch and bed at your new, more spacious apartment. You felt like you deserved nice things with your fresh start.

"Alright, That's the last box." Chris shut the back door to your car, walking over to where you stood on the sidewalk. You smiled at him as he got closer, sharing the same grin as you even with the tension of leaving each other heavy in the air.

"You moved fast," You commented, reaching over to grab his hand and hold it, "It's almost as if you really want me to go."

Chris chuckled as he gave your fingers a squeeze, shaking his head slowly. "Believe me, that's the last thing I want. But this will be good for you, I'm certain of it."

You smiled again, looking down at your joined hands. Peeking underneath the sleeve of Chris's brown jacket he let you have was a small set of thin three gold bangle bracelets on your wrist, given to you by none other than Chris himself. He gave it to you last night over dinner, in a small black box tucked away inside the pocket of his jacket he let you have, intending for you to find it when he gave it to you.

It was the most sweetest gesture he had done, giving you an item he'd knew you'd definitely wear and cherish. They were simple bracelets, lacking any sort of charm or elegant pattern.

He said that the most beautiful Diamond didn't need much to shine, just a pedestal. Which means he was basically calling you the crown jewel of the set. A little cheesy, but all the more romantic with your value.

"First thing you'll do when you get there is call, right?" Chris enveloped you in a warm hug while asking for reassurance, feeling his trembling nerves calm slightly when you nodded your head.

"The first thing," you immediately agreed, "Promise you'll pick up?"

"Of course, I'll be attached to the nearest phone just to hear your voice again." Chris brought his other hand to hold your cheek, your other hand meeting his to hold onto his wrist.

"Drive safe (Y/N), alright?" He whispered into your ear, all while you kept your secure hold on him, breathing in the scent of his cologne. Drakkar Noir, wonder what that means. It smells so good.

"I will." You looked up to him, seeing him smile as he took a mental picture of your (E/C) eyes. He shared one last kiss with you, one that left your lips tingling as you got in the car and left, leaving Chris to watch your car disappear into traffic.

You called as soon as you got there and got the last box inside your new apartment, digging through it for your phone to plug it in. He answered before the first ring even finished, making your heart soar at just how much he missed you too.

For the next month, you would call at least once or twice a day. You'd tell him how it was going, how the new places you'd visit in the new city would either amuse you or bore you or how you were feeling. You always felt bad for talking about yourself so much, you'd try constantly to switch the topic from you to him. He'd always simple things, never really giving himself many things to say before asking another thing about you. You asked why, Chris would just say he liked hearing you talk.

Along with these calls, it was his only way of making sure you were taking care of yourself. If you've eaten, made any friends, left the house even. He made sure you were okay, which led to him promising in a week he'd come visit you. It made you so excited that you almost didn't want to sleep, but Chris always made sure you did. In your bed, not on the couch where you always sat during your calls.

One night when you sat on your couch and called him, he didn't answer. You tried again, and still no answer. You didn't like to admit that you called an additional five more times, wondering if he was out or if something happened to him. He would never miss a call, you thought.

Then the next day, on September 30th, Raccoon City had been bombed. It was all over the news at seven in the morning when you struggled to sleep. You felt your anxiety roar to massive levels as you stared at the reporters struggle to describe what happened.

Chris still hadn't called you or answered your calls, so you tried the next best person, Jill. She answered after the third call, surprised to hear your frantic voice asking if she was okay, and what the absolute fuck had happened. She described the outbreak, the undead roaming the streets infecting everyone and everything. She wasn't sure if anyone else survived, since she said she barely left in time with another fellow survivor before the city was bombed.

Learning this, you felt frozen and numb for quite a long time. You hadn't left the house for what felt like two weeks, unable to get out of bed. The heavy weight of the death of the man you really cared for, loved even, to be gone just like that in an instant refused to settle in your mind.

You've felt pain in the past, it's wrapped around you like a cold shawl and prevented you from seeing anything good. But this, this heartache, felt like someone wrapped your body and soul in a thick black blanket, preventing you from seeing and breathing. It was awful, and you were convinced you'd be stuck like this for a very long time.

You eventually forced yourself out of it when you needed to get groceries, and you walked outside for the first time to see the sun annoyingly get in your eyes with a chill breeze blowing in your face, letting you take in the early fall fragrance. It made you remember everything Chris told you when it came to things like this, even if it came to a possibly relapse.

Chris wouldn't want me like this. I know that.

You spent the rest of October and December keeping those thoughts in your mind as you got yourself busy with various hobbies. Jill would call you at least three times a week, Rebecca would chat about about things she would be doing here and there, and Barry, even though the two of you didn't call all that much, would speak fondly about his family and how you were doing.

No one mentioned anything about Chris, you were aware of why. As time went on, you refused to believe he was dead. If the slightest hint of the idea slipped into your mind, you'd feel yourself shut down before forcing yourself to think about something else. You hated when it happened, and also if he was alive, where exactly was he?

He knew your number, obviously. He knew where you lived. What was going on?

Your answer was given to you around a late midnight, right when you were finishing up folding your laundry. A knock came on your door when you were carrying your laundry basket to the room, making you look over towards the the time.

"What in the world...?" You placed your laundry basket by your bedroom door and walked to your living room. You aren't exactly dressed for any guests: just an oversized graphic t-shirt and sweatpants. Whoever it was, they would have to deal with what you were wearing and get over it.

Your thoughts of telling off whoever it was coming to your door so late were wiped out of your head when you looked through the peephole, seeing the ever so familiar face of him on the other side. Your whole body froze as you looked away, the shock making your fingers tremble as you unhooked the chain lock to open your door.

You opened it slowly, staring up at the man with a wide eyed, startled expression. Chris stared back at you, wearing a thick black jacket, an army green shirt and jeans. His tired eyes sparkled to life with an ever roaring happiness, his lips curling into a grin.

"Chris...?" Came your voice after you found it, softly spoken with a slight tremble to your tone. It made him revel in how much he missed hearing your voice over the phone.

"Hey (Y/N)," He answered, your aching heart melting at the sound of his voice. "I apologize for being a couple weeks late, but I did keep my promise."

You exhaled a breathless laugh followed by a couple of hot tears, stepping closer to practically jump into the man's arms. Chris secured his arms firmly around your waist, keeping your body as close to him as physically possible. When he heard your sniffling, he brought one his hands behind to cradle your head, keeping you close.

The both of you stayed that way for quite some time, unable to let each other go. Chris was to first to speak, clearing his throat a little from the faint signs of sadness and relief he had.

"We should close the door, it's cold and any passerbys will think I'm strangling you." Chuckling, the two of you properly got inside with you closing the door.

"Wow." Was all Chris had to say to your furnished apartment. "Not bad. Not bad at all."

You nodded as Chris looked around your living room. He looked down at you seeing your smile had long since faded into a sad frown, your eyes red and wet with tears.

"Chris, what happened to you?"

The two of you sat down on the couch to discuss what happened after Raccoon City being destroyed. He spent a long time looking for his sister, and found her in one of the unlikeliest of places: Antarctica.

He immediately apologized for leaving you in the dark when it came to him looking for his Sister. At first, you weren't exactly satisfied with the apology, but then you put himself into his shoes.
He lost his parents, and Claire was the only family he had left. The strange speculation that family had to come forward first made you collect a sour taste on your tongue, but you remembered you really hadn't been dating Chris that long.
So for now, you let it go.

Then, he laid down more heavy details. He talked about Rockfort Island, he talked about the Ashford family and Alexia's obscure obsession with a 'Veronica' virus. He told details about just how bad it was, it made the mansion incident look like a complete cakewalk.

While he spoke about the attack with Alexia's mutated form, you couldn't help but notice some dark markings along Chris's throat and jawline.

"That bitch really did a number on you."


"Those bruises." You pointed out, noticing the way his jaw immediately tightened up, his facial features hardening up and his fists clenching tight in his lap.

"What?" You questioned, wondering if you had said something wrong.

Then he said a single sentence, the junction of words making your blood run terribly cold.

"It was Wesker, he was there."

"Wesker?" You asked slowly, making sure you were hearing that correctly. Chris confirmed with a single nod that it was true. Wesker was there. Wesker was alive.

"Shit." Was all you could say, feeling old worries return to your mind.

You never told Chris the truth about him, before you felt it foolish and unnecessary. But now, somehow that bastard was alive, roaming free somewhere. You contemplated telling him now, but everything was just getting too much to handle all in one sitting.

"(Y/N), I thought the incident at the mansion was just a thing in the past, but this a lot bigger than we thought it would be."

"It sure is." You looked away, tapping your foot against the floor as you pondered your choices. He's been through a lot, but he has to know. He has to, but does he??

"I wanted to ask you an important question. I wanted to ask you before I talked about it with the others."

"I'm.. I'm listening." You turned back to look at Chris, seeing him looking real serious with what he was going to say.

"I've realized that this won't stop. These people who do these things, make these viruses and kill millions of people are out there. They're out there and they need to be stopped."

"They do," You nodded in agreement, "I completely agree."

"That's why I have plans for something, something that will help fight against these terrorists and stop them from continuing. That's the thing, I have these plans and I need to get them to the right people who will listen, and I want you to join me."

You looked at Chris, seeing how his tone changed when he said these words. He sounded hopeful, he sounded determined in these ideas. To get the word out that this was happening behind closed, secluded places, and to do something about it before it was too late.

"You want me to join you?"

"I do, no one else seen what we've seen except us. You're someone I can depend on to help make this work. Together."

You gave Chris a smile, which filled him with absolute hope. It was a plan to stop these terrorists from their power greedy, vile intentions on the world. It was a plan to save millions of lives from experiencing things much worse than death.

If Chris depended on you to help him change the world, than you would do everything in your power to help him with the same.

The new dawn was gonna be bold, and for now, you put aside the thoughts of your relations to the enemy and keep it hidden. For both of your sakes.

Your only hope is that your choice wouldn't come back to haunt you.

(Book 2: Convict by Blood- Resident Evil 5)
(Well damn, this has been neat lol. Thanks for all the support, and thank you for reading!)

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