Running in CiRCLES (Male!Read...

By happyluckysmileyay_

9.6K 194 58

"Let's just hope they give us a chance..." "Yeah..." Despite being relatively new, a new band has quickly ris... More

Prologue/Character Introductions
Chapter 1: A Surprise Party!
Chapter 2: Definitely Glowing.
Chapter 3: Do Pastels and Black Mix?
Chapter 4.5: NOIRE Character Sheet
Chapter 5: Blooming Roses and Curry Rice
Chapter 6: The Out-of-Control Machine Nerd
Chapter 7: Feelings in the Rain
Chapter 8: Happy, Lucky, Smile...
Texting Misadventures: Prologue
Chapter 9: Miss Staff Member
Valentines Special: Chocolate?
Chapter 10: The (L/N) Family
Chapter 11: An unusual first day...
Chapter 12: One day until Live
Chapter 13: An Unfortunate Accident
Chapter 14: "Tsukinomori Girls' Academy"
Chapter 15: It's...
Chapter 16: Showtime!
Chapter 17: "Sakura Memories"
Chapter 18: Reunion
Chapter 19: Goka! Gokai?!

Chapter 4: The Misunderstood

341 9 2
By happyluckysmileyay_

different POV this time, they're at school and (Y/N) isn't so they discuss something about him
[Chapter 4: NOIR talking to each other and trying to understand (Y/N)]


(POV: O)

O: "Rush, Rush! C'mon, bring it on.. C'mon, mon, cut though it. I won't give up, no matter what..'

"Hey, hey O-kun. What're you singing?"

O: "Oh, nothing. It's just something that's been stuck in my head."

Man, practice was fun yesterday. Practicing Pastel*Palettes was interesting, and although it was a bit sudden, we all thankfully had a good time.


My phone vibrated in my pocket. Who could be texting me now? It's the middle of class.

(Y/N) 🎸🎹🎤: are you there

"Yeah, it's the middle of class though. You're not here though? Got something at the house?"

(Y/N) 🎸🎹🎤: yeah. about that i cant make it to practice today sorry

"No problem! The four of us can just practice."

(Y/N) 🎸🎹🎤: okay i already payed the fare for you guys

"Alright thanks😊"

I also got another text, this time from the band group chat.

R 🎸: canuguys meet up atthe roof for lunch?

I 🎸: Sure! I can meet up for lunch! 👍

N 🎹: I'm fine with that."

"Alright then. We'll meet on the roof after class. Just, pay attention to your class! Stop texting in the group chat!"

R 🎸: alriiiiight

I quickly put my phone in my pocket, hoping the teacher didn't see me. Luckily, it's a work period and I already finished all my work yesterday. I might as well help the others.

"O~! Can you help me with this? I don't understand what we have to do!!"

O: "Alrighty. So, what you have to do is.."



"Alright class. That's the bell. Get your bags and head over to lunch."

"Yes sir."

Already? I guess time flies during work. Hup! I pick up my bag from under my desk, not needing to put anything in it. As I stand up, I wave at my group and leave the classroom.

The roof. If I remember correctly...

Already on the third floor, I turn right from my classroom into an empty hallway. The reason for the vacant classrooms are unknown, so it's become some sort of urban legend throughout the school. Rumours spread but I never really payed attention to them. At the end of the hallways were two doors. Normally, they would've been locked, but for some reason they were unlocked. How did R now that it was unlocked?

I turn around, making sure no one down the hall can see me, then I quickly run into the doors, trying my best to not make any sound. I walk up the stairs, reaching into my bag for my lunch. Surprisingly, I'm the first one there. Oh, well. I walk onto the roof and sit down putting my back onto the roof's fence. I pull out a lunch bento. I originally didn't have a lunch, since Dad had to leave early in the morning, so I was planning to buy a lunch from school. But, surprisingly, Fumiko-chan gave me a bento this morning! She's been pretty busy with the new influx of members of the science club, but she found the time to make me lunch. She's so nice, man is it good to have a girlfriend!

R: "Oh? I smell food~"

I: "Hi, O-kun."

O: "Oh, hey guys! Just sit down or on the bench."

They all came in through the door, same as usual. We all sat down on the fence beside each other. N, curiously, looked at the bento in my hands.

N: "O. Did you make this bento? It looks pretty good."

O: "Ah, no. I didn't have the time this morning. Fumiko-chan made this for me."

R: "Oh! From Fumiko-san? How nice~"

O: "Haha, yeah. She's so nice.."

N: "I agree. It's nice having a girlfriend! Actually, this weekend, me and Haruka-chan have a date this weekend. We're going to the aquarium downtown!"

I: "Aww. How nice."

R: "Hm? (Y/N) isn't here? Bummer.."

O: "Yeah, he has to do something in his house. He won't be able to make practice too."

It really did suck. I only remember only a handful of times where (Y/N) actually did go to school. We'd sit in one of the vacant classrooms and eat lunch. We'd always end up looking at the delicious-looking lunches (Y/N) cooked up for himself. It's a shame he barely comes to school anymore.

N: "Speaking about (Y/N)..."


N: "Isn't it strange that he hasn't had a girlfriend yet?"

I: "Huh?"

We all looked at N, surprised by his question. I mean, I never thought about it, and I'm pretty sure they've never thought about it. I mean, (Y/N)? With a girlfriend? The thought thoroughly shocked me. 

R: "I-I mean, it's possible."

I: "I've never really thought about it."

O: "Hm.."

N: "Well, let's look at it from this perspective. He's decent looking, I guess."

True. His appearance was fine. He was medium build and slightly taller than the rest of us, around 174cm. Nothing about his appearance screamed unusual, but I guess his black-coloured eyes were unique. He never cut his hair, and he usually wore it down. But, since he never really touched his hair, we were able to style his hair to whatever we wanted. Slicked back, split down the middle, swept to the side, I remember that afternoon where I spent nearly 3 hours messing around with his hair. Now that I think about it, he seemed quite normal in terms of appearance. He never really stood out, and could hide himself in a crowd. 

R: "I guess?"

I: "Haha."

O: "Well, how about his personality?"

R: "Ehhh...", he answered, quite bluntly. 

N: "Um.."

I coughed awkwardly. (Y/N)'s personality was quite...unique I guess. He's...blunt to say it lightly. He a bit awkward around people, and he tends to forget to filter what he's saying, leading to misunderstandings. In general, he's polite and generous, but when he's upset he's a bit scary. He tends to glare at everyone and speak sharply whenever he's in a bad mood, and I guess that deters a lot of people from approaching him. He also tends to put on a blank or serious face, and rarely if ever publicly laughs or even smiles.

...but, he's not all bad. Though very few in number, there are things he is passionate about. When given a task he wants to finish, he'll work incredibly hard on it, even working to the late hours of the night in order to make it perfect. Also, while pretty lax on other people, he's incredibly strict towards himself. If it's not up to his standards, he'll work on it. 

He's one of those cases where on the outside he seems to be one thing, only to be different then what you thought of him.

N: "Well..."

R: "I mean, would he be able to talk to girls? He's so awkward in the first place.."

I: "I mean.."

O: "Well, you guys have to understand. Because he doesn't really attend school, or go out in general, he doesn't really know how to talk to people our age."

I: "I guess that's fair."

N: "Hm."

O: "N? Have you realized something?"

N: "Maybe. You know how as children, we got caught doing stupid tings. We're were also scolded by our parents because of what we did? Well, I call that an experience."

O: "An experience?"

I: "..."

N: "Well, that's normal for most people. But, (Y/N)'s experiences are different from ours. Normal people experience normal things, like bonding with parents, developing crushes or stressing over homework. We also don't experience things at this age like managing money, parenting or cooking."

I: "I, I think I understand what you're saying."

R: "I don't. Explain?"

I: "I think what he's trying to say is that our lives are very different. Us, we're living very normal lives. We're in high school, we have girlfriends, we have friends. But (Y/N) is quite different from us. He doesn't go to school often. He doesn't have much friends, probably only us. Since his parents aren't home most of the time, he has to take care of the house. He also has a little sister, who he has to take care of and cook for. His experiences in life are very different than ours, which is why we sometimes misunderstand each other."

R: "Oh.. I didn't think about it like that."

N: "I guess you're correct. I was thinking about it like that."

What they said made sense to me. It wasn't about his personality, it was his experiences. He doesn't know how to talk to people because he never did. He doesn't understand the importance of family, because it isn't important to him. He seems to only have two things he's passionate about: cooking and music.


Oh, the bell. 

O: "Well then. I'll see you guys after school for practice?"

I: "Of course!"

N: "I'll be there."

R: "Yep! We'll be there~"

We all pack up our lunches and head to our classes. 

"See ya!"

Last to leave, I go to pack up my things. While going to put my lunch in my bag, I notice I haven't even touched my bento. 

Oh, I guess I'll eat it for dinner then.


(Y/N) 🎸🎹🎤: yknow how i said i couldnt come to practice today

(Y/N) 🎸🎹🎤: i've finished cleaning the house but ill be there a bit late

Looking at my phone, a small smile creeps onto my face.

"Alright. See ya :)"


short chapter, not much going on. just NOIR trying to understand their 5th member

(next chapter: something, i'm not sure)

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