Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

56.3K 1K 425

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Mystery Meat
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Public Enemies

1K 23 4
By AnimeMavy

One day, it was peaceful night in Amity Park until one man yells.


Walker's goons are all over the place, causing chaos. The police tried to take them down, but did absolutely nothing and ran off in fright. Danny, Aero, Sam, and Tucker are looking at sky, filled with the ghosts. They watch as crowds of people run by.

"Oh man! I've never seen this many ghosts attacking at once!"

"I'm gonna need a bigger thermos!"

Danny gets tackled by a ghost.


Aero runs after him.

"And a paramedic!" Tucker remarks.

The next morning, the whole school is watching a newscast about the previous night's chaos.

"This was the scene at Amity Park last night as ghosts - that's right, ghosts! - caused hundreds of thousands in damage. I'm Shelli Rakimata, and this is ghost watch. Day 2."

The TV is turned off and the mayor walks onto the stage.

"Now, I know you kids are scared because ghosts are scary scary things."

Everyone looks un-phased.

"But I came to your school, not because this is a great photo opportunity-"

The mayor turns and smiles for photographers.

"-But because you children are our future... Voters."

He laughs at his joke as more photos are taken of him.

"And now, I'd like to turn this over to Principal Ishiyama, who's here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions."

Danny looks at his friends.

"This is going to end badly..."

"Due to the continuing and escalating ghost threat, here's the way we're going to limit your freedom: One, students are to have no contact with these spirits. Two, all students will be escorted directly to their homes after school. And three, by order of the Mayor's new security advisor, a nine o'clock curfew." The Principal explains.

"A curfew!?"

"An escort!?"

"OK, who's the idiot security advisor that came up with those lame ideas?" Danny questions.

His parents burst into the auditorium , in full get-up.

"Yeah, I wonder who." Aero remarks.

Danny gives her a look. Jack begins to speak into a megaphone.

"Fear not, young ones. We're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergency."

Maddie speaks into a megaphone as well.

"You must be cautious. At any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors-"

As she walks in, she sees Danny.

"Hi, sweetie!"

Danny blushes and looks away. Maddie speaks back to the crowd.

"-could appear out of nowhere."

She walks away. Danny looks to his friends.

"Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us?"

"Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us." Sam replies.

They get up and move. A tear in the dimensions appears nearby. A large wolf pops his head out and sniffs.

The four sit in the back, wondering how long the meeting was gonna last. Then Danny's and Aero's ghost sense goes off.

"Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Here? Now?"

The large wolf appears onstage and frightens everyone. Everyone begins to run in different directions and scream. After the wolf jumps offstage, a guard ghost appears from behind Principal Ishiyama and takes her over. Walker and two more guards take over Dash, Kwan, and Paulina, respectively. Sam and Tucker run outside the room.

"Where's Danny and Aero?"

"I think they're trying to go ghost, but there are too many people around."

Danny and Aero are hiding behind some chairs. Their ghost senses are constantly going off.

"There's so many ghosts in here, my ghost sense is going crazy."

"Jeez, my eyes." Aero remarks.

Out of nowhere, the large wolf grabs Danny's face and holds him down.



"Get away from him!"

Aero ducks as Maddie blasts Wulf off of Danny. Aero kneels down and holds Danny's shoulders.

"Hey, I wanted to do that! When did you learn to shoot that good?" Jack shouts to Maddie.

"What, you think I sit home and invent new cookies all day?"

"Speaking of which, can I have another one of those butterscotch caramel apple doodles?"

Maddie gives him a cookie. The wolf sees another ghost and two guards behind Jack and Maddie, so it runs away.

Danny & Aero race over to exit and see the wolf phase through the floor, looking scared. Danny runs but immediately bumps into Mr. Lancer. He stumbles back and blocks Aero.

"Bridget Jones' diary, Fenton and Elkins! Stop your screaming, and get over there into the safe area!"

He pushes the two back into auditorium. They look at him and walk over to the crowd of kids. Lancer closes the door and a guard appears behind him. The guard takes him over.

Later, ghosts are filling the skies as Danny and Jazz walk home.

"All I'm saying is mom and dad are gonna be very busy, and I have a lot of homework to do, so I'm not gonna be able to keep an eye on you all night. I'm going to have to trust you to stay in your room and be so quiet, it's like your not even there."

"What are you getting at?" Danny questions.

They walk into their house and look shocked.

"The first official after school meeting of the Amity Park Ghostkateers is now in session."

The two see Dash, Kwan, and Paulina all in the room with their parents. A ghost flies behind Danny, which sets off his ghost sense. Dash, still under Walker's possession, kneels in front of Jack, who knights him with a piece of paper.

"I dub thee Ghostkateer number one."

Dash smiles evilly at Danny.

"Um if you need me, I'll be in my room being so quiet, it's like I'm not even there."

"Come on, Danny. Join us in singing our Ghost-kateer battle song." Maddie exclaims.

His parents begin singing.

"Ahem. G H O..."

"O? you've seen a ghost?"

"... S T K A..."

"A, you've seen a Canadian ghost?" Maddie questions.

Jack, Maddie, AND Ghostkateers all sing the last part.

"...A T double E R! S!"

Jazz and Danny go to their rooms.

The next day, everyone was eating outside for lunch. Maddie and Jack were protecting them. Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Aero walk out; next to Maddie as she speak into her megaphone.

"Alright, kids. Hurry up and eat your nutritious meals."

She turns and sees Danny.

"Hi sweetie! Here's a nutritious bagged lunch."

She hands a bag to Danny.

"Jack, hit it!"

Jack parks the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, aka the RV, and activates a ghost shield that surrounds the lunch area.

"This portable ghost shield only has enough power for fifteen minutes, so chew! Chew like the wind!"

The group walks over to a table and sits.

"Hey, my dad gave them the idea for the shield. Nice to see it in action." Aero says as she looks around.


She nods.

"Yeah, a lot of ghost inventions my dad has, are based from seeing my mom's and my powers."

Everyone looks at Danny, who's chewing like a manic.

"Danny, you okay?"

"Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert and my parents are at my school?"

He quickly chews his food then holds his throat.

"And I'm chewing so fast I think I just swallowed my spork."

He phases his arm through his stomach and pulls a spork out.

"There we go. All I know is as soon as I get five free minutes, I'm gonna toss that blabbering hairball that started this back into the ghost zone!"

Jack leans over to the group.


They eat faster.

"I don't think it was blabbering. I think it was Esperanto."

The three blink at Tucker.

"Esper-wha-wha?" Aero questions.

"Esperanto. An artificial language from the 1800s. Now its only purpose is to give geeks a secret language to talk to other geeks."

A geek appears behind Tucker.

"Hey Tuck. Kiel estas ĝi iri?"

It meant, "How is it going?".

"Vi koni, kiel ĉiam!"

Meaning, "You know, same as always!".

The geek walks away, Tucker looks back to his friends.

"I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared. Like he wanted help."

Nearby, the wolf appears in a nearby tree. He jumps down and drills through the shield with his claws. He phases into the RV. Danny and Aero's ghost sense goes off.

"Oh no. Here? Again?"

"But we're chewing like the wind inside an anti ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?" Tucker questions.

The RV behind them blows up, causing the shield to vanish.

"Survey says, behind us."

Jack sees the destroyed RV and cries. The wolf appears out of the wreckage and is quickly shocked by the collar he has on, now being controlled by Walker's main hand, Bullet, who's with two guards behind him. The wolf runs away, while pouncing on the group's table as he does. They watch as he pounces away. Danny looks to his friends.

"If anybody asks where I am, lie."

He runs behind a tree. Aero ducks under the table to transform.

"I'm going gho-"

Before he does, he turns and sees Jazz behind the tree as well.

"Danny. Hi. Are you hiding here?"

The two pause and look at each other.

"I'll go hide over there."

Jazz runs off.

"Okay. Now I'm going ghost."

Danny changes and flies after the guards. Little does he know, Jack is targeting him with a weapon

"One blast and you'll find yourself teleported back to that empty little dimension you call home."

Jazz sees this.


Jazz runs up to Jack and messes up his aim.

"Uh, oops."

Danny looks and sees the blast still heading towards him. Aero flies over and pulls him back, allowing the blast to hit the two guards instead, which cause them to disappear in a flash. Aero releases Danny and they float there.

"Thanks. Portable ghost portal? Oh great."

Bullet uses a laser gun on the wolf's tail, which makes him scream in pain. Danny and Aero were back, flying after them.

"You're big, you're hairy, and you're a ghost. But if Walker's goons are after you, you can't be all bad. Right?"

Aero nods. The two zip past Bullet, getting him tangled in his own laser. Danny cuts the wolf free from the laser and grabs it. Aero helps the wolf down to the ground.

"Go ghost stinger!"

Danny sends green energy onto the laser, which makes Bullet vanish in pain. Danny lands down next to the two. The wolf is already nuzzling Aero as she laughs. He then glares at Danny, who winces. Aero assures the wolf.

"Wait! Friend."

Aero grabs Danny's hand and holds it out to him.

"Friend?" Danny questions.

The wolf sniffs Danny and licks him. Aero laughs. But then Jack appears from behind the bushes. The three look at him.

"Alright nobody move!"

Jack pulls out the Fenton Fisher, but it's tangled up.

"As soon as I get this thing untangled, you three beasties are going down!"

Aero sighs. Danny looks to the wolf.

"Don't worry. He's not much of a threat. Now if my mom were here, then we'd be in trouble."

Aero looks and sees a targeting laser appear on the wolf's head.


Meaning; "Really?"

Aero tackles the wolf away as Maddie blasts at them. Danny grabs the wolf and they fly off.

"Oh. Man. You are SO not getting anything for Mother's Day. Come on." Danny remarks.

Later at Tucker's house, the four and the wolf are speaking.

"I think this is a really bad idea."

"Well he can't stay at Danny's. Not with it being Ghostkateer central." Sam rebuttals.

"And you are the only one of us who sort of understands him, and we need to get that collar off. All we have is that his name is Wulf."

Sam tries touching Wulf's collar, but Wulf roars at her and tries to bite her, causing her to fall backward into a chair.

"He said not to touch that.

"Really? I must have missed the subtext." Sam replies, sarcastically.

"I gotta get my Fenton Thermos out of my locker. Aero's coming with me just in case anything happens."

Danny starts to fly out.

"In the meantime see if you can find out what Walker's up to." Aero states.

Aero flies through the roof after Danny.

Tucker looks to Wulf.

"So, What's Walker up to? Kio estas Walker?"

Translation is; "Who is Walker?"

"Li estas al meti via amiko ena malliberejo!"

He said; "He is (trying) to put your friend in prison!"

Tucker starts laughing. Sam gives him a look.

"You have no idea what he just said, do you?"

Tucker stops laughing.

"Not a clue."

At Casper High, Danny and Aero fly up to his locker. Danny phases his arm through his locker to grab his thermos.

"Here we go."

The twos ghost sense go off, and they hear Dash nearby.

"Okay, listen up!"

The two fly up to a room. They see Dash talking to Mr. Lancer, Principal Ishiyama, Paulina, and several other students & faculty. The room is surrounded by torches with blue flames.

"Is everybody clear with the plan?"

"Yes, yes, it should all go down tomorrow after the town meeting."


Danny de-transforms.

"Wait Danny, sometimes-"

He walks into the room.

"What town meeting?"

Kwan closes the door behind him. Aero jumps from the outside. Everyone glares at him as their eyes go red. Dash grabs him and holds him up to the blackboard. Dash then passes out as Walker, still holding Danny, phases out of him.


"Gotcha, punk."

Walker laughs evilly as many guards appear in the room.

"Walker, lemme go!"

"How does it feel? No place to run. No place to hide. I'm gonna turn your whole world against you, and by the time I'm done, you're gonna BEG for the safety of my prison."

He leans in closer to Danny.

"In the Ghost Zone, where you belong.

Danny    The only thing he's begging for is for you to try some mouthwash!"

Walker turns as Aero blasts him in the face. He flies back, dropping Danny and crashes into a wall.

Walker groans and sits up as Danny goes ghost. Him and Aero fly away. Walker looks to the overshadow people.

"Don't just stand there gawking at me! Get them!"

He overshadows Dash again

The guards, all possessing someone, pursue the two. They wait for them outside of the school and soon their ghost sense goes off. Danny sees Dash floating behind him as Paulina tackles Aero.


Danny turns and tackles Dash, totaling a car parked just outside the Nasty Burger in the process. He is then knocked forward by Mr. Lancer and lands in some trash cans. Danny gets up and blasts Lancer back before flying off. Principal Ishiyama shoots an electrified grappling gun at Aero after she blasts Paulina away. She screams.


Aero grumbles, takes the grapple, and uses it to toss the principal into a water tower. Danny blinks.

"Now, that was awesome."

Aero sighs and smiles, but then Paulina then grabs Danny. They begin flying through the air.

"You can't get away from me!"

"Wow. I waited all puberty for a girl to say that to me and now it's a complete bummer."

He grabs her arms and throws her at a billboard.

Danny lands on the side of a building and sees Kwan. He does showy moves with a ghost baton. Danny just fires a blast from his finger to knock Kwan of the wall. He stomps on him and flies off, being chased by all his possessed friends. Aero catches up with him and blasts a few away. Danny stops her and grabs her hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting us to safety."

The two fly to his house and fly into the lab. Danny releases Aero's hand.

"Ghost shield. Ghost shield."

He sees a button on the wall which activates a ghost shield around the house. He quickly presses it, pushing the pursuers back. Aero and Danny are now changed back, looking them through the window.

"Should we go after them?"

Danny then shuts the blinds.

"No, no. It's that anti-ghost dome. We can't get in, but they can't get out. And by tomorrow, this place will be under complete lockdown."

Walker phases out of Dash.

"I gotta put the final phase of my plan into action, and tie up some loose ends."

Bullet phases out of Ishiyama and into Dash. Another guard phases into Ishiyama.

Cut to outside Tucker's house, Walker is there; looking at the house.

"You've outlived your usefulness, Wulf. Goodbye"

He hits a button on a remote.

Inside, Wulf is looking at a picture of Danny, Aero, Tucker, and Sam in a photo album. All of a sudden, his collar activates; causing him to scream in pain.

"That collar! It's hurting him!"

"What'd you think it was, a fashion accessory? We have to get it off!" Sam exclaims.

Tucker pulls out his PDA and plugs it into Wulf's collar to override it. The PDA shocks Tucker and sends him back, but also releases the collar.

Wulf smiles with joy and relief

"Mi libera!"

Meaning; "He freed me!"

"Of course your free. You-"

Wulf runs off and jumps out the window.

"You're welcome!" Tucker exclaims.

"We should call Danny."

But then, Tucker's parents walk in.

"9 o'clock. Curfew time. Lights out, phones off, technology down, computers off."

"It's too dangerous to take you home, Sam. You'll have to stay here." Tucker's mom says.

"And so we know you kids are safe, your mom and I'll stay in the room with you."

Tucker's mom rolls out two sleeping bags. Sam looks to Tucker.

"Alright, next time we take the extra-dimensional fugitive to my place."

The lights go out as Wulf looks at the picture of the four friends from outside. He puts his hood up and runs off.

Morning, Danny is asleep on the couch and Aero went to bed in the guest room. She called her dad last night. Danny soon wakes up.

"I fell asleep?"

He sees the still-active ghost shield.

"At least the shield's still up."

Aero walks in, munching on a piece of toast.

"I made toast, want some?"

Danny chuckles a bit and smiles.

"What time is it?"

He sees the clock.

"It's 10:18!?"

Sam and Tucker walk out from behind Aero.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty."

Danny blinks.

"How'd you guys get in? The shield's still up."

"Hey, it's a ghost shield, not a human shield." Tucker points out.

"Walker's overshadowing everybody around me. I think he's trying to turn everyone in town against me."

"Well, that would explain this."

Tucker turns on the TV, showing a town meeting. The mayor was speaking.

"We only have one piece of business today: Defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that, I'm calling for a vote to seed all ghost policing and security decisions to Maddie Fenton."

He holds up a picture of Maddie. His eyes suddenly glow red, and he shakes his head slightly; making his eyes go back to normal.

"I mean Jack."

He holds up a picture of Jack.

"Jack Fenton. The completely competent Jack Fenton."

They could hear Jack yell in the background.

"And we've located the ghosts responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town."

He holds up a pictures of Danny and Aero.

"These two."

Everyone gasps in the crowd. Danny turns the TV off.

"You know, I have to say. As far as evil master plans go, this one's pretty thorough."

Aero pinches the brim of her nose.

"This is exactly what my mom didn't want to happen..."

"Great! I'm getting my butt kicked all over the place. At school, at home, and now this? I'll be public ghost enemy number one!"

Tucker pulls out a Fenton Thermos from Danny's backpack.

"Here you go, buddy. You're gonna need this."

"Are you nuts? If I leave this house, I'm dead." Danny exclaims.

"Danny, you and Aero have got to do something. If you two don't, who will?"

Danny looks at Aero.

"Aero, you don't have to do this."

"This city is my home now, I'm protecting it."

Her and Danny nod at each other.

At City Hall.

"Order! Order! All in favor of declaring martial law, and allowing the completely competent Jack Fenton to mobilize a massive ghost hunt, please say-"

The Mayor gets cut off by Danny.

"I... might be too young to vote, but I'm casting one anyway!"

The crowd goes into panic as Danny floats above them. Aero was watching from outside, invisible.

"You people have to listen to me. I'm on your side."

The Mayor jumps back. Jack yells from the crowd.

"You're not fooling anybody, ghost kid! You are going down!"

Jack pulls out the tangled Fenton Fisher again.

"As soon as I untangle this thing!"

Danny whispers to himself.

"My parents might be overshadowed, but this should harmlessly push the ghosts out of them."

He blasts the ground near his parents, knocking them back.

"Or they could not be overshadowed, and I could have totally ticked them off."

Aero slaps her forehead. Maddie attaches a laser to her arm and fires at Danny. Danny dodges it and hides behind a bench for cover. People start screaming and running outside. The mayor grabs Danny from the floor and drags him down with him. Aero sees this and phases down, but nearby, Wulf also sees this and angrily unsheathes his claws.

Danny is brought underneath city hall. He's surrounded by Kwan, Mr. Lancer, Paulina, Dash, Principal Ishiyama, and the mayor, all of which are possessed.

"Walker! I should've guessed you'd end up in the guy that makes the rules!"

"Shouldn't you be running?"

Aero blasts away Lancer & Kwan, and floats behind Danny; holding up a thermos.

"Shouldn't you?"

Everyone scatters except for Paulina, who grabs her. Danny grabs Paulina off Aero and blasts the guard out of her.

Paulina comes to her senses.

"What? Huh?"

She screams as she sees the guard, but Danny captures it.

"One down, four to go."

Him and Aero fist bump.

"You two saved me. So, you're like a friendly ghosts?"

"Yeah. With some friendly advice: RUN!!!" Aero exclaims.

Kwan flies by and hits Danny, knocking the thermos away. Aero grabs Paulina and takes her to safety. Danny is surrounded by Kwan and Mr. Lancer. He uses a blast from each hand to push the ghosts out of them. The two see ghosts and scream. They stop and look at Danny. They scream again and run away.

"Where's the thermos?"

The two guard ghosts suddenly disappear into two ghost portals. Danny becomes happy until he sees that they were captured by Maddie. Maddie uses her lipstick to draw two lines on her cannon. She fires at Danny, but Aero tackles him away. They roll on the ground and Aero looks down at Danny. They blush at each other.


Aero chuckles. The two then blink as they see thermos in front of them. They see Principal Ishiyama and Dash.

"Looking for this?"

Soon Wulf appears and swipes them away.

"What are you doing?!"

Wulf looks down at Aero and Danny.

"Amiki, friend."

They smile at Wulf. Wulf stabs his claws into Dash and Ishiyama to pull out Bullet and a guard respectively. Maddie fires at them to get rid of them. The mayor then grabs Danny and flies off.


"What are you doing?!" Danny questions.

"There's all types of prisons, kid..."

Outside City Hall, reporters are talking about what is going on.

"Ghost kid attacking City Hall during a town meeting."

"We now bring you live to an evil ghost teen on a rampage."

The city doors slam open, showing the mayor holding Danny in a position that makes it look like Danny has taken him hostage.

"I'm making sure your prison is the town you live."

Walker calls out in the mayor's normal voice

"Help! Help me! Help!"

They fall back into the building as the doors shut.

"Now they'll never trust you."

Danny flies off. The mayor turns around and sees Wulf, who digs his claws into the mayor and separates him from Walker. The mayor lands in Danny's arms. Maddie aims at Danny.

"Get your hands off of our duly elected leader, you odd manifestation of ectoplasmic energy and post-human consciousness!"

She fires at Danny, but Wulf, holding Walker, jumps in front of Danny and gets hit by it. He and Walker start getting sucked back into the Ghost Zone. Aero flies over and holds down Danny & the Mayor from getting sucked in.

"Wulf! No!"

"Friends! We'll meet again!"

"So will we, punks! Feared on Earth and wanted in the Ghost Zone? You've lost, ghost kids! LOST!!!"

They get sucked back in.

Danny stands up with Aero holding up the mayor. The sound of a powering up weapon is heard and the two look to their left to find Maddie, crouched on one of the benches with the Fenton Bazooka aimed directly at them.

"By the authority invested in me by the city of Amity Park, I sentence you back from once you came!"

Danny frowns.

"Oh man, I have got to start paying more attention in these fights."

The bazooka fails to fully power up and stops working. Maddie finds a note taped on the Fenton Bazooka and reads it. Frowns as she reads it.

"Honey, forgot to fully charge Fenton Bazooka. - Jack. P.S.: Can I have a cookie?"

Danny smiles and Aero sighs with relief as she rests the Mayor against a bench.

"With that, we bid you a fond fair farewell."

Danny and Aero then fly out of city hall through the roof. Maddie waves her fist angrily.

"You haven't seen the last of me!"

Danny and Aero fly away, Danny having a cheeky grin on his face. He looks at Aero.

"Duh, I'll see her at dinner."

Aero chuckles.

The next day; Newspaper appears with the headline "Ghost Kid Attacks Mayor!!". Another section talked about how his partner, aka Aero, wasn't there, so Aero got off this time.

The popular kids were talking as they walked to their table, outside, at lunchtime.

"I can't believe I was controlled by a ghost! I can't remember anything for the last few days!"

"I told you to wear a helmet before practice." Kwan jokes.

Dash slams a lunch tray with food on the top of Kwan's head.

"I remembered how to do that! HA!"

Dash walks away. The group was at their table, looking at the paper.

"Man. You think that was hard to find a place to go ghost during school hours before!"

"So even with everybody thinking you're a bad ghost, you're still gonna try to be the hero?" Sam questions.

"Well, somebody's gotta. Hey, not me? Who's gonna protect this town? Besides, it not like I can ignore a scream for help."


The group look over at the source of the scream and see Lancer, running from Maddie and Jack; who are both holding weapons.


"The Adventures of Huck Finn! How many times do I have to tell you people, I am not a ghost!" Lancer exclaims.

"Except, that one."

The four laugh.

Cut to the ghost zone. Walker is pacing around in his prison office, when something enters his mind.

"No...I'm sorry!"

His eyes go completely white with a royal blue glow.

"Sorry won't change what you've done..."

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